Registry Keys and Parameters


In order to perform advanced troubleshooting and other environment-specific modifications, Windows registry keys or an appropriate file in the Unix and NetWare file systems is used.

This document describes such parameters and how to modify them. Note the following convention used in this document:


Back up the registry before you edit it. You must also understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information on how to backup and restore the registry, refer to the appropriate Registry Help Topic provided in Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe.


Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require a reinstall of the operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. You must also understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs.


It is recommended that you make a backup copy of the appropriate .properties file, before editing it. This will help you to restore the appropriate parameters if a problem occurs.


It is recommended that you make a backup copy of the appropriate GALAXY.INI file, before editing it. This will help you to restore the appropriate parameters if a problem occurs.

Registry Keys

The following section provides a list of some of the useful registry keys. If you know the name of the registry key, use the Search facility in your browser to locate the information. Given below is a list of links under which the registry keys are categorized:


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\FileSystemAgent\
Key SKIP_1TOUCH_BACKUP (optional)
Value Not applicable
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Not applicable
Default Value None
Created In The Client computer in which the iDataAgent is installed
Description This key allows you to skip the backup of 1-Touch information during system state backups.
Applies To All Windows File System iDataAgents that support system state backups (not supported on Microsoft Windows 4.0).


Auxiliary Copy

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1
Default Value None
Created In CommServe computer
Description If the value is set to 1, this registry key is enabled and auxiliary copy operations will not copy data protection operations that finish after the Auxiliary Copy operation has started. If the value is set to 0 or not set, then this registry key is disabled, and auxiliary copy operations will copy data protection operations that have finished after the auxiliary copy operation started.
Applies To CommServe


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 to infinite
Default Value None
Created In CommServe computer
Description Determines the time interval in which Auxiliary Copy operations update the status of jobs currently being copied. If the value of this registry key is not set, Auxiliary Copy operations update the CommServe database hourly.
Applies To CommServe


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1
Default Value None
Created In CommServe computer
Description If defined and the value is set to 1, the auxiliary copy will not prune any job from the spool copy. By default, an auxiliary copy prunes copied jobs from the spool copy every hour or upon completion. The time interval can be changed by defining registry AUXCOPY_MARKCOPIED_MINUTES.
Applies To CommServe



Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value ClientCheckInterval (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 - 1800 (seconds)
Default Value 1800 (30 minutes)
Created in CommServe
Description This registry key sets the time interval (in seconds) at which clients will be checked for the CommNet Server. The start and end time of this client checking window are determined by the ClientCheckWindowStartHour and ClientCheckWindowEndHour registry keys.
Applies to CommServe


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value ClientCheckWindowStartHour (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 – 23 (Time: 24-Hour Clock)
Default Value 13 (1:00 PM)
Created in CommServe
Description This registry key sets the ending time for the client readiness check window for the CommNet Server.
Applies to CommServe


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value ClientCheckWindowEndHour (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 – 24 (Time: 24-Hour Clock)
Default Value 14 (2:00 PM)
Created in CommServe
Description This registry key sets the ending time for the client readiness check window for the CommNet Server.
Applies to CommServe


Command Line Interface

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1
Default Value 0
Created In CommServe
Description This registry key allows you to use the qmodify subclient command in the command line interface (CLI). Set the key to 1 to enable this support. By default, this key is set to 0 (disabling support for this command).
Applies To Computers with agents installed


Data Classification Enabler

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Common\Data Classification\
Key NoSecurityForLocalAdministration (optional)
Value 0 or 1
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 if you do not want to bypass the security check for local administration of the Data Classification service from the Data Classification utility; 1 if you want to bypass the security check for local administration of the Data Classification service from the Data Classification utility.
Default Value 0
Created In Computer in which the enabler is installed
Description Use Value 1 to bypass the security check for local administration of the Data Classification service from the Data Classification utility. This helps administer the Data Classification service locally. By design, Data Classification utility users should be able to access other computers with Data Classification only when such users have administrator privileges on those computers. This level of security is provided by the NTLM or another authentication method. If the authentication method is disabled or not used, however, the computer access restriction is removed unless you set this registry key to 1 on the affected computers.

Security checks are not bypassed if the registry key is not present.
Applies To Windows computers with Data Classification


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\Data Classification\
Key DC_CREATE_INDEX (standard)
Value 1 (Multi-Column Single Index and Full Path Index); 4096 (Multi-Column Single Index); 56 (Multi-Column Multi-Index); 8 (Full Path Index); 128 (File Size Index)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Use the preferred values identified in Value above.
Default Value 1
Created In The client computer where the enabler and the agent are installed.
Description This key allows you to create and modify the indices for the Data Classification databases. By assigning values to and applying the key, you can use these indices to administer various items associated with Data Classification. Depending on the agent, these items include the size of the Data Classification database, the time required for database initialization, the time required for Data Archiving, and the time required for File System iDataAgent backups using the Data Classification Enabler as the scan process.

If you do not want to use this key (i.e, if you want to use the default index), be sure to set the key value to 0, stop the Data Classification services, delete the Data Classification database, and then restart the services. Also, if you want to change the value of the key to a preferred value, set the key to that value and then follow the procedure discussed in the previous sentence.

The following list summarizes the effects of using this key. Set this key to one of the values identified in Value above and as appropriate per the notes in the following list.

  • Multi-Column Single Index value
    • For archiving, this value produces databases that are 20% to 300% larger than those for the default index value, database initialization that is 5% slower than that for the default index value, and the fastest possible archiving.
    • For backup, this value produces faster backups than those for the default index value.
  • Multi-Column Multi-Index value
    • For archiving, this value produces larger databases than those for the Multi-Column Single Index value, database initialization that is 5% slower than that for the Multi-Column Single Index value, and fast archiving.
    • For backup, this value produces faster backups than those for the Multi-Column Single Index value.
  • Full Path Index value
    • For archiving, this value produces databases that are slightly smaller than those for the Multi-Column Single Index value. Also, this value provides no performance gain for non-custom archiving using Data Classification.
    • For backup, this value produces faster backups than those for the Multi-Column Multi-Index value.
  • File Size Index value
    • For archiving, this value produces databases that are slightly larger than those for the default index value, database initialization that is slightly slower than that for the default index value, and fast archiving if only a few files in the volume meet the size criteria.
    • For backup, this value produces slow backups.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows Agent with Data Classification, Windows File System iDataAgent with Data Classification.


Disaster Recovery Backup

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value SetLifeSpanForFailedDR (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range number in Days
Default Value If it is not defined, the default is 90 days.
Created In CommServe computer
Description This key changes the default number of days. Partial disaster recovery backup sets will be kept when a disaster recovery backup is run. If this registry key is not used, the partial sets will be kept for 90 days and removed when the next disaster recovery backup is run.
Applies To CommServe


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value DisableActivityOnDbCorruption (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range any non-zero value
Default Value none
Created In CommServe computer
Description When this key is defined and the value is set to 0, CommServe job activities will NOT be disabled if during a Disaster Recovery Backup a database corruption is detected.  By default, when a Disaster Recovery Backup detects database corruption, CommServe job activities are disabled.
Applies To CommServe


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Platform Information\<focus>\CommServe
Key CommServe (standard)
Value ERStagingDirectory (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range any valid directory path
Default Value none
Created In CommServe computer
Description When this key is defined, Disaster Recovery Backup staging files will be copied to the folder specified rather than the default location in the software installation directory.
Applies To CommServe




HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\


Not Applicable


Not Applicable
Key LotusNotesDBAgent (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 - 1 (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
Default Value If not defined, the default is 0.
Created In The Lotus Notes Database client computer in which the database disaster recovery operation will run, prior to executing the restore.
Description This key is used by the Lotus Notes Database iDataAgent Disaster Recovery process to recover a database from a log sequence prior to the current log sequence. When browsing back in time, the Agent will recover from an earlier log extent.
Applies To Lotus Notes Database iDataAgent


Job Management

Log Files

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value NMaxLogFileSize (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 5 through 50 MB
Default Value None
Created In CommServe computer
Description This key sets the maximum value of the size of the log files. If the file is greater than the value in the key, the file gets rolled over to <filename>_1.log.
Applies To CommServe


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value <logfilename>_MaxLogFileSize (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 10 through 50 MB
Default Value If key does not exist or is set to 0, the default log file size is 5 MB.
Created In All
Description This key specifies the maximum log file size for a particular log file. If the file is greater than the value in the key, the file gets rolled over to <filename>_1.log.
Applies To All


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value <logfilename>_MaxLogFileBackups (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 through 5
Default Value If key does not exist or is set to 0, the default number is 1.
Created In All
Description This key specifies the number of backup log files (_1, _2).
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
Netware Not Applicable
Key OracleAgent (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range Size is specified in bytes
Default Value N/A
Created in User-created in the computer in which the Oracle iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key is used to set the size of the sbtio.log file in the $UDUMP directory. Once the sbtio.log file reaches the specified size limit, it will get pruned automatically.
Applies to Oracle iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key OracleAgent (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range Y or N where:

Y disables parsing of RMAN warnings

N enables parsing of RMAN warnings

Default Value N
Created in The computer in which the Oracle iDataAgent is installed.
Description This registry key is used to disable the parsing of RMAN warnings from a RMAN output for GUI backup jobs. If set to Y, the key disables parsing of RMAN warnings. By default, this registry key is not set and RMAN warnings are parsed. If any warning is found in the RMAN output, GUI backup jobs are completed with errors.
Applies to Oracle iDataAgent


Job Controller

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value JMKillPreviousBackupJobForSameSubclient (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 - 1 (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
Default Value If not defined, the default is 0.
Created In CommServe computer
Description When enabled, the Job Manager will terminate a conflicting job, i.e., a new backup job that is initiated for the same subclient as a job that is currently running.

The Job Manager will only terminate a conflicting job if the new backup job encompasses the earlier job and if the earlier started job has yet to transfer any data to media. If these conditions exist, then the earlier job will be killed by the system and replaced by the newer job. To be more encompassing indicates that a FULL backup can kill jobs such as incrementals, differentials and other fulls; however, incrementals will not be able to kill fulls. If the current job has already started transferring data, then the normal queue rules for the new job will apply.

Note that when the parameter is set to 1, a subclient job will not be terminated for a job with the same backup type for that same subclient. Only subclient jobs with a lower backup type will be terminated for a job with a higher backup type for the same subclient.

Applies To CommServe


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value JMRunningJobsLowWaterMark (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 - any number less than the value of the high watermark
Default Value If not defined, the default is 0. (The value of 0 indicates that jobs will start immediately when the number of simultaneously running streams falls below the high watermark value.)
Created In CommServe computer
Description This key is used in conjunction with the high watermark value. When the high watermark value has been reached, the Job Manager will wait until the low watermark, if set, is reached before any new jobs are started. Therefore, the maximum value for this key must be less than the high watermark value.  The recommended minimum value is 3.
Applies To CommServe


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent
NetWare \<Software Installation Directory>\Galaxy\GALAXY.INI [MediaAgent] section
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value DMMBCHUNKSIZE (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Chunk size specified in megabytes.
Default Value This registry key takes precedence over all values established from the CommCell Console.

(The default values can be modified in the  Chunk Size tab of the Media Management Configuration. Chunk sizes can also be modified from the Data Path Properties dialog box available from the Data Paths tab of the Copy Properties dialog box.)

Created in MediaAgent computer
Description This key controls the chunk size for all data protection operations going to this MediaAgent. This registry key applies to all media types and application types and takes priority over the values established in the Advanced tab of Job Management dialog box. A lower value is recommended for frequent checks of slower data protection operations (especially when data is moving across a WAN link).
Applies to Data write operations in the specific MediaAgent in which the registry key is established.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
Key OracleAgent (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range any non-zero value
Default Value 86400 seconds (if the registry key is not established)
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key determines the timeout, in seconds, that an Oracle third-party command line backup job will wait for a resource to allocate streams before the job fails. If a resource is not available after the specified number of seconds have elapsed, the backup job will fail. If this registry key is not entered, then the system will use a default timeout of 86400 seconds (i.e., 24 hours) before failing the backup job.
Applies to Oracle iDataAgent


Windows Not Applicable
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key OracleAgent (standard)
Value sEnableMultiplexRestore (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Y or N Where:

Y enables automatic multiplexing of data streams when restoring data from multiplexed backups.

N disables automatic multiplexing of data streams when restoring data from multiplexed backups.

Default Value N
Created in User-created in the computer in which the Oracle iDataAgent is installed.
Description When this key is created and the value is set to Y, restores will be multiplexed. When the value of the key is set to N, restores will not be multiplexed even if the backup from which the data is being restored was multiplexed.
Applies to Oracle iDataAgent on Unix



Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value failedFilesSameColor (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Nonzero = changes the failed file numbers color from red; zero = keep the failed files number color red
Default Value Zero
Created In CommServe computer
Description (Applicable to Backup Job Summary Reports only) This key decides whether or not the failed file numbers of a report is shown in the color red. A nonzero value changes the color from red, and a zero number keeps the color red.
Applies To CommServe


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value failedFoldersSameColor (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Nonzero = changes the failed folders number color from red; zero = keep the failed folders number color red
Default Value Zero
Created In CommServe computer
Description (Applicable to Backup Job Summary Reports only) This key decides whether or not the failed folders number of a report is shown in the color red. A nonzero value changes the color from red, and a zero number keeps the color red.
Applies To CommServe


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MediaAgent
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value nFileListSortOrder (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 = sort by name in ascending order

1 = sort by size in descending order

All other values will be replaced with zero (0).

Default Value Zero
Created In MediaAgent computer
Description This key sorts the order of Protected Objects in the report by either name (in ascending order) or by size (in descending order).
Applies To MediaAgent


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MediaAgent
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value nFileListTopN (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range >1000000 = all lines will be returned (overhead of the list limiter: 8 bytes per line).

>0 but <=1000000 = up to the given number of rows will be returned (could be less if the number of files is less than the value).

<=0 = all files.

Default Value Zero
Created In MediaAgent computer
Description This key limits the list of Protected Objects in the report by N values maximum.
Applies To MediaAgent


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MediaAgent
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value nFileListNotLessThan (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) LONGLONG (String)
Valid Range >=0 = number of items to be returned.

<0 = all items will be listed.

Default Value Zero
Created In MediaAgent computer
Description This key lists Protected Objects in the report with a size that is greater or equal to the  value specified by nFileListNotLessThan.
Applies To MediaAgent



Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
Key CommServe (standard)
Value schedWindow (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 through 4320 minutes
Default Value 120 minutes
Created In CommServe computer
Description If a scheduled job was not initiated at the scheduled time, this registry key sets the maximum time past the scheduled time that a job will still be initiated.
Applies To CommServe


Space Check

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value bCHECK_GALAXY (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1
Default Value 1
Created In All
Description If the value is set to 1, the space requirements specified for the Software Installation, Index Cache, Job Control and Job Results directories will be checked. If the value is set to 0, the space requirements will not be checked.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value bCHECK_SYSTEM (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1
Default Value 1
Created In All
Description If the value is set to 1, the space requirements specified for the system directories such as the %TEMP% directory for Windows computers and /tmp or /var directories for Unix computers will be checked. If the value is set to 0, the space requirements are not checked.
Applies To All


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value bCHECK_AUTOUPDATES (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 (Disabled)


1 (Enabled)

Default Value 1
Created In User-Created in CommServe
Description When this key is defined, the default value is set to 1 (enabled). When enabled, the CommServe CVD will contact the configured Automatic Updates FTP site at six-hour intervals (360 minutes) to check if the CommServe Update Cache is up-to-date. If updates are missing, and the automatic update configuration is set to download the updates, the missing updates will be downloaded to the CommServe Update Cache. If this key is set to 0, this check will be disabled.
Applies To CommServe


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance <xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance <xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range All
Default Value 360 minutes on the CommServe; 1440 minutes on remote machines.
Created In All
Description Specifies the interval (in minutes) that the system checks the following:
  • Disk space for the software installation and system directories, and, for the Quick Recovery Agent and ContinuousDataReplicator, space on all volumes on the client computer
  • Updates available for download (CommServe only)
  • Service Packs available to be installed (Client or MediaAgent)
  • Upgrade required (Client or MediaAgent)


  • When this registry key is created, or its value is changed, CVD must be recycled on the client before the new interval takes effect.
  • When the CVD service is recycled, the configured interval will be restarted from zero.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value bUSE_EVENTS (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1
Default Value 1
Created In All
Description If the value is set to 1, events are sent to the Event Viewer in the CommCell Console if any of the space limitations occur.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nINDEXCACHE_MAX (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to infinite
Default Value None
Created In MediaAgent
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the maximum number of megabytes that should be consumed in the index cache directory, according to the value that is specified. If this value is set to 0, then the consumed space is not checked in this directory.
Applies To MediaAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nGALAXY_MIN (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to infinite
Default Value 500 MB
Created In All
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the minimum number of megabytes that should be available in the Software Installation directory, according to the value that is specified. If this value is set to 0, then the available space is not checked in this directory.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nGALAXY_MAX (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to infinite
Default Value None
Created In All
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the maximum number of megabytes that should be consumed in the Software Installation directory, according to the value that is specified. If this value is set to 0, then the consumed space is not checked in this directory.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\Machines
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/Machines
Key <Client>
Value nJOBRESULTS_MAX (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to infinite
Default Value None
Created In Agent
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the maximum number of megabytes that should be consumed in the JobResults directory, according to the value that is specified. If this value is set to 0 or the computer is not a client of the software, then the consumed space is not checked in this directory.
Applies To Agent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nGALAXYTEMP_MIN (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to infinite
Default Value 500 MB
Created In All
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the minimum number of megabytes that should be available in the temp directory. If this value is set to 0, then the available space is not checked for this directory.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nGALAXYTEMP_MAX (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to infinite
Default Value None
Created In All
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the maximum number of megabytes that should be consumed in the temp directory of the software. If this value is set to 0, then the consumed space is not checked for this directory.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nSYSTEMP_MIN (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to infinite
Default Value 500 MB
Created In All
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the minimum number of megabytes that should be available in the temporary directory of a system. If this value is set to 0, then the available space is not checked for these directories.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nSYSTEMP_MAX (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to infinite
Default Value None
Created In All
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the maximum number of megabytes that should be consumed in the temporary directory of a system. If this value is set to 0, then the available space is not checked for these directories.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nIDA_MIN (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to infinite
Default Value None
Created In Agent
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the minimum number of megabytes that should be available in the iDataAgent directory. If this value is set to 0, then the available space is not checked for this directory.
Applies To Agent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\GALAXY.INI
UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nIDA_MAX (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to infinite
Default Value None
Created In Agent
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the maximum number of megabytes that should be consumed in the iDataAgent directory. If this value is set to 0, then the consumed space is not checked for this directory.
Applies To Agent


UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nSYSVAR_MIN (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range None
Default Value 500 MB
Created In Unix computers
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the minimum number of megabytes that should be available in the var directory on a Unix computer. If this value is set to 0, then the available space is not checked for this directory.
Applies To Unix computers


UNIX /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>
Key QMachineMaint
Value nSYSVAR_MAX (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range None
Default Value None
Created In Unix computers
Description This registry key sets the threshold for the maximum number of megabytes that should be consumed in the var directory on a Unix computer. If this value is set to 0, then the consumed space is not checked for this directory.
Applies To Unix computers


