List of available fixes.
Short Name Effective Date Title Description
side-channels-attacks-on-cpus-psirt-1133-tlp-clear-version-2-4-cve-2021-26341-cve-2021-26401-cve-2021-46744-cve-2021-46778-cve-2022-0001-cve-2022-0002-cve-2022-... 2024/04/26 14:49:01 GMT+2 File Side channels attacks on CPUs - PSIRT-1133 - TLP:CLEAR - Version: 2.4 - CVE-2021-26341, CVE-2021-26401, CVE-2021-46744, CVE-2021-46778, CVE-2022-0001, CVE-2022-0002, CVE-2022-23816, CVE-2022-23823, CVE-2022-23825, CVE-2022-24436, CVE-2022-28693, CVE-2022-29900, CVE-2022-29901, Regularly, new side-channel vulnerabilities are published affecting CPUs from Intel or AMD, some of which being used in Eviden products. This bulletin updates a...
pkg 2007/04/22 11:00:00 GMT+2 Collection Technical State packages for BullSequana XH3000 List of available packages with Documentation , Softwares, Tools and Firmwares for BullSequana XH3000
index_html 2006/10/11 16:40:00 GMT+2 B-Multilingual document Escala and AIX Support
qsgsa1 2024/04/18 14:50:13 GMT+2 File QSGSA1 DRaft Quick Start Guide SA1
customer-release-note-ts-19-03-2024 2024/04/10 13:51:50 GMT+2 File Customer Release Note TS 019.03
backdoor-in-xz-psirt-1183-tlp-clear-version-0-1-cve-2024-3094 2024/03/31 09:37:37 GMT+1 File Backdoor in XZ - PSIRT-1183 - TLP:CLEAR - Version: 0.1 - CVE-2024-3094 Eviden is aware of the backdoor discovered in some recent versions of the compression tools XZ. After verification, Eviden products are not affected by this vul...
rce-vulnerability-in-shim-psirt-1083-tlp-clear-version-0-2-cve-2023-40547 2024/03/23 07:34:09 GMT+1 File RCE Vulnerability in Shim - PSIRT-1083 - TLP:CLEAR - Version: 0.2 - CVE-2023-40547 On the 2nd of February, 2024, information regarding a recently identified vulnerability, known as CVE-2023-40547, was made public. This vulnerability affects th...
cardos-api-local-privilege-escalation-psirt-358-tlp-clear-version-2-6-cve-2023-41099 2024/03/22 14:03:08 GMT+1 File CardOS API Local Privilege Escalation - PSIRT-358 - TLP:CLEAR - Version: 2.6 - CVE-2023-41099 A vulnerability has been discovered internally on the Eviden CardOS API Windows installer. It allows Local Privilege Escalation from regular user to SYSTEM. Thi...
intel-virtual-raid-on-cpu-vroc-psirt-712-tlp-clear-version-2-3-cve-2023-31271-cve-2023-32646-cve-2023-34315-cve-2023-35003 2024/03/14 21:02:10 GMT+1 File Intel Virtual RAID on CPU VROC - PSIRT-712 - TLP:CLEAR - Version: 2.3 - CVE-2023-31271 CVE-2023-32646 CVE-2023-34315 CVE-2023-35003 Eviden is liaising closely with its suppliers and investigating the exact nature of these vulnerabilities to provide validated remediation. Intel reported Techn...
improper-input-validation-in-bios-firmware-psirt-744-tlp-clear-version-0-3-cve-2022-26006 2024/03/14 20:43:57 GMT+1 File Improper input validation in BIOS firmware - PSIRT-744 - TLP:CLEAR - Version: 0.3 - CVE-2022-26006 A flaw in Intel processors may allow a privileged user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access. This vulnerability affects some servers o...
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