Data Collection - How To

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Run/Schedule a Data Collection Job for an SRM Instance, Agent or Subclient

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To run/schedule a Data Collection job for an SRM instance, agent or subclient:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the SRM instance, agent or subclient, and then click Data Collection from the short-cut menu.
  2. From the Schedule Data Collection Job dialog box, select the agent for which you want to run the Data Collection job from the Agent list. (This option is not applicable at the SRM agent and subclient levels.)
  3. Choose the Job Type. (This option is not applicable at the SRM subclient level.)
  4. If you selected "Analysis" in the previous step, and if the agent has more than one subclient, click the name of the subclient you want from the Subclient list. (This option is not applicable at the SRM subclient level.)
  5. Choose Schedule or Run Immediately from the Job Initiation area.
  6. Configure any other options as appropriate.
  7. Click OK.

If you have selected the Run Immediately option, you can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller window.

For more information on Scheduling, see Scheduling.