Instances - Virtual Server - How To

Topics | How To

Create/Modify an Instance

Delete an Instance

Create/Modify an Instance

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Required Actions

To create/modify an Instance

  1. To create an instance, from the CommCell Browser, locate the correct client computer node, and right-click the agent node for which you want the new instance created, click All Tasks, and then click New Instance from the shortcut menu.

    To modify an existing instance, from the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance you want to modify, and then click Properties from the shortcut menu.

  2. If creating an instance, enter the name (up to 32 characters) for the instance in the General tab.
  3. Select the type of virtual server(s) that will be backed up using the backup sets and subclients of this instance.

    If selecting VMware, you must select either the Virtual Center or individual ESX servers.

  4. From the Security tab, select the appropriate user groups to which you want to associate to the CommCell object from the Available Groups pane, and then move the user group to the Associated Groups pane.
  5. Click OK to save the instance.

Delete an Instance

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Required Actions

To delete an instance positioned in the level below the corresponding agent or pseudo-client

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance that you want to delete, click All Tasks and then click Delete.
  2. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. (Clicking No cancels the deletion and retains the node.)
  3. Type the requested phrase in the Enter Confirmation Text dialog box and click OK. This should delete the instance.

To delete an Oracle iDataAgent instance included within an Oracle RAC instance (node)

  1. Right-click the Oracle RAC instance, click Properties, and click Details.
  2. Click the instance that you want to delete within Client/Instance/Status and click Delete.
  3. Repeat the previous step for each Oracle iDataAgent instance (except the last one remaining) within the Oracle RAC instance that you want to delete.
  4. Click OK. This should delete the Oracle iDataAgent instance(s).
With the exceptions noted above, you can no longer access the corresponding backup data for restore purposes.

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