Data Integrity Validation - How To

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Enable (or Disable) Data Integrity Validation on Media

Enable (or Disable) Data Integrity Validation on Network

Enable (or Disable) Data Integrity Validation on Media

Required Capability: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To enable or disable Data Integrity Validation on Media:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the MediaAgents icon. All the MediaAgents available in the CommCell are displayed on the right-pane of the CommCell Browser.
  2. Right-click the MediaAgent that you wish to enable or disable Data Integrity Validation, and then click Properties.
  3. From the General tab of MediaAgent Properties, select Validation on Media to enable Data Integrity Validation of data stored in the media.
  4. Click OK to save the configuration.

Enable (or Disable) Data Integrity Validation on Network

Required Capability: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To enable or disable Data Integrity Validation for data transferred on Network:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the MediaAgents icon. All the MediaAgents available in the CommCell are displayed on the right-pane of the CommCell Browser.
  2. Right-click the MediaAgent that you wish to enable or disable Data Integrity Validation, and then click Properties.
  3. From the General tab of MediaAgent Properties, select Validation on Network to enable Data Integrity Validation for data transferred over the network.
  4. Click OK to save the configuration.