Content Indexing

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\Machines\<computer_name>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key ContentIndexingServer
Value DocProcessingMaxTime
Value Type (Windows only) REG_DWORD
Valid Range 300 - 900 seconds (i.e., 5 - 15 mins)
Default Value None
Created in Content Indexing Server Admin Node
Description This key provides the timeout value for the "document processed" (first acknowledgement) notification from the content indexing server.
Applies To Content Indexing Server Admin Node


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\Machines\<computer_name>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key ContentIndexingServer
Value DocReceivedByIndexingMaxTime
Value Type (Windows only) REG_DWORD
Valid Range 2700 - 3600 seconds (i.e., 45 - 60 mins)
Default Value None
Created in Content Indexing Server Admin Node
Description This key provides the timeout value for the "document received by the indexer" (second acknowledgement) notification from the content indexing server.
Applies To Content Indexing Server Admin Node


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\Machines\<computer_name>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key ContentIndexingServer
Value DocPersistedByIndexingMaxTime
Value Type (Windows only) REG_DWORD
Valid Range 3600 - 7200 seconds (i.e., 60 - 120 mins)
Default Value None
Created in Content Indexing Server Admin Node
Description This key provides the timeout value for the "document persisted by the indexer" (third acknowledgement) notification from the content indexing server.
Applies To Content Indexing Server Admin Node


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key ContentIndexingServer
Value nDocumentAgingPeriodInDays
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Default Value 14 days
Created In Content Indexing Admin Node
Description This key controls the frequency at which the successfully tagged items are pruned in the Tagging database.
Applies To Content Indexing Admin Server Node.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key ContentIndexingServer
Value nTagSyncInterval
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Default Value 60 MINUTES
Created In Content Indexing Admin Node
Description This key controls the frequency at which the Tagging database is polled for items submitted for tagging.
Applies To Content Indexing Admin Server Node.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key ContentIndexingServer
Value nDocCountUpdateIntervalMins
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Default Value 24 hours
Created In Content Indexing Admin Node
Description This key controls the frequency at which the total number of documents searchable in the Content Indexing engine are updated in the CommServe
Applies To Content Indexing Admin Server Node.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\PrimaryCIForExchange\
Key ContentIndexingServer
Value exch2k7
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Default Value 0 = Not for exchange server 2007 user, 1 = exchange server 2007 user
Created In Content Indexing Admin Node
Description This key is created by Exchange 2007 user on the client machine for OWA URL fetching.
Applies To Online Content Indexing For Exchange Server 2007


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key CommServe
Value sDefaultFastServer
Value Type (Windows only) String
Default Value Admin node URL of the default Content Indexing Engine.
Created In CommServe
Description This key is used when you need to search from a different Content Indexing Engine other than the default from the CommCell Console. The admin node URL of the Content Indexing Engine is set in this registry key.
Applies To Content Indexing Engine


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key MediaAgent
Value bDoNotSkipBigFiles
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Default Value 0 (Indicates that the large files will be skipped for content indexing.)
Created In MediaAgent
Description This key is used when content indexing large files. When you set the key to 1, the metadata information of the large files will be content indexed and the files will be marked as failed to content index.
Applies To Content Indexing Engine


Media Management


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MediaManager (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Default Value 20 (minutes)
Created In CommServe computer
Description This key determines how often the Galaxy Media & Library Manager service on the CommServe should try recovering media that may be stuck in a drive. (Media that are not cache mounted but remains in drive.), when the Enable Auto-Recovery option is enabled in the Drive tab of the Library Properties dialog box.
Applies To All configured libraries in the CommCell.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent/.properties
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value DataMoverMaxMountRetryValue (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer (to indicate the number of retry attempts)
Created in MediaAgent computer
Description This key determines the number of times the MediaAgent must retry to mount the media in the library for the job.

By default the registry key is not set and therefore retries are not attempted. The DataMoverMaxMountRetrySleepTime registry key must be created when you create this registry key.

Applies to Libraries configured in the MediaAgent in which the registry key is established.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent/.properties
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value DataMoverMaxMountRetrySleepTime (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number in minutes.
Created in MediaAgent computer
Description This key determines the amount of time that a job must wait before retrying a mount.

By default the registry key is not set. This key must be created when you create the DataMoverMaxMountRetryValue registry key.

Applies to Libraries configured in the MediaAgent in which the registry key is established.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable
Key CommServe (standard)
Value skipIndexingMedia (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1
Created in CommServe computer
Description When this key is set to 1, the List Media operation will skip the indexing media, and list only the data media.

When this key is absent, or set to 0, the List Media displays both indexing media and data media.

Applies to Computers installed with the CommServe software.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value bSupportPnPSATADrives (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1 (Default value = 0)
Created in User-created on the MediaAgent computer
Description This key is used to detect removable SATA drives (non-OS system drives) as PnP libraries.

This key is not created by default. Manually create this key and set the value to a '1' to detect SATA system drives as PnP libraries. Setting this key to '0' will detect the SATA drives as removable drives.

Applies to PnP libraries configured in the MediaAgent in which the registry key is established.


Magnetic Mount Path

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key FilesystemAgent (standard)
Value nDoNotFilterGalaxyMagneticMountPaths (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Default Value None
Valid Range Set to any non-zero value to include magnetic mount paths in the backup.
Created in Computers where both MediaAgent and Windows File System iDataAgent is installed.
Description Normally, when a MediaAgent has a magnetic library, the mount paths (CV_MAGNETIC folder) are excluded from backup, when the Windows File System iDataAgent is installed on the computer. If this registry key is setup, the CV_MAGNETIC folder will be included.
Applies to Computers where both MediaAgent and Windows File System iDataAgent is installed and a mount path associated with the MediaAgent in the computer is configured.


Dynamic Mount Path

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value RegisterAndDetect (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String
Default Value N/A
Created in MediaAgent computer
Description This key must be created and the value set to Y before running a detection using Volume Explorer for configuring the disk as a dynamic mount path. The presence of this  key results in the correct detection scheme for uniquely identifying a specific disk shared between multiple MediaAgents. As the detection process uses SCSI-3 persistent reservation,  it is a pre-condition that these disks should support SCSI-3 persistent reservation.
Applies to MediaAgent computers in which the dynamic mount path is shared.


Media and Drive Reservation

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MediaManager (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Default Value 1440 (minutes)
Created in CommServe computer
Description This key determines how often the Galaxy Media & Library Manager service on the CommServe cleans up any media and drive reservation that is held by a job which failed to release the resource when it was abruptly terminated.
Applies to All libraries in the CommCell.


Blind Library

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MediaManager (standard)
Value nBlindInventoryNoOfDrivesToBeUsed (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number of drives as a numeric value.
Default Value By default the registry key is not set and therefore all the drives will be used by the inventory operation in a blind library.
Created in CommServe computer
Description This key is used to specify the maximum number of drives that can be used during a blind library inventory operation.
Applies to All MediaAgents with blind libraries in the CommCell


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MediaManager (standard)
Value nBlindReserveRetryTime (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number in seconds.
Default Value By default the time interval used by a blind library inventory operation is 120 seconds.
Created in CommServe computer
Description This key is used to vary the default value of the time interval when a blind library inventory retries drive reservation.
Applies to All MediaAgents with blind libraries in the CommCell


Dual HBA Support

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent/.properties
NetWare In Galaxy.ini add the following entry in the [MediaAgent] section:


CommServe MediaManager (standard)
MediaAgent MediaAgent (standard)
Value DoFailoverDrivePool (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 or 0
Created in CommServe and MediaAgent computers
Description This key is used to enable the dual HBA support.

A value of 1 enables support for dual HBA.

Applies to MediaAgent



Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent/.properties
NetWare In Galaxy.ini add the following entry in the [MediaAgent] section:

nDisabledDriveDetectIntervalMin= <value>

Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value nDisabledDriveDetectIntervalMin (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number in minutes
Created in MediaAgent computer
Description This key will override the interval value between two device detections established in the MediaAgent Properties.

The minimum value for this key should be 60.

If this key is not present the interval value established in the MediaAgent properties for SCSI update interval is used.

If this key is present and the value is 0, then detection for disabled drives are prevented.

Applies to Drives configured in the MediaAgent in which the registry key is established.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent/.properties
NetWare In Galaxy.ini add the following entry in the [MediaAgent] section:

nDisabledDriveMaxDetectionRetryHours= <value>

Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value nDisabledDriveMaxDetectionRetryHours (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number in hours
Created in MediaAgent computer
Description This key will override the default period of time, i.e., 7 days, for which the detection of the disabled drives have to be retried.

After this specified Maximum Retry period, the drive controller will be marked as enabled even if the drive is not accessible.

Applies to Drives configured in the MediaAgent in which the registry key is established.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
NetWare In Galaxy.ini add the following entry in the [MediaAgent] section:

dwMaxAsyncIoRequests= <value>

Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value dwMaxAsyncIoRequests (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number of buffers of 64KB each (2 to 5)
Created in User-created on the MediaAgent computer
Description This key is used to determine the read ahead in unbuffered I/O mode.

This key is not created by default. Manually create this key and set the value to a higher number to increase the read ahead.

Setting this key to a high value will cause increased memory usage. Higher values are recommended only for Auxiliary copies with a slow read ahead performance using unbuffered I/O mode.

Applies to Data protection operations in unbuffered I/O mode.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key MediaAgent
Value RevokeDeletePermissions (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 1
Created in User-created on the MediaAgent computer
Description Mount paths created on NTFS volumes when this key is present with a value of 1 are protected from accidental deletes.
Applies To Mount paths created on MediaAgents installed with this registry key.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key MediaAgent
Value DedupMagVolSzMBForSiloToCloud (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Magnetic volume size in MB.
Created in User-created on the MediaAgent computer
Description This key determines the size of magnetic volumes created for deduplication-enabled backups in cloud gateway setup. See Cloud Gateway - Magnetic Volumes for more information.
Applies To Deduplication-enabled backups in cloud gateway setup.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key MediaAgent
Value DoNotCheckDedupMagVolSzForSiloToCloud (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 or 1.
Created in User-created on the MediaAgent computer
Description Creating this registry key and setting the value to 1 overrides the magnetic volume size restrictions for cloud gateway and follows the size for regular magnetic volumes.
Applies To Deduplication-enabled backups in cloud gateway setup.


Exchange Mailbox

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MSExchangeMBAgent\
For SRM Exchange Agent with Exchange Server 2003 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MSExchangeSRMAgent
For SRM Exchange Agent with Exchange Server 2007 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MSExchangeMBAgent
Key ADServerList (optional)
Value sServerName (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Fully Qualified Domain Name
Created in User-created on the client hosting the Exchange Server or the client in which SRM Exchange Agent is installed.
Description This key must be created on the Exchange Server prior to using the ExMBDMPredictor tool, in cases where users' mailboxes to be processed by the ExMBDMPredictor tool reside on an Exchange Server in multiple domains in use.

This key must to be created if mailbox is on multi-domain (parent/child domain) and need to be backed up/archived/or data collected performed by Exchange Mailbox/DataMigrator/SRM Agents/ComplianceArchiver. The Value type can be any string value, but the value data must be the Fully Qualified Domain Name.

Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver when used in conjunction with the ExMBDMPredictor tool and SRM Exchange Agent.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable
NetWare Not applicable
Key MSExchangeDMAgent (standard)
Value StubIdentifier (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Any valid string.
Default Value When this key is not present, the default behavior is to NOT display any string at the beginning of the Subject line of archived messages in Outlook or OWA.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to enter a customized text string that will be displayed at the beginning of the Subject line of archived messages in Outlook and OWA.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (optional)
Value LMArchivePrefix (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Any valid string.
Default Value When this key is not present, the default behavior is to NOT display any string at the beginning of the Subject line of messages archived offline.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to enter a customized text string that will be displayed at the beginning of the Subject line of messages that have been stubbed using the Offline Archive feature.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key MSExchangeDMAgent (standard)
Value nRecoveredItemsDelAge
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 – Maximum number of days.
Default Value When this key is not present, the default behavior is to NOT prune any item in the Recovered Items folder.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description The key allows you to clean up the Recovered Items folder. When the job is run, if this key is set then any message in the Recovered Items folder that is older than 'n' days will be pruned.

The Recovered Items folder does not have to be part of the subclient content in order to have its items pruned. If it is filtered out of the subclient content, the pruning will still take place.

Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key MSExchangeDMAgent (Standard)
Value ManagedFolders (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range

0 = To disable the creation of folders specified in the folder inclusion section on Subclient properties in the Content tab..

1 = To enable the creation of any folder specified in the folder inclusion section on Subclient properties in the Content tab.
Default Value None
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This registry key allows you to create a custom folder in all user’s mailboxes that can be used along with the Folder inclusion filter in order to archive a specific custom folder. If this key is enabled, any folder specified in the folder inclusion section on the Subclient properties (Content tab) will be created.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable
NetWare Not applicable
Key MSExchangeDMAgent (standard)
Value movePSTstub (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 = move PST stub to mailbox folder

1 = copy PST stub to mailbox folder

Default Value When this key is not present, PST stubs will remain in the original PST file.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key instructs the system to move or copy PST stubs, created by a Migration Archiving Operation of PST Files, into the mailbox associated with the PST file. By default, the stubs will be placed into the PST Archived Items folder. Optionally, the StubDestFolder registry key can be used to customize the location where the PST stubs will be moved or copied.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable
NetWare Not applicable
Key MSExchangeDMAgent (standard)
Value StubDestFolder (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Any mailbox folder or subfolder (delimiter is "\\") where PST stubs will be copied or moved after a Migration Archiving Operation of PST Files.
Default Value When this key is not present, PST stubs will remain in the default location of PST Archived Items mailbox folder.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description When the movePSTstub registry key is used to move or copy PST stubs after a Migration Archiving Operation of PST Files, the StubDestFolder registry key provides the custom mailbox folder location where PST stubs will be placed. If the destination folder does not exist, it will be automatically created.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable
NetWare Not applicable
Exchange Compliance Archiver ExchangeArchiver (standard)
Exchange Mailbox Archiver MSExchangeDMAgent (standard)
Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent MSExchangeMBAgent (standard)
Value nBackupDisabledMailBoxes (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0
Default Value 0
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to back up or archive disabled mailboxes, even if the user is disabled from Active Directory. When the key is present with the default value of zero, then disabled mailboxes will be backed up or archived. When the key is not present, disabled mailboxes will not be backed up or archived. If the user is disabled or disconnected via the Exchange Management Console, the mailbox will be unavailable for backup until it is reconnected.

This registry key is supported for use with Exchange 2007.

Applies To Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent

Exchange Mailbox Archiver

Exchange Compliance Archiver


Outlook Add-in Install

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (optional)
Value UseOSLocale (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value

Valid Range

0 or 1
Default Value None
Created in Computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key can be modified after installing the Outlook Add-In in order to change the default language setting of the Outlook Add-In the use the same language as the operating system.
Value Use OS Language Setting Use Outlook Language Setting
none No Yes
0 No Yes
1 Yes No
Applies To The Outlook Add-In, when used in conjunction with any of the following agents:
  • Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent
  • Exchange Mailbox Archiver
  • Exchange Public Folder Archiver




HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\  (Exchange client)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\ (Outlook client)
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key MSExchangeDMAgent

RecoveredItemsFolderName (Optional)

Where the value is the customized Recovered Items folder
Value Type (Windows only) String
Default Value None
Created in User-created in the computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key allows you to customize the Recovered Items folder.  This key needs to be saved on both the Outlook Add-In client and Exchange client. In order to be able to customize the folder, the key must be identical on both clients. Therefore, any operation that makes use of the Recovered Items folder will be directed to the folder name specified in this key.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent

Exchange Mailbox Archiver

Outlook Add-In




HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\  (Exchange client)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\ (Outlook client)
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key MSExchangeDMAgent

EraseStubsFolderName (Optional)

Where the value is the customized Erase Stubs folder
Value Type (Windows only) String
Default Value None
Created in User-created in the computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key allows you to customize the Erase Stubs folder.  This key needs to be saved on both the Outlook Add-In client and Exchange client. In order to be able to customize the Erase Stubs folder, the key must be identical on both clients.
Applies To

Exchange Mailbox Archiver

Outlook Add-In


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\ (Exchange client)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\ (Outlook client)
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key MSExchangeDMAgent
Value SocketTimeout (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 120 - 600 (seconds)
Default Value 120 (seconds)
Created in User-created in the computer that has the Outlook Add-In component, or OWAProxyEnabler installed in a proxy configuration.
Description This registry key allows you to extend the timeout interval during a stub recall before the recall fails while waiting for a response from the server. By default, the timeout is 2 minutes.

In a proxy configuration, this key must be configured on both the Outlook Add-In client and the Exchange Server. If a pipeline is already running, a service restart on the proxy client where Exchange Mailbox Archiver is installed may be required.

Applies to Exchange Mailbox Archiver

Outlook Add-In


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin
Value ConnectOverHttp
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 = Outlook Add-In will use normal connectivity mode when performing stub recalls or opening Find and Recover.

1 = Outlook will use RPCoverHTTP mode when performing stub recalls or opening Find and Recover.

Default Value 0
Created in Client
Description This registry key sets the connectivity mode for Outlook Add-In functionality.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent

Exchange Mailbox Archiver

Outlook Add-In


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin
Value URL
Value Type (Windows only) String
Default Value None (User created)
Created in Client
Description URL of the DMProxy address configured on the client where WebProxy iDA is installed. Example:  “https://server/DMProxy/DMProxy.asmx”
Applies To Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent

Exchange Mailbox Archiver

Outlook Add-In


Silo Storage

Location  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MediaManager (standard)
Value nAllowMagneticStorageForSilo (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1 (0 = use of magnetic media not allowed, 1 = magnetic media allowed)
Default Value None
Created in CommServe computer
Description This key determines if the Silo Storage is allowed on magnetic media.

By default, Silo Storage is allowed only on the tape media. Create this registry key and set it to '1' to allow magnetic media for Silo Storage. When this key is set, magnetic media can be selected for Silo data paths.

Applies to Storage policy copy data path configuration for Silo Storage.


Quick Recovery Agent

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/ReplicationIDAAgent
Key ReplicationIDAAgent(standard)
Value QRCompressionSupported (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range n or N (disables software compression on copyback, which is the default behavior), y or Y (enables software compression on copyback)
Default Value N
Created in The source client and target client (the client containing the volume to which the QR Volume will be copied) computer in which the agent is installed.
Description Use this registry to enable software compression for copyback operations. Even if software compression was enabled in the CommCell console for the QR Volume creation, this key still must be enabled to use software compression for the copyback operation. The key must be set to Y on both clients to enable software compression.
Applies To Platforms: Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003
                Solaris 8 and Solaris 9

Quick Recovery Agent (Windows and Unix)


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/Base
Key Base
Value nQRNetworkAgents
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range  
Default Value When key is not present, the value used is 2 for Windows and 1 for Unix.
Created in The QR Agent source client
Description Use to configure the number of network agents for QR Agent.
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent (Windows and Unix)


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance00n\ReplicationMgr\nPruneWithJobsRunning
Key ReplicationMgr
Value nPruneWithJobsRunning (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0, 1, or 2

0 – off

1 – prune only VSS hardware snapshots and Generic Enabler snapshots while Quick Recovery jobs are running

2 – prune any VSS snapshots and Generic Enabler snapshots while Quick Recovery jobs are running

Default Value The default value is 0.
Created in CommServe computer
Description Without this key, data aging skips pruning of Quick Recovery if any Quick Recovery jobs are running when the data aging job is initiated. This behavior would ensure that data aging does not accidentally prune a source snap of a running Quick Recovery job.

