Inicio Site Help The search engine

The search engine


How to Search On Support On Line


You can make simple to quite complex queries. For example, you can use the following options:

Globbing: You can use an asterisk to signify any letters. For example, entering Tues* matches Tuesday and Tuesdays. You can't use the asterisk at the beginning of a word, though.

Single wildcards: You can use a question mark anywhere to signify one letter. For example, entering ro?e matches rope, rote, role, and so on. You can't use the question mark at the beginning of a word, though.

And: You can use the word and to signify that both terms on either side of the and must exist. For example, entering Rome and Tuesday will return a result of when both those words are in the content.

Or: You can use the word or to signify that either terms can exist. For example, entering Rome or Tuesday will return a result of when either of those words are in the content.

Not: You can use the word not to return results where the word isn't present; a prefix of and is required. For example, entering welcome and not page would return matches for pages that contained welcome, but not page.

Phrases: Phrases are grouped with double quotes (?) and signify several words one after the other. For example, entering "welcome page? matches This welcome page is used to introduce you to the Plone Content Management System, but not Welcome to the front page of my Web site.

Not phrase: You can specify a phrase with a minus (-) prefix. For example, entering welcome -"welcome page? matches all pages with welcome in them, but not ones that match the phrase welcome page.



  • All searches are case insensitive.

Some information are available only if you are connected to your personal account.

  • When you browse through various areas of the site, you might notice a search engine added in a portlet on the right of the page. This allows a contextual search limited to the visited section.


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