FAQ - BlueArc File Archiver Agent

How Can I Disable ACL Restore?

ACLs are restored by default. However you can create the following registry key to disable ACL restore:

  1. From the CommCell Console, navigate to Client Computers | <Client>.
  2. Right-click File Archiver.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. Select the Registry Key Settings tab.
  5. Click Add.
  6. In the Name box enter GXHSMRESTORE_NAS_SEC_ACL.
  7. In the Location box enter iDataAgent.
  8. In the Type box select STRING.
  9. In the Value box enter N.
  10. Click OK.

What happens to stubs deleted using Erase Data by Browsing option?

If stubs are deleted using Erase data by browsing option, the subsequent backups will not prune the stubs from the disk. The stubs would still be available in the disk. However, you cannot perform a recall or a restore operation on these stubs.