Advanced Recovery - File Archiver

Table Of Contents

Recover Data from CommCell Console

Moving Stubs

Copying Stubs

Accessing Stubs Without Triggering a Recall

Scheduling a Restore

Restore Destinations

Restoring to an NFS Mounted File System

Restore By Jobs

Configuring the Maximum Number of Simultaneous Stub Recalls (Recall Throttling)

Finding and Restore

Listing Media

Listing Media for a Subclient

Listing Media for an Archive Set

Restoring ACLs

Manage Restore Jobs

Restart Jobs

Resubmit Jobs

Control Jobs

Setting up Timeout Values for Recall Jobs

Additional Restore Options

Recover Data from CommCell Console

Use the following method to restore stubs. Deleted stubs that are not yet aged, can also be recovered by performing a Browse and Restore.

  1. From the CommCell Console, navigate to <Client> | File System.
  2. Right-click the archive set that contains the data you want to restore and click All Tasks | Browse Backup Data.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the folder level under the backup set. Its entire contents will be automatically selected in the right pane.
  5. Click Recover All Selected.
  1. From the General tab, either specify Recover to Same Paths or Specify destination path by typing a path or clicking Browse to locate the desired destination.
  2. Click the Job Initiation tab.
  3. Select Immediate to run the job immediately.
  4. Click OK.
  5. You can monitor the progress of the restore job in the Job Controller or Event Viewer window of the CommCell Console.
  6. This will restore stubs in the specified destination.
  7. To restore data, navigate to the location the stubs are restored and perform a stub recovery.

Moving Stubs

If a stub has been moved to a new location, recall operations will recover data to the new location and not the originating one.

For example, moving files using the mv command:

  1. Open a Terminal or Console Window.
  2. Move a single file or use wildcards to move multiple files.

    mv  <filename> <new path>

    mv  <*.pdf> <new path>

Copying Stubs

If stubs are copied within or outside the monitored volume, it triggers a stub recall.

For example, copying files using the cp command:

  1. Open a Terminal or Console Window.
  2. Copy a file to another location.

    cp  <filename> <new path>

Accessing Stubs Without Triggering a Recall

Stubs can be accessed without triggering a recall, by using the Registry key sTranProcName.

Scheduling a Restore

  • From the CommCell Console, navigate to Client Computers | File Archiver.
  • Right-click an archive set and click All Tasks | Browse.
  • Click OK.
  • Select data to restore.
  • Click Recover All Selected.
  • Click Job Initiation tab and click Schedule.
  • Click Configure.
4. Select the appropriate scheduling options.  For example:
  • Click Weekly.
  • Check the days you want the run the restore job.
  • Change the Start Time to 9:00 PM
  • Click OK to close the Schedule Details dialog
  • Click OK to close the Restore Options dialog

The restore job will execute as per the schedule.

Restore Destinations

By default, the File Archiver for Unix restores data to the client computer from which it originated; this is referred to as an in-place restore. You can also restore the data to another client computer in the CommCell. The following section enumerates the types of restore destinations that are supported by the File Archiver for Unix.

In-Place Restore

When restoring data, the File Archiver for Unix provides the facility to restore the data to the same path/destination on the client computer from which the data originated; this is referred to as an in-place restore.

  1. From the CommCell Console, perform a Browse and Restore operation.
  2. When browsing the data, select data that was initially backed up and click Recover All Selected.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the Destination Client that was the original computer from which the data originated.
  5. Depending on the data selected to restore, choose one of more of the options (e.g., Restore ACLs).
  6. Click OK.

Out-of-Place Restore

All restore levels provide the facility to restore data to a different directory on the client computer from which the data originated; this is referred to as an out-of-place restore to a different path/destination. You can also restore data to a different client computer in the CommCell using the same path/destination.

Keep in mind the following considerations when performing out-of-place restores:
  • The destination client must reside in the same CommCell as the client whose data was backed up.
  • Note that when you perform an out-of-place restore, the restored data assumes the rights (i.e., permissions) of the parent directory.
  1. From the CommCell Console, perform a Browse and Restore operation.
  2. When browsing the data, select data that was initially backed up and click Recover All Selected.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the Destination Client that is a different computer from which the data originated.
  5. Depending on the data selected to restore, choose one of more of the options (e.g., Restore ACLs).
  6. Click OK.

