Home Product Support Platforms GCOS7 Software Keys

Software Keys

List of available Software Keys items.


List of available Software Keys items.
Short Name Title Description Modification Date
fix Collection Fixes 2019/01/21 09:45:56 GMT+1
blcp Folder Cycle de vie : all Gcos7 platforms Dates de Fin de Support niveau 2 des Produits GCOS7 (Hardware, Software, Sous-systèmes): mise à jour de Janvier 2019 2019/01/09 14:28:54 GMT+1
revlist07.02 B-Doc Release Note for BullSequanaS TS07.02 This document 86A128FR08 is the Release note for BullSequqnaS TS07.02 2019/01/07 13:16:59 GMT+1
86a128fr08-pdf File Attach 86A128FR08.pdf 2019/01/07 13:15:24 GMT+1
86a128fr08-pdf File Attach 86A128FR08.pdf 2019/01/07 13:15:24 GMT+1
RN2405 B-Doc Bullion S Customer Release Note TS024.05 This document is the release note for Technical Status 024.05. It describes the objects delivered in the Technical Status, and the features of the resources pro... 2018/12/12 09:52:57 GMT+1
customerreleasenote-ts024-05-pdf File Attach CustomerReleaseNote-TS024.05.pdf 2018/12/12 09:51:34 GMT+1
SMCipmitool B-Download SuperMicro SMCIPMITool 2018/12/03 17:59:22 GMT+1
esxi6-7u1-10302608-sequana-s-1-0-iso-release-notes File Attach esxi6.7u1-10302608-Sequana-S-1.0.iso-release-notes.pdf 2018/11/26 11:11:37 GMT+1
esxi6-7u1-10302608-sequana-s-1-0-iso-release-notes File Attach esxi6.7u1-10302608-Sequana-S-1.0.iso-release-notes.pdf 2018/11/26 11:11:37 GMT+1
rnesxi7u1 B-Doc release Note for ESXI 6.7.0 update 1 Release Note for VMware ESXi 6.7.0 build-10302608 custom image 2018/11/26 11:11:49 GMT+1
nvidiagrid B-Download NVIDIA Grid Software for VMware 2018/11/26 09:22:48 GMT+1
nvidia B-Download NVIDIA Drivers 2018/11/26 09:21:40 GMT+1
pkg B-Multilingual document PackagesAll Available packages for BullSequana S server. 2018/11/15 11:12:20 GMT+1
pkg B-Multilingual document PackagesAll Available packages for bullion S server. 2018/11/15 11:11:58 GMT+1
meltdownspectre Page MeltdownSpectre Meltdown and Spectre security flaw 2018/11/12 11:58:01 GMT+1
pkg Collection BIOS and different firmwares of the bullx blade B700 chassis List of available packages. 2018/11/07 12:04:13 GMT+1
index.htm B-Multilingual document GCOS7 platform products 2018/10/29 15:59:18 GMT+1
index.htm B-Multilingual document NovaScale Platforms Support 2018/10/29 14:40:58 GMT+1
index.htm B-Multilingual document StoreWay 2018/10/29 14:21:26 GMT+1
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