Agents - File Archiver for Windows

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Configurable Properties

Configurable Properties

Once installed, the agent is configured and is therefore able to manage the data on the client computer. However, you can change certain aspects of the configuration (e.g., client computer, backup sets, etc.) to manage the data in the manner that best suits your needs. Depending on the agent, you can view or change the agent configuration from the tabs that are available for that agent in the Properties dialog box.

Active Directory Authentication for Data Classification Enabler

If the Data Classification Enabler is installed on the same machine as File Archiver for Windows, you must specify a user account that will be authenticated against the Active Directory domain controller to verify group membership for the specified user. For more information, see User Account for Data Classification.

For File Archiver for Windows with Data Classification, you can change a user account to authenticate against the Active Directory domain controller to look up group membership. This allows you to control which data to archive.

See the File Archiver for Windows section in User Accounts and Passwords for more information.

Activity Control

You can enable or disable all operations for this CommCell object and all objects below it. For more information, see Activity Control.

Erasing Stub Files

To enable erasing stubs, select Enable Erase Data and specify the path that will look for hard-deleted stubs and move them to the collect file. This could be the entire machine (indicated by a \), a particular drive (C:\), a particular folder (C:\stubs), or a UNC path (\\filer\directory).  Multiple locations could also be specified, separated by the ; delimeter. For more information, see Erasing Stubs for File Archiver for Windows.

Setting the Upper Limit for Maximum Stub Recovery

For the File Archiver Agents, you can enable recall throttling to limit the maximum number of stubs that can be recovered by an agent within a specified timeframe. See Recall Throttling for an overview.

User Security

You can perform the following functions:

For more information, see User Administration and Security.


The Version tab displays the software version and post-release service packs and updates installed for the component. See Version for an overview.