Using Transaction/Archive Logs with Recovered QR Volumes


Set Up Data Protection

Recover Your Data


The Quick Recovery Agent and the following iDataAgents can work together to provide an integrated data protection and recovery system for your database volumes:

In this scenario, the Quick Recovery Agent creates and maintains a copy, or QR Volume, of the database and log volumes associated with the Oracle or SQL database. The corresponding iDataAgent is then used to back up the associated logs Transaction Logs for SQL Server and Archive Logs for Oracle.

During a recovery of the QR Volume, the Quick Recovery Agent recovers the database volumes' data as they existed at the point in time of the last QR Volume creation. Any iDataAgent transaction log or archive log backups that were run after the last QR update can then be applied via the corresponding iDataAgent. Additionally for Oracle, if online redo logs are present, they can also be applied to recover the database up to the current time.

This configuration takes advantage of both the speed of recovery offered by the Quick Recovery Agent and the efficiency of log backups (which are typically less resource-intensive than database backups and can be scheduled to occur frequently).

The Oracle iDataAgent provides many options for recovery, and these options need to be selected very carefully. The Oracle database recovery procedures must be followed in the correct sequence; otherwise, data could be lost.

Set Up Data Protection

In order to take advantage of this data protection and recovery system, perform the following:

  1. Create a Subclient in the Quick Recovery Agent containing the database volumes for which you will be creating a QR Volume.
  2. Create a QR Volume of the subclient defined in the step above. It is recommended that you schedule incremental updates of the QR Volume. The update interval will determine the point-in-time to which the application volume will be recovered. Therefore, it will likely also affect how frequently transaction logs should be backed up.
  3. Back up the log files using the appropriate application iDataAgent. For this data protection configuration to be useful, backups of the transaction logs should be scheduled to start after the incremental updates of the QR Volume.

Recover Your Data

Recovering your data for this configuration consists of two tasks:

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