Recover Data - SharePoint Archiver - Troubleshoot

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Hide "Recall Completed Successfully" Dialog Box

To suppress displaying the "Recall Completed Successfully" dialog box as described in the Recover Data from SharePoint Server User Interface procedure, do the following:

  1. Edit the Virtual Server web.config file.
  2. Add this setting under the <appSettings> section.


    <add key="HideMessageBox" value="YES" />


  1. Restart the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager in order for the changes to take effect.

Error After Attempting to Recall SharePoint Archived Document

When you try to recall an archived document in the SharePoint User Interface, one of the following error messages may be displayed:

A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Web Part Page cannot be displayed or imported because it is not registered on this site as safe.


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Unknown Error


These error messages may appear because entries are missing from the Virtual Server web.config file. If they are missing, they must be added and IIS needs to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.


SharePoint 2003:

Confirm these entries are under <SafeControls>:

<SafeControl Assembly="DMWebPart, Version=<version_number>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2930a9d6ade9c6ce" Namespace="DMWebPartNameSpace" TypeName="*" Safe="True" />


SharePoint 2007:

Confirm these entries are under <SafeControls>:

<SafeControl Assembly="DMWebPartV3, Version=<version_number>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=491c4c8e1e5b9471" Namespace="DMWebPartNameSpace" TypeName="*" Safe="True" />


SharePoint 2003 or 2007:

Confirm these entries are under <appSettings>:


<add key="ClientName" value="computer_name" />

<add key="BinDirectory" value="InstallPath\Base\" />

<add key="InstanceName" value="Instance[Number]" />


*<version_number> is the current version of the software e.g.,

Error After Attempting to Recall SharePoint Archived Document

When you try to recall an archived document in the SharePoint User Interface, this error message may be displayed:

Unable to submit recall request, restore activity may be disabled.


If IPv6 is enabled, then the proper nPREFERREDIPFAMILY key needs to be configured. 

When the Recall Archived Data Menu is not Visible in the SharePoint User Interface

For SharePoint Portal 2003 Servers, do the following to display the Recall Archived Data menu in the SharePoint user interface:

  1. Run the following command on the command line from the software_installation_path\base_installation directory:

    CVAddSharePointMenu -c

  2. Restart Internet Information Services (IIS). *


For SharePoint 2007 Servers, do the following to display the Recall Archived Data menu in the SharePoint user interface:

  1. Run the following command on the command line:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\Bin\stsadm.exe -o installfeature -filename Commvault\feature.xml

  2. Restart Internet Information Services (IIS).*


*Typically, the iisreset command is used to restart IIS.

Error After Attempting to Recall SharePoint Archived Document after Upgrade when both SharePoint 2003 and 2007 Servers Co-Exist on the Same Client

When you try to recall an archived document in the SharePoint User Interface, if the following error message is displayed, use the procedure below to correct the issue.

Unexpected Error

  1. Run the following command on the command line from the software_installation_path\base_installation directory:

    CVAddSharePointMenu -c

  2. Restart Internet Information Services (IIS). *


*Typically, the iisreset command is used to restart IIS.

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