XML Input File for Decoupled Install


XML File Format

Example XML File Contents


To register a Client computer without connecting to it, as in the case of a Decoupled Install, an XML input file containing the information needed to create the Client in the database must be available on a local drive of the CommServe. This XML input file is automatically created during a Decoupled Install, and does not need to be created if you have already performed that procedure. The XML file can also be created using any suitable tool. A sample XML input file named PreImageModeFile.xml is included in the \Windows\PreImageMode folder in the Resource Pack. (See Tools and Utilities for more information on the Resource Pack.)

Whether you create the XML file yourself, or it was created during a Decoupled Install, it is required when you Register a Client Computer with the CommServe.

XML File Format

A Decoupled Install creates an XML file that contains all the required fields and some of the optional fields indicated below, and can be used without any changes to register the Client and/or MediaAgent on the CommServe. Optionally, the generated XML file can be edited to meet particular needs, such as using the generated file as a base, and customizing it for many different Client and/or MediaAgents.

Listed below are the required and optional fields in the XML file that the Register a Client Computer process requires. Note the following:

Required fields

<Client display name>
<Client hostname >
<OS name>
<Hardware ID>
<installed platforms: comma separated> FS, MA
<software installation folder> *

Optional fields

When any of these optional field is not present, the default values indicated in parenthesis are used.

These fields are created by the Installer:

<client timezone> (CommServe time zone) *
<Job results folder>
(subfolder of installation folder) *
<Index cache folder>
(subfolder of installation folder) *
<physical or virtual machine>
(physical machine)
<CVD port number>
<EvMgrC port number>
(name of the OEM)

These fields are not created by the Installer:

<GUID> (Will look for a locally generated GUID on the client; if no GUID exists, the CommServe will generate a GUID and populate the client registry as well as its own database.) * #
<CS hostname>
(hostname of the CommServe itself which has clientid of 2)
<Storage policy for default subclient>
(leave as unassigned)
<clock skew> (00:00:00)
<physical client ID of virtual machine>
<patch cache location>
(CVupdates folder under install location) #

Example XML File Contents

The following is an example of the contents of a typical XML input file generated during the Decoupled Install of a File System iDataAgent:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<CVSimLicUtils_ClientsPreImageInfo xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="CVSimLicUtils_ClientsPreImageInfoType.xsd">

<Clients ShortName="gate" HostName="gate" CvdPort="8400" EvMgrCPort="8402" InstallFolder="C:\Program Files\Company\Product\" JobResultsFolder="C:\Program Files\Company\Product\iDataAgent\JobResults" Version="8.0.0(BUILD68)" BinarySetID="1">

<OsInfo SystemName="Windows Server 2003" NodeName="GATE" Release="5.2" OsVersion="Build 3790: Service Pack 2" Machine="Intel: Pentium IV: 2" IdNumber="AC133485" />

<MediaAgent Install="1" Shared="false" IndexCacheDir="C:\Program Files\Company\Product\IndexCache" IndexCacheDirUserName="" IndexCacheDirPassword="" />

<iDAs AppType="42" LicType="1" CreateBackupSet="0" VersionID="0" SQLAutoDiscovery="0" ExchangeServerName="" />

<iDAs AppType="81" LicType="9" CreateBackupSet="0" VersionID="0" SQLAutoDiscovery="0" ExchangeServerName="" />

