Advanced - Deduplication to Disk

Table of Contents

Deduplication Architecture

How does Deduplication Work

Deduplication Store

What is a Deduplication Store

Supported Platforms

Disk Specifications for Hosting the Deduplication Store

Evaluating The Disk For Hosting Deduplication Store

Measuring the Deduplication Disk Performance

Managing the Deduplication Store

Setting up the Minimum Free Space

Setting up an Alert For Free Space

Setting the Age of the Primary Block

Setting up Data Compression

Changing the MediaAgent Hosting the Store

Changing the Location of the Deduplication Store

Configuring Deduplication Store Creation

Sealing Deduplication Store

Backing Up Deduplication Database

From CommCell Console

From Command Line

Configure Alerts for Deduplication Store Backup

Deduplication Database Recovery

Setting Up Automatic Recovery

Manually Reconstructing a Store

Deduplication Store Failover

Variable Content Alignment

Enabling Deduplication in Secondary Copies

Enabling Inline Copy for Deduplicated Primary Copy

Setting up Deduplication for Existing Non-Deduplicated Data

Look-Ahead Reader

Configuring Signature Generation

Data Aging

Disabling Deduplication

Suspending/Resuming Deduplication

Rebooting a MediaAgent Hosting the Deduplication Store

Related Reports

Reconstruct Deduplication Database Job Summary Report

Storage Policy Report

Disk Usage

License Requirements

Deduplication Architecture

Deduplication provides a smart and efficient method to store data by identifying and eliminating the duplicate items in backups. When data is backed up for the first time, all the data is stored physically. If the same data is subsequently identified in another backup operation, then it is stored as a pointer to the previously stored copy.

Deduplication is performed at the data block level by comparing blocks of data against each other. Block level deduplication allows you to deduplicate data within a given object. If an object (file, database, etc.) contains blocks of data that are identical to each other, then deduplication eliminates storing the redundant data and reduces the size of objects in storage.

Consider a backup containing data from Exchange Server or SQL Server database. Deduplication will divide the data into individual data blocks and then compare the different blocks against each other. If a data block is unique, then the block is stored on the media. If a data block is found to be identical to an existing block, then it is stored as a pointer to that block.

Identical data blocks within an object, as well as from objects within the same storage policy copy are deduplicated.

The diagram on the right illustrates the deduplication process.

The numbers in the diagram are meant for illustrative purposes.  Additional space requirements (overheads) for storing metadata like File Access Control Lists will apply during actual deduplication enabled operations.

Deduplication uses a hashing algorithm to compare data. A Signature Generation module computes the hashed signature for each block and then compares it with the existing signatures maintained in a Deduplication Store to determine whether it is identical. Based on the comparison, the MediaAgent performs one of the following operations:

The deduplicated data are stored in specially designed container files to increase the system throughput and scalability.

How does Deduplication Work

Deduplication is easy-to-use and does not require additional configurations once it is setup. The following table describes the various operations when deduplication is enabled.

Operation Description
Backup Operations The sequence of operations is almost similar to a regular backup job when deduplication is enabled.

When a backup job is initiated the backup module secures the data and starts the data transfer module to the MediaAgent. The following sequence of events occur when data is secured:

  • If data compression is enabled on the client, data is first compressed.
  • Then, the signature generation module computes the signatures, if it is enabled on the client.
  • Finally data is encrypted if client encryption is enabled.
Restore Operations Data Recovery operations are identical to regular restore operations and are virtually unaffected by deduplication.

Deduplication store is not contacted for normal restore operations, except when the data is not available in the disk.

All types of restore operations (including Restore by Jobs and Restoring from copies) are supported.

Auxiliary Copy Auxiliary Copy operations will automatically unravel or explode the deduplicated data, if deduplication is not enabled in the copy.

If the secondary copy is set up for Deduplication, then a separate Deduplication Store gets created for the copy and the associated data is deduplicated for secondary copy.

Data Aging Operations Data Aging operations will automatically look up the Deduplication Store before data is deleted from the disk.

Data Aging will only delete the source data when all the references to a given block is pruned.

So if you see older chunks in disk libraries remaining on the volume even if the original data is deleted, it might be due to the fact that valid deduplication reference(s) to the chunk exists within the data.

Data Encryption and Data Compression When Data Encryption and/or Data Compression are enabled the system automatically runs the signature module after data compression and before data encryption. If the setup contradicts this order, the system will automatically perform compression, signature generation and encryption in the source client computer.

When you have a primary copy that is encrypted (and is not deduplicated), enabling deduplication on a secondary copy will not accomplish any viable deduplication on the secondary copy. This is because each backup includes unique encryption keys which in turn will cause unique signatures for each backup.

  Deduplication does not support pass phrase protected data encryption.
Data Multiplexing Data Multiplexing is not supported with Deduplication. Also a  storage policy copy enabled for Deduplication cannot have a direct or indirect source copy enabled for Data Multiplexing.

However an Auxiliary Copy can be configured with Data Multiplexing when the source copy is enabled for Deduplication.

Spool Copy Deduplication-enabled Storage Policy Copies cannot be configured as Spool Copies. Note that existing deduplicated Spool Copies will continue to exist until the Spool Copy retention setting is removed; once removed, the deduplicated copy cannot be configured as a Spool Copy.
Deduplication Jobs on Migrated CommCell After CommCell Migration, the Deduplication Store operates in the read-only mode in the destination CommCell.

