SnapProtect Backup - Overview

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Where To Go Next


Advantages of using SnapProtect Backup

How Does SnapProtect Work


Getting Started - SnapProtect

Walks you through the process of installing and configuring SnapProtect.



The SnapProtect backup enables you to create a point-in-time snapshot of the data to be used for various data protection operations. SnapProtect backup works in conjunction with software and hardware storage arrays to provide snapshot functionality for data protection operations. An effective way to backup live data is to temporarily quiesce it, take a snapshot, and then resume live operations.

You can use the SnapProtect backup to perform any level of backups (e.g. Full, Incremental, or Differential). The backup types supported for SnapProtect backup varies for different agents. During an incremental or a differential SnapProtect backup even though the snapshot of a complete volume is created, only new or data changed since the last backup is available for recovery operations. When you switch from a snap to a traditional backup or vice versa, the next job is converted to a full backup.

See SnapProtect Backup - Support for the support related information for the SnapProtect backup.

Proxy Server

While performing a SnapProtect backup or any subsequent operations, you can use a proxy server to reduce the load on the production server. Also, the backup copy operation will use the proxy to move the snap to backup media. The use of a proxy server to perform SnapProtect operations is supported when a hardware storage array is used for performing the SnapProtect backup.



Advantages of using SnapProtect Backup

The following table lists some of the advantages of using SnapProtect backup over other available backup solutions.

Feature Support

Generic Software Solution

Calypso SnapProtect Backup

Backup to Tape
During incremental or log backup only relevant incremental or log data is moved to media enabling significant reduction in media usage.  
Hardware Agnostic - No dependency on the hardware array vendor changes  
Snapshot copy, backup copy, and tape copy creation and management are seamless. Application aware snapshots creation can be scheduled. The snapshots can be cataloged/indexed for restore and movement to media based on policies.  
To reduce load on the production server, a proxy server can be used for operations like movement to media, integrity check.  
Restores can be performed directly from media to the application server.  
Ability to mix and match SnapProtect backup with traditional backups. You can perform full SnapProtect backups combined with incremental log backups being moved to media and still perform a seamless restore.  
All data management operations can be performed from the CommCell Console.  

How does SnapProtect Backup Work

The SnapProtect backup includes the following operations:

Backup job is scheduled using the CommCell Console. When the backup job is started:

This snapshot is used for backup copy operations. This can also be used for restore/mount operations.

During the Backup Copy operations:

Data Aging:


The SnapProtect Backup documentation uses the following terminology:

Storage device

A device used for backup or archival purposes.

Storage Array

A high-end, intelligent disk storage system. The SnapProtect software is designed to work in conjunction with the snapshot ability built into the storage array.


A computer other than the production server on which you can perform SnapProtect operations. Using a proxy often results in less load on the production server.

Snapshot Copy

An additional copy of the protected data which is used in SnapProtect operations.