CommCells - How To

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Synchronize the Cells

Synchronize Cells

Cell Registration

Register a Cell

Remove a Registered Cell

Modifying the properties of a registered Cell

Modify the Display Name of a Cell

Modify the Description or Contact Information of a Cell

Change the Network Connection Type

Modify the CommCell Network Interface Name Used to Communicate with the CommCell

Modify the CommNet Server's Network Interface Name Used to Communicate with the CommCell

Cell Configuration

Change the URL for Launching the CommCell Console for Remote Administration

Set up the Frequency for Checking Network Connectivity between CommNet Server and CommCells

Set up the Unit Price For the Secondary Storage/Primary Storage Fixed Costing Option in the Billing Charge Back Report

Configure Data Collection Policy

Set up the Data Protection Window

Set up the Coverage Qualifier Window

CommCell Authentication

Change the CommCell Authentication Password

CommCell Q-Factor

Set the Q-Factor for the CommNet Server or a CommCell


Run CommCells Tasks

Run CommCell Tasks

Control Jobs from the CommCell Jobs View

Manage Resources from the CommCell Resources View

Synchronize Cells

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To synchronize the Cells:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Synchronization.
  2. From the drop down tree of the Cell Synchronization dialog box, select the CommCells and/or QSMCells that you wish to synchronize.

    Click OK. This will start the synchronization process.

To synchronize one CommCell:

  1. Right-click on a CommCell in the CommNet Tree.
  2. Select Synchronize from the popup menu. This will start the synchronization process.

Register a Cell

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To register a Cell:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Registration.
  2. From the Cell Registration dialog box, click Add CommCell or Add SRMCell.
  3. From the Register CommCell/QSMCell dialog box, specify the registration information.
  4. Select the following options to collect the specific data thereby enabling you to run the corresponding reports. Note that this is only applicable when registering a CommCell.
  5. Click OK.

The newly registered Cell is displayed in the Cell Registration dialog box. You can now see information associated with the Cell in the CommNet Browser.

  • When you register a CommCell/QSMCell, a CommCell/QSMCell license is used.
  • Make sure that services are running on the appropriate cell before registering that cell with the CommNet Server.
  • CommNet Server can function with several CommNet Agent versions. For more information, see the Compatibility Matrix.

To re-register a Cell:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Registration.
  2. From the Cell Registration dialog box, click Modify.
  3. From the Modify CommCell/QSMCell dialog box, click the Register CommCell Again - CommCell Administrator check box and specify the user account name and password.
  4. Click OK. The re-registered Cell is displayed in the Cell Registration dialog box. You can now see information associated with the Cell in the CommNet Browser.

Remove a Registered Cell

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To remove a registered Cell:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Registration.
  2. From the Cell Registration dialog box, select a CommCell or QSMCell, and then click Remove.
  3. Click OK in the Warning prompt.
  4. In the Enter Confirm dialog box, type Confirm and then click OK. The Cell is removed in the Cell Registration dialog box.
  • A CommCell/QSMCell license gets released when you remove a registered CommCell or QSMCell from the CommNet domain.
  • Make sure services are running on the appropriate Cell before removing that registered Cell.
  • After removing the registered Cell, you should remove the Cell-Client Groups that are only associated with the removed Cell. For more information, see Remove Cell-Client Group.
  • Users can unregister a CommCell from the CommNet Server using the CommServe software. For more information, see Books Online documentation for the CommServe.

Modify the Display Name of a Cell

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify the display name of a Cell:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Registration.
  2. From the Cell Registration dialog box, highlight the Cell for which you wish to modify the display name from the Cell(s) list, and then click Modify.
  3. From the Modify CommCell/QSMCell dialog box, type the new name in the Display Name box.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click OK in the Registration Changed prompt. The new name for the Cell is displayed in the Cell Registration dialog box.
The CommNet Browser uses the Display Name to display the Cell in the CommNet tree. Hence you can modify the display name to include relevant information that will help you to easily identify the Cell. For example, include the physical location of the Cell in the display name.