In some large sites, however, this default behavior causes the aging function to always skip Quick Recovery because a Quick Recovery job is always running when a data aging job is initiated. The ReplicationMgr registry key addresses those situations by allowing pruning of VSS snapshots or Generic Enabler snapshots even when Quick Recovery jobs are running.

To set up control of the pruning function with Quick Recovery jobs running, manually create the ReplicationMgr key on the CommServe in the path location identified in this table. Then create the nPruneWithJobsRunning DWORD and set the value to 1 to allow transportable VSS snapshots or Generic Enabler snapshots to be pruned, or 2 to allow all VSS snapshots to be pruned. Set the value to 0 if you want to turn the key off and go back to the default function.


This key should not be activated when VSS software shadows or Generic Enabler snapshots are used to create normal QR Volumes. Otherwise, the source snapshots could get pruned.

Applies To Quick Recovery Agent (Windows)


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\ReplicationIDAAgent
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/ReplicationIDAAgent
Key nForceDismountToLockIfRequired (optional)
Value Not Applicable
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1 (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled)
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The destination computer on which the Quick Recovery Agent is installed.
Description This registry key is used to unlock any locked destination volumes.
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent


Data Aging

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value OracleDeleteAgedBackupPiece (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Y or N (Yes or No)
Default Value N/A
Created In N/A
Description When created and set to Yes, during a Data Aging operation, the CHANGE BACKUPPIECE BackupPieceName DELETE command is automatically issued to RMAN to remove specific backup pieces in the Oracle Recovery Catalog database that were pruned from the Media Manager CommServe tables. With this, any backup pieces that were aged from the system's database that have exceeded their retention criteria will be marked as deleted in the Oracle Recovery Catalog database. This registry key entry must be set on the CommServe computer.

Following an upgrade of the CommServe to the current release, manually add the OracleDeleteAgedBackupPiece registry key on the CommServe. Even if this registry key was previously added as a matter of course and was on the CommServe, it must be added again following an upgrade of the specified CommServe.

Applies To All Oracle iDataAgents in the CommCell.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key CommServe (standard)
Value OraCrossCheckTimeOut (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range 0 or >0
Default Value 600 seconds (if the registry key is not established)
Created In CommServe computer
Description This key determines the duration in seconds of the timeout used for Oracle crosscheck per instance during data aging in mixed mode environments. If the value is zero, then all clients will be skipped. If this registry key is not entered, then the system will use a default timeout of 600 seconds minutes for the crosscheck.
Applies To All Oracle iDataAgents in the CommCell.


Extended Retention for NetApp Snapshots

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/ReplicationMgr
NetWare Not Applicable
Key ReplicationMgr(standard)
Value SaveDailySnaps (optional)
Value Type DWORD Value
Valid Range Number of days
Default Value None
Created in CommServe computer
Description Extended retention for NetApp snapshots. Applies to all QR policies for SnapVault and ONTAP SnapShots - can be overridden by the QR policy specific setting <QRPolicyName>_daily.

This registry setting is used to specify the number of days to keep daily snapshots for SnapVault destination snapshots (OSSV and ONTAP) and for ONTAP SnapShots. By default, the daily snap is the last snap added to the database on a given day (CS time).

For example, if the QR policy is set to keep snaps for 10 days and this registry key is set to 20 days, then for snaps older than 10 day, the pruning will remove all but the last one on a day - and for snaps older than 20 days the daily snap will be removed also.
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent for Windows (NetApp Snapshots)

Quick Recovery Agent for Unix (NetApp Snapshot)


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/ReplicationMgr
NetWare Not Applicable
Key ReplicationMgr(standard)
Value SaveWeeklySnaps (optional)
Value Type DWORD Value
Valid Range Number of weeks
Default Value None
Created in CommServe computer
Description Extended retention for NetApp snapshots. Applies to all QR policies for SnapVault and ONTAP SnapShots - can be overridden by the QR policy specific setting <QRPolicyName>_weekly.

This registry setting is used to specify the number of weeks to keep weekly snapshots for SnapVault destination snapshots (OSSV and ONTAP) and for ONTAP SnapShots. By default, the weekly snap is the last snap added to the database in a given week (CS time).
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent for Windows (NetApp Snapshots)

Quick Recovery Agent for Unix (NetApp Snapshot)


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/ReplicationMgr
NetWare Not Applicable
Key ReplicationMgr(standard)
Value SaveMonthlySnaps (optional)
Value Type DWORD Value
Valid Range Number of months
Default Value None
Created in CommServe computer
Description Extended retention for NetApp snapshots. Applies to all QR policies for SnapVault and ONTAP SnapShots - can be overridden by the QR policy specific setting <QRPolicyName>_monthly.

This registry setting is used to specify the number of months to keep monthly snapshots for SnapVault destination snapshots (OSSV and ONTAP) and for ONTAP SnapShots. By default, the monthly snap is the last snap added to the database in a given month (CS time).
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent for Windows (NetApp Snapshots)

Quick Recovery Agent for Unix (NetApp Snapshot)


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/ReplicationMgr
NetWare Not Applicable
Key ReplicationMgr(standard)
Value <QRPolicyName>_daily (optional)
Value Type DWORD Value
Valid Range Number of days
Default Value None
Created in CommServe computer
Description Extended retention for NetApp snapshots. Applies to the single QR policy specified in <QRPolicyName>. This setting will override the SaveDailySnaps setting.

This registry setting is used to specify the number of days to keep daily snapshots for SnapVault destination snapshots (OSSV and ONTAP) and for ONTAP SnapShots. By default, the daily snap is the last snap added to the database on a given day (CS time).

For example, if the QR policy is set to keep snaps for 10 days and this registry key is set to 20 days, then for snaps older than 10 day, the pruning will remove all but the last one on a day - and for snaps older than 20 days the daily snap will be removed also.
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent for Windows (NetApp Snapshots)

Quick Recovery Agent for Unix (NetApp Snapshot)


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/ReplicationMgr
NetWare Not Applicable
Key ReplicationMgr(standard)
Value <QRPolicyName>_weekly (optional)
Value Type DWORD Value
Valid Range Number of days
Default Value None
Created in CommServe computer
Description Extended retention for NetApp snapshots. Applies to the single QR policy specified in <QRPolicyName>. This setting will override the SaveWeeklySnaps setting.

This registry setting is used to specify the number of weeks to keep weekly snapshots for SnapVault destination snapshots (OSSV and ONTAP) and for ONTAP SnapShots. By default, the weekly snap is the last snap added to the database in a given week (CS time).
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent for Windows (NetApp Snapshots)

Quick Recovery Agent for Unix (NetApp Snapshot)


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/ReplicationMgr
NetWare Not Applicable
Key ReplicationMgr(standard)
Value <QRPolicyName>__monthly (optional)
Value Type DWORD Value
Valid Range Number of days
Default Value None
Created in CommServe computer
Description Extended retention for NetApp snapshots. Applies to the single QR policy specified in <QRPolicyName>. This setting will override the SaveMonthlySnaps setting.

This registry setting is used to specify the number of months to keep monthly snapshots for SnapVault destination snapshots (OSSV and ONTAP) and for ONTAP SnapShots. By default, the monthly snap is the last snap added to the database in a given month (CS time).
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent for Windows (NetApp Snapshots)

Quick Recovery Agent for Unix (NetApp Snapshot)


Clustered Environment

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key iDataAgent (standard)
Value ClusterBFmode (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - The persistence and savemerge bitmaps will never be merged.

1 - The persistence bitmap will never be merged. The savemerge bitmap will be used instead.

2 - The persistence bitmaps will be merged.

Default Value 1
Created in All nodes of the cluster.
Description This key is used to specify which bitmaps are merged in the event of restarts or failovers, which will determine whether your next operation must be full. See the descriptions below:

0 - The persistence and savemerge bitmaps will never be merged. This solution always forces a full QR Volume creation or backup after a restart or failover.

1 - The persistence bitmap will never be merged. The savemerge bitmap will be used instead. This solution only allows incrementals after graceful restarts. Un-graceful restarts will force a full QR Volume Creation or backup.

2 - The persistence bitmaps will be merged. This solution allows incrementals after both graceful and ungraceful restarts and failovers.

If you are changing this registry key value on a cluster, stop the cluster service resources before making the change. See Enable Persistence and Configure QSnap on Cluster for an example of when to change this registry key.

Applies To Platforms: Windows 2000 Cluster and Windows Server 2003 Cluster

Image Level iDataAgent

Quick Recovery Agent for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key iDataAgent (standard)
Value sExchangeServerName (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Exchange Server Name
Created In Computer in which the Quick Recovery Agent is installed.
Description This key provides the name of the virtual Exchange server. It should be used in cases where the QR Agent cannot automatically detect the server name.
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent on Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Cluster


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key iDataAgent (standard)
Value SClusteredSQLServerName (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range SQL Server Name (case sensitive)
Created In Computer in which the Quick Recovery Agent is installed.
Description This key provides the name of the virtual SQL server. It should be used in cases where the QR Agent cannot automatically detect the server name.
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent on Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Cluster


Key GalaxyInstallerFlags (standard)
Value bAllowOracleOnVmWithoutFailsafe (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 - disable

1 - enable

Default Value 0
Created in User-created on all nodes of the cluster
Description This key is used to bypass the installation check for a required cluster resource type (i.e., Oracle Failsafe) in Windows Cluster Administrator, in order to install the Oracle iDataAgent on a virtual server. By adding this key with a value of 1, the install platform selection screen will show the Oracle iDataAgent option as available even though the required cluster resource type is not present in Windows Cluster Administrator.
Applies To Oracle iDataAgent on a Windows cluster


Key GalaxyInstallerFlags (standard)
Value bIgnoreClusterVMCheck (mandatory)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 - disable

1 - enable

Default Value 0
Created in The computer on which the installer is being run.
Description This key is used to trigger detection that the agent is being installed on a virtual node in a non-Microsoft cluster. Create this key with a value of 1 on the node that is currently being installed.
Applies To All agents installed in a non-Microsoft Windows cluster


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\Machines\<client_name>
Key <client_name> (standard)
Value sServiceMonitorList (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Names of services to be monitored for a specified instance, separated by a semicolon (";").



Default Value Not applicable.
Created in User-created on all nodes of the cluster
Description List of services that GxClusPlugin will monitor on the active node of a cluster. If any of the services that it is monitoring is in a stopped state, GxClusPlugin will quit, and if so configured, will cause a failover of the cluster group. This registry key is used in conjunction with sServiceMonitorFrequency.

For information about the services used by an Agent or MediaAgent, which can be listed in this registry key, see Services.

For more information about failovers, see Clustering Support - Failovers.

Applies To MediaAgents and Agents in a Windows cluster.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\Machines\<client_name>
Key <client_name> (standard)
Value sServiceMonitorFrequency (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer
Default Value 30
Created in User-created on all nodes of the cluster
Description For the services listed in the sServiceMonitorList registry key, this registry key sets the time interval, in seconds, at which those services will be polled for status on the active node of a cluster. This value should be less than the service restart interval being monitored, if any.
Applies To MediaAgents and Agents in a Windows cluster.



Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Common\
Key Change Journal
Value dwCJSizeAsPercentOfVolumeSize (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 through 100 (%)
Default Value 10 (%)
Created in The computer in which the agent or enabler is installed.
Description This key is used only when the agent or enabler creates a new Change Journal on a volume. The key is used to control the size of NTFS Change Journal on Windows created by specific agents and enablers. The value that you assign to the key dictates the percentage of volume size that will be used to create Change Journal. However, when the key is set, a minimum 32MB and maximum of 4GB of volume space can be allocated for Change Journal irrespective of the assigned value.

If Change Journal is already active on a volume, the size of the Change Journal is not altered. If the key does not exist, 10% of the volume size is allocated for Change Journal.

Applies To ContinuousDataReplicator on Windows, Data Classification on Windows, Windows File System iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\CVD
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/CVD
NetWare Open Galaxy.ini on the client and add the following section:

nNumPipeline Buffers = <A number that is an increment of 30: 30, 60, 90, 120, etc.>

Key nNumPipelineBuffers (optional)
Value Number of pipeline buffers between the client and the MediaAgent
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 30 to 1024

When number of pipeline buffers is set to an out-of-range value:

< 30 = defaults to 30

> 1024 = defaults to 1024

Default Value 30
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key allows you to specify the number of pipeline buffers that will be used for transferring data between the client and the MediaAgent. This can help improve system performance. You can set this key on the MediaAgent as well as on the client; however, the setting on the client will be enforced regardless of the setting on the MediaAgent.
Applies To Clients for all agents except the Quick Recovery Agent and all NAS NDMP agents


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GalaxyInstallerFlags\
Key bPreImageMode
Value 1 (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1

A value of 1 will allow Decoupled Installs.

A value of 0 will prevent Decoupled Installs.

Default Value 0
Created in The computer in which a Decoupled install of the iDataAgent and/or MediaAgent is to be performed.
Description Configure this key on a computer to allow software installation to be performed without connectivity to a CommServe. When the install completes, this key is automatically cleared -- its value is set to "0". For more information, see Decoupled Install.
Applies To MediaAgent and/or iDataAgent on Windows.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key FileSystemAgent
Value SKIP_RSM_BACKUP (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value The RSM database is backed up during System State backups.
Created in The Client computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description Creating this DWORD value disables backups of the RSM database when performing System State backups. This value should be created if backups of the RSM database are generating errors, or causing the job to fail.
Applies To Windows File System iDataAgent on Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key ImageLevelBackup
Value SkipMetaFileCreation (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer

A value of 1 will cause metafile creation during backup to be skipped for all volumes. Any other value will cause metafile creation to occur.

Default Value Metafile creation is on by default.
Created in The Client computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key may be created to globally set whether or not a metafile is created during backup. A metafile is required for File Level Restores, but not for Volume Level Restores; thus if all your restores will always be Volume Level, setting this key will save having to set this Value for each backup job.
Applies To Image Level iDataAgent on Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\iDataAgent\
Key nSnapRetry (optional)
Value the number of snapshot retries
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 1 to 10
Default Value 3
Created in The Client computer in which the iDataAgent is installed
Description This key can be used to configure the number of snapshot retries for Image Level backups. With no registry key, the value used is 3.
Applies To Image Level iDataAgent on Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 32-bit server


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Value QSCacheVolume (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range The drive letter for the RAW volume, in the following format:


Where G is the drive letter for the RAW volume (e.g., enter \\?\F: for the RAW volume F:).

Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The Client computer in which QSnap is installed.
Description This value must be created to use a RAW volume as the QSnap COW Cache volume. This value designates which RAW volume will be used for the cache.

Note that in order to use a RAW volume, the cache volume type must be set with the QSCacheVolumeType value below. If cache values are manually set in the registry, they will take precedence over the values set in the CommCell Console.

Applies To QSnap on Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Value QSCacheVolumeType (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 or 0

A value of 1 specifies that QSnap will use an NTFS volume as the cache volume.

A value of 0 specifies that QSnap will use a RAW volume as the cache volume.

Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The Client computer in which QSnap is installed.
Description This value must be created to use a RAW volume as the QSnap COW Cache volume. This value should be set to 0 if you want to use a RAW volume for the cache.

Note that if cache values are manually set in the registry, they will take precedence over the values set in the CommCell Console.

Applies To QSnap on Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003




Key CacheThresholdPercent (optional)
Value a number indicating the percent of total volume capacity to be used for the maximum cache value
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 1 to 99
Default Value 90
Created in Any machine that has QSnap installed
Description The default value of 90 means that data will continue to be cached until 90% of the total capacity of the volume is used. In other words, when there is only 10% free space left on the cache volume and another copy-on-write is attempted, caching will cease and the snap will terminate. After changing the default value with this key, the user would have to reboot for the change to take effect.
Applies To Windows Agents using QSnap to create snapshots


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/HotspotSnapshotAgent/.properties
Value DisableWWNDetect (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range n or N (to enable WWN detection), y or Y (disables WWN detection, which is the default behavior)
Default Value WWN detection is disabled by default.
Created in The Client computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description For fibre channel and SCSI disks, Volume Explorer can detect their World Wide Name (WWN) by sending the query to the hardware. Sometimes an incorrect WWN can be obtained because of the fabric configuration and/or storage array design, making two different volumes indistinguishable. WWN detection is turned off by default, to prevent incorrect detection. To enable WWN/LUN detection in Volume Explorer, create this registry key with a value of "N".
Applies To Platforms: Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003

Quick Recovery Agent (Windows and Unix)


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\QSnpWXXX\Parameters\QSBF
Key QSBF (standard)
Value BFActivateAll (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 - the QSnap block filter is not enabled for all volumes

1 - the QSnap block filter is enabled for all volumes

Default Value 1
Created in The Client computer in which QSnap is installed with the QuickRecovery, Image Level, or Image Level ProxyHost Agent.
Description This registry key is used to specify that QSnap is to monitor the block filter of all volumes on the machine.
Applies To QSnap


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key ExchangeArchiver (standard)
Value FindAllMailboxes (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Not applicable
Default Value Not applicable
Created in The Client computer in which the Agent is installed.
Description Creating this string allows you to discover all mailboxes. By default, Exchange Compliance Archiver will only discover Journaling mailboxes.
Applies To Exchange Compliance Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Unix Not applicable.
NetWare Not applicable.
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (Standard)
Value UIOptions (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer

Where the integer is a decimal value listed in the table below.

Default Value The registry key's default value is determined by which User Interface Option is chosen during installation.
Created in Computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key can be modified to change the current settings for the Outlook Add-In user interface options. Calculate the UIOptions value using the formula described below:

Start with a value of 0, and then add the necessary values below for EACH of the items:

  • Archive List menu options/buttons - Add 3 to show the Archive List Menu
  • Prompt Before Recovery – Add 4 to show the Prompt Before Recovery Menu
  • Browse/Search Archived Data – Add 8 to hide Browse/Search Archived Data Menu
  • Erase Archived Data – Add 32 to hide Erase Archived Data Menu
  • Offline Archive Options – Add 64 to enable Offline Archiving (See also: AutoLMJobFreq and AutoLMJobRunTime registry keys to customize settings for the frequency and time at which Offline Archive jobs will execute)
  • Search Console button – Add 128 to enable the Search Console toolbar button with the default setting of End-User Search capabilities (See also: SearchPageURLOption registry key to configure the Search Console for the non-default setting of Compliance Search capabilities.)
  • Exchange Offline Mining Tool button – Add 256 to enable the Exchange Offline Mining Tool toolbar button to launch either the Exchange Offline Mining Tool (for End-Users) or the Exchange Offline Mining Tool for Administrators. Note that either version of the tool can be linked to the toolbar button, depending on the location configured in the Agent properties of the corresponding Exchange Mailbox Archiver Agent. For more information, see Configuring the Location of the Exchange Offline Mining Tool.
Applies To Outlook Add-In, when used in conjunction with any of the following agents:
  • Exchange Mailbox Archiver
  • Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent
  • Exchange Public Folder Archiver


  • In order to enable Compliance Search capabilities the ""Browse/Search Archived Data" option must be enabled, and legacy Content Index data must be available for the journal mailbox you wish to search.
  • In order to take advantage of basic Find and Search Console capabilities from Outlook Add-In, end-users and compliance users must be granted full permissions for the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin; To set permissions for this key, from Registry Editor right-click the registry key and select Permissions, click Add, type in the <User ID> then click OK. Select Allow Full Control, then click Apply.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (Standard)
Value RecoveryOptions (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, or 10
Default Value The registry key's default value is determined by which Recovery Option is chosen during installation.
Created in Computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key can be modified to change the current settings for the Outlook Add-In recovery options for recovery of data in an archived PST file and from Non-PST stub recalls. For example:
  • Enter a value of 0 to specify:
    PST and Non-PST: Stubs will be recovered to the original location and will be appended to any existing stubs.
  • Enter a value of 1 to specify:
    PST and Non-PST: Stubs will be recovered to the original location and will overwrite any existing stubs.
  • Enter a value of 2 to specify:
    PST: Stubs recovered from an archived PST will be appended to the Recovered Items folder.
    Non-PST: Stubs will be recovered to the original location and will be appended to any existing stub.
  • Enter a value of 3 to specify:
    PST: Stubs recovered from an archived PST will be appended to the Recovered Items folder.
    Non-PST: Stubs will be recovered to the original location and will overwrite any existing stubs.
  • Enter a value of 8 to specify:
    PST: Stubs will be recovered to the original location and will be appended to any existing stubs.
    Non-PST: Stubs will be recovered to the Recovered Items folder and appended to any existing messages.
  • Enter a value of 10 to specify:
    PST: Stubs will be recovered to the original location and will overwrite any existing stubs.
    Non-PST: Stubs will be recovered to the Recovered Items folder and appended to any existing messages.