The migrated (deduplication enabled) storage policies in the destination CommCell can be used to restore the deduplicated data migrated from the source CommCell and to perform Auxiliary Copy operation with the migrated data as the source.

Migrated Storage Policies in the destination CommCell cannot be used to deduplicate new backup operations.

Deduplication Store

What is a Deduplication Store

The Deduplication store (or the Deduplication Database) serves as the repository for signatures associated with all blocks that are backed up. It also has the reference counts to copies of the blocks that are backed up using the storage policy copy.

Deduplication stores are maintained for each Storage Policy Copy that has the deduplication option enabled. Multiple MediaAgents can be a part of the same copy and use the same Deduplication Store provided the libraries accessed by the MediaAgents are configured as static shared libraries and accessible from all the MediaAgents.

Supported Platforms

The Deduplication Store is configured when creating a storage policy copy, both for primary and secondary storage policy copies. Any MediaAgent can be associated in the Deduplication Store.

The MediaAgent associated with data store could be any one of the MediaAgents in the data paths, or outside of the data path too. You can also change the MediaAgent hosting the Deduplication Store.

Deduplication store can be located on any of the following platforms:

Windows All platforms supported by Windows MediaAgents, except 64-bit editions on Intel Itanium (IA64) and Windows XP.

Supported on NTFS.

Linux All platforms supported by Linux MediaAgents, except Power PC (Includes IBM System p).

Supported on ext3 and ext4.

Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS) Clusters supported by Windows MediaAgents.

Supported on NTFS.

Linux Cluster Clusters supported by Linux MediaAgents.

Supported on ext3 and ext4.

Never delete the Deduplication Store manually. The Deduplication Store facilitates the deduplication of backup jobs and data aging jobs. If deleted, new deduplicated backup jobs cannot be performed and the existing data in the disk mount paths will never be pruned.

Disk Specifications for Hosting the Deduplication Store

To ensure optimal performance for deduplication operations, the disk hosting the Deduplication Store must satisfy the following specifications. Note that these specifications are only for the disk hosting the Deduplication Store, and not for the entire mount path.

Evaluating The Disk For Hosting Deduplication Store

The following section provides information on how to evaluate the disk in which you plan to create the Deduplication Store. This will help you to determine the size of the data and store that can be hosted on the disk.

You can also use the user-interface version of this tool. See SIDB Simulator for more details and usage.

Running the Tool Run the following file from the MediaAgent computer hosting the Deduplication Store.

C:/Program Files/Bull Calypso/Calypso/Base/SIDB2.exe

Usage SIDB2 -simulateddb -p <SidbLocation> -in <Instance#> [-datasize] [-dratio] [-blocksize] [tlimit] [-diskperf -tpath] [-user] [-password] [-domain]


Options in [] denotes optional arguments

-simulateddb is the keyword to simulate the deduplication database to evaluate the disk compatibility for hosting the deduplication store.

-p is the location (an empty directory) where the deduplication store will be located.

-in is the instance of the software using the tool.

-datasize is the application data size in GB. Number.

-dratio is the expected deduplicaiton ratio. Number (default value is 5.)

-blocksize is the deduplication data block size in KB. Number (default is 128.)

-tlimit is the value in microsecond. Number (default value is 1000.) -tlimit and -datasize arguments cannot be used together.

-samplesize is the size of the sample. Number (default values is 10000.)

-diskperf and -tpath. Diskperf is the keyword to measure disk performance and tpath is the path of the disk. If you use -diskperf, -tpath is mandatory.

-keepddb is the option to keep the deduplication database files. The files are removed by default.

-stopCounter signifies how many additional iterations to process after reaching the threshold time. This is to limit spikes caused by caching. (default value is 50.)

Example 1 For the details on the projected average transaction time for an insert/query in the deduplication database based on the size of the application data that is backed up, use the tool with the -simulateddb and -datasize options.


SIDB2 -simulateddb -in instance001 -p d:\dedup_store -datasize 500

Sample output

The disk is capable of hosting a deduplication DB for:

0.500 TB of Application Data Size

0.100 TB of data on disk

146.0 microseconds average Q&I overhead perblock

Throughput for DDb server 3156 GB per Hour

Example 2 For recommendations on the maximum application data size that can be backed up using the store based on the average access time for each record, use the tool with the -simulateddb. This will run till it reaches the default threshold time limit of 1000 microseconds.


SIDB2 -simulateddb -in instance001 -p d:\dedup_store

Example 3 For recommendations on disk performance, use the tool with the -simulateddb and -diskperf options.


SIDB2 -simulateddb -in instance001 -p d:\dedup_store -datasize 100 -diskperf -tpath d:\disktest

Measuring the Deduplication Disk Performance

Use the following steps to measure the disk throughput for the disk in which you plan to create the Deduplication Store.

Running the Tool Run the following file from the MediaAgent computer hosting the Deduplication Store.


C:/Program Files/Bull Calypso/Calypso/Base/CvDiskPerf.exe



Usage Windows:

CvDiskPerf -READWRITE -PATH <SIDB path> -RANDOM -FILECOUNT <filecount> -USER <username> -PASSWORD <password> -DOMAIN <domain> -OUTFILE <outputfile>


./CVDiskPerf -READWRITE -PATH <path> -RANDOM -FILECOUNT <filecount> -OUTFILE <outputfile>


-READWRITE is the option to measure read/write performance.

-PATH is the deduplication store mount path to be tested for performance.

-RANDOM is the keyword to measure random read/write operations (Optional). By default, sequential read/write operations are measured.