Restoring to an NFS Mounted File System

Besides recovering data to a client computer’s local drive, you can also recover data to a NFS-mounted file system.

Ensure that the destination computer has root permissions for the NFS-mounted file system. If the destination computer does not have these permissions, restores will fail.

  1. From the CommCell Console, perform a Browse and Restore operation.
  2. When browsing the data, select data that was initially backed up and click Recover All Selected.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the Destination Client on which to restore the data.
  5. Deselect Recover to Same Paths.
  6. In Specify destination path, enter the NFS mounted file system or click Browse.
  7. Click OK.

Restoring by Jobs

The Restore By Jobs feature provides the facility to select a specific backup job to be restored. This method of restoring data is considerably faster as it reads continuously on the tape and retrieves the data and does not depend on the indexing subsystem to get the seek offsets on the media.

This feature can be used in different scenarios such as the following:

Consider the following when restoring by jobs:

Use the following steps to restore data by jobs.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the level whose data you want to browse, click View and then click the Backup History.
  1. From the Backup History Filter window, select the filter options, if any, that you want to apply and click OK.
  1. From the Backup Job History window, right-click the backup job that need to be restored and select Browse.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, click OK to execute the browse using the Browse the Latest Data option.
  1. From the Browse window, select the instance node in the left pane and then select the required data and logs in the right pane, and click the Recover All Selected button at the bottom of the window.
  2. Select the desired restore options and click OK.

Configuring the Maximum Number of Simultaneous Stub Recalls (Recall Throttling)

The maximum number of simultaneous stub recalls can be limited to a specified amount of time. This will not only optimize performance but can also prevent the inadvertent recovery of a large number of files.
  1. From the CommCell Console, navigate to Client Computers | <Client>.
  2. Right-click File Archiver.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. Click Stub Recovery Parameters.
  5. In the Maximum Stub Recovery box select a value.
  6. In the Time between recall to count as successive in seconds box select a value.
  7. In the Time to wait after maximum successive recalls limit is reached in seconds box select a value.
  8. Click OK.

    It might take some time for the changes to take effect. Restart the File Archiver services for it to take effect immediately.

Finding and Restore

By Name and Location

Use Find to locate files, directories, or objects from archived data. This option can be invoked from the agent, archive set, or subclient level.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | File Archiver | Instance.
  2. Right-click Archive Set point to All Tasks and click Find.
  3. In the Name/Pattern box enter the name of the file that you want to find.
  4. In the Folder box browse and enter the path to the folder where the file might exists to narrow down the search.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Right-click the file in the right-pane and select one of the following:
    • Restore the file, folder or directory.
    • Restore All Selected files, folders or directories.
    • View all Versions of the selected file.
    • Restore all Versions of the selected file (not available for all agents).
  7. Click Ok.
  8. Select Recover to Same Paths box or in the Specify destination path box type the destination path or click Browse to locate the desired destination.
  9. Click the Job Initiation tab.
  10. Select Immediate.
  11. Click OK.

quick search using sampling

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | File Archiver | Instance.
  2. Right-click Archive Set point to All Tasks and click Find.
  1. Click Advanced Options to expand and display the fields. 
  2. In Sample Every, specify the rate at which messages are sampled to determine whether they match the search criteria. The default value of 1 indicates that every message will be sampled. Keep in mind that the order in which messages are sampled is based on the order in which the messages were backed up.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Right-click the file in the right-pane and select one of the following:
    • Restore the file, folder or directory.
    • Restore All Selected files, folders or directories.
    • View all Versions of the selected file.
    • Restore all Versions of the selected file (not available for all agents).
  5. Click Ok.
  6. Select Recover to Same Paths box or in the Specify destination path box type the destination path or click Browse to locate the desired destination.
  7. Click the Job Initiation tab.
  8. Select Immediate.
  9. Click OK.