Modify the Description or Contact Information of a Cell

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify the description or contact information of a Cell:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Registration.
  2. From the Cell Registration dialog box, highlight the Cell for which you wish to modify the description and/or contact information from the Cell(s) list, and then click Modify.
  3. From the Modify CommCell/QSMCell dialog box:
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click OK in the Registration Changed prompt.
You can record relevant reference information about the Cell in the description and contact information boxes. For example: you can record the contact information, such as the contact person, telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.

Change the Network Connection Type

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change the network connection type:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Registration.
  2. From the Cell Registration dialog box, highlight the Cell for which you wish to modify the network connection type from the Cell(s) list, and then click Modify.
  3. From the Modify CommCell/QSMCell dialog box, choose the appropriate connection type from the Connection Type list.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click OK in the Registration Changed prompt. The system saves the network connection type.
  • The connection type can be changed when the Cell is not accessible due to a low bandwidth in the connection.
  • Select LAN when you have a faster and reliable connection or WAN for slower and less reliable connections.
  • Keep in mind that by default the retry attempts for communication failures on WAN are more. The retry attempts for communication failures can be established in CommNet Properties dialog box.

Modify the CommCell Network Interface Name Used to Communicate with the CommCell

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify the CommCell Network Interface Name used to communicate with the CommCell:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Registration.
  2. From the Cell Registration dialog box, highlight the CommCell for which you wish to modify the interface name from the Cell(s) list, and then click Modify.
  3. From the Modify CommCell dialog box, type the following:

    New name in the Display Name box.

    New network interface name in the CommCell Interface Name box.

  4. Click OK. The system attempts to connect to the CommCell using the new interface name.
The CommCell Interface Name may be changed in the following situations:
  • When the CommCell network interface name is changed.
  • When you have multiple network interfaces in the CommCell computer, and you wish to configure another network interface.

Modify the CommNet Server's Network Interface Name Used to Communicate with the CommCell

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify the CommNet Server's Network Interface Name used to communicate with the CommCell:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Registration.
  2. From the Cell Registration dialog box, highlight the CommCell for which you wish to modify the CommNet Server's network interface name used to communicate with the CommCell from the Cell(s) list, and then click Modify.
  3. From the Modify CommCell dialog box, perform the following:
  4. Click OK in the Registration Changed prompt. The system saves the new Network Interface Name.
This option is useful if you have multiple network interface cards (NIC) on the CommNet Server. In such a situation, you can configure some of the CommCells to communicate through one interface, while others can be configured to use a different interface.

Change the URL for Launching the CommCell Console/QSM Console for Remote Administration

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change the URL for launching the CommCell Console/QSM Console for remote administration:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Configuration.
  2. From the Cell Configuration (General) dialog box, type the new URL in the URL box.
  3. Click OK.
You can edit the URL to use another IIS server which points to the CommServe/QSM Server computer. Once saved, the CommNet Browser will subsequently use the URL to launch the appropriate Console, when you choose the Remote Administration option from the appropriate Cell.

If the correct version of the CommCell Console is installed locally on the computer in which the CommNet Browser is launched, then the CommCell Console will be launched as an application instead of as a remote web-based application. This option is not available for QSMCells and is supported on Macintosh.

Set Up Frequency for Checking Network Connectivity Between CommNet Server and CommCells

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To set up the frequency for checking the network connectivity between the CommNet Server and CommCells:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Configuration.
  2. From the Cell Configuration (General) dialog box, type the frequency in the Heartbeat Interval box.
  3. Click OK.
The idle time for the users logged in is calculated by the CommNet Server whenever the server checks the network connectivity to the CommCell.

Set Up the Unit Price for the Secondary Storage/Primary Storage Fixed Costing Option in the Billing Charge Back Report

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To set up the unit price for the secondary storage/primary storage Fixed Costing option in the Billing Charge Back Report:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Configuration.
  2. From the Cell Configuration (General) dialog box, type the price in the Price per Data Protection and Price per MB of Data boxes.
  3. Click OK.

Configure Data Collection Policy for Obtaining Configuration Information

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure Data Collection Policy for obtaining Configuration information:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Data Collection Policy.
  2. From the Cell Data Collection Policy dialog box, click the arrow to set the time and the time frame (hours or minutes) in the Configuration boxes.
  3. Click OK to save changes.
The updates are provided by the individual Cells and hence the update time is based on the CommCell/QSMCell time.