-FILECOUNT is the number of files used in the read and write operations (Optional). Default value is 1024.

-USER, -PASSWORD, and -DOMAIN are options to provide specific user credentials to impersonate access to the path provided in the –PATH option (Optional). By default, the application user-credential will be used. If domain name is not provided, then the default domain will be used.

-OUTFILE is the location of the output file to store the disk performance results (Optional). Default value is '.\CvDiskPerf.txt'

Sample Commands Windows:

CvDiskPerf -READWRITE -PATH c:\SIDB01 -OUTFILE c:\temp\perf.txt

CvDiskPerf -READWRITE -RANDOM -PATH c:\SIDB01 -OUTFILE c:\temp\perf.txt

CvDiskPerf -READWRITE -RANDOM -PATH c:\SIDB01 -USER commuser –PASSWORD commpw -OUTFILE c:\temp\perf.txt



Output The details of the disk performance are stored in the output file provided in the -OUTFILE option. The contents of a sample output file are given below:

DiskPerf Version        : 1.3

Path Used               : f:\

Read-Write type         : RANDOM

Block Size              : 128

Block Count             : 1024

File Count              : 500

Total Bytes Written     : 1048576000

Time Taken to Write(S)  : 7.113515

Throughput Write(GB/H)  : 494.217709

Total Bytes Read        : 1048576000

Time Taken to Read(S)   : 7.581667

Throughput Read(GB/H)   : 463.700792

Time Taken to Create(S) : 1.16

Throughput Create(GB/H) : 325.04

Ensure that the average read throughput of the disk is around 500 GB per hour, and the average write throughput of the disk is around 400GB per hour.

Calculate the average read and write throughputs from multiple samples (between three and ten), for a FILECOUNT of 500.

The following table provides a sample of the disk performance calculation:

Disk Performance

Throughput in GB/Hour



Sample 1 341.3798 477.6198
Sample 2 344.3546 513.2807
Sample 3 340.8644 575.6513
Sample 4 428.8675 499.7836
Sample 5 397.6285 426.5668
Sample 6 438.2224 503.0041
Sample 7 428.0591 494.4092
Sample 8 427.0613 643.4305
Sample 9 446.6219 523.7768
Sample 10 396.5592 581.3948
Average 398.9619 523.8918

Managing the Deduplication Store

Setting up the Minimum Free Space

The minimum free space that must be available at all times in the volume in which the Deduplication Store is configured. By default, if the free space is less than 2GB on the volume hosting the Deduplication Store, jobs will not continue.

Use the following steps to set the minimum free space.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  3. Click the Deduplication tab, and then click the Settings tab.
  4. In the Minimum Free Space box, type or select the amount of free space you want to change.
  5. Click OK.

Setting up an Alert For Free Space

If the amount of free space falls below the specified amount in the volume in which the Deduplication Store is stored, the MediaAgent generates an event message and generates the MediaAgents (Disk Space Low) alert, if configured.

Use the following steps to set the minimum free space to generate the alert:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  3. Click the Deduplication tab, and then click the Settings tab.
  4. In the Free Space Warning box, type or select the amount of free space you want to change to generate alert.
  5. Click OK.

Setting the Age of the Primary Block

You can set the number of days after which a block cannot be used for new deduplication. Setting this value will ensure that very old blocks are not allowed as the 'origin' data for newer backup jobs that are deduplicated.

Use the following steps to set the number of days after which a block cannot be used for deduplication:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  3. Click the Deduplication tab, and then click the Settings tab.
  4. In the Do not Deduplicate against objects older than box, type or select the number of days you want to change for deduplication reference.

    If you do not specify the value, the default value is set to infinite.

  5. Click OK.

Setting up Data Compression

By default when deduplication storage policy is configured, compression is automatically enabled for the storage policy copy. This setting overrides the subclient compression settings by enabling Use Storage Policy Settings option at subclient level. For most of the data types the compression is recommended. This process works by compressing the blocks and then generating a signature hash on the compressed block.

Use the following steps to enable data compression for all subclients to storage policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  3. Click the Deduplication tab, and then click the Settings tab.
  4. Select the Enable Software Compression with Deduplication box.

    This options is enabled by default. It is recommended to have data compression enabled when using deduplication.

      When this option is enabled the Use Storage Policy Settings option is enabled by default on the corresponding subclients.
  5. Click OK.

Modify Data Compression on Specific Subclient

By default, all associated subclients uses the compression settings set on the deduplication storage policy copy. To modify or turn off the compression settings on the subclients, use the following steps:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client_Computer> | File System | defaultBackupSet.
  2. Right-click the <Subclient> to which the deduplication storage policy is associated and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Storage Device tab, and then click the Data Transfer Option tab.
  4. In the Software Compression area, Using Storage Policy Settings option is selected by default.
    • Select On Client option to perform compression on client.
    • Select On MediaAgent option to perform compression on MediaAgent.
    • Select the Off option to turn off the compression.
  5. Click OK.

Changing the MediaAgent Hosting the Store

Perform the following to change the MediaAgent hosting the deduplication store:

  1. Stop the Services
  2. Copy the Deduplication Store Content
  3. Change MediaAgent Hosting Deduplication Store
  4. Start the Services

Stop the Services

Make sure that there are no SIDB.exe and SIDB2.exe process are running on the MediaAgent from which the SIDB currently resides. Use the following steps to confirm that no process are running:

For Windows:
  1. Click the Start button on the Windows task bar and then click All Programs.
  2. Navigate to bull | Calypso and click Service Control Manager.
  3. Select All Services in Services.
  4. Click Stop to stop all services.