By Specific Time

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers | <Client> | File Archiver | Instance.
  2. Right-click Archive Set point to All Tasks and click Find.
  3. In the Name/Pattern box enter the name of the file that you want to find.
  4. In the Folder box browse and enter the path to the folder where the file might exists to narrow down the search.
  5. Click Advanced Options to expand and display the fields.
  6. In Backup Time box, specify a time or time range (Latest Cycle, After, Before, Between, Specific Date, Any, Today, Yesterday, This week, This Month, This Year, or Relative) to narrow searches to messages that were backed up within the time period specified.
  7. Click Search.
  8. Right-click the file in the right-pane and select one of the following:
    • Restore the file, folder or directory.
    • Restore All Selected files, folders or directories.
    • View all Versions of the selected file.
    • Restore all Versions of the selected file (not available for all agents).
  9. Click Ok.
  10. Select Recover to Same Paths box or in the Specify destination path box type the destination path or click Browse to locate the desired destination.
  11. Click the Job Initiation tab.
  12. Select Immediate.
  13. Click OK.

Listing Media

List media option is useful to predict media required for the following operations: The list media operation can be performed for instances, backup sets, and subclients. The following sections describe each of these methods.

The List Media feature can also be used in a number of other capacities. Refer to the List Media documentation for a complete overview of this feature.

Listing Media For a Subclient

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the subclient for which you wish to list media and then click List Media.
  2. From the List Media dialog box choose one of the following options:

    Note that you can use the Specify Browse Time and Exclude Data Before options to list media between a specified date and time range.

  3. Click OK.

    The appropriate media is listed in the Media dialog box.

Listing Media for an Archive Set

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the archive set for which you wish to list media, click All Tasks and then click Browse.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, if required, select the following options:

    Note that you can use the Specify Browse Time and Exclude Data Before options to list media between a specified date and time range.

  3. Click List Media.
  4. From the List Media dialog box, click List Media for restore within specified time range and click OK.

    The appropriate media is listed in the Media dialog box.

Restoring ACLS

The ACLs and the data are restored by default when you restore data. You can choose to restore only the data or the ACLs and the data.

Restoring the ACLs and Data

Follow the steps given below to restore the ACLs and the data, and apply the ACLs to the data:

  1. From the CommCell Console, navigate to <Client> | File Archiver | Instance.
  2. Right-click Archive Set, point to All Tasks and click Browse.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the folder level under the backup set. Entire content will be automatically selected in the right pane.
  5. Click Recover All Selected.
  6. Select the Restore ACls check box.
  7. Click OK.

Restoring Only Data

You can restore only the data and inherit permissions from the parent directory in the destination. Follow the steps given below to restore only the data, without restoring the ACLs:

  1. From the CommCell Console, navigate to <Client> | File Archiver | Instance.
  2. Right-click Archive Set, point to All Tasks and click Browse.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the folder level under the backup set. Entire content will be automatically selected in the right pane.
  5. Click Recover All Selected.
  6. Click to clear the Restore Data Only check box.
  7. Click OK.

Manage Restore Jobs

Once you initiate the restore operation, a restore job is generated in the Job Controller. Jobs can be managed in a number of ways. The following sections provide information on the different job management options available:

Restart Jobs

Jobs that fail to complete successfully are automatically restarted based on the job restartability configuration set in the Control Panel. This configuration can be changed at any time; however, changes to this configuration will affect all jobs run in the entire CommCell.

It is also possible to override the default CommServe configuration for individual jobs by configuring retry settings when initiating the job. This configuration, however, will apply only to the specific job.

  Restore jobs for this Agent are re-started from the beginning.

Configure job restartability at the CommServe level

  1. In the CommCell Console, click the Control Panel icon, then double-click Job Management.
  2. In the Job Restarts tab of the Job Management dialog box, select a job type from the Job Type list, and then select the Restartable check box.
  3. To change the maximum number of times the Job Manager will try to restart a job, select a number in the Max Restarts box.
  4. To change the time interval between attempts by the Job Manager to restart the job, select a number of minutes in the Restart Interval (Mins) box.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.

Configure Job Restartability for an Individual Job

  1. From the Restore Options dialog box, click Advanced, then select the Job Retry tab and specify the following as desired:
  2. Click OK.

Resubmit Jobs

If a restore job fails to complete successfully, you can resubmit the job without the need to reconfigure the original job's restore options using the Resubmit Job feature. When a job is resubmitted, all the original options, restore destinations, and other settings configured for the job remain in tact.

