Restore a SharePoint Server Shared Service Provider

Stand-alone Deployment

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To restore a Shared Service Provider:

  1. Begin a restore procedure using the SharePoint Server iDataAgent. See Browse and Restore for step-by-step instructions.
  2. Follow the procedure Restore a SharePoint Server WSS Web Application Content Database to restore the WSS Web Application that hosted the Shared Services Provider.
  3. Using stsadm.exe command, delete site ../ssp/admin from restored Web Application. For example, stsadm -o deletesite -url http://<URL of WebApp Hosting SSP>/ssp/admin.
  4. From the Browse Data window, expand the Shared Services Provider, select Shared Services.  Click Recover all Selected.
  5. From the Restore Options dialog box, enter the required information in the Restore Options Shared Service Provider DB, Search Shared DB, and Search Index Server tabs.
  6. Continue with the restore procedure.
  7. Set restored Shared Services Provider as default and re-associate Web Application back to it if necessary. Delete Shared Services Provider for temporal usage.

Server Farm (Small, Medium, Large)

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To restore a Shared Service Provider:

  1. Follow the procedure Restore a SharePoint Server WSS Web Application Content Database to restore the WSS Web Application that hosted the Shared Services Provider.
  2. Using stsadm.exe command, delete site ../ssp/admin from restored Web Application. For example, stsadm -o deletesite -url http://<URL of WebApp Hosting SSP>/ssp/admin.
  3. Restore the Shared Services Provider Databases using the SQL iDataAgent to Recover SQL Server Databases. Begin a restore procedure using the SharePoint Server iDataAgent. See Browse and Restore for step-by-step instructions.
  4. From the Browse Data window, expand the Shared Services Provider, select Shared Services.  Click Recover all Selected.
  5. From the Restore Options dialog box, enter the required information in the Restore Options Shared Service Provider DB, Search Shared DB, and Search Index Server tabs.
  6. Continue with the restore procedure.
  7. Set restored Shared Services Provider as default and re-associate Web Application back to it if necessary. Delete Shared Services Provider for temporal usage.