CommNet Services

Topics | How To


Binding Services to Specific Network Interface Cards (NIC)


The CommNet Server requires the following services to run properly and to communicate with the CommCells and/or QSMCells within the CommNet domain:

Cell Component Service Name Description
CommNet Server computer only Calypso Monitor Service Must be running so that a CommNet Browser can operate and the CommNet Server can receive updates from the CommCells within the CommNet domain. This service is dependent on the Microsoft SQL Service.
CommNet Agent Computer only (any system) Bull Calypso Client Event Manager Service Must be running so that a CommCell can communicate with the CommNet Server.
QSM Server Computer only (any system) QSM GUI Service Must be running so that a QSMCell can communicate with the CommNet Server.

Additional Services

The following additional services may be required:

Function Cell Component Service Name Description
Disaster Recovery CommNet Server Computer Base services (i.e., Bull Calypso Client Event Manager - GxEvMgrC, and Bull Calypso Communications Service - GxCVD)


  • Is installed when the Microsoft SQL Server iDataAgent is installed on the CommNet Server computer.
Must be running so that regular backups of the CommNet Server database can be performed for Disaster Recovery purposes. For more information on planning for disaster recovery, see Planning for Disaster Recovery of the CommNet Server.
CommNet Server Communication With CommCells Across a Firewall CommNet Server Computer Bull Calypso Communication Service (GxCVD)


  • Is installed when the Microsoft SQL Server iDataAgent is installed on the CommNet Server computer.
Must be running so that the CommNet Server can communicate with a CommCell across a firewall. For more information on communicating across firewalls, see Firewall Requirements.

TCP Port Used for Services

The CommNet Server communicates with the Cell components in the CommNet domain through TCP Port number 8403. This is a registered network port number and is identified in the Windows/System32/Drivers/etc/Services file as a Static Port.

Binding Services to Specific Network Interface Cards (NIC)

By default the system binds the services to all the available NICs, if it is not configured. You can however, bind the services to a specific NIC using the following methods.

  1. Create the IPsToBind.txt file in the <Software Installation directory>\Base folder.
  2. Add the IP address or the interface name associated with the NIC card(s) that must be used.

    There must be one entry per line, as shown in the following example:

  3. Save the file and then stop and start the services.
If the IPsToBind.txt file is created, at least one valid IP address must match the resolved IP address of the interface name provided for the Client or else services will not start.

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