Network TCP Port Requirements

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Multi Instancing


Firewall Ports


Changing Port Numbers


Several services utilized by the software are designed to listen for incoming network traffic on specified network ports; thus the CommServe, MediaAgents, and Agents within the CommCell communicate with each other. Essential CommServe services are automatically assigned registered, static port numbers during installation. MediaAgents, Agents, and other software components can utilize the same default static port numbers, or any static port numbers specified during installation. Default static registered ports are as follows:

Service Port Number Protocol
Bull Calypso Communications Service (GxCVD - This service is found in all CommCell computers) 8400 TCP
Bull Calypso Server Event Manager (GxEvMgrS - This service is available in CommServe.) 8401 TCP
Bull Calypso Client Event Manager (GxEvMgrC - This service is found in all CommCell computers.) 8402 TCP

For more information about the services that make use of these ports, see Services.

In addition, the GxCVD service will also dynamically use free ports between 1024 and 65525 for communication during data protection and data recovery jobs. The system will dynamically assign a number of free ports to be used by each job to allow parallel data movement. Once the job is finished and no other job is pending, the dynamic ports are released. Network TCP port requirements remain the same whether the IPv4 or IPv6 protocol family is used.

SQL Server Ports

The default instance of a SQL server listens for incoming network traffic using port 1433. However, named instances, such as those used by the software, are configured to listen for incoming network traffic using dynamic ports. If a SQL Server instance is configured to listen for network traffic using dynamic ports, the instance will obtain an available port from the operating system and create an endpoint for that port. Incoming connections must then request that port number to connect to the software.

Since a dynamic port number can change each time SQL Server launches, the SQL server software provides the SQL Server Browser Service to monitor ports and direct incoming network traffic to the current port used by the default instance. This capability ensures that all port traffic between the SQL Server and the software can be traced at any given time, which is especially useful in network troubleshooting scenarios.

Changing this behavior manually may require additional configuration changes to the DSN settings installed by the software; thus, it is not recommended that this behavior be changed unless it is absolutely necessary to do so.

Multi Instancing

Multi Instancing requires that each instance of the same Agent (e.g., SQL Server iDataAgent) or MediaAgent have a unique set of static TCP port numbers assigned. For more information, see Multi Instancing.


For a given cluster server, the MediaAgent, Agent, or other software component installed on every physical node in a cluster which is configured to host that cluster server must have the same port numbers configured. Thus, if you have a cluster server, VS1, and three physical computers configured to host VS1, then all three computers must have the same Network TCP port numbers configured for the network interface used by VS1. For greater detail, consider this example:

Firewall Ports

The network TCP port information on this page should not be used to configure Firewall ports. For information about configuring Firewall ports, see Firewall Considerations.

For any components that will communicate across a firewall, the network TCP port numbers you select must be appropriately configured on your firewall. For instance, if you select ports 8500 for CVD and 8502 for EvMgrC for a particular client which communicates with a CommServe across a firewall, you must open ports 8500 and 8502 on your firewall. For information about configuring Firewall ports, see Firewall Considerations.


Changing Port Numbers

Network port numbers for a client or MediaAgent can be changed after installation, using the following steps:

  1. Stop services on the client or MediaAgent computer. See Services - How To.
  2. On the client or MediaAgent computer, specify the new port numbers for the GxCVD and GxEvMgrC services by editing the nCVDPort and nEVMGRCPORT registry keys. Note that the port numbers for these two services must be unique, and not used by other services.

    For more information about registry keys, see Registry Keys and Parameters.

  3. On the CommServe computer, open the App_Client table in the CommServe database using the appropriate editor for SQL, locate the client name in the table, and change the CVDPort and EvMgrCPort values to match the values you specified in the registry keys or .properties file on the client or MediaAgent.
  4. Restart services on the client or MediaAgent computer. For more information, see Services - How To.