VaultTracker Feature - Support

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The VaultTracker license provides the capability to track media movement between two locations. It is also used to export media.

The VaultTracker Enterprise license provides the capability to track media movement between several locations. In addition to the standard VaultTracker features, it also provides several advanced capabilities.

The following sections describe the features, components, and devices supported by VaultTracker and VaultTracker Enterprise.

For information on license requirements, see VaultTracker® Licenses in License Administration.

Supported Components, Libraries, and Drives

Supported Features and Reports

The following table displays the features and reports available for VaultTracker and VaultTracker Enterprise:



VaultTracker Enterprise

Export Media after Data Protection and Auxiliary Copy Operations   X
Export Media to Virtual Mail Slots   X
Filter Media by Retention Criteria   X
Iron Mountain Support   X
Media Due Back Policy   X
Media Tracking Between Libraries   X
Media Tracking from a Library to an Export Location X X
Media Repository   X
Moving Media Using Containers   X
Recall Media   X
Tracking Transit Locations   X
VaultTracker Alerts   X



VaultTracker Enterprise

Media Information Report X X
Vault Tracking Report X X