  • The Recall items to Recovered Items folder for Outlook option in the CommCell Console will take precedence over any setting specified here, and hence will override the registry key value. For more information, see Configuring the Destination for Stub Recalls.
  • After a stub recall, stubs archived through offline archive will not be overwritten, instead they will be appended in the restore destination.
Applies To Outlook Add-In, when used in conjunction with the following agent:
  • Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Unix Not applicable.
NetWare Not applicable.
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (Standard)
Value bEnableOfflineArchiveAtStartup (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer

Where the integer is not 0

Default Value When this key is not present, Outlook will not prompt the user to perform an offline archive operation upon startup of Outlook.
Created in Computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key allows you to provide a prompt upon startup of Outlook to run an offline archive operation.
Applies To Outlook Add-In, when used in conjunction with any of the following agents:
  • Exchange Mailbox Archiver
  • Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent
  • Exchange Public Folder Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Unix Not applicable.
NetWare Not applicable.
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (Standard)
Value LM_PST_Location (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Full path location of an existing folder on the Outlook client where files will reside that contain full copies of cached archived messages or items for offline recall access. For example:


Default Value When this key is not present, the default folder location is <Software Installation Folder>\AddInLM.
Created in User-created in the computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key allows you to customize the location where files will be created on an Outlook client to support Offline Archiving operations. Messages or items that are archived offline will be cached in files residing in the specified location to provide the end-user with a way to recover archived data even when not connected to the Exchange Server (i.e., offline mode).


  • Keep in mind that this key does not create the folder used for Offline Archiving, it just tells the system where the folder is located. You can use any folder you want to for this purpose, and you can create a new one to suit your needs.
Applies To Outlook Add-In when used in conjunction with Exchange Mailbox Archiver.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Unix Not applicable.
NetWare Not applicable.
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (Standard)
Value AutoLMJobFreq (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer value in the range of 1 through 30 inclusive, where the value represents the interval, in days, of how often an Offline Archive job will execute. For example:

If the value is set to 1, then the Offline Archive job will run every day.

Default Value 1
Created in Computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key allows you to specify the interval, in days, of how often that the Offline Archive job will execute; it is normally used in conjunction with the AutoLMJobRunTime registry key for customizing automated Offline Archive operations.


  • This option is only available when the Offline Archive Options feature has been enabled through the UIOptions registry key.
  • The Outlook session must be active in order for the Offline Archive job to execute.
  • The Offline Archive job typically executes within a range of 1 hour prior to, or 1 hour past, the time specified by the AutoLMJobRunTime registry key.
  • When the Offline Archive job executes automatically, no job progress bar will be displayed.
Applies To Outlook Add-In when used in conjunction with Exchange Mailbox Archiver.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Unix Not applicable.
NetWare Not applicable.
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (Standard)
Value AutoLMJobRunTime (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer value in the range of 0 through 23 inclusive, where the value represents the hour of the day when the Offline Archive job will execute. For example:

If the value is set to 20, then the Offline Archive job will run around 8:00PM (+/- 1 hour).

Default Value 20
Created in Computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key allows you to specify the time of day, in whole hours, when the Offline Archive job will execute; it is normally used in conjunction with the AutoLMJobFreq registry key for customizing automated Offline Archive operations.


  • This option is only available when the Offline Archive Options feature has been enabled through the UIOptions registry key.
  • The Outlook session must be active in order for the Offline Archive job to execute.
  • The Offline Archive job typically executes within a range of 1 hour prior to, or 1 hour past, the time specified by the AutoLMJobRunTime registry key.
  • When the Offline Archive job executes automatically, no job progress bar will be displayed.
Applies To Outlook Add-In when used in conjunction with Exchange Mailbox Archiver.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Unix Not applicable.
NetWare Not applicable.
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (Standard)
Value EnableLMToolBar (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 or 0, where:

1 = Show toolbar button for Offline Archiving

0 = Do not show toolbar button for Offline Archiving

Default Value When this key is not present, the default behavior is to not show the toolbar button for Offline Archiving.
Created in User-created in the computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key allows you to specify whether to show or hide the Offline Archive toolbar button in Outlook.
Applies To Outlook Add-In when used in conjunction with Exchange Mailbox Archiver.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable.
NetWare Not applicable.
Key MSExchangeDMAgent (Standard)
Value nOfflineArchivingTimeout (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer value in the range of 1 through 365 inclusive, where the value represents the timeout, in days, of how long messages can be held in the offline archiving candidate state before stubbing them on the Exchange Server during the next archiving operation.
Default Value When this key is not present, the default behavior is to keep messages in the offline archiving candidate state until an offline archiving operation is run from the Outlook client. If the value is not in the valid range, then a default timeout of 15 days will be used.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This registry key allows you to specify the number of days that messages marked as offline archiving candidates can exist before being stubbed on the Exchange Server. If the timeout value is exceeded, offline archiving candidates will be stubbed on the Exchange Server during the next archiving operation.

This avoids the problem where an archive operation is run from the CommCell Console and messages marked as offline archiving candidates are held indefinitely in that state until an offline archive operation is performed from the Outlook client. In the event that users do not run an offline archive operation, or the AutoLMJobFreq and AutoLMJobRunTime registry keys are unable to automatically run an offline archive operation because end-users' Outlook sessions are inactive, a timeout value can be established by this registry key to proceed with stubbing those messages on the Exchange Server during the next archiving operation, in order to save space.

Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Unix Not applicable.
NetWare Not applicable.
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (Standard)
Value SearchPageURLOption (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 or 2, where:

1 = enable End-User Search capabilities for the Search Console in Outlook

2 = enable Compliance Search capabilities for the Search Console in Outlook

Default Value When this key is not present, the default behavior is to enable End-User Search capabilities for the Search Console in Outlook, assuming that the UIOptions registry key has been configured to enable the Search Console toolbar button.
Created in User-created in the computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description This registry key allows you to enable Compliance Search capabilities for the Search Console in Outlook.


  • Before creating this key, you must first configure the UIOptions registry key to enable the Search Console toolbar button.
  • After creating this key, you must close the Outlook session (if open) and then re-open it for the change to take effect.
Applies To Outlook Add-In


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin
Key LMOptions
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value On or Off
Created in Computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description If the value is set to 8 then the Offline Archive pruning will be disabled. If the key is missing or set to any other value then the pruning number of days configured will be used.
Applies To Outlook Add-In


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin
Key LMPSTExpiry
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value  
Created in Computer that the Outlook Add-In component is installed on.
Description Number of days before the offline archived files will be pruned.
Applies To Outlook Add-In


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer

Where the integer specifies the Outlook Add-In Inactivity Timeout value in seconds. If a session is idle for more than the specified time, any sessions made to the CommServe from Outlook Add-Ins (for Browse or content searches) will be disconnected.

Default Value The default timeout is 1800 seconds (i.e., 30 minutes) when this key is not present.
Created in CommServe computer
Description This registry key allows you to change the current timeout setting for an Outlook Add-In Browse or content search session to be disconnected from the CommServe when the session has been inactive for the specified number of seconds.
Applies To Outlook Add-In when used in conjunction with the Exchange Mailbox Archiver.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\

For 32-bit agents installed on a Windows x64 platform:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\

Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/Session/.properties
NetWare Not applicable
Key Session (Standard)
Value nEVMGRCPORT (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Any valid port number is not used by any other services.
Default Value 8402
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to specify the network port number that will be used by the Client Event Manager (GxEvMgrC) to communicate with other components within a CommCell.
Applies To All Windows-based components.


  • Before changing the value for this key, you must stop the services running on the client. After changing the value for this key, restart the services on the client.
  • For more information, see Changing Port Numbers.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\

For 32-bit agents installed on a Windows x64 platform:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\

Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/Session/.properties
NetWare Not applicable
Key Session (Standard)
Value nCVDPort (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Any valid port number that is not used by any other services.
Default Value 8400
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to specify the network port number that will be used by the Communications Service (GxCVD) to communicate with other components within a CommCell.
Applies To All Windows-based components.


  • Before changing the value for this key, you must stop the services running on the client. After changing the value for this key, restart the services on the client.
  • For more information, see Changing Port Numbers.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable
NetWare Not applicable
Key EventManager (Standard)
Value sProxyExchangeServer (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Fully qualified domain name (for example,
Default Value N/A
Created in User-created in the Exchange Server 2007 computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to specify the fully qualified domain name of the off-host proxy client that will be used for conducting data recovery operations from Outlook Add-In clients.


  • This key must also be used in conjunction with the nProxyEvMgrCPortNumber registry key for the Exchange Server to communicate with off-host proxy clients.
Applies To Required by the following 32-bit MAPI-based agents for Exchange Server 2007 when they are installed on a 32-bit off-host proxy client:
  • Exchange Compliance Archiver
  • Exchange Mailbox Archiver
  • Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent
  • Exchange Public Folder Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable
NetWare Not applicable
Key EventManager (Standard)
Value nProxyEvMgrCPortNumber (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Any valid port number
Default Value 0
Created in User-created in the Exchange Server 2007 computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to specify the network port used by the Client Event Manager Services on the Exchange Server to communicate with off-host proxy clients for conducting recovery operations from Outlook Add-In clients.


  • The port number specified in this registry key on the Exchange Server must match the port number specified in the nEVMGRCPORT registry key on the proxy client.
  • This key must also be used in conjunction with the sProxyExchangeServer registry key for the Exchange Server to communicate with off-host proxy clients.
Applies To Required by the following 32-bit MAPI-based agents for Exchange Server 2007 when they are installed on a 32-bit off-host proxy client:
  • Exchange Compliance Archiver
  • Exchange Mailbox Archiver
  • Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent
  • Exchange Public Folder Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\
Unix Not applicable
NetWare Not applicable
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (Standard)
Value nEvMgrCPortNumber (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Any valid port number
Default Value 0
Created in The computer in which the Outlook Add-In is installed.
Description This key allows you to specify the network port used by the Client Event Manager Services on the Outlook Add-In client to communicate with the Exchange Server for conducting data recovery operations.


  • The port number specified in this registry key on the Outlook Add-In client must match the port number specified in the nEVMGRCPORT registry key on the Exchange Server.
  • Before changing the value for this key, you must close all Outlook sessions on the Outlook Add-In client.
Applies To Outlook Add-In


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value nFilterGalaxyDirectories (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1

0 (or when this key is not present) - Software installation will be included in Windows File System backups

1 (or any non-zero value) - Software installation will be excluded from Windows File System backups

Default Value Not applicable
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description Excludes the following Directories from Windows File System backups:
  • Software Installation directory
  • IndexCache directory
  • JobControl directory
  • JobResults directory
Applies To Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003 iDataAgents


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value For_Multiple_Reads_On_Disk_Collect_Split_Multiplication_Factor (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 2 or greater
Default Value 2
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description If the value is greater than 2, then the supplied value is taken as the multiplication factor.
Applies To Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003 iDataAgents


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/FileSystemAgent/.properties
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value OnDemand_AutoExpandDir (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0

Any non-zero value


  • OnDemand_AutoExpandDir 0 (Directories will not be expanded.)
  • OnDemand_AutoExpandDir 1 (Directories will be expanded.)
Default Value 0
Created in The client computer.
Description When this key is set to 0, any directories listed in the Content File(s) for On Demand Data Protection Operations will not be auto-expanded during the scan. The Content File(s) must contain the path for every directory whose contents are to be included in the data protection operation.

When this key is set to any non-zero value, or is not present, any directories listed in the Content File(s) for On Demand Data Protection Operations will be auto-expanded during the scan, so that the contents of all subdirectories within the specified directory will automatically be included in the data protection operation.

Applies To Macintosh, Unix, and Windows File System iDataAgents and the File Archiver for Windows Agent.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value NSkipDirErrors (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Any non-zero value


  • NSkipDirErrors 0 (Backup will go into pending state.)
  • NSkipDirErrors 1 (Backup will be successful.)
Default Value 0
Created in The client computer
Description When added and set to a non-zero value, this key allows backup to continue even if there are directory errors. Without this key, if you are using an unformatted volume or a mount point to an unformatted volume, backup will go into the pending state during scan.
Applies To Windows File System iDataAgents


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key ExchangeArchiver (standard)
Value nArcMonitorIntervalInMins (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number in Minutes
Default Value When key is not present, the default is 30 minutes.
Created In User-created in the client computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This registry key specifies the interval (in minutes) that the archive monitor process initiates a check to determine whether the number of messages in the Journaling Mailbox exceeds the specified threshold for the Journal Mailbox Threshold Alert.
Applies To Exchange Compliance Archiver


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key ExchangeArchiver (standard)
Value nArcMonitorTimeOutInMins (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number in Minutes
Default Value When key is not present, the default is 30 minutes.
Created In User-created in the client computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This registry key specifies the number of minutes that the archive monitor process is allowed to complete its check to determine whether the number of messages in the Journaling Mailbox exceeds the specified threshold for the Journal Mailbox Threshold Alert, before the process times out and is killed by the system. This is for the purpose of automatically terminating the archive monitor process in the event that the process takes too long or has stopped responding.
Applies To Exchange Compliance Archiver


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key ExchangeArchiver (standard)
Value sDoNotArchiveAfter (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range A date in the format of mm-dd-yyyy

where mm is the 2-digit month, dd is the 2-digit date, and yyyy is the 4-digit year

For example: 02-25-2005

Default Value N/A
Created In User-created in the client computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This registry key can be used to force the system to only archive messages in the Journal Mailbox that are older than the specified date. You can also use this key conjunction with the sDoNotArchiveBefore registry key to establish a date range to further limit the amount of data that is archived.
Applies To Exchange Compliance Archiver


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key ExchangeArchiver (standard)
Value sDoNotArchiveBefore (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range A date in the format of mm-dd-yyyy

where mm is the 2-digit month, dd is the 2-digit date, and yyyy is the 4-digit year

For example: 02-25-2007

Default Value N/A
Created In User-created in the client computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This registry key can be used to force the system to only archive messages in the Journal Mailbox that are newer than the specified date. You can also use this key conjunction with the sDoNotArchiveAfter registry key to establish a date range to further limit the amount of data that is archived.
Applies To Exchange Compliance Archiver


Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key GalaxyInstallerFlags (optional)
Value bAllow32BitInstallOn64Bit (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1
Default Value 0
Created In User-created in the client computer in which the agent will be installed.
Description Set the value of this registry key to 1 if you wish to install a 32-bit Agent on a Microsoft Windows x64 platform.
Applies To
  • CommServe
  • MediaAgent
  • Media Explorer
  • Exchange 2007 Compliance Archiver Agent
  • Exchange 2007 Mailbox Archiver Agent
  • Exchange 2007 Public Folder Archiver Agent
  • Exchange 2007 Mailbox iDataAgent
  • Exchange 2007 Public Folder iDataAgent
  • Lotus Notes/Domino Server iDataAgents
  • Microsoft SharePoint Portal iDataAgents
  • Microsoft SQL Server iDataAgent
  • Microsoft Windows File System iDataAgent



For 32-bit agents installed on a Windows x64 platform:


Unix /tmp/
Windows GalaxyInstallerFlags (optional)
Unix cvpkgadd_unlock_inst (optional)
Windows bAllowMultiInstances (optional)
Unix Not applicable
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1
Default Value 0
Created In User-created in the computer in which the components will be installed.
Description Set the value of this registry key to 1 to allow multiple instances to be installed one computer.
Applies To All Agent and MediaAgent components that support Multi Instancing.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key Windows iDataAgent (standard)
Value nSkipSubclientFilesBackup (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1

0 (or absent) - Enable subclient configuration file backup

1 - Disable subclient configuration file backup

Default Value 0
Created in The computer in which the Windows iDataAgent is installed
Description Use this key and set its value to 1 to disable backup of subclient configuration files in iDataAgent backup jobs that employ ifind.exe and clbackup.exe. Backup of these files is enabled by default and is useful for troubleshooting backup issues, but it will consume additional storage space. A value of 0 for this key maintains the default function; a value of 1 removes the inclusion of these files in backup.
Applies To Windows iDataAgents


Key GalaxyInstallerFlags
Value bIgnoreSQLServerCheck (letter)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1
Default Value 0
Created in The computer in which the SQL iDataAgent needs to be installed.
Description This key enables the installation of the SQL iDataAgent even if one of the following conditions exist:
  • the SQL server is not installed on the computer
  • the SQL server is in a corrupt state after performing a full iDataAgent restore
Applies To SQL iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key OracleAgent
Value sQcmd_Bkp_RmanLogFile (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range <FILE NAME>_<JOBID>.out

For example, backup_<JOBID>.out

Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer on which the Oracle iDataAgent is installed.
Description Use this key to include the JOB ID in the backup output file name for an On Demand Data Protection operation. For example, if you specify the backup output file name in the registry key as backup_<JOBID>.out, then the output file name for the job ID 123 will be displayed as backup_123.out. Also note that, when you are using this registry key, do not specify any output file name in the rmanlogfile parameter, or else the output file name specified in the rmanlogfile parameter will override the output file name (with job ID) defined in the registry key.
Applies To Oracle iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key OracleAgent
Value sQcmd_Rst_RmanLogFile (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range <FILE NAME>_<JOBID>.out

For example, restore_<JOBID>.out

Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer on which the Oracle iDataAgent is installed.
Description Use this key to include the JOB ID in the restore output file name for a Data Recovery operation. For example, if you specify the restore output file name in the registry key as restore_<JOBID>.out, then the output file name for the job ID 123 will be displayed as restore_123.out. Also note that, when you are using this registry key, do not specify any output file name in the rmanlogfile parameter, or else the output file name specified in the rmanlogfile parameter will override the output file name (with job ID) defined in the registry key.
Applies To Oracle iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key OracleAgent
Value <ORACLE_SID>_NLS_LANG (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range N/A
Default Value If not defined, the default is American_America.US7ASCII.
Created in The computer on which the Oracle iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key is used to set the NLS_LANG environment variable to a different character set other than American_America.US7ASCII for the specified Oracle Instance. If the registry key is not set, NLS_LANG will be set to American_America.US7ASCII by default.

In the case of Oracle RAC iDataAgent, the registry key need to be set in all the RAC instance nodes.

