Cost Analysis - How To

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Cost Categories

From a CommNet Server:

Add a Cost Category

Modify a Cost Category

Remove a Cost Category

From a CommCell Console:

View or Modify the Cost Category of a Drive Pool

View or Modify the Cost Category of a Magnetic Library

View or Modify the Cost Category of a QR Scratch Volume

From a QSM Console

Assign a Cost Category to a Resource

Assign a Cost Category to Groups of Resources

Billable Entities

From a CommNet Server:

Add a Billable Entity

Modify a Billable Entity

Remove a Billable Entity

From a CommCell Console:

View the Billing Department of a CommCell Object

Associate a Billing Department to a CommCell Object

From a QSM Console:

Assign a Billable Entity to an Individual QSMCell Object

Assign a Billable Entity to Groups of QSMCell Objects

Assign a Cost Category to Groups of Resources

Fixed Costing

Set up the Unit Price For Secondary/Primary Storage

Add a Cost Category

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To add a cost category:

  1. From the CommNet tree, from the Billing Configuration ->Cost Categories node, click Add from the Cost Categories window.
  2. From the Cost Category dialog box:
  3. Click OK.


Modify a Cost Category

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify a cost category:

  1. From the CommNet tree, right-click the Billing Configuration node, click Cost Categories, and then select a cost category and click Modify from the Cost Categories window.
  2. From the Cost Category dialog box, modify the options, as necessary.
  3. Click OK.

Remove a Cost Category

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To remove a cost category:

From the CommNet tree, right-click the Billing Configuration node, click Cost Categories, and from the Cost Categories window, select the cost category and click Remove.


Once a cost category is deleted, information from operations that were performed using this cost category will still be used in billing and costing calculations.

View or Modify the Cost Category of a Drive Pool

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view or modify the cost category of a drive pool:

  1. From the appropriate CommCell Console, right-click a master drive pool and then click Properties.
  2. From the Master Drive Pool Properties dialog box, click the Drive Pools tab.
  3. From the Drive Pools tab, select a drive pool from the Associated Drive Pools pane, and then click Detail.
  4. From the Drive Pool Properties dialog box, click the Cost Category tab.
  5. The cost category assigned to this type of media is displayed in the Cost Category field. The cost category is appended with the word <auto> if it has been automatically assigned to the drive type based on the association in the software. You can select another cost category from the list, if necessary.
  6. Click OK.


View or Modify the Cost Category of a Magnetic Library

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view or modify the cost category of a magnetic library:

  1. From the appropriate CommCell Console, right-click a magnetic library and then click Properties.
  2. From the Library Properties dialog box, click the Cost Category tab.
  3. The cost category assigned to this magnetic library is displayed in the Cost Category column. Click Detail to select another cost category from Cost Category Detail dialog box.
  4. Click OK.


A CommCell must be registered with a CommNet Server in order to inherit cost categories for a magnetic library. You can see these cost categories after a CommCell is successfully registered.

View or Modify the Cost Category of a QR Scratch Volume Pool

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view or modify the cost category of a QR scratch volume pool:

  1. From the appropriate CommCell Console, right-click a QR scratch volume pool, and then click Set Cost Category. If this is a new scratch volume, from the Volume Configuration dialog box, click Assign from the Cost Category field of the General tab.
  2. From the Select Cost Category for Scratch Volume dialog box, select a cost category from the list.
  3. Click OK.


A CommCell must be registered with a CommNet Server in order to inherit cost categories for a QR scratch volume. You can see these cost categories after a CommCell is successfully registered.

Assign a Cost Category to a Resource

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To assign a cost category to a resource:

  1. From the Resource Browser of the appropriate QSMCell Console, expand Client Manager, right-click a primary storage resource, and then select Assign Cost Category.
  2. Select a Cost Category from the list, and click OK.


Assign a Cost Category to Groups of Resources

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To assign a cost category to groups of resources:

  1. From the Resource Browser, expand Cost Analysis, and select Cost Categories.
  2. In the Cost Analysis window, select a Cost Category, click Assign, and then select a primary storage resource.
  3. From the Assign Resource dialog box, select the appropriate resource or groups of resources, and click OK.


Add a Billable Entity

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To add a billable entity:

  1. From the CommNet tree, from the Billing Configuration -> Billable Entities node, click Add from the Billable Entities window.
  2. From the Billable Entity dialog box, enter the:
  3. Click OK.

Modify a Billable Entity

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify a billable entity:

  1. From the CommNet tree, right-click the Billing Configuration node, click Billable Entities, select a billable entity and click Modify from the Billable Entities window.
  2. From the Billable Entity dialog box, modify the options, as necessary.
  3. Click OK.

Remove a Billable Entity

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To remove a billable entity:

From the CommNet tree, right-click the Billing Configuration node, click Billable Entities, and from the Billable Entities window select the billable entity and click Remove.

View the Billing Department of a CommCell Object

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view the billing department of a CommCell client, iDataAgent, backup set, or subclient:

  1. From the appropriate CommCell Console, right-click a client, iDataAgent, backup set, or subclient, and then click Properties.
  2. From the General tab of the appropriate Properties dialog box, the Billing Department field displays the name of the billing department.
  3. Click OK.


Associate a Billable Entity to a CommCell Object

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To associate a billable entity to a CommCell object.

  1. From the Tools menu of the appropriate CommCell Console, click Billing Configuration.
  2. From the Billing Configuration dialog box, highlight the appropriate client, agent, backup set, or subclient, select a billing department from the Billing Department field, and then click Apply. All items below the object selected are also given association.
  3. Click OK.


A billing entity must first be defined before it can be associated with a CommCell object in a CommCell Console.

Assign a Billable Entity to an Individual QSMCell Object

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To assign a billable entity to a QSMCell object.

  1. From the Resource Browser of the appropriate QSMCell Console, expand Client Manager, right-click on a QSMCell object, and then select Assign Billable Entity.
  2. Select a Billable Entity from the list, and click OK.


When a QSMCell is registered with the CommNet Server, a billable entity must first be defined before it can be assigned to a QSMCell object in a QSMCell Console. This does not have to be done if the QSMCell is in Local Mode (not registered with the CommNet Server).

Assign a Billable Entity to Groups of QSMCell Objects

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To assign a billable entity to groups of QSMCell objects:

  1. In the Resource Browser of the appropriate QSMCell Console, expand Cost Analysis, and select Billable Entities.
  2. In the Cost Analysis window, select a Billable Entity, click Assign, and then select a QSMCell object.
  3. From the Assign Resource dialog box, select the appropriate objects or groups of objects, and then click OK.


When a QSMCell is registered with the CommNet Server, a billable entity must first be defined before it can be assigned to a QSMCell object in a QSMCell Console. This does not have to be done if the QSMCell is in Local Mode (not registered with the CommNet Server).

Assign a Cost Category to Groups of Resources

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To assign a cost category to groups of resources:

  1. From the Resource Browser, expand Cost Analysis, and select Cost Categories.
  2. In the Cost Analysis window, select a Cost Category, click Assign, and then select a primary storage resource.
  3. From the Assign Resource dialog box, select the appropriate resource or groups of resources, and click OK.


Set Up the Unit Price for Secondary/Primary Storage

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To set up the unit price for the secondary storage/primary storage Fixed Costing option in the Billing Charge Back Report:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Configuration.
  2. From the Cell Configuration (General) dialog box, type the price in the Price per Data Protection and Price per MB of Data boxes.
  3. Click OK.

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