For Linux:

  1. Log on to the computer as root.
  2. Run the following command to stop services:

    Calypso stop

Copy the Deduplication Store Content

You need to manually copy the content available in the current Deduplication Store to the new mediaagent which you want to host the Deduplication Store. Use the following steps to copy the content available in the current Deduplication Store:

  You cannot copy the deduplication database (SIDB) from Windows to Linux or from Linux to Windows location.
  1. Login to the MediaAgent hosting the current Deduplication Store.
  2. Navigate to the location where Deduplication database is available.
  3. Copy the following available content on to a shared drive:
    • SIDB
    • icl_label.txt files
  4. Login to the new MediaAgent that will be hosting a Deduplication Store.
  5. From the share drive, copy the files into desired folder that will host the Deduplication Store.

    Make sure to note down the directory it is copied on.

  6. Verify the size of the directory is in fact the same to ensure all data was copied.

Change MediaAgent Hosting Deduplication Store

Use the following steps to change the MediaAgent hosting the Deduplication Store:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the Primary copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  3. Click the Deduplication tab.
  4. In the Deduplication Storage Access Path area, click Change Host button.
  5. You will be prompted with a Warning message.

    If you have performed Stop the Services and Copy the Deduplication Store Content steps, then click OK and then click Change Host button.

    If you did not stop the services and did not copy the files, click OK, and then Stop the Services and Copy the Deduplication Store Content and then follow step 1.

  6. From the Deduplication Storage Access Path dialog box, perform the following:
    • Select <MediaAgent> from MediaAgent Name drop-down list.
    • In the Deduplication Store Location, type the name of the folder to which the deduplication  or click Browse button to select the folder in which the deduplication database must be located.

    The store information is displayed in the Deduplication Store Access Path area.

  7. Click OK.

Start the Services

If your old MediaAgent is in use hosting deduplication store for other storage policies and libraries or for backup, use the following steps to start the services.

For Windows:
  1. Click the Start button on the Windows task bar and then click All Programs.
  2. Navigate to bull | Calypso and click Service Control Manager.
  3. Select ALL Services in Services.
  4. Click Start to start all services.

For Linux:

  1. Log on to the computer as root.
  2. Run the following command to start services:

    Calypso start


Changing the Location of the Deduplication Store

Use the following steps to change the location of the Deduplication Store in the existing MediaAgent:

  1. Make sure that no running jobs are currently accessing the store.
  2. Stop the Services on existing MediaAgent by performing the following:

    For Windows:

    • Click the Start button on the Windows task bar and then click All Programs.
    • Navigate to bull | Calypso and click Service Control Manager.
    • Select All Services in Services.
    • Click Stop to stop all services.

    For Linux:

    • Log on to the computer as root.
    • Run the following command to stop services:

      Calypso stop

  3. Copy the deduplication database files (SIDB, icl_label.txt files) to the new location.
  4. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  5. Right-click the Primary copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  6. Click the Deduplication tab.
  7. In the Deduplication Store Access Path area, select <MediaAgent> and click the Properties button.
  8. You will be prompted with a Warning message.

    If you have stopped the services and copied the store files to new location, then click OK and then click Properties button.

    If you did not stop the services and did not copy the files, click OK, and then follow from step 2.

  9. In the Deduplication Access Path dialog, perform the following:
    • Click Change button.
    • In the Deduplication Store Location box, type the name of the folder in which the deduplication database must be located.
    • Click OK.
  10. In the Deduplication Store Data dialog box, click Yes, if you have completed the steps provided in the dialog box.

    The store information will be displayed in the Deduplication Store Access Path area.

  11. Click OK.
  12. Start the services.

Configuring Deduplication Store Creation

By default, a new Deduplication Store is created for every 100 TB of data. Note that this is the amount of data stored on the media after deduplication.

Use the following steps to create new Deduplication Store:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  3. Click the Deduplication tab.
  4. In the Deduplication Store Creation, select one of the following:
    • Select  Create new store every - days and specify the number of days after which a new Deduplication Store must be created.
    • Select Create new store every - TB and specify the size of the store, reaching which a new Deduplication Store must be created.
        If above both options are set, a new Deduplication Store will be created if either one of the two conditions is satisfied.
    • Select Create new store every - Month(s). Starting from... and specify the month and start date for a new Deduplication Store creation.
  5. Click OK.

Sealing Deduplication Store

The currently active Deduplication Store can be sealed on-demand.

When a Deduplication Store is sealed:

The option to Seal Deduplication Stores is useful in rare cases when there are hardware issues or disk malfunction. Creating a new store will prevent new data from referencing any of the old data in the malfunctioned disks.

Use the following steps to seal the Deduplication Store:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane, point to All Tasks and then click Seal Deduplication Store.
  3. Click Yes on the Confirm Seal Deduplication Store dialog.

Backing up Deduplication Database

Use the following method to backup the deduplication database so that it can be reconstructed in the unlikely event of an offline deduplication database. If this method is not used, the system will automatically use the automatic recovery process as described in Setting Up Automatic Recovery to reconstruct the database.

This is the recommended method of protecting the deduplication database. If there are multiple deduplication databases on the MediaAgent, this method automatically backs up all the deduplication databases.

This method performs a FULL backup of the deduplication database and the backup data is sent to the appropriate backup media based on the storage policy selected for the Deduplication Database subclient.

