List of available fixes.
Short Name Effective Date Title Description
intf 2006/06/02 09:42:05 GMT+2 Folder Intel Files Internal resources related to Intel Products for Linux
part 2006/02/06 18:55:55 GMT+2 Collection Service parts
frm 2007/12/19 16:20:42 GMT+2 Collection BIOS firmwares List of available firmwares.
bfrmf 2007/12/19 16:20:42 GMT+2 Folder Publish BIOS firmwares Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights.
lcp 2006/02/06 18:55:55 GMT+2 Collection Life cycle Available life cycle documents.
hwt 2006/02/06 18:55:55 GMT+2 Collection List of available How-Tos
prod 2006/02/06 18:55:55 GMT+2 Collection Products List of available products.
bprodf 2006/02/06 18:55:55 GMT+2 Folder Publish Products Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights.
optima1250 2008/05/28 15:36:18 GMT+2 Folder Optima1250
BSM12 2010/02/18 12:32:27 GMT+2 Collection BSM 1.2-x Bull System Manager 1.2-x packages
Assistance request
Create and track
Bull Search