Data Collection - How To

Topics | How To

Enable or Disable Data Collection

Synchronize Cells

Configure the Data Collection Policy to obtain Configuration information

Configure the Data Collection Policy to obtain CommCell Alerts updates

Configure the Cell Data Collection Policy to obtain CommCell Job Controller updates

Configure the Data Collection Policy to obtain CommCell Event Viewer updates

Configure the Data Collection Policy for obtaining Data Replication Monitor updates

Configure the Cell Data Collection Policy to Obtain VaultTracker Updates

Manage Resources from the CommCell Resources View

Enable or Disable Data Collection

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To enable or disable data collection:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Data Collection Policy.
  2. From the Cell Data Collection Policy dialog box, either select or clear Data Collection Enabled.
  3. Click OK to save changes.


Synchronize Cells

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To synchronize the Cells:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Synchronization.
  2. From the drop down tree of the Cell Synchronization dialog box, select the CommCells and/or QSMCells that you wish to synchronize an click OK.

    The system starts the synchronization process.


The following information is synchronized from the selected CommCells:

The following information is synchronized from the selected QSMCells:

For more information about available QSM Agents, refer to Books Online for QSM.

Configure the Data Collection Policy to Obtain Configuration Information

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure Data Collection Policy to obtain Configuration information:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Data Collection Policy.
  2. From the Cell Data Collection Policy dialog box, click the arrow to set the time and the time frame (hours or minutes) in the Configuration boxes. For QSMCell data collection configuration, if you manually synchronize a QSMCell before the next scheduled data collection period, the next data collection time will be adjusted accordingly to follow the set policy. For example, if QSMCell data collection is scheduled to occur every 24 hours, and at the 2nd hour, a manual synchronization occurs, the next data collection will occur 24 hours from that manual cell synchronization.
  3. Click OK to save changes.


The updates are provided by the individual Cells and hence the update time is based on the CommCell/QSMCell time.

Configure the Data Collection Policy to Obtain CommCell Alerts Updates

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure Data Collection Policy to obtain CommCell Alerts updates:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Data Collection Policy.
  2. From the Cell Data Collection Policy dialog box, select a CommCell, then click the arrow to set the time and the time frame (minutes or hours) in the Alerts Update boxes.
  3. Click OK to save changes.


The updates are provided by the individual CommCells and hence the update time is based on the CommCell time.

If the Data Collection Policy is changed for multiple CommCells, the minimum time frame that was selected for these CommCells will be used for the alert detection. For example, if a time frame of 20 minutes is selected for CommCell A, and a time frame of 30 minutes is selected for CommCell B, then the time frame of 20 minutes will be used to detect alerts for both CommCells.

Configure the Cell Data Collection Policy to Obtain CommCell Job Controller Updates

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure Cell Data Collection Policy for obtaining CommCell Job information:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Data Collection Policy.
  2. From the Cell Data Collection Policy dialog box, select a CommCell, then click the arrow to set the time and the time frame (hours or minutes) in the Job Controller Update boxes.
  3. Click OK to save changes.


The updates are provided by the individual CommCells and hence the update time is based on the CommCell time.

Configure the Data Collection Policy to Obtain CommCell Event Viewer Updates

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure Data Collection Policy to obtain CommCell Event Viewer updates:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Data Collection Policy.
  2. From the Cell Data Collection Policy dialog box, select a CommCell, then click the arrow to set the time and the time frame (minutes or hours) in the Event Viewer Update boxes.
  3. Click OK to save changes.


The updates are provided by the individual CommCells and hence the update time is based on the CommCell time.

Configure the Data Collection Policy to Obtain Data Replication Monitor Updates

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure Data Collection Policy to obtain Data Replication Monitor updates:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Data Collection Policy.
  2. From the Cell Data Collection Policy dialog box, select a CommCell, then click the arrow to set the time and the time frame (minutes or hours) in the Data Replication Monitor Update boxes.
  3. Click OK to save changes.


The updates are provided by the individual CommCells and hence the update time is based on the CommCell time.

Configure the Cell Data Collection Policy to Obtain VaultTracker Updates

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure Cell Data Collection Policy for obtaining VaultTracker updates:

  1. On the Setup menu, click Cell Data Collection Policy.
  2. From the Cell Data Collection Policy dialog box, select a CommCell, then click the arrow to set the time and the time frame (hours or minutes) in the VaultTracker boxes.
  3. Click OK to save changes.


The updates are provided by the individual CommCells and hence the update time is based on the CommCell time.

Manage Resources from the CommCell Resources View

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To manage resources from the CommCell Resources View:

  1. From the CommNet Browser, expand the CommCells' parent node.
  2. Select (highlight) a CommCell.
  3. From the CommCell Tasks window, select Jobs and Resources. The Resources View will display in the right-hand side windowpane.
  4. From the right-hand side windowpane, select the appropriate option to display the information in tree or table format. The corresponding view will display in the right-hand side windowpane.
  5. Right-click any field item and select View to launch a popup menu listing those fields to add or delete from the Resources View display. Those items with a checkmark appearing before the field are active and currently displayed in the Resources View. Click on a field to add it or remove it.
  6. Click on a Library, Drive, Media and/or MediaAgent to launch a detail report regarding the selected entity. To close or minimize the detail report and return to the Resources view, use the window controls.
  7. Right click on a Library, Drive, or MediaAgent and select Tasks to launch a popup menu to manage the CommCell's resources. Options available are as follows:
  8. Click the icon next to the Resource View format options, Table View and Tree View, to initiate the Filter Dialog. Use this dialog box to select the specific libraries or MediaAgents to be included in the Resources View.


    To use this filter, the CommNet Browser must be in a paused state, which stops updates to the current window; to do this, click on the Pause button in the CommNet Browser tool bar. When finished with this filter, click on the Play button to resume updates to the current window.

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