Restore Data - Informix - How To

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Restore from the Latest Backup

Restore up to a Point in Time

Restore up to a Specified Logical Log

Restore from the Latest Backup, up to a Point in Time, or up to a Specified Logical Log

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To restore as desired:

  1. Begin an Informix restore procedure.
  2. From the Informix Restore Options (General) dialog box, select the desired restore options.
  3. Click New Browse if you would like to specify a date and time for a point-in-time restore. Make your selections from the Specify Point-in-Time dialog box and then click OK.
  4. Click Advanced.
  5. From the Options tab of the Advanced Restore Options dialog box, do any of the following, as appropriate: select the latest backup to restore; specify a date and time for a point-in-time restore; specify the number of the logical log up to which the restore should proceed; and/or view restore-related information in the time zone that you require. Then click OK.
  6. Continue the restore.
  7. While the job is running, you can right-click the job in the Job Controller and select Details to view information on the job. After the data has been restored, you will see a job completion message in the Job Controller and Event Viewer.