Software subscription

List of available software subscriptions - Visibility customers, resellers, partners, Bull


List of available software subscriptions - Visibility customers, resellers, partners, Bull
Short Name Effective Date Title Description
trnf 2006/02/06 17:12:58 GMT+2 Folder Publish training Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights.
r460 2006/09/27 14:02:08 GMT+2 Folder NovaScale R460 Rack-Optimized - NovaScale R460
r421 2006/09/27 14:00:54 GMT+2 Folder NovaScale R421 Rack-Optimized - NovaScale R421
r423 2008/04/15 15:15:00 GMT+2 Folder NovaScale R423 Rack-Optimized - NovaScale R421
r440 2006/09/27 14:00:54 GMT+2 Folder NovaScale R440 Rack-Optimized - NovaScale R440
r422_e01 2008/04/15 14:35:00 GMT+2 Folder NovaScale R422 E1 Rack-Optimized - NovaScale R421
r421_e01 2008/04/15 14:15:00 GMT+2 Folder NovaScale R421 E1 Rack-Optimized - NovaScale R421
r422 2006/09/27 14:00:54 GMT+2 Folder NovaScale R422 Rack-Optimized - NovaScale R422
r410 2006/11/10 20:13:41 GMT+2 Folder NovaScale R410 Rack-Optimized - NovaScale R410
r425 2008/04/15 16:55:00 GMT+2 Folder NovaScale R425 Enhanced HPC servers designed for use as visualization nodes
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