  If you have deduplication database hosted on Linux Intel Itanium (IA64) machine, deduplication database backups using DDB subclient is not supported. To backup deduplication databases, use automatic recovery process described in Setting Up Automatic Recovery.

From CommCell Console

Use the following steps to set up regular backup of deduplication database through CommCell Console:

Configure DDB Subclient

Use the following steps to create DDB subclient, assign storage policy to the subclient and then schedule the DDB backup.

1. File System iDataAgent must be installed on the MediaAgent hosting the deduplication store.

You can install the File System iDataAgent as a Restore Only Agent without consuming any license.

To do so, make sure to select Install Agents for Restore Only check box from the Select Platforms dialog box during File System iDataAgent installation.

See Getting Started - Windows File System Deployment for step-by-step procedure.
  • From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <MA_client_hosting_dedup_store> | File System.
  • Right-click the defaultBackupSet, point to All Tasks and then click New Subclient.
  • Type a name for the subclient in the Subclient name.
  • Select the DDB Subclient check box.
  DDB Subclient check box is available only when creating new subclients under defaultBackupSet.

  • Click the Storage Device tab.
  • From the Storage Policy list, select a storage policy that does not have deduplication enabled for primary copy.
  • Click OK.
5. Click Schedule and then click OK.
  • From Select Backup Type, select Full option.

    Note that the other backup types such as incremental, differential etc., are not supported.

  • From Job Initiation, select the Schedule option and then click Configure.
  • In the Schedule Name box, type a name of the schedule.
  • Select the appropriate scheduling options.

    For example, use the following steps to create a weekly schedule:

    • Type a name for the schedule in the Schedule Name box.
    • Select Daily.
    • Type the Start Time to start the schedule.
    • Click Options >> button.
    • From the Advanced Schedule Options dialog box, select Repeat every check box.

      The default value is set to 8 hours.

    • Click OK.
8. Click OK.

The new Deduplicate Database Store subclient will be displayed in the right-pane.

9. When the schedule is run, the Job Controller window will display the backup job as shown in the sample image.
  During DDB backup job, if system detects reboot of a DDB MediaAgent, then the DDB backup job will go into Pending state. After reboot, the DDB backup job will restart from the beginning by creating a new snapshot of the DDB to perform the backup.

Setting up Automatic Recovery

Use the following steps to set automatic recovery of a deduplication database.

  • From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy> where the deduplication store was created.
  • Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  • Click the Deduplication tab, and then click the Settings tab.
  • Ensure that Pause and Recover current store and Automatically options are selected.
      If you had Failover to new store selected, then make sure to Seal the Deduplication Database before selecting the Pause and Recover current store to prevent data loss.
  • Click OK.
      After DDB Subclient creation and first successful backup of deduplication database store using DDB subclient, Create recovery point every - Hour(s) box will not be available.
12. When the system detects a offline deduplication database, the Job Controller window will display the recover job as shown in the sample image.

From Command Line

Use the following steps to create DDB subclient through command line.

  1. Open a XML editor, copy the sample XML parameter displayed on the right.
  2. Provide a value for the following parameters:
    • subclientName - Name of the DDB subclient
    • clientName - Name of the MediaAgent on which you want to create the DDB subclient.

      Ensure that this MediaAgent has File System iDataAgent installed.

    • storagePolicyName - Name of the non-deduplicated storage policy which is used to backup the deduplication database.
  3. Save the file as XML file. E.g., ddbsubclient.xml.
  4. From Command prompt, navigate to <Software_Installation_Directory>/Base and then run the following command:
    • Login to the CommServe using the qlogin command and commcell credentials.

      For example, to log on to CommServe server1 with username user1:

      C:\>qlogin -cs server1 - u user1

    • Run the XML using the qoperation command.

      For example, to run ddbsubclient.xml

      C:\>qoperation execute -af ddbsubclientxml

  5. You can verify the DDB subclient from the MediaAgent client computer.
    • From the CommCell Brower, navigate to Client Computers | <MediaAgent> | File System | defaultBackupSet

      Newly created DDB Subclient will be displayed in right window.

    • Schedule the DDB backup to run for every 8 hours by performing the following:
      • Right click the newly created DDB Subclient and click Backup.
      • Click Schedule option.
      • Click Configure button.
      • Select Daily.
      • Type the Start Time to start the schedule.
      • Click Options >> button.
      • From the Advanced Schedule Options dialog box, select Repeat every check box.

        The default value is set to 8 hours.

      • Click OK.

SAMPLE XML Parameter

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<subClientProperties contentOperationType="ADD">

<subClientEntity subclientName="DDBsubclient" clientName="Name of the MediaAgent" appName="File System"/>

<fsSubClientProp isDDBSubclient="true"/>



<dataBackupStoragePolicy storagePolicyName="Name of the Storage Policy"/>





Configure Alerts for Deduplication Store Backup

Additionally, you can configure alert for deduplication store backup jobs to receive alerts when a deduplication store backup job fails and when there are no deduplication backup jobs.

