Data Classification Console

Topics | How To


Data Classification Computers and Services

Data Classification Server Properties

Data Classification Reports

Exchange DC Journal Configuration Tab

Administer Filtered Volumes on a Data Classification Computer

Optimize a Data Classification Database

Relocate a Data Classification Database


The Data Classification Console is used to manage Data Classification services, server properties, and file reports for Windows computers where the Data Classification Enabler is installed. For some agents, the console is used to perform data scan-related operations. Specifically, you can use the console to do the following:

The Data Classification Console is an option from the CommCell Console.

To use the Data Classification Console, you must log on to the computer as a User with Administration privileges.

See Start the Data Classification Console for step-by-step instructions on starting the console.

Data Classification Computers and Services

You can do the following:

You can enable or disable Data Classification processes in both the collecting and monitoring states. If a process is disabled, all Data Classification services will be paused until the process is enabled again.

When collection processes are enabled, Data Classification services will resume from the default starting point in the database. When monitoring processes are enabled, Data Classification services will resume from the last entry in the change journal.

See the following procedures as appropriate:

Data Classification Server Properties

You can view and administer various properties for Data Classification computers, including the following:

See Administer Data Classification Server Properties for a step-by-step procedure.

Data Classification Reports

You can query for file types (extensions) and sizes on the computers with Data Classification and generate reports regarding the affected files. You can generate pie charts and bar graphs to display information.

Wildcard characters within the extensions are not supported. You can include a maximum of 10 file types and file size ranges, and each file can be a maximum of 100 KB.

You cannot include a file size range that overlaps or falls within a file size range that is already established. For example, if you have already included a file range of Min(KB) 1 and Max(KB) 7, you cannot include a file range of Min(KB) 2 and Max(KB) 6 or Min(KB) 6 and Max(KB) 10, etc.

Note that any selections that you make for a session are not saved and are therefore effective only for that session.

The capabilities provided by this tab represent only a subset of the capabilities provided by Storage Resource Management (SRM). For more information, see the Storage Resource Management documentation or your software representative.

See Configure and Generate Reports Regarding Attributes of Files on a Data Classification Computer for a step-by-step procedure.

Exchange DC Journal Configuration Tab

The Exchange DC Journal Configuration tab allows you to use the Data Classification Enabler to administer Exchange server and Data Classification properties to be used when logging events for data (mailbox messages) against the Exchange server. Such events including adding data, removing data, and sending data. It also allows you to start or stop populating the Data Classification database with metadata for these events.

See the following procedures as appropriate:

Administer Filtered Volumes on a Data Classification Computer

You can filter volumes from a Data Classification computer, and you can remove filters to add volumes back to the computer.

See Administer Filtered Volumes on a Data Classification Computer for a step-by-step procedure.

Optimize a Data Classification Database

The Data Classification Console allows you to defragment (optimize) a Data Classification database (meta database) on a selected computer. This is especially helpful for reorganizing highly-active meta databases.

See Optimize a Data Classification Database for a step-by-step procedure.

Relocate a Data Classification Database

You can move the metafiles (databases) created by the Data Classification services to a folder of your choice as long as the folder has already been created.

It is recommended that you not change the location of the metafile in a clustered environment since this would cause an inconsistency between the data in the database and the data on your computer. Nonetheless, if you do this, ensure that the new location is on the physical node and not on the virtual node or shared disk since Data Classification runs only on physical nodes. Also, it is recommended that you do not move the metafile location under the gxhsmcache folder, which is a hidden folder.

See Relocate a Data Classification Database for a step-by-step procedure.