Applies To Oracle iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\QSnpWXXX\Parameters\QSBF
Key QSBF (standard)
Value BackupExtSize
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Size specified in bytes. (Must be a power of 2)
Default Value 512 KB
Created in The Client computer in which QSnap is installed with the Image Level iDataAgent.
Description This registry key is used to specify the backup extent size. Specifies the number of bytes represented by one bit in the bitmap that is used to identify used and/or changed data on a disk volume. This field is expanded to 64 bits with the use of the BackupExtSizeHigh registry key. After changing the default value of this key, the computer requires a reboot for the changes to take effect.
Applies To Image Level iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\QSnpWXXX\Parameters\QSBF
Key QSBF (standard)
Value BackupExtSizeHigh (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Size specified in bytes. (Must be a power of 2)
Default Value 0
Created in The Client computer in which QSnap is installed with the Image Level iDataAgent.
Description This registry key is used to specify the backup extent size to be greater that 4GB. Specifies the upper 32-bits of 64-bit backup extent size. Before specifying a value for this registry key, see BackupExtSize.
Applies To Image Level iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\QSnpWXXX\Parameters\QSBF
Key QSBF (standard)
Value ReplicaExtSize
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Size specified in bytes. (Must be a power of 2)
Default Value 256 KB
Created in The Client computer in which QSnap is installed with the Quick Recovery Agent.
Description This registry key is used to specify the replica extent size for both full and incremental updates. Specifies the number of bytes represented by one bit in the bitmap that is used to identify used and/or changed data on a disk volume. This field is expanded to 64 bits with the use of the ReplicaExtSizeHigh registry key. After changing the default value of this key, the computer requires a reboot for the changes to take effect.
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent for Windows


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\QSnpWXXX\Parameters\QSBF
Key QSBF (standard)
Value ReplicaExtSizeHigh (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Size specified in bytes. (Must be a power of 2.)
Default Value 0
Created in The Client computer in which QSnap is installed with the Quick Recovery Agent or Image Level iDataAgent.
Description This registry key is used to specify the replica extent size to be greater that 4GB. Specifies the upper 32-bits of 64-bit backup extent size. Before specifying a value for this registry key, see ReplicaExtSize.
Applies To Quick Recovery Agent for Windows


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/Hotspot/SnapshotAgent/.properties
Key SnapshotAgent (optional)
Value sSNAPPPART (optional)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Valid directory
Default Value Install directory
Created in Client computer in which QSnap is installed with the Unix File System iDataAgent or the Image Level iDataAgent
Description Unlike in previous releases, the user is no longer prompted for the snap cache directory during a QSnap install. Instead, the snap cache directory defaults to the install directory. However, after the install, you can use this key to change the location of the snap cache directory. Simply change the value of the key to a valid directory.
Applies To Unix File System iDataAgents, Image Level on Unix iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance/Session/.properties
NetWare Not applicable
Key Session (Standard)
Value nEnableSessionBlacklist (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1 (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
Default Value None
Created in User-created in the client computer to be configured for session blacklisting.
Description This key allows to enable or disable session blacklisting.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance/Session/.properties
NetWare Not applicable
Key Session (Standard)
Value nEnableSessionBlacklistLogging (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1 (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
Default Value None
Created in User-created in the client computer enabled with session blacklisting.
Description This key is used to enable or disable the creation of a log file containing the list of blacklisted clients.
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value nOverrideVSSSnapSelection (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 - VSS will be used


1 - QSnap will be used

Default Value None
Created in Client computer
Description This key when present would enable the use of "Qsnap" for snapshot creation. For Windows 2000, irrespective of the presence of the key, snap would always be through Qsnap because VSS is not available on Windows 2000.
Applies To Image Level iDataAgent and Windows File System iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key OracleAgent
Value sNODATAPUMPEXPORT (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range Y
Default Value N/A
Created in The computer on which the Oracle iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key is used to change the DataPump exports to regular exports for Oracle 10g.
Applies To Oracle 10g iDataAgent


Full System Restore on Windows

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value nDisableGalaxyMerge (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1

0 - The registry is merged and all CommCell related files are restored normally

1 - This will trigger the following actions:

  • Files for CommCell components in the computer will be overwritten if install location is the same as it was before the full iDataAgent restore
  • CommCell registry keys will be restored from the System State backup
  • Services will be restored from the last System State backup
  • Also note that any Updates that were installed before the restore must be re-applied after the restore
Default Value The default value is 0.
Created In The computer in which the full system restore is performed.
Description Use this key to disable registry merging.
Applies To Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003 iDataAgents

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\FileSystemAgent\
Key SPFMapFileName
Value Full path location of the file that specifies the files or directories to be excluded from the restore
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range Any valid .txt file location
Default Value None
Created In The client machine that contains the .txt file
Description This key can be used to filter out specific files from a system state restore via a .txt file. The key provides the location of the .txt file, which specifies the files or directories to be excluded from the restore.

Applies To Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003 iDataAgents



Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/Db2Agent/.properties
Key Db2Agent (optional)
Value sBKPRESTARTFAILEDNODESTimeOut x (optional)

where x is the appropriate value in seconds

Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Any number greater than or equal to 0 (seconds)
Default Value None
Created In The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description If a DB2 DPF iDataAgent data management job goes to a pending state, and if the job has completed on one or more of the nodes, the restart option will start the job on all the nodes unless this registry key is set appropriately. The key value is used to specify the maximum amount of time that can elapse before a job can be restarted on a successful node. For example, suppose a backup job completes on Node 0 but goes to a pending state on Node 1, and suppose the key is set to 1800 seconds. If the restart is issued after 3600 seconds, for example, the job will also be restarted on Node 0 since the 1800 seconds setting has been exceeded. But if the restart is issued after 900 seconds, the job will be restarted only on Node 1 since the 1800 seconds setting has not been exceeded.
Applies To DB2 DPF iDataAgent

MySQL iDataAgent

Windows Not Applicable
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/mysql/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key mysql (optional)
Value sAdvancedBackupOptions (optional)

---Set to any mysql dump command line option. Ex: "max_allowed_packet="

Value Type String
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in This Key is user-created (not created by default).
Description This key is used to set a value to mysql dump command.
Applies To MySQL iDataAgents


Windows Not Applicable
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/mysql/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key mysql (optional)
Value sAdvancedRestoreOptions (optional)

---Set to any mysql dump command line option. Ex: "max_allowed_packet="

Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in This Key is user-created (not created by default).
Description This key is used to set a value during restore of dumps/logs to mysql command.
Applies To MySQL iDataAgents


Windows Not Applicable
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/mysql/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key mysql
Value sLogStagingPath
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in This Key is user-created (not created by default).
Description This key is used to allow the user to specify the log staging location.
Applies To MySQL iDataAgents


Name Change

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/Session/.properties
NetWare Not applicable
Key Session (Standard)
Value nEnableSessionBlacklist (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1 (1 - enable, 0 = disable)
Default Value 0
Created In Any CommCell computer
Description This key is used to block any rogue sessions from other CommCell Components
Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable
NetWare Not applicable
Key Database (Standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range CommServe SQL database instance name.
Default Value CommServe SQL database instance name.
Created In CommServe, Web Search Server
Description Contains the SQL database instance name in which CommServe database is stored.
Applies To CommServe, Web Search Server



Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent/.properties
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value nNASDARLIMIT (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range It is recommended that this value not exceed 40,000.
Default Value 40,000
Created in The MediaAgent computer in which the NAS NDMP iDataAgent is installed.
Description Used in conjunction with nRESTORELIMIT.
For EMC Celerra DAR restore of a directory, this value indicates the size of the tree before a restore is converted from DAR to sequential. Since the whole tree is sent to the Celerra, not just the root of the tree, there needs to be a limit. When converted to sequential, only the root of the tree needs to be sent. nRESTORELIMIT indicates how many files/directory names can be sent in 1 restore request – between each request, the tape will be positioned to the start of the first tape. Thus, a DAR restore of a tree with 24,000 files/directories will need 3 restore requests (max 8192 per request) to be sent to the Celerra.
Applies To EMC Celerra NDMP iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent/.properties
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value nNASDARPERCENT (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range A valid integer from 0 to 100 inclusive.
Default Value 40%
Created in The MediaAgent computer in which the NAS NDMP iDataAgent is installed.
Description Used in conjunction with nRESTORELIMIT and nRESTORELIMIT.
For a NAS DAR restore, nNASDARLIMIT determines the maximum number of items in a DAR restore, the so-called "NAS DAR limit". Any NAS restore exceeding this size is converted automatically to a NAS sequential (non-DAR) restore. The actual "NAS DAR limit" is the smaller of nNASDARLIMIT value and the percentage nNASDARPERCENT (default 40% if registry value is absent) multiplied by the total number of items in the index. A value of 0% means that all DAR restores are converted to sequential restores. The default value of 40% means that any DAR restore comprising more than 40% of the entire index is converted to a sequential restore automatically.
Applies To EMC Celerra NDMP iDataAgent DartOS 5.9 and later. As of Simpana 7.0 (non-NetWare), only applies to Celerra version 5.4 and earlier.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/NAS/.properties
Key NAS (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Chunk size specified in bytes.
Default Value 4,227,858,432 (4GB)
Created in MediaAgent computer
Description This registry value is used to change the chunk size for restartable backups to tape drives accessed through NAS File Servers.
Applies to Data write operations in the specific MediaAgent in which the registry key is established.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/NAS/.properties
Key NAS (optional)
Value nRESTORELIMIT (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer, 1024 or greater
Default Value 8192
Created in The MediaAgent computer in which the NAS NDMP iDataAgent is installed.
Description Defines maximum number of filenames in single NDMP restore request.
Applies To NAS NDMP iDataAgents


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/NAS/.properties
Key NAS (optional)
Value sConvertToFull (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range y, Y, n, N
Default Value N
Created in The MediaAgent computer in which the NAS NDMP iDataAgent is installed.
Description If set to "y" or "Y", then if no more incrementals are allowed, the backup will automatically be converted to a FULL rather than failing.

If set to "n" or "N", then if no more incrementals are allowed, the backup will fail.
Only if all the paths of the subclient content generate an nasBackup: Exceeded maximum number of incremental backups. Must run full or differential backup event will a new Full backup job be run.

You may find additional information in Backup - NAS NDMP - Backup Considerations - Hitachi and NetApp Clients - Incremental Backups.

Applies To Hitachi NAS NDMP iDataAgent

NetApp NAS NDMP iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/NAS/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key NAS (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The MediaAgent computer(s) used for NetApp NAS NDMP data verification operations.
Description Data verification can be performed for Read-Only volumes when a writable location is specified on the file server. This writable location is used during the data verification operation. A tmp directory may be created under this location, but nothing else is written.

This is useful if backing up a Snap mirror destination volume to a tape drive on the file server.

Applies To NetApp NDMP iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/NAS/.properties
Key NAS (optional)
Value sSaveFileHistory (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Y or N
Default Value N (not to log)
Created in The MediaAgent computer(s) used for NetApp NAS NDMP data verification operations.
Description Ff set to "y" or "Y" this key directs NAS data verification to write to auxCopy.log the names of all files verified.

By default, data verification for NAS runs 'silently'. Note that this will often require additional space in the log file directory because dumps may contain millions of files.

Applies To NetApp NDMP iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/NAS/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key NAS (optional)
Value OnDemandLocalFilePath (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Full path of the Content File.
Default Value None
Created in The MediaAgent computer(s) used for NAS NDMP data protection operations.
Description Allows On Demand NAS backups to use the Content File on the MediaAgent.  Specify the full path of the Content File.
Applies To NetApp NDMP iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/NAS/.properties
Key NAS (optional)
Value sVerifyHeaderOnly (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Y or N
Default Value N (not to log)
Created in The MediaAgent computer(s) used for NetApp NAS NDMP data verification operations.
Description If set to "y" or "Y" this key directs NAS data verification to read only the dump header and not any of the data in the dump.

By default, data verification for NAS reads the data in the dump file.

Can be used in conjunction with sSaveFileHistory to log the names of the files in the dump header. Note that this will often require additional space in the log file directory because dumps may contain millions of files.

Applies To NetApp NDMP iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Y or N
Default Value N
Created in Computers where File Archiver is installed
Description When registry key GXHSM_FPOLICY_CREATESPARSE is set to Y, archiving FPolicy or NAS; data will create stubs that have a sparse attribute. Therefore when this key is set to 'N', recall process leave sparse attribute on sparse file.  If it is set to 'Y' sparse attribute is removed on recall.
Applies To FPolicy and Network File Share instances


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key NAS (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Y or N
Default Value N
Created in Computers where File System datamigrator runs
Description Any modifications to alternate stream after stubbing is lost if this key is set to 'Y', so as to disallow alternate streams from triggering a recall.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range default
Default Value Default value short on Windows 2008 and Vista. Default value empty on all other OS.
Created in Computers where File Archiver for Windows Agent runs.
Description This key is used for FPolicy support on computers with Windows 2008.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows Agent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Y to restore security Access Control List. N to not restore security ACL
Default Value Y
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed
Description This key is not created by default when restoring Celerra and Network File Share. To restore ACL's security it has to be created by the user and its value has to be set to Y.

For FPolicy this key is created by default and its value is set to "N" by the GXHSMFPDM.dll process. In order to turn the key on the user has to set the value to Y.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value GXHSM_Delay_Stub_Enable
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Y or N
Default Value N
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed
Description In case of migration of large volumes of data this key enables the delayed stubbing process. It allows the stub phase to get the list of all the files that were backed up for the current job regardless of the number of times the backup job was suspended and resumed.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Oracle iDataAgent

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key OracleAgent (standard)
Value sLARGEPOOLSIZE (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range NIL
Default Value 16M
Created in The computer in which the Oracle iDataAgent is installed.
Description This client-side registry key is used to modify the large pool size for the auxiliary Database during Oracle tablerestore. Default value of this parameter is 16M and setting this registry key will override it.
Additional Information You may find additional information in Restore Data - Oracle - Table Restores.
Applies to Oracle and Oracle RAC iDataAgents


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key OracleAgent (standard)
Value sSTREAMPOOLSIZE  (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range NIL
Default Value 48M
Created in The computer in which the Oracle iDataAgent is installed.
Description This client-side registry key is used to specify the streams pool size parameter of the auxiliary instance during tablerestore. Default value if this registry key is not set is 48M
Additional Information You may find additional information in Restore Data - Oracle - Table Restores.
Applies to Oracle and Oracle RAC iDataAgents


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/OracleAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key OracleAgent (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range NIL
Default Value 1800 seconds
Created in The computer in which the Oracle iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key is used to specify the undo retention parameter in seconds for the auxiliary instance during tablerestore. Default value if this registry key is not set is 1800 seconds
Additional Information You may find additional information in Restore Data - Oracle - Table Restores.
Applies to Oracle and Oracle RAC iDataAgents


Unix/Macintosh File System

Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/.properties
Key Base (standard)
Value sBindToInterface x (optional)

where x is the appropriate value

Value Type  (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Host name or IP address of the interface to which all services should bind.
Default Value Not Applicable
Created In The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key allows you to bind all services (e.g., Client Event Manager, Communications Service, etc.) to the specified interface name or IP address. This is especially useful for dual-NIC setups where you do not want these services exposed on the public interface.


  • This key does not work in clustered environments. In such environments, the services should bind to all available interfaces.
Applies To Unix File System iDataAgents


Windows Not Applicable
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/FileSystemAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value HLINK (optional)
Value Type  (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range y or Y (to enable hard link functionality) or any other value (to disable)
Default Value y or Y
Created In The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key allows you to back up data contents including hard links. If you are backing up hard links with this key set to Y and the appropriate hard link updates applied, ensure that there are no directories in your subclient content that are named /_CVHardLink@-@-Files_/. Otherwise, a backup of that content will not complete successfully. And if a head hard link is removed from the subclient content between the scan and backup phase, the backup job will go to pending. In such a case, you must kill the job and start a new backup.
See the Service Pack documentation for more information on hard link updates.
Applies To Unix File System iDataAgents


Windows Not Applicable
Unix /etc/CommVault/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/FileSystemAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value EnableFSTypeCache (optional)
Value Type  (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Y or N
Default Value Y
Created In The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key allows you to disable the internal cache and use the Unix operating system to fetch file system information faster. Please consider the following about this feature:
  • On Solaris computers, the key has no effect, and this feature is disabled.
  • On HP-UX, the key has no effect, and this feature is enabled.
  • On all other computers, if the key is not set in the registry, this feature will get enabled by default.
Applies To Unix File System iDataAgents


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/Base/.properties
Key Base (standard)
Value dCOREDIR <full directory path> (optional)

where <full directory path> is the target directory for the core files. Note that the target directory must exist. Example: dCOREDIR /var/adm/core

Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value Not Applicable
Created In The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key allows you to define where core files will be generated in the unlikely event of an application process crash. Generating core files in filesystems other than root will help maintain system integrity.
Applies To AIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, IRIX, Linux, Solaris, and Tru64 File System iDataAgents


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/FileSystemAgent/.properties
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value SSKIPLOCKF x (optional)

where x is an appropriate value

Value Type (Windows only) N/A
Valid Range y or Y (to enable sskiplockf) or any other value (to disable sskiplockf)
Default Value y or Y
Created In The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key allows you to skip-detect the locked files and continue with the backup. This is recommended whenever an iDataAgent is backing up files on an NFS server where it fails to get locks on these files. This key must be created manually.

Whenever the value is set to Y, clBackup skips getting the write-lock on files to be backed up and simply goes ahead with backing up the files. Backups may be inconsistent if the files are being accessed while backing up.

Whenever the value is not Y, or if the registry key itself is not present, the files will not be backed up, and they will be added to the failed file list when the iDataAgent fails to get a file lock. The backup will succeed without actually backing up the locked files. Also, the Event Viewer will display Failed to back up XX folders and XX files.

Applies To AIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, IRIX, Linux, Solaris, and Tru64 File System iDataAgents


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/iDataAgent/.properties
Key iDataAgent (standard)
Value nDUMPSIZE x (optional)

where x is an appropriate value

Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range any number greater than or equal to 1

Minimum value should be 1

Default Value 500 (Megabytes)
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key allows you to set the minimum size (MB) of a file to back up using ufsdump.


  • ufsdump is used to back up only those files that both meet the constraint on percentage data (i.e., the percentage of non-hole data is less than or equal to nDUMPPERCENT, which is discussed in the next table) and are at least of the size specified by nDUMPSIZE. Also, be sure to install Solaris Sun Patch 110387-05 to ensure that sparse file backups will proceed at the proper speed.
Applies To Solaris File System iDataAgent


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/iDataAgent/.properties
Key iDataAgent (standard)
Value nDUMPPERCENT x (optional)

where x is an appropriate (percent) value

Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range 0 through 99
Default Value 0
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key specifies that a file containing at most the identified percentage of non-hole data will be eligible to be backed up by the iDataAgent software using ufsdump. Value 0 indicates that ufsdump is not to be used. A small value means that the file must be extremely sparse (i.e., contain very little non-hole data) to be backed up using ufsdump. A larger value means that more files (including those that are not as sparse) will be eligible for backup using ufsdump. Therefore, for example, value 2 means that any file that has 2% data or less (i.e., that is 98% sparse or more) will be backed up using ufsdump as long as the minimum file size constraint specified by nDUMPSIZE is met.


