List of available fixes.
Short Name Effective Date Title Description
wn 2007/07/18 17:00:30 GMT+2 Collection What's new What's new
lcp 2007/04/22 11:59:23 GMT+2 Collection Life cycle Available life cycle documents.
wnf 2007/07/18 17:00:30 GMT+2 Folder What's new? Last changes
nfo 2007/07/18 16:59:27 GMT+2 Folder Site Informations News, Events, Recently modified documents
udocf 2007/07/16 13:53:37 GMT+2 Folder Publish User Manuals Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights.
udocf 2007/07/16 13:53:37 GMT+2 Folder Publish User Manuals Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights.
blcpf 2007/04/22 11:59:23 GMT+2 Folder Publish life cycle
toolf 2007/04/22 11:59:23 GMT+2 Folder Publish Tools Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights.
fixf 2007/04/22 11:59:23 GMT+2 Folder Publish Fixes Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights.
pkgf 2007/04/22 11:59:23 GMT+2 Folder Publish Packages Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights.
Assistance request
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