Storage Policy Properties (General)

Use this dialog box to view or change the properties of the selected storage policy. Options in this dialog box include:

Storage Policy Name

The name of the storage policy. You can change the name of a storage policy at any time without affecting the ability to restore data that may have already been backed up through this storage policy.

Storage Policy Type

Displays the type of storage policy, an iDataAgent Backup or Archiver (standard) storage policy or Disaster Recovery Backup.

No. of Copies

The number of copies associated with this storage policy.

Device Streams

The maximum number of data streams that each copy within this storage policy can simultaneously support. Each stream uses one drive for any copy that directs data to a tape library. One stream is used per subclient.

Consider the following for defining data streams in relation to the primary copy:

Enable Stream Randomization

Click to enable stream randomization. When enabled, streams are randomly chosen to complete backup operations, which increases the rate at which data is copied to media during auxiliary copy operations.


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, etc.

Incremental Storage Policy

This option is only available if this storage policy has an incremental storage policy enabled.

You can select another storage policy (that does not already have an incremental storage policy enabled) from the drop down list.

If cleared, removes an incremental storage policy from being enabled with this storage policy.

The disabling of an incremental storage policy:
  • Forces the next backup to be a full for all subclients that point to this storage policy.
  • Causes the most recent incremental backups to be aged before the next full backup occurs.

Allow Erase Data

For the File Archiver Agent, this option is only available if an Erase Data license has been activated. When selected, end-users are allowed to erase data when stubs are deleted from a specified drive, folder, or UNC path.

From the General tab of the Agent Properties dialog box, the Erase archive data when stub is deleted option must also be selected.

Selecting this option disables the ability for Media Explorer to catalog and restore the contents of the media that has been erased in this Storage Policy.

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