  • The iDataAgent software uses ufsdump to back up only those files that both meet the constraint on percentage data (i.e., the percentage of non-hole data is less than or equal to nDUMPPERCENT) and are at least of the size specified by nDUMPSIZE, which is discussed in the previous table. Also, be sure to install Solaris Sun Patch 110387-05 to ensure that sparse file backups will proceed at the proper speed.
Applies To Solaris File System iDataAgent


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/FileSystemAgent/.properties
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value ignoreFSType :fs name a:fs name b:

where fs name a, fs name b, etc., identify the affected file systems

Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range lofs (with ufs, zfs, vxfs for Solaris Global Zone), tmpfs, ctfs, proc, devfs
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This registry key allows you to add and remove file system types from zone backup operations for Unix File System iDataAgents.

By default, the lofs, tmpfs, devfs, ctfs, and proc file systems will be skipped during backup. However, this registry key will allow you to determine which of these file systems will be backed up or skipped during backup.

Also, the addition of the lofs file system as a skipped file system has an impact on the Solaris Global Zone with regard to filesystem submount points that might previously had been expected to be backed up (e.g., if the root of a zone is an lofs file system and it has the ufs, zfs, or vxfs submount file system). These submount file systems will be skipped during backup unless they are added to the subclient content.

To use this key, simply include after ignoreFSType and using the correct format a value to identify the file system(s) you will skip during backup. Use the following format for the key value:

:fs name a:fs name b:...:fs name n:

The value must start and end with ":". Each file system name must be separated by ":". All file systems will be backed up (see first Note below) if the value is set to "::".

For example:

ignoreFSType :lofs:tmpfs:

(In this example, the command will skip backing up the lofs and tmpfs file systems.)


  • Pre-existing rules will apply to NFS file systems unless "nfs" is added to the registry key identified above.
  • You can back up any of these file systems irrespective of how this key is configured by adding the mount point path for the file system to the subclient content.
Applies To Unix File System iDataAgents


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/iDataAgent/.properties
Key iDataAgent (standard)
Value OptimizeRunLengths x

where x is an appropriate value that determines whether or not to create genuine holes in potential or actual sparse files during a restore and, if such creation is desired, the minimum byte length threshold boundary for hole creation.

Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Integer greater than or equal to -1
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key allows you to determine whether to restore genuine holes in potential or actual sparse files flat or intact based on size considerations. Note that such restores without this key are "flat" by default.


  • This registry key has no effect on holed Solaris files that are restored to the Zettabyte File System (ZFS). The holes in such files are always restored intact with or without the registry key enabled.

During a backup, a backup hole scanner scans the data being sent for large areas of zeros, and it replaces each such area with a PL_HOLE tag header. Each area of zeros may or may not in fact represent sparse file holes; nevertheless, the PL_HOLE tag header is applied in every case.

When restoring data, use this key with value -1 or no value (or simply do not use this key) if you want to restore "flat" the data represented by each PL_HOLE tag header. To restore the data represented by the PL_HOLE tag headers as genuine holes, use this key with the appropriate positive integer value to ensure restoring tag headers of a particular byte length. Tag headers that are longer than the length that you specify using this value will be restored as holes; on the other hand, tag headers that are shorter than the length that you specify will be restored flat. For example, if you specify “OptimizeRunLenghts 3”, PL_HOLE tag headers with a length of 4 bytes, 5 bytes, etc. will be restored as holes, while tag headers with a length of 2 bytes, 1 byte, etc. will be restored flat.

Applies To AIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, IRIX, Linux, Solaris, and Tru64 File System iDataAgents


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/iDataAgent/.properties
Key iDataAgent (standard)
Value sUFSRESTORE x (optional)

where x is an appropriate value

Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range y or Y (to enable ufsrestore) or any other value (to disable ufsrestore)
Default Value y (ufsrestore enabled)
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key allows you to enable (value y or Y) or disable (any other value) the use of ufsrestore. If ufsrestore is disabled at restore time, clRestore will leave file <destinationFileName>.ufsdump on disk for the manual use of ufsrestore.
Applies To Solaris File System iDataAgent


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/FileSystemAgent/.properties
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range yes
Default Value no
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key allows the restore to overwrite open files that are in use by first deleting them and then restoring them.

Use this key AT YOUR OWN RISK. Be sure to review Unconditionally Overwrite Root Directories on Live Systems before considering enabling this option.

Applies To Linux File System iDataAgent


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/FileSystemAgent/.properties
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value sClusteredFSFilter x (optional)

where x is an appropriate value

Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Y (to enable the key) or N (to disable the key)
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key, along with its associated sClusteredFSTypes registry key, allows you to filter file systems for backup. In essence, the keys allow you to control whether clustered (shared) file systems and non-clustered file systems will be backed up during a Data Protection operation from a physical or virtual node. If you are running a backup from a physical node, and if you want to prevent backing up clustered file systems (and therefore just want to back up non-clustered file systems), set this key to Y. If you are running a backup from a virtual node, and if you want to back up only clustered file systems (and therefore do not want to back up non-clustered file systems), set this key to Y and set the sClusteredFSTypes registry key to the value(s) representing the clustered file system(s) to be backed up. Be sure to separate each value with a comma.
Applies To AIX and Linux File System iDataAgents that support the VERITAS Cluster File System (VxCFS)


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/FileSystemAgent/.properties
Key FileSystemAgent (standard)
Value sClusteredFSTypes x (optional)

where x is an appropriate value

Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range vxfs (VERITAS Cluster File System)
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key, along with its associated sClusteredFSFilter registry key, allows you to filter file systems for backup. In essence, the keys allow you to control whether clustered (shared) file systems and non-clustered file systems will be backed up during a Data Protection operation from a physical or virtual node. If you are running a backup from a physical node, and if you want to prevent backing up clustered file systems (and therefore just want to back up non-clustered file systems), set the sClusteredFSFilter key to Y. If you are running a backup from a virtual node, and if you want to back up only clustered file systems (and therefore do not want to back up non-clustered file systems), set the sClusteredFSFilter key to Y and set this key to the value(s) representing the clustered file system(s) to be backed up. Be sure to separate each value with a comma.
Applies To AIX and Linux File System iDataAgents that support the VERITAS Cluster File System (VxCFS)



Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key LotusNotesDMAgent (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Any directories either fully qualified or relative to the appropriate Domino data directory.

Multiple entries must be separated by a question mark character. For example: mail_folder_1?mail_folder2

Created in User-created on the client hosting the Domino Server.
Description Specifies additional directories that will be scanned for database content. This is in addition to the databases native to the Domino Server.

This key is useful in scenarios where it is desirable to include databases replicated from one Domino Server to another as content in a subclient without adding the databases manually.

Applies To Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key LotusNotesDMAgent (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Y or N
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description In case of migration of large volumes of data this key enables the delayed stubbing process. It allows the stub phase to get the list of all the files that were backed up for the current job regardless of the number of times the backup job was suspended and resumed.
Applies To Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\LotusNotesDMAgent
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx> /LotusNotesDMAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key LotusNotesDMAgent (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range Any string value where each element represents a document type.

Multiple document types must be separated using a semicolon. For example: Memo;Phone;Appointment;Task

Default Value Not Applicable
Created in User-created on the client hosting the Domino Server.
Description This key enables the Domino Mailbox Archiver to exclude documents based on their types. Various document types can be set via this key, acting as a type filter.
A document excluded by this registry key should not be archived.
Applies To Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/UnixFsDataMigrator/.properties
Key UnixFsDataMigrator (standard)
Value dSTUB_CACHE_ROOT (optional)
Value Type String
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to specify location of the root folder for the File Archiver stub cache (see nUSE_STUB_CACHE). By default, the stub cache will be created under /opt/galaxy/StubCache.
Applies To File Archiver for Unix


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/UnixFsDataMigrator/.properties
Key UnixFsDataMigrator (standard)
Value ifindUseMTime (standard)
Value Type Not Applicable
Valid Range N to include File Archiver for Unix stub files in incremental backups of the Unix File System iDataAgent.

Y to exclude File Archiver for Unix stub files from incremental backups of the Unix File System iDataAgent.

Default Value Y
Created in Created in the computer in which the client component is installed, during installation of the File Archiver for Unix Agent.
Description This key causes the system to use the modified time as the basis for determining whether an archived/stubbed file has changed for purpose of including it in a file system incremental backup. Because the modified time for archived files is not changed during the stubbing process, stubs therefore do not meet the criteria for being included in file system incremental backups under the default value for this key.

To include stub files in incremental backups, reset the value of this key to N so that the system does not use modified time as the criteria for determining whether stub files have changed, and instead will use the ctime which allows the system to recognize the change and thus include it in incremental backups.

Applies To File Archiver for Unix


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/UnixDataMigrator/.properties
Key UnixFsDataMigrator (standard)
Value nUSE_STUB_CACHE (standard)
Value Type String
Valid Range Y to preserve stubs in cache and re-stub them after recall; or N to disable re-stubbing of files after recall.
Default Value Y
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description When set to Y, this key allows a file to be re-stubbed after recall by preserving it in cache memory if the current archive file exists and no changes were made to the recalled file. During a subsequent migration, if the files to be migrated have not been modified since their last recall, the migration is completed by just moving the stubs back from the cache to replace the files. As such, no date transfer happens and no space is taken on tape/magnetic media again. Current default behavior is to enable re-stubbing of files after recall.


  • You can use dSTUB_CACHE_ROOT to specify the location of the root folder for the stub cache.
Applies To File Archiver for Unix


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/UnixDataMigrator/.properties
Key UnixFsDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String
Valid Range Y or N
Default Value N
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description When set to Y, the stubFile.cvf file will be created at the time of stubbing and not during archiving thereby delaying the stubbing process. The .cvf file will have the job ids and will be saved in the Job Results directory for the entire job span. Therefore if the job is restarted in the stubbing phase, the .cvf file will not be queried from the Indexing subsystem and each consecutive backup operation will clean up the Job Results directory off these files from the previous jobs.
Applies To File Archiver for Unix


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/UnixDataMigrator/.properties
Key UnixFsDataMigrator (standard)
Value sHLINK (standard)
Value Type String
Valid Range Y or N
Default Value N
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description When this key is enabled, files with hard inks are added to a transient CTREE database on JobResults directory. If a hard link is already found in the database, it's skipped, if not, then it's added to database and the collect file as well. The key allows only a single copy of the hard links to be added to the collect file. After a successful backup, browse will show only one occurrence of the backed up file.
Applies To File Archiver for Unix


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value <name of subclient> (optional)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range The fully qualified path to the folder where the On Demand File List(s) reside.
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key enables the On Demand File List feature.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\WinFSDataMigrator\
Key Drives (standard)
Value <name of the drive/volume> (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range The letter of the drive or volume to be monitored, followed by a colon and a backslash (e.g., "E:\").
Default Value None
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key enables the specified drive or volume to be monitored for stub recovery. Note that this key:
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value None
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to replace the default "MAGNETIC" key word for a recall message with a message of your choice. A popup window allows you to enter this message.

After you include this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Any integer value in the range of 0 to 99


0 disables the checking of available free space for volumes before initiating a recall;

any non-zero value represents the percentage of minimum available free space on the volume that is required before recalls can occur;

99 prevents all recalls from occurring (under most circumstances)

Default Value 0
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key enables the ability of the system to check that there is sufficient free space on a volume before initiating a recall of archived files, and to issue a warning message if there is not enough free space to recover the files.

After modifying the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String
Valid Range NA
Default Value Y
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description When this key is set to Y, it does not recall files that are not GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE. When this key is set to N, it allows all files to be recalled.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String
Valid Range NA
Default Value N for ONTP version 7.1 and higher. Y for ONTAP version 7.0
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description When this key is set to Y, it screens for File Create operations.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/EventManager/.properties
Key EventManager (standard)
Value nDMRSendFileStatus (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to turn off Job Manager updates on stub recall; or 1 to send Job Manager updates at the end of each stub recall.
Default Value When the key is not present, the default behavior is the same as that of value 0. Once the key is created, it should be set to either 0 or 1.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key controls the frequency at which stub recovery job statistics are sent to Job Manager for updating Recovery Job History views and reports. Creating this key with a value of 0 turns off stub recall reporting. Setting the key to 1 enables stub recall history update at an interval based on the value of the registry key nDMRSIDLETIMEOUT. If the nDMRSIDLETIMEOUT key does not exist, the default time out is 20 minutes (1200 seconds) after the stub recall job completes.

This key is useful for increasing the efficiency of system resources in cases where there are frequent stub recalls and there is no need to update the Job History immediately after each stub recall.

After creating this key or modifying its value, restart all services for the change to take effect.

Applies To Domino Mailbox Archiver

File Archiver for Windows

File Archiver for Unix


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/EventManager/.properties
Key EventManager (standard)
Value nDMRSIDLETIMEOUT (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 to 2,147,483,647 seconds.
Default Value When the key is not present, the default idle timeout is 1200 seconds (20 mins).
Created in The Client computer in which the Archiver Agent is installed.
Description This key decides how long the persistent pipeline will stay open during idle periods of archive recovery.
Applies To Domino Mailbox Archiver, Exchange Mailbox Archiver, Exchange Public Folder Archiver, File Archiver for Unix, File Archiver for Windows, and SharePoint Archiver.


Not supported on NetWare.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key NTAP DataMigrator (standard)
Value <name of subclient> (optional)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range The fully qualified path to the folder where the On Demand File List(s) reside.
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key enables the On Demand File List feature.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\WinFSDataMigrator\
Key NoRecallPrivileges (standard)
Value The name of the process executable to filter (e.g., notepad.exe) (optional)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Any executable.
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key prevents an executable from triggering stub recoveries for files associated with that application.

To filter additional applications, add another string value for each application.

After adding the key value, either restart the GXHSM services or wait approximately 5 minutes for the change to take effect.

After removing the key value, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to ignore the sparse attribute when archiving files; or N to archive only files without the sparse attribute set.
Default Value N
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key determines how to handle file migration archiving with regard to the sparse attribute. Use value Y to ignore the sparse attribute when archiving files; or use value N to archive only files without the sparse attribute set.

After modifying the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Y to preserve stubs in cache and re-stub them after recall; or N to disable re-stubbing of files after recall.
Default Value Y
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows a file to be re-stubbed after recall by preserving it in cache memory, in cases where the current archive file exists and no changes were made to the recalled file.

After modifying the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to preserve the original file access time and modified time during stub recovery operations; or N to not preserve those times during stub recovery.
Default Value Y
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key preserves the original file access time and modified time for files during stub recovery operations. It can be used in conjunction with the GXHSMSTUBKEEPTIMES registry key to preserve these times during archive operations as well.

After adding (or removing) the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.


  • Ensure that this key is disabled whenever you are pruning stubs. See Stub Rule: Prune stub only after n days for more information.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to preserve the original file access time and modified time during migrations; or N to not preserve those times during migrations.
Default Value Y
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description By default, this key preserves the original file access time and modified time for files during migrations. You can set this key to stop preserving these times.

After adding (or removing) the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to preserve the original file access time and modified time during recalls; or N to not preserve those times during recalls.
Default Value Y
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description By default, this key preserves the original file access time and modified time for files during recalls. You can set this key to stop preserving these times.

After adding (or removing) the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

To enable the functionality of this key, the value of GXHSM_PRESERVE_ACCESSTIME_ONMIGRTNS should be set to N.

Applies To Local File System and Network File Share instances

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to allow logging to truncate the existing log file; or any value other than Y to allow logging to append to the existing log file.
Default Value None
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key determines how logging will function with regard to the existing log file. Use value Y to allow logging to truncate the existing log file; or use any value other than Y to allow logging to append to the existing log file.

After modifying the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to replace the original ACLs on the stub; or N to preserve the original ACLs on the stub.
Default Value N
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key determines how to handle ACLs on a stub with regard to migration archiving. Use value Y to replace the original ACLs on the stub after migration archiving; or use value N to preserve the original ACLs on the stub.

After modifying the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to preserve the original file access time and modified time during archive operations; or N to not preserve those times during archiving.
Default Value Y
Created in User-created in the computer in which the client component is installed.
Description This key preserves the original file access time and modified time for files during archive operations. It can be used in conjunction with the GXHSMSERVICEKEEPTIMES registry key to preserve these times during stub recovery operations as well.

After adding (or removing) the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.


  • Ensure that this key is disabled whenever you are pruning stubs. See Stub Rule: Prune stub only after n days for more information.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to disable scanning and archiving of files with attributes of hidden and/or system; or N to enable the scanning and archiving of files with attributes of hidden and/or system.
Default Value Y
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed, when the GXHSM service is started.
Description This key determines whether hidden and system files are scanned for archiving.

After modifying the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

WARNING: Changing the value of this key to N may cause the computer to not boot up.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to enable stubbing and recall of files with the read-only attribute; or N to disable stubbing and recall of files with the read-only attribute.
Default Value N
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key determines whether read-only files are stubbed and recalled.

After modifying the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows. (Not supported on Celerra Interface).


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y or N


N creates stub files that are not sparse files.

Y creates stub files that are sparse files.

Default Value When this key is not present, the system will create stub files as sparse files.
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key determines whether the system will create stub files as sparse files. To create stub files that are not sparse files, create the string value and set it to N.

After creating or modifying the value for this key, restart the GXHSM services for the change to take effect.

If files to be archived are less than the stub size (1234 bytes), this registry key should be set to 'N' because stub recall may fail if stubs appear to be less than the expected stub size.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value GXHSMNOPOPUP (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to disable the pop-up; or N to enable the pop-up
Default Value Y
Created in Created in the computer in which the agent is installed, when the GXHSM service is started.
Description This key enables/disables a pop-up message displayed for stub recoveries confirming that the recovery operation completed, and showing the path of the file that was recovered.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)
Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y to enable the pop-up; or N to disable the pop-up
Default Value Y
Created in Created in the computer in which the agent is installed, when the GXHSM service is started.
Description This key enables/disables a pop-up message displayed for stub recoveries confirming that the recovery operation completed, and showing the path of the file that was recovered.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\GXHSMNAS\
Key Parameters


Value Type String Value
Valid Range Y
Default Value NA
Created in Created in the computer in which File Share Archiver Client is installed.
Description This registry key disables stub recalls at the driver level and allows service to send custom popup messages. This key should be used with a service level key GXHSM_DISABLE_ARCHIVE_FILE_RECALL_AND_RESTORE_MESSAGE.

The services must be restarted.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instancexxx\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)


Value Type String Value
Valid Range Customized message
Default Value NA
Created in Created in the computer in which File Share Archiver Client is installed.
Description This is a service level key used in conjunction with the driver level key GXHSM_DISABLE_ARCHIVE_FILE_RECALL_AND_RESTORE. It allows for customizing the popup message when GXHSM_DISABLE_ARCHIVE_FILE_RECALL_AND_RESTORE is used to disallow the recall.

The services must be restarted.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instancexxx\
Key WinFSDataMigrator (standard)


Value Type String Value
Valid Range Time in seconds
Default Value NA
Created in Created in the computer in which File Share Archiver Client is installed.
Description The key is used in conjuction with GXHSM_DISABLE_ARCHIVE_FILE_RECALL_AND_RESTORE_MESSAGE as it allows the user to set a desired popup message display time.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MSExchangeDMAgent (standard)
Value MigrationExclusionList (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) MULTI-STRING
Valid Range IPM.<class_type>

Where class_type can be one of the following: POST, APPOINTMENT, TASK, CONTACT, ACTIVITY, DISTLIST, or any other user-defined IPM class


  • A new line is the delimiter between multiple classes.
  • This field accepts wildcards (for example, IPM.TASK.*).
  • Only classes that start with "IPM." are excluded.
  • The IPM.STICKYNOTE and IPM.CONFLICT classes are excluded by default in the system.
  • The IPM.NOTE class cannot be excluded, because this represents mail messages.
Default Value N/A
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to specify the Exchange interpersonal message (IPM) classes to be excluded from archiving.

