Custom Calendar - How To

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Associate a Custom Calendar to a Storage Policy Copy

Create a Custom Calendar

Create a Job Schedule

Delete a Custom Calendar

Modify a Custom Calendar

Associate a Custom Calendar to a Storage Policy Copy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To associate a custom calendar to a storage policy copy:

  1. Right-click the storage policy copy for which you wish to associate a custom calendar, and then click Properties.
  2. From the General tab of the Copy Properties dialog box, select a calendar from the Calendar for Selective Copy and Extended Retention checkbox.
  3. Click OK to save your changes.
Associating a custom calendar to a storage policy copy changes the time intervals by which data is copied to and aged from this copy.

Create a Custom Calendar

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create a custom calendar:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, click Control Panel, and then click Custom Calendars.
  2. From the Custom Calendars dialog box, click Add.
  3. From the Add a new Calendar dialog box:
  4. From the Define Months for <n> dialog box:

  5. The new calendar is displayed in the Custom Calendars window.

Create a Job Schedule

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create a job schedule for an operation:

  1. From the dialog box of the appropriate operation, click Schedule.
  2. In the Schedule Details dialog box that appears, select the appropriate scheduling options. Click Options to view more options. You can also confirm and/or edit (where applicable) your choices from the Job Summary tab. For a monthly or yearly schedule, you can select either a standard calendar or a custom calendar.
  3. Click OK.

Delete a Custom Calendar

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To delete a custom calendar:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, click Control Panel, and then click Custom Calendars.
  2. From the Custom Calendars dialog box, click a calendar, and then click Delete.
  3. Click Yes to the confirmation prompt.
A custom calendar that is currently being used for a schedule or a selective copy cannot be deleted. Re-assign the schedule or storage policy to another calendar (or the standard calendar) before deleting this calendar.

Modify a Custom Calendar

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify a custom calendar:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, click Control Panel, and then click Custom Calendars.
  2. From the Custom Calendars dialog box, select a calendar, and then click Edit.
  3. From the Edit Calendar dialog box:
  4. From the Define Months for <n> dialog box:

  5. The calendar is now edited.
Modification made to a custom calendar take effect upon the completion of the next scheduled job associated with the original custom calendar, i.e., a scheduled job will still take place as planned according to the original calendar definitions, and upon completion of the job, the new custom calendar definitions will take effect.

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