Overview - Microsoft SQL Server iDataAgent

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Microsoft SQL Server software comprises several system databases, as well as user databases, that are backed up by the SQL Server iDataAgent. SQL Server system databases (master, msdb, and model) contain information that SQL Server needs to operate, such as user database characteristics, file locations, and other information. For more information on the types of data in system databases, refer to your SQL Server documentation from Microsoft. SQL Server user databases contain your enterprises data, related administrative files and transaction logs.

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Supported Data Types

Data Protection Operations for the following data types are supported by the SQL Server iDataAgent:

Data Protection Operations for all other data types not mentioned in the above list are not supported by the SQL Server iDataAgent, including:

The SQL Server iDataAgent is responsible for backing up and restoring SQL Server databases. This iDataAgent is just one of several iDataAgents which provide backup and restore support for different kinds of data in what is often a mixed network environment. Remember that this product only secures the SQL Server databases (e.g., system and user databases). To secure SQL Server application files that reside on a local hard drive or file system data that resides on an SQL Server computer, you must use the File System iDataAgent.

The following figure shows how iDataAgents fully secure a heterogeneous computing environment.

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Tree Levels in the SQL iDataAgent

When the SQL iDataAgent is installed, the following levels are automatically created in the CommCell Browser.

bulldog: Client

SQL Server: Agent

<user_defined_instance>: Instance

After installing the Microsoft SQL Server iDataAgent, you must use the system to add an instance to the SQL Server iDataAgent to run the first backup. (See Add a SQL Server Instance for step-by-step instructions). The system creates a default subclient for each instance you add named default which is designed to back up all the databases for the instance.

This default subclient is always of the "Database" type. However, you can create additional subclients (user-defined subclients) of both the "Database" and "File/FileGroup" type. Type "Database" user-defined subclients allow you to back up individual databases. Type "File/File Group" subclients allow you to back up data files and file groups. Whenever you assign data to these user-defined subclients, this data is removed from the content of the default subclient. For more information on default and user-defined subclients, see Subclient Backups.

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License Requirement

To perform a data protection operation using this Agent a specific Product License must be available in the CommServe® Server.

Review general license requirements included in License Administration. Also, View All Licenses provides step-by-step instructions on how to view the license information.

The license is consumed during the installation of the SQL Server iDataAgent software. Each configured instance does not consume an additional license

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Auto Discover Instances

If selected during installation, this option will also be selected at the Agent level after the install is complete. When selected, instances are automatically discovered every 24 hours or whenever the Communications Service (GxCVD) service is restarted. The default 24 hours can be overridden with the nAutoDiscoverSQLInstanceTimeout registry key.

For Express installations, an option does not appear during installation but  instances are automatically discovered. By default, this option is automatically selected at the Agent level.

If a storage policy is associated with the File System default subclient, then the same storage policy will be associated with the default subclients created for newly discovered instances. If a File System storage policy does not exist, a policy will not be assigned. 

Client Terminology

The following definitions are offered to prevent the confusion that may arise from the use of the term 'client':

System Databases

There are four system databases in every SQL Server instance: master, msdb, model, and tempdb. Since SQL Server re-creates tempdb every time the server is started, it does not normally get backed up, while master, msdb, and model databases need to be backed up. When referred to, the term 'system databases' includes only the master, msdb, and model databases.

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Transaction Logs

A transaction log is a file containing a record of changes to a database. Each database, including system databases, has its own transaction log.

Truncation of transaction logs follows these rules for the SQL Server iDataAgent:

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SQL Database Backups Using Volume Shadow Service (VSS)

VSS is a seamless method of backing up the database files. See VSS for SQL Server iDataAgents for more information.

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Other Important Notes

The following are important items of which you should be aware when using the SQL Server iDataAgent:

Support for [ and ] brackets in database names

The SQL Server iDataAgent does not support the use of embedded brackets '[' and ']' in database names.

CommServe and SQL Server time synchronization

It is recommended that the CommServe and the SQL Server client be synchronized in time as close as possible with the SQL Server client being ahead of the CommServe. Improper time synchronization may cause discrepancies in browse operations and in the database file listing in the Advanced SQL Restore Option dialog box.

Moving database files back to original location after a move

If, during a restore, database data files are moved to a new location, and if a subsequent restore of the database to the original location is then performed without taking a backup first, the database files are not moved back to the original location. There are several workarounds you can use in this situation:

VSS backups convert to VDI backups after client name change

If the SQL Server client name changes after SQL Server installation, then the SQL instance may be considered remote.

To determine whether an instance is local or remote, check the srvid column in the sysservers table by running select * from sysservers in the master database. An instance listed with the srvid as "non-zero" is considered remote.

If the instance is considered remote, VSS backups convert to VDI backups. To run VSS backups, we recommend running the following stored procedures:

Support for Microsoft Windows Vista

Backups using the the SQL Server iDataAgent on Windows Vista are supported as long as the same User account (and not the local system account) is used to run the Bull Calypso Communications Service (GxCVD) and for the SQL instance. See Running Services Using a Windows User and User Accounts for more details.

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Disaster Recovery Considerations

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