For example, in order to exclude Exchange task items from archiving, the following string would be specified as the registry key's value: IPM.TASK

Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MSExchangeDMAgent (standard)
Value nOldestFirst (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 or 1

where 1 enables the archiving of oldest messages first, and 0 disables the archiving of oldest messages first

Default Value When key is not present, the order in which messages are archived will not be on the basis of oldest messages first.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to specify that the order in which messages are archived will be on the basis of oldest messages first.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix Not applicable
NetWare Not applicable
Key MSExchangeDMAgent (standard)
Value nApplyRulesForArchivingCand (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 1 or 0, where:

1 = The Archiving Rules will be applied to Archive List candidates when the Archiving Rules are enabled (i.e., the Disable All Rules option is not selected).

0 = The Archiving Rules will never be applied to Archive List candidates regardless of whether the Archiving Rules are enabled.

Default Value When this key is not present, or when the value is set to 0, then Archiving Rules will never be applied to Archive List candidates regardless of whether the Archiving Rules are enabled.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to apply Archiving Rules to Archive List candidates.


Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value nDMRMaxRestoreThreads (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer

Where the integer value for this key represents the maximum number of restore threads that are to be spawned if stub recall requests are from different archive file IDs.

Default Value When key is not present, the default is 1.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key allows you to specify the maximum number of restore threads, or persistent pipelines, that are to be spawned when stub recall requests are from different archive file IDs.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver and File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\GalaxyInstallerFlags
Key szLotusNotesServerName
Value <Domino Server host name> (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range Set to the fully qualified name of the Domino Server
Default Value N/A
Created in Lotus Notes client computer on which the Lotus Notes Client Add-In is installed
Description This key provides the Lotus Notes Client Add-In's installation package with the name of the Domino Server. Create this key prior to installing the Lotus Notes Client Add-In.
Applies To Lotus Notes Client Add-In


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\WinFSDataMigrator
Value Should be set to the override port number.
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Larger than 1
Default Value None
Created in User-created in the computer in which the File Share Archiver client driver is installed.
Description The user has the option to override the stub file port number by using the registry key EVMGRC_REMOTE_PORT_OVERRIDE.

When this registry key is set, it overrides all other logic including the port number set by the EVMGRC_REMOTE_PORTregistry key and the stub file port number. This key is not created by default, and when the key does not exist, the File Share Archiver client uses the stub content to determine port number. If the stub file is from a previous release, the EVMGRC_REMOTE_PORT registry key value will determine the port number.

Applies To File Share Archiver Client


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\WinFSDataMigrator
Value Should be set to the override port number.
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Larger than 1
Default Value None
Created in User-created in the computer in which the File Share Archiver client driver is installed.
Description This value is used when recalling 7.0 stub files which do not contain a port number value in the stub meta data and the EVMGRC_REMOTE_PORT_OVERRIDE registry key does not exist.
Applies To File Share Archiver Client


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MSExchangeDMAgent (standard)
Value nShowMsgAttachList (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0


Default Value When key is not present, the default is 0.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This key will enhance an archive operation to save the list of attachments for a message in the message body in addition to the Migrated Attachment List.txt file.


  • If the Leave Message Body Behind option is enabled, it will take priority over this registry key and the attachments will not be listed in the message body.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\gxhsm>\Parameters
Key ExcludeProcess (standard)
Value The name of the process executable to that is denied recall rights when accessing files of that application type (optional).
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Any executables.
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the agent is installed.
Description Once the registry key has been set up, if a user attempts stub recovery for an archived file associated with the application type specified in the registry key, the recall will be denied and an event will be issued in the CommCell Console's Event Viewer and the Windows Event Viewer indicating that the recall was denied due to application filtering.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin
Key Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (standard)
Value ipfamilypref (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 - FAMILY_ANY (allows both IPv4 or IPv6 support)

1 - FAMILY_IPV4 (allows IPv4 support)

2 - FAMILY_IPV6 (allows IPv6 support)

Default Value 1
Created in The computer on which the Outlook Add-In software is installed.
Description This key allows you to perform stub recalls using the Outlook Add-In software in an IPv6 environment. This key must be configured on each computer that has the Outlook Add-In installed.
Applies To Outlook Add-In in conjunction with the Exchange Mailbox Archiver Agent and Exchange Public Folder Archiver Agent


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value nRETRY_RECALL_TIMEOUT (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number in seconds
Default Value When key is not present, the default is 300 seconds.
Created in User-created in the computer where the agent is installed.
Description This registry key allows you to specify the time of duration for a recall attempt. Once this time expires, the recall attempt will stop. This key works hand-in-hand with the nRETRY_RECALL_DELAY registry key, and these keys are especially useful if the CommServe goes down.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows Agent - Local Archiving


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value nRETRY_RECALL_DELAY (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number in seconds
Default Value When key is not present, the default is 60 seconds.
Created in User-created in the computer where the agent is installed.
Description This registry key allows you to specify the delay time for a recall attempt. Once this time expires, the recall attempt will resume. This key works hand-in-hand with the nRETRY_RECALL_TIMEOUT registry key, and these keys are especially useful if the CommServe goes down.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows Agent - Local Archiving


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key EventManager (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number in seconds
Default Value When the key is not present, the default is 300 seconds.
Created in User-created in the computer where the agent is installed.
Description This registry key allows you to specify the maximum number of recall attempts. In case the value of the key is set to 0 then the retry will continue until time out is reached, which is set by nRETRY_RECALL_TIMEOUT registry key.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows Agent - Local Archiving


Location HKLM\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Common\
Key AddInGui (standard)
Value sGUIUpdateURL (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range Web alias for the CommCell Console in the following format:


Created in User-created in the computer where the Outlook Add-In or Lotus Notes Client Add-In is installed.
Description This registry key allows you to specify CommCell Console from which to download Java updates for the Outlook and Lotus Notes Client Add-Ins during the software installation.
Applies To Outlook Add-In and Lotus Notes Client Add-In


Location HKLM\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Common\
Key AddInGui (standard)
Value nGuiUpdateCheck (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - The software will not automatically download Java updates from the CommCell Console.

1 - The software will automatically download Java updates from the CommCell Console.

Default Value When key is not present, the software will not look for Java updates from the CommCell Console.
Created in User-created in the computer where the Outlook Add-In or Lotus Notes Client Add-In is installed.
Description This registry key allows the software to automatically check for and download any available Java updates from the CommCell Console at a random interval between 12:00AM and 6:00AM. If you would like to specify a specific time-of-day to check for and download Java updates, you can use the dJavaUpdateTimeHour and dJavaUpdateTimeMin registry keys instead.
Applies To Outlook Add-In and Lotus Notes Client Add-In


Location HKLM\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Common\
Key AddInGui (standard)
Value dJavaUpdateTimeHour (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - 23 where the value represents the hour of day at which the software will download Java updates.
Default Value When key is not present, the software will not automatically download Java updates from the CommCell Console.
Created in User-created in the computer where the Outlook Add-In or Lotus Notes Client Add-In is installed.
Description This registry key allows you to specify the hour of day at which the software will download Java updates. When created, this key overrides the nGuiUpdateCheck registry key if it already exists.

This functionality can be further refined to specify a minute of the hour by creating the dJavaUpdateTimeMin registry key.

Applies To Outlook Add-In and Lotus Notes Client Add-In


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Common
Key AddInGui (optional)
Value nSearchRangeDays (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number in days.
Default Value When this key is not present, the default number of days is 30.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description This registry key allows you to specify the default number of days to search for protected messages.
Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver

Note that this registry key is supported only for Find and Search operations launched directly from Outlook. If the Find and Search operations are launched from a web browser, the default number of days is used.


Location HKLM\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Common\
Key AddInGui (standard)
Value dJavaUpdateTimeMin (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - 59 where the value represent the minute of the hour at which the software will download Java updates.
Default Value When key is not present, the software will not automatically download Java updates from the CommCell Console.
Created in User-created in the computer where the Outlook Add-In or Lotus Notes Client Add-In is installed.
Description This registry key allows you to specify the minute of the hour configured with the dJavaUpdateTimeHour at which the software will download Java updates. When created, this key overrides the nGuiUpdateCheck registry key if it already exists.
Applies To Outlook Add-In and Lotus Notes Client Add-In


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVaultSystems\Galaxy\Instance001\
Key AliasMappedPath (Has to be created)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range "filerpath\VDM internal name\"
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in Agent Machine
Description This registry key is needed to migrate VDM data. To use VDM the following steps are required:

1. Create a REG_SZ subkey under AliasMappedPath with the same name as the vdm, and prefix it with \\
a. \\vdm1
b. Make sure to change vdm1 to the actual VDM name

2. Set the value of this subkey equal to the name, and append \root_vdm_
a. \\vdm1\root_vdm_

3. Perform following command:
a. nas_server -info -vdm vdm1

4. In the output of the above command, you'll see an ID field. Append the value of the subkey with the value in the ID field.
a. \\vdm1\root_vdm_1

Note that the subclient content must have the VDM path and not the filer path.
Also ensure that the proxy server IP address is added to the list of target hosts and the connection must be setup between the VDM mounted file system and the proxy host.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVaultSystems\Galaxy\Instance001\
Key WinFSDataMigrator 
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Numeric value greater than 0.
Default Value 120 minutes
Created in Agent Machine
Description The values set for the registry key indicates the number of minutes the proxy files are available on the agent machine before they are pruned.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows (Celerra Instance)


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVaultSystems\Galaxy\Instance001\
Key WinFSDataMigrator 
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Numeric value greater than 0.
Default Value 60 minutes
Created in Agent Machine
Description The values set for the registry key indicates the time in minutes before the checking the proxy files available on the agent machine that meets the expiration criteria.
Applies To File Archiver for Windows (Celerra Instance)


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key WinFSDataMigrator 
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range Y or N
Default Value N
Created in Computers where File Archiver for Windows Agent runs.
Description If the value of this registry key is set to 'N', it does not allows for the FPolicy stubs files to be created with sparse attributes. If the value of this registry key is set to 'Y', it will allow for the FPolicy stubs to be created with sparse attributes.

If files to be archived are less than the stub size (1234 bytes), this registry key should be set to 'N' because stub recall may fail if stubs appear to be less than the expected stub size.

Applies To File Archiver for Windows


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MSExchangeDMAgent
Value createpstspecificfolder
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 1, 0 or nonexistant
Default Value When the key is not present, PST stubs will be copied into the root level of the folder specified as the stub destination folder.
Created in User-created in the computer in which the agent is installed.
Description If the value is set to 0 - stubs will be copied/moved into the destination folder maintaining the internal folder structure of the PST

If the value is set to 1 - stubs will be copied/moved into the destination folder maintaining the internal folder structure of the PST, they will also be separated into unique folders for each PST imported

If the values will be non existent - stubs will be copied/moved into the root of the destination folder with no folder structure maintained.

Applies To Exchange Mailbox Archiver



Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key QREnabler (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - All VSS Hardware Shadows will not be transportable.

1 - All VSS Hardware Shadows will be transportable.

Created in The source and destination hosts for the VSS hardware shadow.
Description This key specifies whether all shadows created will be transportable.
Applies To ProxyHost for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key QREnabler (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range Set to the path to which the BCD files will be saved (e.g., c:\bcd).
Created in The source host for the VSS hardware shadow.
Description This key specifies where the BCD files will be saved.
Applies To ProxyHost for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key QREnabler (standard)
Value NUsePlexMode (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - Create Shadows.

1 - Create Clones.

Created in The source and destination hosts for the VSS hardware shadows/clones.
Description This key specifies whether shadows or clones will be created.
Applies To ProxyHost for Windows


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key ReplicationIDAAgent (standard)
Value sFindTargetVolUsingFreeSpace (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range "N" or "F" - Chooses destination volume based on total volume size.
Created in The client on which the Quick Recovery Agent and Enabler (ONTAP or OSSV) is installed.
Description This value specifies how destination volumes will be chosen for SnapVault.

If this value is not created then the destination volume will be chosen on the amount of free space on the a volume.

Applies To Quick Recovery Agent for Windows (SnapVault only)

Quick Recovery Agent for Unix (SnapVault only)


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/UnixImageIDA/.properties
Key dDisableFsck (optional)
Value Not Applicable
Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description Disables the automatic running of the fsck command after restoring a volume. (If fsck is not run, the restored disk will not be mounted automatically.)
Applies To Image Level iDataAgent for Solaris and Linux


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/UnixImageIDA/.properties
Key dEnableIBackupLog (optional)
Value Not Applicable
Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description Enables additional logging in cvvibackup.log during backup operations.
Applies To Image Level iDataAgents


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/UnixImageIDA/.properties
Key dEnableIRestoreLog (optional)
Value Not Applicable
Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description Enables additional logging in cvvirestore.log during restore operations.
Applies To Image Level iDataAgents


Location /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/UnixImageIDA/.properties
Key dSnapChunkSize (optional)
Value Not Applicable
Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range For raw or VXFS devices: 16 through 256 (16 = 8k chunks)

For UFS file system: <file system block size> through 256

Default Value default is 112 (112 equals 56K chunks)
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description Changes the snapshot chunk size, configured by the number of blocks. It is not recommended for a user to change this value.
Applies To Image Level iDataAgent for Solaris


Location Image Level on Solaris iDataAgent:


Quick Recovery Agent for Unix:


Key Image Level on Solaris iDataAgent:

UnixImageIDA (optional)

Quick Recovery Agent for Unix:

ReplicationIDAAgent (optional)

Value dDisableDataBlock
Value Type (Windows only) Not Applicable
Valid Range Not Applicable
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description Disables the data block copy feature, which normally would prevent unused blocks from being backed up.
Applies To Image Level iDataAgent for Solaris

Quick Recovery Agent for Unix


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key FileSystemAgent
Value nFAILFORPROXY (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number>=1
Default Value 0
Created in The Client computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key may be created to ensure that a Windows ProxyHost iDataAgent backup will fail if one or more of the critical data paths are missing.
Applies To ProxyHost iDataAgent on Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003


SAP for Oracle iDatAgent

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVaultSystems\Galaxy\Instancexxx\SAP
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001/OracleSapAgent/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Y or N
Default Value N
Created in The Client computer in which the iDataAgent is installed.
Description This key may be created to disable forceful shutdown of databases during offline backups from the CommCell Console.
Applies To SAP for Oracle iDataAgent



Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MSSharepointDocAgent
Key dwBackupAlerts (optional)
Value N/A
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range N/A
Default Value N/A
Created in SharePoint Server 2003 Computer
Description By default SharePoint Alerts are not backed up. If this registry key exists, the Alerts associated with Documents and List Items will be backed up.

Backup only checks if the value exists, so the value can be left blank.

Applies To SharePoint Server Computer


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MSSharepoint (optional)
Value nMixedModeOverrideVersion
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 2003 - backs up SharePoint 2003 data

2007 - backs up SharePoint 2007 data

Default Value N/A
Created in SharePoint Server 2003 or 2007 Computer
Description By default, if this Registry key does not exist, SharePoint 2007 data will be backed up.

If set to 2003, SharePoint 2003 data will be backed up. If set to 2007, SharePoint 2007 data will be backed up.

Applies To SharePoint Database iDataAgent


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MSSharepointDocAgent
Key bEnableRestart (optional)
Value N/A
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range N/A
Default Value N/A
Created in SharePoint Server 2007 Computer or SharePoint WSS v3.0
Description When this key is created and set to 1, the backup will restart and continue from the last folder that was backed up. Set to 1 to enable this feature. NOTE: This key cannot be used with dwDisableAutoDiscovery.
Applies To SharePoint Server Computer


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\SharepointDM
Key bEnableRestart (optional)
Value N/A
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range N/A
Default Value N/A
Created in SharePoint Server 2007 Computer or SharePoint WSS v3.0
Description When this key is created and set to 1, the archive will restart and continue from the last folder that was archived. Set to 1 to enable this feature. NOTE: This key cannot be used with dwDisableAutoDiscovery.
Applies To SharePoint Archiver Computer


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MSSharepointDocAgent
Key dwDisableAutoDiscovery (optional)
Value N/A
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range N/A
Default Value N/A
Created in SharePoint Server 2007 Computer or SharePoint WSS v3.0
Description When this key is created, the auto-discovery of sites for user-created subclients will be disabled. NOTE: This key cannot be used with bEnableRestart.
Applies To SharePoint Server Computer


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\SharePointDM
Key dwDisableAutoDiscovery (optional)
Value N/A
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range N/A
Default Value N/A
Created in SharePoint Server 2007 Computer or SharePoint WSS v3.0
Description When this key is created, the auto-discovery of sites for user-created subclients will be disabled. NOTE: This key cannot be used with bEnableRestart.
Applies To SharePoint Archiver Computer


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key SharePointDM (optional)
Value nRecallTimeout
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Any number of minutes.
Default Value N/A
Created in SharePoint Server 2003 or 2007 Computer
Description By default, or if this Registry key does not exist, the amount of time allocated for recalling data is 5 minutes.
Applies To SharePoint Archiver Agent


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\ Platform Information\Instance<xxx>
Key MSSharepointDocAgent (optional)
Value nLargeFileSizeThresholdValInMBForBackup (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Not applicable
Default Value 50Mb
Created in The Client computer in which the iDataAgent is installed

SharePoint documents iDataAgent will backup large files using different method


nLargeFileSizeThresholdValInMBForBackup 40

Files larger than 40 MB will be backed up using new method.

SPDocBackup.log will have logging like:




Applies To SharePoint Server iDataAgent


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\ Platform Information\Instance<xxx>
Key MSSharepointDocAgent (optional)
Value nLargeFileSizeThresholdValInMBForRestore (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Not applicable
Default Value 150Mb
Created in The Client computer in which the iDataAgent is installed

Supports restore to local File System and specify the maximum size we can restore to the SharePoint site, which defaults to SharePoint Doc Agent Folder Path. However, if this key is set to 0, then SharePoint docs can be restored to anywhere in the system as specified by dSharePointDocLocalRestoreDir.


nLargeFileSizeThresholdValInMBForRestore 120

In this case, all files larger than 120 MB in size will be restored to local file system.

SPDocRestore.log will have logging like:



…Restored a LARGE file:"Upgrade.log" to local folder:"\JobResults\CV_JobResults\iDataAgent\MS SharePoint Doc Agent\restore". This file will have to be uploaded to sharepoint server manually.

Applies To SharePoint Server iDataAgent


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\ Platform Information\Instance<xxx>
Key MSSharepointDocAgent
Value dSharePointDocLocalRestoreDir
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range Not applicable
Default Value None.
Created in The Client computer in which the iDataAgent is installed
Description Supports restore of SharePoint documents to anywhere on the file system. Docs will be restored to location specified by this key.
Applies To SharePoint Server iDataAgent


SQL Server

Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MSSQLAgent
Key Client (Standard)
Value nLogThreshHoldValue (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 = Disabled

1 - max integer = This integer specifies the number of transaction log backups that will be taken before a minor event is issued to remind users to run a full backup.

