Configure Alerts

In order for alerts to reach their intended recipients, alerts must first be configured. The following steps need to be taken in order to configure alerts:

Before You Begin
  • Verify that you have specified a valid SMTP mail server, a valid e-mail or pager address, and the recipient is enabled as a CommCell user with the correct capabilities needed for the alert type. Additionally, make sure that the sender's address specified in the E-Mail and IIS Server Settings dialog box is valid.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

Specify an E-Mail Server
1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommCell icon, click Control Panel, and then click E-Mail and IIS Configuration. From the E-Mail and IIS Configuration dialog box, select the E-Mail Server tab, and specify a valid Mail Server to be used by alerts, scheduled reports and log files. The Mail Server must support SMTP messages.

Select the port number in the Mail Server Port box. The default Mail Server port number is 25.

Specify the Mail Server Size Limit per e-mail.

Specify a valid e-mail address in the Senders Address box.

Click OK.

Select an Alert Category and Alert Type
2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommCell icon, click Control Panel, and then click Alerts. From the Alerts window, click Add.

In the General Information step of the Alert Wizard dialog box:

Enter a name for the alert in the Display Name box.

Select a category and alert type. See Available Alerts and Alert Descriptions for a complete list of available alerts.

Click Next.


Depending on what options you select, your screen may look different than the example shown.

Associate Entities with the Alert
3. Associate entities with the alert (if applicable).


  • Alerts must be associated with an entity based on the alert type. Once conditions with the entity meet a pre-selected criteria, an alert will be generated based on those conditions. Entities differ according to the type of alert selected. See Available Alerts and Alert Descriptions for a list of entities available for each alert type.
  • A user must have the correct associations and capabilities to associate entities with alerts. See the capabilities column in Available Alerts and Alert Descriptions for more information.

Click Next.


Depending on what options you select, your screen may look different than the example shown.

Select the Threshold and Notification Criteria
4. Select the conditions that will initiate the alert in the Alert Wizard's Threshold and Notification Criteria Selection dialog box. Then enable or disable the Send Individual Notification for This Alert option. (When enabled, recipients will only receive one notification for this alert.)

Click Next.


  • The threshold and notification criteria determine when and at which frequency an alert is generated.
  • An alert is sent:
    • Once conditions within the entity have met the selected criteria for the alert. For example, if the criteria of Job Skipped is selected for a Data Protection alert, then an alert will be sent if a data protection operation is skipped
    • Either:
      • Repeat if the condition persists for certain length of time. (Available for the Device Status and Library Management alerts.)
      • When the condition clears. (Available for the Device Status and Library Management alerts only.)
      • After a specified number of attempts during a phase or network failure. (Available for the Auxiliary Copy and Data Protection alerts.)
  • If the alert notification was configured to send an escalated alert. If this option is available, select the time at which the escalated alert notification should be sent, the frequency and whether notification should be sent when the condition clears.

  • If configuring a Job Management Data Protection alert, you can select the following additional notification option:

    Notify only when jobs qualify for extended retention

    If selected, when a data protection job meets the thresholds of the configured alert criteria, users will only be notified of those jobs that are set for extended retention.

  • Depending on what options you select, your screen may look different than the example shown.

Select the Notification Type
5. Select the way in which the alert is to be sent to its intended recipient. E-mail/pager messages can be customized by adding tokens to the body of the e-mail. The following notification types are available:
  • E-Mail/Pager

    If you wish to send the alert by e-mail or pager:

    Click the E-Mail/Pager tab.

    Click the Select [E-Mail/Pager] for notification checkbox.

    If you wish to customize the e-mail or pager notification, click a token from the list and then click Add Token.

    Click Next.


    Depending on what options you select, your screen may look different than the example shown.

    • SNMP

    If you wish to send the alert by a SNMP trap:

    Click the SNMP tab.

    Click the Select [SNMP] for notification checkbox.

    If you wish to customize the SNMP notification, click a token from the list and then click Add Token.

    Click Next.


    Depending on what options you select, your screen may look different than the example shown.

    • Event Viewer

    If you wish to send the alert to the System Event Viewer:

    Click the Event Viewer tab.

    Click the Select [Event Viewer] for notification checkbox.

    If you wish to customize the Event Viewer message, click a token from the list and then click Add Token.

    Click Next.


    Depending on what options you select, your screen may look different than the example shown.

    • Run Command

    If you wish to send the alert by executing a command script:

    Click the Run Command tab.

    Click the Select [Run Command] for notification checkbox.

    Click Use Local Drive or Use Network Share. Use the Change button to change the account information to access the network share.

    Enter the location of the Command Processor executable file in the Command Script Location box, or click Browse to browse to the location, e.g., C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe.

    Enter the following in the Arguments field prior to adding any arguments: /C C:\Tmp\runCommandTest.bat. Where the \C signifies that the Command Processor must carry out the given command in the following string and then terminate. Note that C:\Tmp\runCommandTest.bat is the location of the batch file you wish to run when the alert criteria threshold is met.

    Add the arguments by clicking on the Browse button. Manually add quotation marks around the tokens, e.g., "$<DETECTED CRITERIA>$"; this resolves any white space issues. The Arguments filed will resemble the following format:
    /C C:\Tmp\runCommandTest.bat "$<ALERT NAME>$" "$<DETECTED CRITERIA>$"

    The following is the content of the batch file used in this example:

    REM runCommandTest.bat
    @echo %date% %time% >> c:\tmp\alert1.log
    echo %~1>>c:\tmp\alert1.log
    echo %~2>>c:\tmp\alert1.log
    echo %3>>c:\tmp\alert1.log
    echo %4>>c:\tmp\alert1.log
    echo %5>>c:\tmp\alert1.log
    echo %6>>c:\tmp\alert1.log
    echo %7>>c:\tmp\alert1.log
    echo %8>>c:\tmp\alert1.log
    echo %9>>c:\tmp\alert1.log
    REM End Batch File

    Note the '~' character between the '%' character and the parameter position number above; this signifies the command processor to strip off the quotation characters at the beginning and end of the parameter. If this is not done, the quotation marks remain as part of the parameter, which may be useful if the batch file is calling another program or batch file.

    Click Next.


    • The Run Command can be located on the CommServe or remote machines, but is executed only on the CommServe machine.
    • Depending on what options you select, your screen may look different than the example shown.
    Select the CommCell Users and/or CommCell User Groups to Receive the Alert
    6. Select the CommCell users and/or CommCell user groups that will receive the alert; or enter the e-mail address(es) of the recipient(s) in the Email to Recipient field; these recipients can reside within an external domain. See User Administration and Security for more information.

    Click Next.


    • An alert can be configured to send e-mail notifications to user groups created from within the CommCell Console as well as external domain user groups. However, individual external domain users will not receive the alert notification e-mail if they have not previously logged on to the CommCell Console. Users (from the user groups created from within the CommCell Console) will receive the alert e-mail notification regardless of their login status.

    • Depending on what options you select, your screen may look different than the example shown.


    7. The Summary step displays a summary of the options that you have selected for the alert.

    Click Finish.

    The alert is now configured.


    If the e-mail server and sender's address are not configured correctly, the alerts will not be sent to the intended e-mail and pager recipients.

    Depending on what options you select, your screen may look different than the example shown.