Restore Data - DB2 DPF - How To

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Rerun a Failed DB2 or DB2 DPF Restore Job

Restore a DB2 Database or DB2 DPF Database Partition Created in a User-defined Directory

Restore a DB2 Database or DB2 DPF Database Partition with Specific Parameters Containing a Non-default Value

Rerun a Failed DB2 or DB2 DPF Restore Job

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To rerun a restore job containing multiple backup images after the full backup image restore failed:

  1. From the Restore Arguments tab of the Restore Options dialog box, enable the Incremental Restore (from one Full backup image) option.
  2. Select only the full backup image that failed to restore from the Available Images field.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. From the Roll-Forward tab of the Advanced Restore Options dialog box, select the Leave in Roll-Forward Pending State option.
  5. Click OK to restore the full backup image.
  6. From the Restore Arguments tab, disable the Incremental Restore (from one Full backup image) option.
  7. Select the next (non-full) backup image in the backup cycle from the Available Images field.
  8. Click OK to restore this backup image.
  9. Repeat the previous two steps until all the other backup images in the cycle have been restored.
  10. Click Advanced.
  11. Apply the database roll-forward from the Roll-Forward tab.
  12. Continue the restore.

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To rerun a restore job containing multiple backup images after either a delta backup image restore or an incremental backup image restore failed:

  1. From the Restore Arguments tab of the Restore Options dialog box, disable the Incremental Restore (from one Full backup image) option.
  2. Select the backup image that failed to restore from the Available Images field.
  3. Click OK to restore this backup image.
  4. Select the next backup image in the backup cycle from the Available Images field.
  5. Click OK to restore this backup image.
  6. Repeat the previous two steps until all the other backup images in the cycle have been restored.
  7. Continue the restore.

Restore a DB2 Database or DB2 DPF Database Partition Created in a User-defined Directory

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To restore a database that you created at a user-defined directory location instead of at the DB2 default location:

  1. Refer to Browse and Restore or Basic Restore as appropriate to restore the database.
  2. Click Advanced.
  3. Ensure that you redirect all the associated tablespaces by using the Redirect tab within the Advanced Restore Options dialog box.
  4. Continue the restore.

Restore a DB2 Database or DB2 DPF Database Partition with Specific Parameters Containing a Non-default Value

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To restore a database whose DBHEAP, UTIL_HEAP, and/or APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ configuration parameters contain a value other than the default value:

  1. Create a dummy database.
  2. Set the DBHEAP, UTIL_HEAP, and/or APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ configuration parameters for this database to the (non-default) value of each of these parameters for the source database.
  3. Restore the source database backup image to the dummy database.  Refer to Browse and Restore or Basic Restore as appropriate.