Default Value None.
Created in Client computer.
Description By default, 24 log backups are run and then a full backup is taken. Specify a number with the registry key if you want to run a different number of log backups other than the default. After the number of transaction log backups is taken, a minor event is issued to remind users to run a full backup. The event can be viewed with the Event Viewer. This is useful since log backups are typically scheduled, but scheduling full backups may be inadvertently missed. Full backups also reduce the chance of data loss if log backups become corrupted.
Applies To Client computer.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Value nCvdLogChainConsistencyCheck (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 = Disabled

1 = Enabled

Default Value 1.
Created in CommServe computer.
Description By default, this registry key is set to 1 (enabled) to enforce backup consistency checking. Disable it by setting the key to 0 to disable the backup consistency checking.

NOTE: Disabling this key will affect all SQL clients installed on the CommServe computer. By disabling the consistency check, the chain is not verified and can be broken during restore operations.

Applies To Client computer.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Value nAutoDiscoverSQLInstanceTimeout (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Value (in minutes).
Default Value None
Created in Client computer.
Description When a value is specified for this registry key (in minutes), it will automatically discover the instances in the time frame specified after the key is saved.

NOTE: If the Auto Discover New SQL Instances is selected in the Agent Properties dialog box, this registry key overrides the default behavior in which the instances are discovered every 24 hours.

Applies To Client computer.



Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MSSQLAgent
Value nSqlQueryTimeout (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 0 = Default value (infinite).

>0 = Time (in seconds).

Default Value 0.
Created in Client computer.
Description By default, this registry key is set to 0 (infinite).

To change the default time for backup and restore operations of SQL database, specify a number that is greater than 0 (in seconds).

Applies To Client computer.


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Key MSSQLAgent
Value sDiscoverDatabaseStates (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range standby





If more than one of the above values is specified, separate the list by a semicolon.

Default Value NA
Created in Client computer.
Description Specifying a value for this key provides the ability to discover offline SQL Server databases in one or more states. This will discover the databases for this client only.

Alternatively, you can use a qscript command to globally discover databases for all clients as follows:


qoperation execscript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si DatabaseStateString -si y -si standby;restoring;suspect;offline;


  • When this registry key is configured on the client, it will override the global setting set by the qoperation command.
  • If suspect or shutdown state is specified, both suspect and standby databases are discovered.
Applies To Client computer.



Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MediaManager\
Key dwBackupAlerts (optional)
Value VaultTrackerExportDelayTime (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number>=5 (expressed in minutes)
Default Value 0 (the feature is turned off)
Created in CommServe Computer
Description Introduces a delay time for scheduling a reconciliation report
Applies To VaultTracker Replication Reports
Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MediaManager\
Key VaultTracker (optional)
Value VaultTrackerExportQuitTime (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number>=120 (expressed in minutes)
Default Value 0 (the feature is turned off)
Created in CommServe Computer
Description Forces the export of media to end after a certain amount of time
Applies To VaultTracker Export Operations
Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MediaManager\
Key VaultTracker (optional)
Value nKeepVTHistoryWithActionsForHours (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number (expressed in minutes)
Default Value default is 15 (expressed in minutes)
Created in CommServe Computer
Description Keeps actions in the Media Action Details window for 15 minutes by default (time is configurable in this registry key)
Applies To VaultTracker Media Action Details window


One-way Firewall and Name Management

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MediaManager\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaManager
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\Galaxy\GALAXY.INI [Session] section
Key sCLIENTNAME (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range The name of the client computer. (As displayed in the CommCell Browser.)
Default Value none
Created in The Client or MediaAgent on the virtual and/or physical node in a Cluster.
Description Provides the firewall daemon with the client name.

Can be used to change the client name when the CommServe database is updated with a new name and for some reason the client registry was not updated. e.g., due to network failures, etc.

Applies To One-way firewall on Windows clustered environments.

Name Management


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\MediaManager\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaManager
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\Galaxy\GALAXY.INI [Session] section
Key sHOSTNAME ((standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range The interface name of the host computer.
Default Value none
Created in The Client or MediaAgent on the virtual and/or physical node in a Cluster.
Description Provides the firewall daemon with the interface name of the computer.

Can be used to change the local hostname when the CommServe database is updated with a new name and for some reason the client registry was not updated. e.g., due to network failures, etc.

Applies To One-way firewall on Windows clustered environments.

Name Management


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\CommServe\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/CommServe
NetWare <Software Installation Directory>\Galaxy\GALAXY.INI [CommServe] section
Key sCSHOSTNAME (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) String Value
Valid Range The name of the CommServe computer to which the client is attached.
Default Value CommServe name that was stated during the install of the client.
Created in The Client or MediaAgent on the virtual and/or physical node in a Cluster.
Description Can be used to change the CommServe name, if the client must access the new CommServe.
Applies To Name Management


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVRepSvc(Instance<xxx>)
Key CVRepSvc (standard)
Value PipelineBufferSizeInKiloBytes (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range 64 - 256, in increments of 32 (KB)
Default Value 64
Created in The Client computers in which CDR is installed; the key must have the same value on both the source computer(s) and destination computer(s).
Description Allows you to increase the size of the pipeline buffer for a commensurate increase in replication performance. However, if the value of this key is set too high, when performing a SmartSync, or Copyback to a destination computer with low kernel memory, or in a 'Fan-In' configuration, the operation may fail because the system lacks sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.

When the value of this key is changed, Replication Services must be stopped and restarted on both the source and destination computers. When Services are restarted, any Smart Sync will be converted to a Full Sync.

Applies To ContinuousDataReplicator


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVRepSvc(Instance<xxx>)
Key CVRepSvc (standard)
Value MaxConnectionAttempts (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Number>=1
Default Value 30
Created in The Client computer in which CDR is installed, which is used as a source for data replication.
Description The number of attempts a source computer will make to connect to the pipeline, when trying to re-establish contact with the destination computer.

When the value of this key is changed, Replication Services must be stopped and restarted on the source computer.

Applies To ContinuousDataReplicator


Location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVRepSvc(Instance<xxx>)
Key CVRepSvc (standard)
Value nIncrementalCache (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD Value
Valid Range Integer
Default Value 50 (MB)
Created in The Client computers in which CDR is installed -- the source or destination computer(s).
Description The minimum size, in MB, of the COW cache used by QSnap during the SmartSync Scan phase on a source computer, or for Recovery Points on a destination computer. For computers with sufficient space, this should be increased to at least 100 MB.

Changes to this registry key take effect immediately.

Applies To ContinuousDataReplicator


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance<xxx>/MediaAgent/.properties
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value nSuspendSDR (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Integer
Default Value 1
Created in The source MediaAgent computer used for the MediaAgent Replication solution.
Description Allows replication of data between the source MediaAgent and destination MediaAgent to be temporarily suspended.

Set a value of "1" to suspend replication.

Set a value of "0", or remove this key, to enable replication.

Applies To The MediaAgent Replication solution. For more information, see MediaAgent Replication.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\MediaAgent
Key MediaAgent (standard)
Value SDRPairStartIntervalMins
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Integer
Default Value 0
Created in The source MediaAgent computer used for the MediaAgent Replication solution.
Description Controls the interval (in minutes) at which SDR Pairs should be kicked off.
Applies To The MediaAgent Replication solution. For more information, see MediaAgent Replication.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\instance<xxx>
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key File Replication (standard)
Value nDoNotReplicateACLs
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0=ACLs will be replicated

1=ACLs will not be replicated

Default Value 0
Created in The source computer where ContinuousDataReplicator, Remote Backup, or Workstation Backup Agent is installed.
Description This registry key enables you to optionally disable the replication of the security stream of files. This stream includes user and group access control list (ACL) settings for file access. If this registry key is not present, behavior is the same as if it were set to 0; ACLs will be replicated.
Applies To ContinuousDataReplicator, Remote Backup, and Workstation Backup Agent.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\instance<xxx>
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key File Replication (standard)
Value nUseVSSSoftwareProvider
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Integer
Default Value Not Applicable
Created in The destination computer where ContinuousDataReplicator is installed.
Description This registry key enables you to override the hardware VSS provider and use Microsoft VSS provider for creating snapshots on the destination computer.

Set a value of "1" to override the hardware VSS provider and use Microsoft VSS provider for snapshot creation.

Set a value of "0", or remove this key, to use the hardware VSS provider (as and if applicable).

Following an upgrade of ContinuousDataReplicator to the current release, you will need to re-add the nUseVSSSoftwareProvider registry key on the destination computer even if this registry key was added to the previous release.

Applies To ContinuousDataReplicator


Internet Protocol (IP)

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GalaxyInstallerFlags
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/
NetWare Not Applicable
Key GalaxyInstallerFlags (standard)
Value nOverridePreferredIPFamily (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - FAMILY_ANY (allows both IPv4 or IPv6 support)

1 - FAMILY_IPV4 (allows IPv4 support)

2 - FAMILY_IPV6 (allows IPv6 support) (Not available for Unix computers.)

Default Value 1
Created in The computer on which the software component is installed
Description This key allows you to install software components on a CommCell computer in an IPv6 environment. The key must be manually created on each computer within the CommCell prior to installing any software components. When created, an option to select IPv6 support will be offered during the software installation.

Note that this key only provides IPv6 support for the duration of the software installation. To further operate CommCell components in an IPv6 environment, the nPreferredIPFamily registry key must be configured on each computer within the CommCell after the software has been installed.

Applies To All client computers in the CommCell


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\Session
Unix /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance/Session/.properties
NetWare Not Applicable
Key Session (standard)
Value nPreferredIPFamily (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - FAMILY_ANY (allows both IPv4 or IPv6 support)

1 - FAMILY_IPV4 (allows IPv4 support)

2 - FAMILY_IPV6 (allows IPv6 support)

Default Value 0
Created in The computer on which the software component is installed
Description This key allows you to operate software components on a CommCell computer in an IPv6 environment. This key must be configured on each computer within the CommCell after the software has been installed.

Note that this key does not provide IPv6 support for the installation of CommCell components. The nOverridePreferredIPFamily must first be created on each computer within the CommCell prior to installing any software components. Once the software has been installed throughout the CommCell, the nPreferredIPFamily can then be configured on each computer in the CommCell to provide further functionality in the IPv6 environment.

Applies To All client computers in the CommCell


User Administration and Security

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\CommServe
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key CommServe (standard)
Value nRestrictedViewEnabled (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Default Value 0
Created in CommServe
Description A non-zero value of this key enables viewing of a special user group called CV_Restricted_Visibility. Members of this group cannot see clients and options for which they do not have permissions.
Applies To CommServe


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\CommServe
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key CommServe (standard)
Value nUseCommonSSOUser (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Default Value 0
Created in User-Created in CommServe
Description A non-zero value of this key enables it. Once enabled, CommServe services must be stopped and restarted. Recycling the services will automatically create a user group called Common Outlook Add-In Default Group and a user account called Default Outlook User. These user and user group accounts are needed to configure an Outlook Add-In client, which is enabled to use the Browse/Find feature, to automatically authenticate their login session via Single Sign On.
Applies To CommServe


Updates and Service Packs

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance###\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key Base (standard)
Value dUPDATEEXPIRY (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Integer (number of days after which the update will expire)
Default Value None
Created in All CommCell clients where the updates need to be expired.
Description The number of days after which the installed updates will become uninstallable (expired).
Applies To All CommCell clients where the updates need to be expired.


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance###\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key CommServe (standard)
Value IncludeAddinUpdates (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Default Value None
Created in User-created in CommServe
Description When configured and enabled, the latest standalone package updates are delivered to clients during automatic update operations.
Applies To CommServe


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key Instance### (standard)
Value nForceApplyDBUpdates (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Default Value None
Created in User-Created in CommServe
Description When this key is defined and the value is set to 1, database updates will be installed without stopping software services. This is applicable for:
  • For non-clustered computers or active node of clusters; individual database updates will be installed without stopping software services.
  • On passive node of a cluster; individual database updates will be installed (they will not be skipped).
This key (even if enabled) does not have an effect on non-database updates.
Applies To All Database platforms: CommServe, CommNet Server, SRM Server, CommCell Explorer, and Content Indexing Engine.


Virtual Server iDataAgent

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value VStorageEnable (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

Default Value 0
Created in Proxy Computer
Description This registry key enables data protection and recovery in vSphere VADP environments.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value dVMSnapMountPath (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range <full_mount_path>
Default Value <job_results_folder>
Created in Proxy Computer
Description This registry key allows you to change the mount path used for backups to a location other than the original proxy computer.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value VWTransportMode (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range One of the following transport modes:
  • hotadd
  • san
  • nbd
  • nbdssl
  • nas
  • cos
Default Value None.
Created in Client computer on which the Virtual Server iDataAgent is installed
Description This registry key configures vcbmounter to use a specified Transport Mode for all operations. If this key is not present, the software will automatically use the mode already configured for vcbmounter.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value VWMountCmdParams (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range -cmd <value>
Default Value None.
Created in Client computer on which the Virtual Server iDataAgent is installed
Description This registry key allows you to add additional command line options to vcbmounter for mounting operations.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value VWUnmountCmdParams (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range -cmd <value>
Default Value None.
Created in Client computer on which the Virtual Server iDataAgent is installed
Description This registry key allows you to add additional command line options to vcbmounter for unmounting operations.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value VWMountVerbosity (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0-6
Default Value 0
Created in Client computer on which the Virtual Server iDataAgent is installed
Description This registry key allows you to configure the verbosity of vcbmounter during mounting operations.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value VWUnmountVerbosity (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0-6
Default Value 0
Created in Client computer on which the Virtual Server iDataAgent is installed
Description This registry key allows you to configure the verbosity of vcbmounter during unmounting operations.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value VwMountRetryCount (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Integer (number of retries)
Default Value 1
Created in Client computer on which the Virtual Server iDataAgent is installed
Description This registry key allows you to configure the number of times vcbmounter will attempt to mount the disk or volume.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value VwUnmountRetryCount (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Integer (number of retries)
Default Value 3
Created in Client computer on which the Virtual Server iDataAgent is installed
Description This registry key allows you to configure the number of times vcbmounter will attempt to unmount the disk or volume.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value VWRestoreCmdParams (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range -cmd <value>
Default Value None.
Created in Client computer on which the Virtual Server iDataAgent is installed
Description This registry key allows you to add additional command line parameters for the VMware Converter to enhance backup operations.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value VwDefDatastore (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) STRING
Valid Range <name_of_datastore>
Default Value None.
Created in Client computer on which the Virtual Server iDataAgent is installed
Description This registry key specifies the datastore to be used for a given ESX Server.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\<Instance>\
Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key VirtualServer (standard)
Value dwPurgeMountPath (optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 0 - Do not clean up mount path.

1 - Clean up mount path in all cases.

Default Value 0
Created in Client computer on which the Virtual Server iDataAgent is installed
Description This registry key provides the facility to determine whether a restore mount path folder should be cleaned of data if a job is killed or has failed.
Applies To Virtual Server iDataAgent


Workstation Backup

Key GalaxyInstallerFlags (standard)
Value szRepSetPolicyName (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) REG_SZ Value
Valid Range Name of the Replication Policy to create Replication Sets for this agent.
Default Value None
Created in Client computer where Workstation Backup agent is installed
Description Before installing Workstation Backup using standalone package, create this key to specify replication policy name. (Optional)
Applies To Workstation Backup Agent


Unix Not Applicable
NetWare Not Applicable
Key GalaxyInstallerFlags
Value szCommServeIPHostName
Value Type (Windows only) REG_SZ
Valid Range Fully qualified domain name of the CommServe computer.
Default Value None
Created in CommCell clients installed with Workstation Backup Agent.
Description Before installing Workstation Backup Agent using standalone package, create this key to specify the fully qualified host name of the CommServe computer.
Applies To Workstation Backup Agent


Key GalaxyInstallerFlags (standard)
Value multiszFirewallHosts (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) REG_MULTI_SZ Value
Valid Range Fully qualified domain name, IP address, or wild card representation of the CommCell computers on the other side of the firewall. See Firewall Consideration - One-Way Firewalls or Two-Way Firewalls for syntax.

For example:

Default Value None
Created in Client computer where Workstation Backup agent is installed
Description Before installing Workstation Backup using standalone package, create this key to specify host name of CommCell computers on the other side of the firewall. (Optional)
Applies To Workstation Backup Agent


Key GalaxyInstallerFlags (standard)
Value multiszFirewallPeers (Required only if the multiszFirewallHosts registry key is specified.)
Value Type (Windows only) REG_MULTI_SZ Value
Valid Range Firewall peers. See Firewall Consideration - One-Way Firewalls or Two-Way Firewalls for syntax.

For example (one-way firewall): @@PASSIVE@@ 8400 8400

Default Value None
Created in Client computer where Workstation Backup agent is installed
Description Before installing Workstation Backup using standalone package, create this key to specify the firewall peers. (This is required only if the multiszFirewallHosts registry key is specified.)
Applies To Workstation Backup Agent


Key GalaxyInstallerFlags (standard)
Value multiszFirewallPorts (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) REG_MULTI_SZ Value
Valid Range List of ports that are open for CommCell communications through the firewall. See Firewall Consideration - One-Way Firewalls or Two-Way Firewalls for syntax.

For example:




Default Value None
Created in Client computer where Workstation Backup agent is installed
Description Before installing Workstation Backup using standalone package, create this key to specify the ports that are open for CommCell communications across the firewall. (Optional)
Applies To Workstation Backup Agent


Key GalaxyInstallerFlags (standard)
Value nKEEP_ALIVE (Optional)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range Integer (in Seconds)
Default Value None
Created in Client computer where Workstation Backup agent is installed
Description Before installing Workstation Backup using standalone package, create this key to specify firewall keep alive interval. (Required if multiszFirewallHosts or multiszFirewallPorts registry key is specified.)
Applies To Workstation Backup Agent


Key GalaxyInstallerFlags (standard)
Value Type (Windows only) DWORD
Valid Range 1 - 60 (in Seconds)
Default Value None
Created in Client computer where Workstation Backup agent is installed
Description Before installing Workstation Backup using standalone package, create this key to specify firewall tunnel initialization interval. (Required if multiszFirewallHosts or multiszFirewallPorts registry key is specified.)
Applies To Workstation Backup Agent


Firewall Settings

Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\Session


Key FWFiles (standard)
Value FWHost[1..n]

When multiple hosts are involved in the configuration, the value is named FWHost1, FWHost2, FWHost3, etc. - one for each host in the FWHost.txt file.

Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range <host> <Type> <CVDPort> - each token separated by a blank space


  • <Host> is the host name, IP address or wild card of the computer behind the firewall
  • <Type> is the type of firewall (1 - two-way, 2 - one-way reachable, 3 - one-way non reachable)
  • <CVDPort> is the port number used for CVD Services

For example, 1 8502

Default Value None
Created in Client computer where the agent is installed.
Description Use this key to do a GPO push of the firewall configuration file FWHost.txt. This key overwrites the FWHost.txt present at the remote client.

This key is typically used to push revised firewall configuration to multiple clients that are remotely located after the post installation.

Applies To All


Windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance<xxx>\Session


Key FWFiles (standard)
Value FWPorts[1..n] (Optional)

When multiple port ranges are involved in the configuration, the value is named FWPorts1, FWPorts2, FWPorts3, etc. - one for each port range in the FWPorts.txt file.

Value Type (Windows only) String
Valid Range <start> <end> - each token is separated by a blank space


  • <start> is the start port range
  • <end> is the end port range

For example, 8501-8520

Default Value None
Created in Client computer where agent is installed.
Description Use this key to do a GPO push of the firewall configuration file FWports.txt. This key overwrites the FWPorts.txt present at the remote client.

Typically used to push revised firewall configuration to multiple clients that are remotely located after the post installation.

Applies To All

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