Legal Hold - Troubleshoot

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Unable to View Lotus Notes Messages After Restore Using Search Console

Unable to View the Comment for a Search Item in a Review Set

Unable to Login to the Search Console

Unable to View Foreign Characters in ToolTip

Script Errors when using Search Console

Unable to Add Large Number of Search Result Items to a Review Set

Unable to View Lotus Notes Messages After Restore Using Search Console

Viewing Lotus Notes Messages in FireFox

When you view the Lotus Notes messages in Firefox browser, you notice that the xml page is not displayed with the appropriate header fields (i.e., To, From, and Subject fields). To solve this problem, always access the search console using the fully qualified name of the web server. For example, to access the web server amber, type the fully qualified domain name of the web server as follows:<web alias name>

Use the web alias name (for end-user, compliance user, or administrator) that was provided while installing the Web Search Server. For more information, see Configure the Search Console for Web-Based Administration section in Install the Web Search Sever page.

Viewing Lotus Notes Messages in Internet Explorer

When you try to view the Lotus Notes message in Internet Explorer, the following error is displayed:

The XML page cannot be displayed.

Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

You can resolve the above problem in two ways:

  1. Always access the Search Console using the fully qualified domain name of the web server.
  2. Enable the Access data source across domains component in Internet Explorer as follows:
    1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options....
    2. From the Internet Options (Security) tab, select Local Intranet and then click Custom Level.

      It is always recommended that you add the Search Console to the list Local intranet zone.

    3. From the Security Settings dialog box, select the Prompt option for Access data sources across domains component under Miscellaneous.
    4. Click OK. You will be prompted whether to change the system security settings for this zone.
    5. Click Yes.
    6. Click OK.

    Now, if you are not accessing the Search Console using the fully qualified domain name of the web server,  when you try to view the Lotus Notes message, a security risk message will be displayed. On clicking Yes, you will be able to view the xml page with the appropriate header fields.

Unable to View the Comment for a Search Item in a Review Set

Sometimes, when you select Review option to modify the Comment for a search item in a review set, the Comment description to be modified is not displayed in the Add/Modify Comments window.

This resolve this issue, do the following:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options....
  2. From the Internet Options (General) tab, click Settings in the Temporary Internet Files zone.
  3. From the Settings dialog box, select Every visit to the page option for the Check for newer version of stored pages: component.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click OK.

Unable to Login to the Search Console

When trying to access the Search Console, the following error message is displayed.

This message will disappear once this page completes process of detecting whether

JavaScript is supported and also enabled currently...Please be patient.


Even after your browser status bar says Done / Completed loading the page, and

you still see this message, then you need to enable JaveScript before you continue

further, Contact your Administrator.

In such cases, enable the JavaScript settings for the browser as follows:

In Internet Explorer:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options....
  2. From the Internet Options (Security) tab, select Local Intranet, and then click Custom Level.
  3. From the Security Settings dialog box, select Enable for the Scripting of Java Applets component under Scripting.
  4. Click Apply. You will be prompted whether to change the system security settings for this zone.
  5. Click OK.

In FireFox:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options....
  2. From the Options (Content) dialog box, select Enable JavaScript.
  3. Click OK.

Unable to View Foreign Characters in ToolTip

When you include foreign characters in review set names or Legal Hold names from Internet Explorer, the tool tip for the review set or Legal Hold name does not display the foreign characters properly.

To solve this problem, update the desktop settings as follows:

  1. Right-click the desktop and select Properties.
  2. From the Display Properties (Appearance) window, click Advanced.
  3. From the Items drop-down box, select ToolTip.
  4. From the Font drop-down box, select any Unicode enabled font (Eg.,Arial Unicode MS).
  5. Click OK.

Script Errors when Using Search Console

Sometimes, when using Search Console from Internet Explorer, the following script error message is displayed:

Stop running this script?


A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly.

If it continues to run, you computer may become unresponsive.

To resolve this problem, do the following:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options....
  2. From the Internet Options (Advanced) tab, select the following options under Browsing:

    Also make sure that the Display a notification about every script error option is not selected.

  3. Click Apply.
  4. Click OK.

Unable to Add Large Number of Search Result Items to a Review Set

Sometimes, when you add a large number of search items to a review set, the Search Console crashes. This is because, you can add only a maximum of 50000 search items to a review set, after which the Search Console will crash. Hence, it is always recommended that you refine your search using the Advanced Search options or Search Within Results option and add only the required items to the review set. For more information, see Data Discovery and Search.