CommNet Server

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Data Encryption


The CommNet Server is the coordinator and administrator of the CommNet domain. The CommNet Server allows you to configure, schedule and administer the various activities in the CommNet domain.

The CommNet Server gathers data from the CommCells and QSMCells that are registered in a CommNet domain and maintains a database containing information collected from the various Cells. This is performed using the CommNet Server Service which runs the CommNet Server.

The CommNet Server can either be installed on the computer which has the CommServe software installed or on a totally independent computer. If the CommNet Server is installed on the CommServe computer, the CommNet Server database is also created on the same Microsoft SQL Server instance used by the CommCell.

The CommNet Agent software does not have to be installed on the QSM Server computer. The QSM Server must only be registered with the CommNet Server in order for the CommNet Server to collect data from the QSM Server.

To protect the CommNet Server database against disasters, such as computer failure, application failure, etc. it is recommended that you have a Disaster Recovery strategy in place. See Disaster Recovery for more information.

Data Encryption

The CommNet environment software supports data encryption for transmission over non-secure networks. The data is always encrypted using the same algorithm, Blowfish with 128-bit keys. The entire process, which is always enabled, is completely transparent to users. Data is encrypted on the CommNet Agent and decrypted on the CommNet Server.

A license is not required for this feature.