SNMP Enablers - How To

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Configure SNMP Traps

Add Additional Computers to Receive SNMP Traps

Configure SNMP Traps

To configure SNMP Traps, you must:

  1. Make sure that SNMP Services are started on the CommServe computer.
  2. Install the CommServe SNMP Enabler software on the CommServe computer. See the following procedures for step-by-step instructions:
  3. Check that the computers to receive the SNMP Traps are properly set up with the appropriate trap receiver software.
  4. Make sure that SNMP is selected as the notification method for the alert. See Configure Global Alerts.
  5. You can add additional computers to receive SNMP Traps. See Add Additional Computers to Receive SNMP Traps.

Add Additional Computers to Receive SNMP Traps

Once the CommServe SNMP Traps software is installed on the CommServe computer, you can add additional computers to receive SNMP Traps.

Before You Begin

To add additional computers to receive SNMP Traps:

  1. From the CommServe computer, navigate to Programs\Tools\Administrative Tools\Services.
  2. Right-click SNMP Services, then select Properties.
  3. From the Traps tab of the SNMP Service Properties dialog box, type the Community name and add Trap destinations from the Trap destinations pane.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.

  5. Restart SNMP Services by right-clicking SNMP Services and by selecting Restart.

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