Simpana Web Service 9.0
The Simpana Web Service provides methods that can be used to work remotely with a deployment of Web Search Server.

DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem Class Reference

Class to hold each row of the search result. This may contain the metadata about a file, email or some other searchable item. More...

List of all members.

Public Attributes

bool appIdFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether appId field was specified.
bool jobIdFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether jobId field was specified.
bool MIMETypeFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether MIMEType field was specified.
bool entityFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether entity field was specified.
bool sizeKBFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether sizeKB field was specified.
bool folderPathFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether folderPath field was specified.
bool htmlsourceFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether htmlSource field was specified.
bool docVectorFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether docVector field was specified.
bool pushErrorFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether pushError field was specified.
bool rankFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether rank field was specified.
bool appTypeFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether appType field was specified.
bool ResultItemIDFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether metaData field was specified.
bool ciJobIdFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether ciJobId field was specified.
bool aFileIdFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether aFileId field was specified.
bool filePathFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether filePath field was specified.
bool aFileLengthFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether aFileLength field was specified.
bool dynTeaserFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether dynTeaser field was specified.
bool modifiedTimeFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether modifiedTime field was specified.
bool clientIdFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether clientId field was specified.
bool backupTimeFieldSpecified
bool fileNameFieldSpecified
bool viewsourceurlFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether viewSource field was specified.
bool restoreStatusFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether restoreStatus field was specified.
bool aFileOffsetFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether aFileOffset field was specified.
bool commcellNoFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether commcellNo field was specified.
bool documentIdFieldSpecified
 Specifies whether documentId field was specified.


int appId [get, set]
 Application ID.
long jobId [get, set]
 Job ID.
String MIMEType [get, set]
 MIME type of the current item.
String entity [get, set]
long sizeKB [get, set]
 Size of the current item in KB.
String folderPath [get, set]
 Folder path for the current item.
GSecurity security [get, set]
 Security details of the current item.
String htmlsource [get, set]
 HTML view of the current item.
String docVector [get, set]
String pushError [get, set]
 Push error.
double rank [get, set]
int appType [get, set]
 Application type for the current item. This represents whether it is a file system/exchange/lotus notes item.
String ResultItemID [get, set]
 Unique ID of this result item.
GResultItemMetaData metaData [get, set]
 Metadata about the item.
long ciJobId [get, set]
 Content indexing job ID.
long aFileId [get, set]
 Archive file ID.
GTags tags [get, set]
 Search tags for the current item.
String filePath [get, set]
 Source path of the current item.
long aFileLength [get, set]
 Archive file's length.
String dynTeaser [get, set]
int modifiedTime [get, set]
 Last modified time for the current item.
int clientId [get, set]
 Client ID.
int backupTime [get, set]
 Time when the file was backed up.
String fileName [get, set]
 Name of the current item.
String viewsourceurl [get, set]
int restoreStatus [get, set]
 This tells whether the item is in restored state.
GAppSpecificResult appSpecific [get, set]
long aFileOffset [get, set]
 Offset value for the current item in archive(For the specified aFileId)
int commcellNo [get, set]
 Commcell Number.
String documentId [get, set]
 Document ID.

Detailed Description

Class to hold each row of the search result. This may contain the metadata about a file, email or some other searchable item.

Member Data Documentation

Specifies whether aFileId field was specified.

Specifies whether aFileLength field was specified.

Specifies whether aFileOffset field was specified.

Specifies whether appId field was specified.

Specifies whether appType field was specified.

Specifies whether ciJobId field was specified.

Specifies whether clientId field was specified.

Specifies whether commcellNo field was specified.

Specifies whether documentId field was specified.

Specifies whether docVector field was specified.

Specifies whether dynTeaser field was specified.

Specifies whether entity field was specified.

Specifies whether filePath field was specified.

Specifies whether folderPath field was specified.

Specifies whether htmlSource field was specified.

Specifies whether jobId field was specified.

Specifies whether MIMEType field was specified.

Specifies whether modifiedTime field was specified.

Specifies whether pushError field was specified.

Specifies whether rank field was specified.

Specifies whether restoreStatus field was specified.

Specifies whether metaData field was specified.

Specifies whether sizeKB field was specified.

Specifies whether viewSource field was specified.

Property Documentation

long DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.aFileId [get, set]

Archive file ID.

long DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.aFileLength [get, set]

Archive file's length.

long DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.aFileOffset [get, set]

Offset value for the current item in archive(For the specified aFileId)

int DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.appId [get, set]

Application ID.

GAppSpecificResult DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.appSpecific [get, set]
int DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.appType [get, set]

Application type for the current item. This represents whether it is a file system/exchange/lotus notes item.

int DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.backupTime [get, set]

Time when the file was backed up.

long DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.ciJobId [get, set]

Content indexing job ID.

int DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.clientId [get, set]

Client ID.

int DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.commcellNo [get, set]

Commcell Number.

String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.documentId [get, set]

Document ID.

String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.docVector [get, set]


String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.dynTeaser [get, set]


String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.entity [get, set]
String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.fileName [get, set]

Name of the current item.

String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.filePath [get, set]

Source path of the current item.

String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.folderPath [get, set]

Folder path for the current item.

String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.htmlsource [get, set]

HTML view of the current item.

long DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.jobId [get, set]

Job ID.

GResultItemMetaData DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.metaData [get, set]

Metadata about the item.

String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.MIMEType [get, set]

MIME type of the current item.

int DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.modifiedTime [get, set]

Last modified time for the current item.

String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.pushError [get, set]

Push error.

double DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.rank [get, set]


int DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.restoreStatus [get, set]

This tells whether the item is in restored state.

String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.ResultItemID [get, set]

Unique ID of this result item.

GSecurity [get, set]

Security details of the current item.

long DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.sizeKB [get, set]

Size of the current item in KB.

GTags DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.tags [get, set]

Search tags for the current item.

String DM2ContentIndexingDataContract.GResultItem.viewsourceurl [get, set]


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