Use the following steps to configure alert for the deduplication database backup:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Control Panel and then double-click the Email and IIS Configuration.
  2. In the Mail Server box, specify the mail server to be used by alerts. The Mail Server must support SMTP messages.
  3. In the Mail Server Port box, select the port number.
  4. In the Mail Server Size limit, specify the size limit per e-mail.
  5. Click OK.
  6. From the CommCell Browser, click Control Panel and then double-click the Alerts.
  7. From the Alert dialog box, click Add button.
  8. In the Add Alert Wizard, specify the following:
    • In the Display Name box, specify the name for the alert.
    • In the Category list box, select Job Management.
    • In the Type list box, select Data Protection.
    • Click Next.
    • From the Entities Selection, navigate to <client_computer> | File System and then select the <Deduplication_Backup_Subclient> and then click Next.
        If you have multiple deduplication backup subclients on multiple MediaAgent(s), select the <deduplication_backup_subclient> of each MediaAgent and then click Next.
    • By default, Job Failed check box is selected which allows you to receive alerts when deduplication backup job fails.

      Select No Data Protection check box to receive alerts when there are no deduplication backup jobs.

      Clear Delayed by 1 Hrs and Job Succeeded with Errors check boxes and then click Next.

    • Select the way in which the alert is to be sent to its intended recipient. Select the Select [Email/Pager] for notification check box.

      If you wish to customize the e-mail or pager notification, click a token from the list and then click Add Token.

    • Select the CommCell users and/or CommCell user groups that will receive the alert. Or,

      Specify the e-mail address(es) of the recipient(s) in the Email to Recipients box, these recipients can reside within an external domain.

      Click Next.

    • Verify the options you have selected for the alert in the Summary and then click Finish.

      The alert is now configured and displayed in the Alerts dialog box.

    • Click OK to close the Alerts dialog box.

Deduplication Database Recovery

When the system detects an offline deduplication database (DDB), the DDB reconstruction job can be run to recover the DDB. During the deduplication database reconstruction job, the data in the DDB is validated against the CommServe database to ensure that both the databases are synchronized for successful recovery of the DDB. In addition, it allows you to use the same DDB in the future.

The following sections explain the different methods of recovering the deduplication database.

Setting Up Automatic Recovery

When a system detects a offline deduplication store, the 'recover job' will automatically run to restore the deduplication store from the deduplication backup which was backed up using DDB subclient.

See Backing Up Deduplication Store Database for more information on backing up deduplication store.

Use the following steps to revert to the default settings if you have changed the store recovery points.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  3. Click the Deduplication tab, and then click the Settings tab.
  4. Click Pause and Recover current store.
  5. Click Automatically.
      If you had Failover to new store selected, then make sure to Seal the Deduplication Database before selecting the Pause and Recover current store to prevent data loss.
  6. In the Create recovery points every - Hour(s) box, type or change the frequency of Deduplication Store snapshots.
      You will be able to use the deduplication store snapshot frequency, if you have not already created a DDB subclient for backing up deduplication database.
  7. Click OK.

Manually Reconstructing a Store

You can choose to recover from a offline deduplication store by manually reconstructing the store. If a offline deduplication store is detected, all jobs on that copy are paused until the store is manually reconstructed.

Use the following steps to configure and perform manual reconstruction:

Setting Up Manual Reconstruction

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  3. Click the Deduplication tab, and then click the Settings tab.
  4. Click Pause and Recover current store and then click On-Demand.
      If you had Failover to new store selected, then make sure to Seal the Deduplication Database before selecting the Pause and Recover current store to prevent data loss.
  5. In the Create recovery points every - Hour(s) box, type or select the frequency of Deduplication Store snapshots.
      You will be able to use the deduplication store snapshot frequency, if you have not already created a DDB subclient for backing up deduplication database.
  6. Click OK.

Manually Reconstruct a Store

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane, point to All Tasks and then click Recover Store.
  3. From the Select Source MediaAgent list, select MediaAgent from which you will run the reconstruct of the deduplication store database.
  4. Select Allow Maximum check box.
  5. Click OK.

Deduplication Store Failover

You can choose to automatically create a new Deduplication Store in the event the active store becomes offline and deduplication database backup is not available. When configured, if a offline store is detected then the store is automatically sealed and a new store is created.

Use the following steps to automatically create a new Deduplication Store when the store becomes offline and deduplication database backup is not available:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  3. Click the Deduplication tab, and then click the Settings tab.
  4. By default, Failover to New Store option is selected.
  5. Click OK.

Variable Content Alignment

Variable content alignment is a content aware approach to deduplication that further reduces the amount of data stored during a database agents backup. It accomplishes this by aligning the segment boundaries of the backup data stream as minor changes to the data in the stream that are made between incremental backups. Therefore, the effectiveness of deduplication increases more with this feature on client systems that experience small changes to the backup data.

Variable content alignment is performed on the client system and consequently you may experience some performance overhead, especially when used together with software compression. You can enable variable content alignment as follows:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the <Client> you wish to enable variable content alignment and then click Properties.
  2. Click Client Side Deduplication tab.
  3. Select Enable Variable Content Alignment check box.
      Enabling this option will consume more disk space. This happens because a fresh copy of the deduplicated data blocks with new signature is created for that deduplication database. Hence, this new signature will not match the existing signatures available in the deduplication database and thus creates a new baseline for the deduplication database.
  4. Click OK.

Enabling Deduplication in Secondary Copies

Deduplication can be enabled for secondary copies during Storage Policy Copy creation. Once the copy is created, deduplication cannot be enabled later.

    • From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
    • Right-click <storage_policy>, point to All Tasks and then click Create New Copy.
  • Specify name in Copy Name.
  • From the Library list, click the name of a disk library.
  • From the MediaAgent list, click the name of a MediaAgent.
  • Select Enable Deduplication box. The Deduplication tab is enabled.
  • Click Deduplication tab.

Deduplication can only be enabled for storage policy copies associated with a disk library.

