Add To/Remove from Archive List

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The Exchange Mailbox Archiver Agent provides the capability for end-users to add/remove mail messages and folders to/from the Archive List. During installation, the Outlook Add-In will, by default, add the following four menu items under the Outlook Tools menu which allow you to add or remove objects in the Archive List:

The Galaxy.Ex2KMBDM.CVEAAddin (UIOptions) registry key allows you to add/remove these menu items from the Outlook Tools menu. The creation of this registry key and its functionality depends on the screen options selected during installation. For more information, see the Select Components for Installation section.

If users want to add mail messages or a folder into the Archive List so that the next archive operation on the Exchange Server will include them for archiving, the user can specify the appropriate Add option for the selected candidate messages or folder. Keep in mind that all folder level operations will include all messages residing in subfolders, in addition to messages residing in the selected folder. These archiving candidates will show up with an icon indicating they have been added to the Archive List. Users can also remove candidates from the Archive List by specifying the appropriate Remove option.

The determination of whether or not an object will be archived is decided by multiple factors. Due to precedence of the archiving rules, it is possible that the candidates may not be archived in the next archive operation. Refer to Archiving Rules - Exchange Mailbox/Public Folder Archiver Agents for a list of these rules and their precedence.