Install the Unix Agents - Veritas Cluster Environment

Silent Install Install  

This procedure provides the facility to automatically configure multiple nodes of the Veritas Cluster Service groups simultaneously. Upon completion of the installation, you can immediately begin performing backups of all configured nodes.

Where To Install

Install the software on a client computer that is part of a cluster group. Make sure the cluster group satisfies the minimum requirements specified in the System Requirements.

  • Veritas Cluster Service (VCS) versions 4.1 and higher are supported.
  • If you are upgrading software from previous release to current release with VCS support in a clustered environment, then you have to manually uninstall and reinstall the Calypso software.

Install Procedure

1. Install the Calypso agents software on each physical node.

The software can be installed using one of the following methods:

  Method 1: Interactive Install

Install the software from the Software Installation Disc or from Mount Path.

Method 2: Custom Package Install

Create custom package by recording the user-defined options and then perform the install.

Method 3: Install Software from CommCell Console

Install the software remotely on a client computer.

2. Use one the following silent install answer file to install components silently through cv_vcs_discover script.
  • Use silent_answer_example.xml file available under the Software Installation Disc (DVD3).

    By default, this file has Unix File System iDataAgent, you can add additional components to install. Use the steps provided in the right to add additional components.

  • Use default.xml file created as part of custom package creation.

    All the required components must be provided while creating custom package.

If you are using the silent_answer_example.xml file available under Software Installation Disc, perform the following:
  1. Copy silent_answer_example.xml file to user-name directory and file of your choice.
  2. Edit the .xml file to add the additional software component.

    Add the below line for each component with the Component ID:

    <componentInfo ComponentId="Numerical Component ID">

    For list of Component ID's, click List of Package Ids for valid values (e.g., 1101).

3. After performing the install and modifying the .xml file, perform the following:
  • Navigate to /opt/Calypso/Base folder.
  • Run the following command on the physical node:

    ./cv_vcs_discover -r <resource type name> -x <xml input file name> -p <DVD mount point> [-l <exclusion list file name> ] [-g] [-o] [-i] [-u <user name>] [s <password>]


    ./cv_vcs_discover -r Mount -x /opt/UnixCustomPackage/pkg/rec/default.xml -p /mounted/DVD3/ [-l <exclusion list file name> ] [-g] [-i] [-u user1] [s 3e660ede7db8c]


    -r <resource type name> The service groups that contain a resource of this type will be configured. This resource type name depends upon the agent.

    For example:

    For Unix File System iDataAgent it is "Mount"

    For Oracle iDataAgent it is "Oracle"

    -x <xml input file name> This is the xml input file created during regular install. This xml file will be used as the basis to create VM specific silent install XML file.
    • If you have custom package xml file, then use complete path where the default.xml file is located. For example /opt/UnixCustomPackage/pkg/rec/default.xml
    • If you have user-defined xml file then specify complete location of the file. For example, /user_defined_dir/silent_answer.xml
    -p <DVD mount point> Install media mount point. silent_install command from this media will be used to configure selected Service Groups.
    -l <exclusion list file name> [Optional] Text File containing one VCS Service Group per line that should not be configured.
    -g [Optional] This parameter is used to avoid creating client group with same name as VCS service group.
    -o [Optional] Use this option only if you have same names for service groups in different cluster groups.
    -i [Optional] This parameter enables to use the physical node interface for backups on Virtual Machines.
    -u [Optional] This parameter is used to provide the CommCell admin user name. It is used along with the -i parameter.
    -s [Optional] This parameter is used to provide the CommCell admin user password. It is used along with the -i parameter.
    -v [Optional] This parameter is used to include the verbose logs.

This will discover Veritas Cluster Service Group and configure them as virtual machine.