  • The default name of the deduplication store is displayed in Deduplication Store Name box.
  • In the Deduplication Store Access Path area, click Add.
  • From the MediaAgent list, click the name of a MediaAgent.
  • Type the name of the folder in which the deduplication database must be located in the Deduplication Store Location or click the Browse button to select the folder.
  • Click OK.
  • The store information is displayed in the Deduplication Store Access Path area.
  • Click OK.

Click OK to accept the default schedule.


Secondary Copy is displayed in the Storage Policy pane.

Enabling Inline Copy for Deduplicated Primary Copy

When the Primary Copy is deduplicated, you might want to create additional copies for offline storage. Note that you could use the auxiliary copy feature for this. But to create an Auxiliary Copy you would have to wait until the primary copy becomes available. This could cause delays in getting the data offsite. The Inline Copy feature allows you to create additional copies of data at the time of backups. Since the Primary Copy is the source for the Inline Copy the Inline Copy can be created along with the Primary Copy. However, note that the Inline Copy does not get deduplicated.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click <storage_policy>, point to All Tasks and then click Create New Copy.
  3. Specify name in the Copy Name.
  4. From the Library list, click the name of a disk library.
  5. From the MediaAgent list, click the name of a MediaAgent.

    Note that the MediaAgent must be the same as the Primary Copy.

  6. Select Enable Inline Copy box.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Auxiliary Copy Schedule, click OK to accept the default schedule.
  9. The Inline Copy created along with the Primary Copy will be displayed in the right-pane.

Setting up Deduplication for Existing Non-Deduplicated Data

Use the following steps to enable deduplication for existing non-deduplicated backup data.
  1. Create a Storage Policy Copy with deduplication enabled. See Getting Started - Setup Deduplication for step-by-step instructions.
  2. Create a Secondary Copy and run an auxiliary copy in the secondary copy. See Enabling Deduplication in Secondary Copies for step-by-step instructions.

    If necessary you can promote the secondary copy as the primary copy so that subsequent backups are automatically deduplicated.

Look-Ahead Reader

To reduce the time taken to read the data during restore and auxiliary copy operations, deduplication-enabled operations can be performed using look-ahead reader. Use the following steps to enable the look ahead reader, by creating DataMoverUseLookAheadLinkReader registry key on the MediaAgent where the disk library is created.

  Look-Ahead Reader operation is not applicable for Cloud Storage Library.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers.
  2. Right-click the <Client> where the disk library attached to the primary storage policy copy is created and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Registry Key Settings tab.
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Add Registry Key dialog box, enter the following:
    • In the Name box, type DataMoverUseLookAheadLinkReader key.
    • In the Location list, click MediaAgent.
    • In the Type list, click REG_DWORD.
    • In the Value box, type 1.
    • Click OK.
  6. Click OK.

Configuring Signature Generation

The signature generation module generates signatures for each block. This is done using SHA 512 (Secure Hash Algorithm) along with the size of the data. This combination eliminates the possibility of collisions, where two blocks hash to the same value.

The signature generation module can be configured either on the Client or the MediaAgent. Note that it is recommended to be run on the Client as it is both memory and resource intensive. Follow the steps described below to configure the signature generation:

  1. Do not modify the properties of a subclient when a backup job associated with the subclient is in progress.
  2. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | File System | defaultBackupSet.
  3. Right click the subclient for which you wish to enable (or disable) deduplication and click Properties.
  4. Click the Storage Device tab and then click the Deduplication tab.
  5. Select one of the following options for signature generation.
    • On Client option to enable the signature generation for Deduplication on the client computer.
    • On MediaAgent option to enable the signature generation for deduplication on the MediaAgent computer.

    By default, signature generation is set On Client.

      The signature generation is performed only if the subclient is associated with a storage policy copy that is deduplication enabled.
  6. Click OK.

Data Aging

Data Aging operations will automatically look up the deduplication store before data is deleted from the disk. Data Aging will only delete the source data when all the references to a given block is aged. So if you see older chunks in disk libraries remaining on the volume even if the original data is deleted, it might be due to the fact that deduplication reference(s) to the chunk is still valid.

If a deduplication store is offline, then that store will not be aged until all data on the store is eligible for aging.

Do not manually delete the Deduplication Store. The Deduplication Store facilitates the deduplication backup jobs and data aging jobs. If deleted, new deduplicated backup jobs cannot be performed and the existing data in the disk mount paths will never be aged.

Disabling Deduplication

Once enabled, deduplication cannot be disabled on a storage policy copy. However, you can use the following workaround to disable deduplication:

Suspending/Resuming Deduplication

Although deduplication cannot be disabled, it can be temporarily suspended. Suspend deduplication to temporarily detach the Deduplication Store to gain access to the store, for diagnostics and maintenance purposes. Once you resume deduplication, the signature verification and data deduplication is resumed.

Follow the step-by-step instructions described below to suspend/resume:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies | Storage Policies | <Storage_Policy>.
  2. Right-click the primary storage policy copy displayed in the right pane and click Properties.
  3. Click Deduplication tab, and then click the Settings tab.
  4. In Advanced Options area, clear Active box to temporarily suspend deduplication.
      When a storage copy is deduplicated, this option is enabled by default.

    Select Active box to resume deduplication.

