Basic Restore - How To

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Basic Restore

Advanced Restore Options

Basic Restore

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To restore data without using browse:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the agent, instance or backup set that contains the data you want to restore, click All Tasks and then click the available Restore command (command names vary by agent).
  2. In the Restore dialog box, type the starting path of the data you want to restore.
  3. From the Restore Options and Advanced Restore Options dialog boxes, select the restore options that you want to use. When you accept all the default settings, you will be restoring the selected data to its original location. See Restore Backup Data for complete information on the agent-specific restore options.
  4. After completing your selections, you can either start an immediate restore or schedule the restore.

You can monitor the progress of the restore job in the Job Controller. While the job is running, you can right-click the job in the Job Controller and select Detail to view information on the job.

After the data has been restored, you will see a job completion message in the Job Controller and Event Viewer.

Time Range Options for Basic Restore

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To provide time range options for basic restore:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the agent, instance or backup set that contains the data you want to restore, click All Tasks and then click the available Restore command (command names vary by agent).
  2. In the Restore dialog box, type the starting path of the data you want to restore.
  3. From the Restore Options and Advanced Restore Options dialog boxes, select the Time Range tab.
  4. In the Advanced Restore Options (Time Range) dialog box select Image Browsing option, if required.

    In the Specify Restore Time area select the Time Zone for the time range options. Select the Exclude Data Before option and select the start date and time from which you wish to restore data, and select the Browse Data Before option and select the end date and time until which you wish to restore data.

  5. Click OK in the Advanced Restore Options dialog box.
  6. Click OK in the Restore Options dialog box to execute the restore.

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