Set Up the Data Protection Window

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To set up the Data Protection Window:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Configuration.
  2. Click the Data Protection Window tab.
  3. Click (to select or clear) the Treat Fri to Sun as Weekend option.
  4. Enter the Start Time and End Time for the weekdays and weekend days.
  5. Click OK.

Set Up the Coverage Qualifier Window

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To set up the Coverage Qualifier Window:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Configuration.
  2. Click the Data Protection Window tab.
  3. Enter the coverage start time in the consider backups starting after <time/day> as today's coverage boxes.
  4. Click OK.

Change the CommCell Authentication Password

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change the CommCell authentication password:

  1. On the Setup menu, click CommCell Authentication.
  2. From the CommCell Authentication dialog box, click Change Authentication.
  3. Type the new password in the New Password box.
  4. Retype the password in the Confirm Password box
  5. Click OK.
The authentication password is used as an internal security measure for CommNet-related communications. All computers within the CommNet domain will have a default password that is created when the software is installed on the computer. You can periodically change this password, to enhance security.

Set Up the Q-Factor for the CommNet Server or a CommCell

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To set up the Q-Factor for the CommNet Server or a CommCell

  1. On the Setup menu, click CommCell Q-Factor.
  2. From the Q-Factor Setup dialog box, select the CommNet Server or a CommCell.

    Note that if you want parameters for the CommCell to be different from what is configured for the CommNet Server, then de-select the Inherit From CommNet Server field and select a CommCell from the drop-down tree.

  3. Assign a benchmark Q-Factor level in the Admissible Q-Factor field from 1 to 100.
  4. Determine the coverage category weights for the short-term and long-term coverage category by sliding the percentage weight bar to the left or right. Based on the position of the slider, the percentage is assigned to each category totaling 100%.
  5. From the Short Term Coverage Category pane:
  6. From the Long Term Coverage Category pane:
  7. Click OK.

Run CommCells Tasks

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To run CommCells Tasks:

  1. From the CommNet Browser, select the CommCells' parent node.
  2. From the CommCells Tasks window, select a task. The corresponding view will display in the right-hand side windowpane.

Run CommCell Tasks

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To run CommCell Tasks:

  1. From the CommNet Browser, expand the CommCells' parent node.
  2. Select (highlight) a CommCell.
  3. From the CommCell Tasks window, select a task. The corresponding view will display in the right-hand side windowpane.

Control Jobs from the CommCell Jobs View

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To control jobs from the CommCell Jobs View:

  1. From the CommNet Browser, expand the CommCells' parent node.
  2. Select (highlight) a CommCell.
  3. From the CommCell Tasks window, select Jobs and Resources. The corresponding view will display in the right-hand side windowpane.
  4. From the right-hand side windowpane, select the Jobs View option. The CommCell's Job View will display in the right-hand side windowpane.
  5. Right-click any job and select Tasks or View from the popup menu:

Manage Resources from the CommCell Resources View

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To manage resources from the CommCell Resources View:

  1. From the CommNet Browser, expand the CommCells' parent node.
  2. Select (highlight) a CommCell.
  3. From the CommCell Tasks window, select Jobs and Resources. The Resources View will display in the right-hand side windowpane.
  4. From the right-hand side windowpane, select the appropriate option to display the information in tree or table format. The corresponding view will display in the right-hand side windowpane.
  5. Right-click any field item and select View to launch a popup menu listing those fields to add or delete from the Resources View display. Those items with a checkmark appearing before the field are active and currently displayed in the Resources View. Click on a field to add it or remove it.
  6. Click on a Library, Drive, Media and/or MediaAgent to launch a detail report regarding the selected entity. To close or minimize the detail report and return to the Resources view, use the window controls.
  7. Right click on a Library, Drive, or MediaAgent and select Tasks to launch a popup menu to manage the CommCell's resources. Options available are as follows:
  8. Click the icon next to the Resource View format options, Table View and Tree View, to initiate the Filter Dialog. Use this dialog box to select the specific libraries or MediaAgents to be included in the Resources View.


    To use this filter, the CommNet Browser must be in a paused state, which stops updates to the current window; to do this, click on the Pause button in the CommNet Browser tool bar. When finished with this filter, click on the Play button to resume updates to the current window.

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