Overview - Recovery Director® Agent

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The Recovery Director® Agent provides a common method of specifying coordinated data protection operations across several snapshot-based Agents. Working in conjunction with the Quick Recovery® Agent, the Recovery Director Agent both extends the capabilities of the QR Agent, and as well directs, coordinates, and sequences the activities of the QR Agent with the Image Level ProxyHost and ProxyHostiDataAgents to provide:

By defining Snapshot Volume Units (content) and Snapshot Management Workflows in the Recovery Director agent, a complex series of data protection operations can easily be configured. Recovery Director can, for example, schedule the creation or update of a QR volume to run three times each day, but only once per day use that same point-in-time copy to perform a ProxyHost backup.

More simply, the Recovery Director agent can be employed merely to extend the abilities of the QR Agent. Through the use of Generic Enablers, 3rd-party (hardware) snapshots can be utilized by the QR Agent. By defining new Application Types, the QR Agent is able to quiesce and un-quiesce the I/O of additional applications not already supported by the QR Agent during QR Volume creation or updating (it already features built-in application intelligence for Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SQL, and Oracle.)

The Recovery Director agent is used to coordinate backup and QR volume creation only; all restore/recovery operations are performed using the individual Agents involved.

Subclient Policies and Schedule Policies are not supported.

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Supported Data Types

Refer to the Overview for each product to be used with the Recovery Director® agent to determine the data types supported:

See also: Support Information - Snapshot Engines

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Tree Levels in the Recovery Director® Agent

When the Recovery Director® Agent software is installed, the following levels are automatically created in the CommCell® Browser.

olympus: Client  
Recovery Director: Agent Application Types
Snapshot Volume Units
Snapshot Management Workflows

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User Capability Requirements

To perform any of the following actions in the Recovery Director® agent, certain User Capabilities are required:

The required User Capabilities are:

For more information about this subject, see User Administration and Security.

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License Requirement

To perform a data protection operation using this Agent a specific Product License must be available in the CommServe® Server.

Review general license requirements included in License Administration. Also, View All Licenses provides step-by-step instructions on how to view the license information.

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Disaster Recovery Considerations

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