  5. Click OK.

Rebooting a MediaAgent Hosting the Deduplication Store

You may want to reboot a MediaAgent for installing updates or maintenance purposes. For MediaAgents controlling the deduplication database, you will have to ensure that all the deduplication transactions in the memory are completed before rebooting. Failure to follow the recommendations might result in the sealing of the Deduplication Store, which will increase the amount of storage space consumed in the primary disk library.

Reboot a Windows MediaAgent

  1. Click the Start button on the Windows task bar and then click All Programs.
  2. Navigate to bull | Calypso and click Service Control Manager.
  3. Select All Services in Services.
  4. Click Stop.
  5. When the services are stopped, open the Windows Task Manager.
  6. Select the Processes tab and locate the SIDB.exe or SIDB2.exe process. If either of the processes is located, then wait until the process is complete.

    Depending on the size of the Deduplication database, this process might take as long as 30 minutes to complete.

  7. Once the process is complete and no longer displayed on the task manager, reboot the computer.

Reboot a Unix MediaAgent

  1. Log on to the computer as root and run the following command to stop services:

    Calypso stop

  2. When the services are stopped, type the following command to view all the deduplication processes that are still running.

    ps –aef | grep sidb

  3. If either the SIDB.exe or SIDB2.exe process is found running, then wait until the process is complete.

    Depending on the size of the Deduplication database, this process might take as long as 30 minutes to complete.

  4. Repeat Step 2 to confirm that the processes are no longer running and then reboot the computer.

Graceful Shutdown of MediaAgent Hosting the Deduplication Database

When a MediaAgent hosting the deduplication database (DDB) attempts to reboot or power off, by default the system doesn't halt and the operating system will shut down regardless of any processes that are running.

However, SIDB process has a built-in capability to receive the shutdown notification and to bring down the deduplication database gracefully if there is enough amount of time between the shutdown notification and the actual machine shutdown. In case where the graceful stopping of the DDB takes more time than the OS allows, it may still damage the DDB. In order to prevent the shutdown while the SIDB process is still running, the following method is suggested, which will prevent the shutdown in most of the cases.

To allow system to shut down gracefully when SIDB process is running, perform the following on Windows computer.

For Linux, the Calypso stop automatically handles the graceful shutdown of the MediaAgent.

Note that when MediaAgent attempts to reboot or shut down, the existing CVD process attempts to stop so that it do not accept any more requests. By setting up the below script, if there are any SIDB process that are running at this period, the CVD process will go into Stopping state and wait for SIDB process to gracefully exit before shutting down.

  1. Install the latest version of Service Pack on the MediaAgent.

    This installs Update 34948 which automatically executes the AddScripttoShutdownGPO.exe script. This script allows the system to delay the reboot or shutdown till it reaches the grace period.

  2. You can verify the AddScripttoShutdownGPO.exe script was executed successfully by performing the following:
    1. Logon to computer where the deduplication database is hosted.
    2. Click Start, click Run..., type gpedit.msc, and then click OK.
    3. From the Local Group Policy Editor window, navigate to Local Computer Policy | Computer Configuration | Windows Settings | Scripts (Startup/Shutdown).
    4. In the right pane, double-click the Shutdown option.
    5. In the Shutdown Properties dialog box, StopProc.vbs script will be displayed.

      If StopProc.vbs script is not populated then perform the following:

      From the Command Prompt, navigate to the following location:

      <Installation Directory>\Base

      Run the following command:

      AddScripttoShutdownGPO.exe -vm InstanceXXX

      Repeat step 2 to verify that the StopProc.vbs script is populated in the Shutdown Properties.

    6. Navigate to Local Computer Policy | Computer Configuration | Administrative Templates | System | Scripts
    7. In the right pane double click the Maximum wait time for Group Policy scripts.
    8. In the Maximum wait time for Group Policy script Properties dialog box, specify 1800 seconds (30 minutes). By default time is set to 600 seconds (10 minutes).

This waiting time prevents the shutdown while the SIDB process is running, allows the process to stop gracefully and not to damage the deduplication database.

To uninstall the script perform the following:

  1. From the Command Prompt, navigate to the following location:

    <Installation Directory>\Base

  2. Run the following command:

    AddScripttoShutdownGPO.exe -vm InstanceXXX -uninstall

    Once you run the above command, you will not see any delay in rebooting of your machine.

related Reports

Reconstruct Deduplication Database Job Summary Report

When a Deduplication Store is offline, the Deduplication Store is automatically reconstructed based on the Deduplication Store availability options. This Reconstruct Deduplication Database report provides the information about the storage policy, Deduplication Store name to which it was reconstructed and status of the restore job.

The following procedure provides the steps necessary to run a Reconstruct Deduplication Database report:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Tools -> Reports...
  2. From the Reports pane, click Job Summary.
  3. From the General tab, click Administrative Jobs and Reconstruct Dedupe Database.
  4. Click Run.

Storage Policy Report

The Storage Policy report provides deduplication related information including deduplication properties and Deduplication Store information. The following procedure provides the steps necessary to run Storage Policy report:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Tools -> Reports...
  2. From the Reports pane, navigate to Storage and click Storage Policy.
  3. From the General tab, clear Include All Storage Policies.
  4. Press Ctrl key and select <Storage_Policies>.
  5. Click Include to move the selected storage policies to the Include list box.
  6. Select Include Media checkbox.
  7. Click Run.

Disk Usage

The disk usage report provides the following information:

Use the following steps to run the Disk Usage report:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Storage Resources | Libraries.
  2. Right-click the <Library> and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Disk Usage tab.

    The report will be displayed.

License Requirements

Deduplication requires following licenses based on the License Type:

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