Add To/Remove from Archive List - How To

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Add Messages/Folders to the Migration List (Exchange Mailbox Archiver)

Remove Messages/Folders from the Migration List (Exchange Mailbox Archiver)

Add Messages/Folders to the Archive List

Before You Begin

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To add messages/folders to the Archive List in Outlook:

  1. Log on to your mailbox in Outlook. The Outlook window appears.
  2. From Outlook, locate the messages or folder that you want to add to the Archive List, then click on that data object and select one of the following options:
  3. The icon for each message added to the Archive List will change to indicating that it is now a migration archiving candidate which will be archived during the next migration archiving operation from the CommCell Console.
  4. After the migration archiving operation is run, the icon for each archived message will change to indicating that it is a stub (unless the Do Not Create Stub option is enabled in the CommCell Console, in which case the stub will not appear at all).

Remove Messages/Folders from the Archive List

Before You Begin

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To remove messages/folders from the Archive List in Outlook:

  1. Log on to your mailbox in Outlook. The Outlook window appears.
  2. From Outlook, locate the messages or folder that you want to remove from the Archive List, then click on that data object and select one of the following options:
  3. The selected objects will be removed from the Archive List, and the icon for each message will change back to the icon that is normally displayed for mail messages.

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