SRM SQL Server Agent Reports

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Several reports are available for SQL Server. The following table enumerates them, along with a short description. It also indicates whether an Analysis level Data Collection Job is required to produce complete and accurate data for each report.

For step-by-step instructions, see Run/Schedule a Report.

Report Name  Description Is Analysis level Data Collection Required?
Current Capacity by Database Sum of size (used) for all files in database, sum of size (reserved) for all files in database, and utilization % (size used / size reserved). Use it to identify databases that are nearly full. You can set Thresholds to notify administrators to allocate more space for critical databases. No
Current Capacity By File Group Sum of space used in files in group, total size of files in group (reserved), and utilization % (size in use / size reserved). Use it to identify file groups that are nearly full. You can set Thresholds to notify administrators to allocate more space for critical file groups. No
Current Capacity By Instance Sum of size (used) for all databases in instance, sum of size (reserved) for all databases in instance, and utilization % (size used / size reserved). Use it to identify instances that are nearly full. You can set Thresholds to notify administrators to allocate more space for critical instances. No
Database Details Properties of a particular database, such as creation date, instance, owner, status, mode, and user. No
Databases Requiring Backup Times of last full backup and last log backup, total extents in database, number of extents modified since full backup, differential change % (differential change extents / total extents), number of extents modified by bulk ops since full backup, bulk change % (bulk change extents / total extents). Use it to identify databases that should be backed up based on activity. Yes
File Details Information about individual data and log files, such as instance, database, file group, location, and current capacity and utilization. For SQL Server 2000, values for Differential Changed Extents and Bulk Changed Extents will be 0. Yes
Index Details Information about individual indexes, including fill factor % and space used. For SQL Server 2000, values for Pages, Extents, and Levels will be 0. Yes
Index Fragmentation Numerous particulars, such as extents out-of-order pages, average pages per extent, average scan and page densities, logical and extent scan fragmentation, average bytes free per page, minimum/maximum/average record sizes, and forwarded/total records. For SQL Server 2000, all values in the report will be 0. Yes
Index Selectivity Time of last statistics collection, density, and names of worst column combination. For SQL Server 2000, all values in the report will be 0. Yes
Instance Details Properties of the SQL Server Instance, such as domain, product name and version, default language, platform hardware details, and default collation order. No
Largest Databases Name, size, and total reserved space of databases, ranked by size. No
Largest File Groups Name and total reserved space of file groups, ranked by size. No
Largest Files Name and total reserved space of files, ranked by size. No
Largest Indexes Name and space used of indexes, ranked by size. No
Largest Tables Name and space used of tables, ranked by size. No
Table Details Information about individual tables, including instance, database, file group, owner, and current usage (size) details. No
Total Usage by Owner and Instance Instance usage by total and reserved size by owner. Summarizes instance usage, highlighting the usage patterns of different owners on a per-instance basis. Use this report to identify heavy disk consumers for capacity management and planning purposes. No
Usage History by Database Database usage by used and reserved space and utilization % over time. Use the optional Trending feature to predict future growth patterns for capacity planning. Yes
Usage History by File Group File group usage by used and reserved space and utilization % over time. Use the optional Trending feature to predict future growth patterns for capacity planning. Yes
Usage History by Index Index usage by used space over time. Use the optional Trending feature to predict future growth patterns for capacity planning. No
Usage History By Instance Instance usage by used and reserved space and utilization % over time. Use the optional Trending feature to predict future growth patterns for capacity planning. Yes
Usage History by Table Table usage by used space over time. Use the optional Trending feature to predict future growth patterns for capacity planning. No

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