[root@kirin64 Base]# ./cv_vcs_discover -r Mount -x /opt/UnixCustomPackage/pkg/rec/default.xml -p /cvbuild/9.0/DVD3



[root@kirin64 Base]# ./cv_vcs_discover -r Mount -x /opt/UnixCustomPackage/pkg/rec/default.xml -p /cvbuild/9.0/DVD3
PATH is set to /usr/kerberos/....
Physical ClientName = [kirin64]
Physical HostName = []
Command to get list of svcgroups: [./cv_vcs_util groups_for_restype Mount 2>/dev/null]
Check if VM for ClusterService is already configured
VM for [ClusterService] is not installed
Checking against exclusion list. []

[ClusterService] not found in exclusion list, create silent install xml for this machine and execute it
Obtained VM ip=[]
VM ClientName [ClusterService] HostName []
Job Results will be set to [/shrd_mount]
Silent install input xml file updated and saved at [./silent_install_ClusterService.xml]
Invoking silent install

Restarting in pdksh-v5.2.14...
Assigning setup GUID...
Preparing for the setup... READY.
Performing non-interactive Install of the following modules...
* Base Client [1002] [CVGxBase]
* Base0 Client [1003] [CVGxBase0]
* UNIX File System iDataAgent [1101] [CVGxIDA]
Restarting in pdksh-v5.2.14...
9.0.0 Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Install Agents for Restore Only?
Do you want to install the agents for restore only without consuming licenses? [no]
CVGxIDA is already installed.
9.0.0 Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Keep Your Install Up to Date - Installation Scripts Pack
Installation Scripts Pack provides extra functions and latest support and fix performed during setup time.
Please specify how you want to get this pack. If you choose to download it from the website now,
please make sure you have internet connectivity at this time.
This process may take some time depending on the internet connectivity.
1) Download from the software provider website.
2) Use the one in the installation media.
3) Use the copy I already have by entering its unix path.
Your choice: [2]
9.0.0 Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Running Scripts from the Installation Scripts Pack
Running installation scripts for Phase PreInstall ... done.
9.0.0 CVGxBase0 for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Creating registry tree under /etc/Registry ... done.
<- postinstall -> CVGxBase0 for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Installing Updates from installation media ...Skipped as no new binary installed.
Adjusting modes and permissions of files
Successfully installed CVGxBase0
9.0.0 CVGxBase for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
CommServe Check
Trying to contact CommServe [1 of 3] ... done.
Preparing connection to CommServe... done.
Contacting CommServe Install Manager ... done.
Preparing connection to CommServe... done.
Contacting CommServe Install Manager ... done.
*** Received CommServe Software Install Manager Warning 67109504 :
*** A client with name [ClusterService] already exists but was previously
*** configured with the host name []. Would you like
*** to proceed with the installation and use the new host name
*** []?
Do you want to continue the setup? [yes]
<- config -> CVGxBase for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
<- postinstall -> CVGxBase for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Creating Job Results directory ... done.
Registering VCS cvclusteradmin ... done.
Adjusting modes and permissions of files
9.0.0 CVGxIDA for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Stopping services ... done.
<- config -> CVGxIDA for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
<- postinstall -> CVGxIDA for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
In addition to installing on this computer, you will also need to
create a Job Schedule for each iDataAgent that has been installed on this
client computer.
Job Schedules are required to allow the iDataAgents to perform
automated backup and restore operations.
Job Schedule creation can be accomplished through the
CommCell Console administration interface.
9.0.0 CVGxIDA for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Storage Policy
It appears that you are reinstalling CVGxIDA as there are old
subclients available that are still associated with some Storage
Policies in the CommServe database.
We can either preserve these associations, in which case each subclient
will remain connected to the same Storage Policy that it used before
the CVGxIDA was uninstalled, or we can reassociate all of them to a
Storage Policy of your choice now.
Would you like to assign a new storage policy to all subclients? [no]
Adjusting modes and permissions of files
9.0.0 CVGxIDA for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Registering to CommServe
Preparing connection to CommServe...
Contacting CommServe Install Manager ... done.
Timestamping the setup in registry ... done.
9.0.0 CVGxIDA for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Install Latest Service Pack
Installing Updates from installation media ...
Skipped as no new binary installed.
9.0.0 CVGxIDA for Linux(x86_64) glibc2.5
Running Scripts from the Installation Scripts Pack
Running installation scripts for Phase PostInstall ... done.
Install of the above modules completed successfully.
Done with installing VM for [ClusterService]
No more ServiceGroups to configure