Resubmit a Restore Job

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click a client computer whose data recovery history you want to view, click View, then click to view a job history.
  2. From the Job History Filter dialog box, select Restore.
  3. The system displays the results of the options you selected in the Data Recovery Job History window.
  4. Right-click on any job, and select Resubmit.
  5. Select the job options.
  6. Click OK.

Control Jobs

The following controls are available for running jobs in the Job Controller window:


Temporarily stops a job. A suspended job is not terminated; it can be restarted at a later time. Only preemptible jobs can be suspended.


Resumes a job and returns the status to Waiting, Pending, Queued, or Running depending on the availability of resources or the state of the operation windows and activity control settings.

Restore jobs for this Agent are resumed from the beginning.


Terminates a job.

These controls can be applied to:

Control A Job

  1. From the Job Controller of the CommCell Console, right-click the job and select Kill, Suspend, or Resume as desired.

Setting the timeout values for recall jobs

Two registry keys are available for administering the timing of recalls. These keys work hand-in-hand with each other, and they are especially useful if the CommServe goes down:

Additional Restore Options

Several additional options are available to further refine your restore operations. These options are available from the Advanced Recover Options window. 

To access the Advanced Recover Options window:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Client Computers by double-clicking Client Computers | File Archiver | <archive set name>. The default and other subclients (if available) are displayed on the right-hand window pane.
  2. To recover data from the archive set level, right-click the archive set, and click Recover.
  3. From the Unix File Archiver Recover Options dialog box, click Advanced.

The additional options available in this dialog box are described below:

Option Description related topic
Startup Options

The Job Manager will use the startup priority setting when allocating the required resources. This is useful if you have jobs that are very important and must complete, or jobs that can be moved to a lower priority.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Client Computers | File Archiver | ArchiveSet. The default and other subclients (if available) are displayed on the right-hand window pane.
  2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the archive set that contains the data you want to recover. Click All Tasks and then click Browse.
  3. From the Browse Options window, click OK.
  4. From the browse window, select the data to be restored and click Recover all Selected.
  5. From the Recover Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.
  6. From the Advanced Recover Options (Startup) tab, select Use Default Priority option.
  7. Select Change Priority option to change the priority for a job, between 0 (highest priority) and 999 (lowest priority).
  8. Select Start up in Suspended State option to specify the selected job to start in the Job Controller in a suspended state.
  9. Click OK.
Refer to Job Priority and Priority Precedence.
Copy Precedence When you select Recover from copy precedence option, the system recovers data from the selected storage policy copy (Synchronous Copy or Selective Copy). If data does not exist in the specified copy, the data recovery or retrieve operation fails even if the data exists in another copy of the same storage policy.

When cleared, (or by default) the system recovers or retrieves data from the storage policy copy with the lowest copy precedence. If the data was pruned from the primary copy, the system automatically recovers or retrieves from the other copies of the storage policy in the lowest copy precedence to highest copy precedence order. Once the data is found, it is recovered, and no further copies are checked.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Client Computers | File Archiver | ArchiveSet. The default and other subclients (if available) are displayed on the right-hand window pane.
  2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the archive set that contains the data you want to recover. Click All Tasks and then click Browse.
  3. From the Browse Options window, click OK.
  4. From the browse window, select the data to be restored and click Recover all Selected.
  5. From the Recover Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.
  6. From the Advanced Recover Options (Copy Precedence) tab, select Recover from copy precedence option.
  7. Select the number to change the selected copy's precedence. The numbers will move a copy to a higher or lower precedence in increments of 1.
  8. Click OK.
Refer to Recovering Data From Copies.
Data Path Options Data Recovery operations use a specific data path (Library, MediaAgent, Drive Pool, and Drive) to perform the recover operations as configured in the CommCell. By default, the system automatically identifies the data path for the recover operations. You can change the data path at the restore level by selecting a specific MediaAgent, library, drive pool or drive in the Advanced Recover Options dialog.

The following are some of the important situations where you may need to change the data path:

  • To free heavily loaded resources such as MediaAgents and libraries.
  • A library suffers severe hardware damage and you need to move its media to a different library in order to access data secured by data protection operations.
  • A drive pool within a library is being used much more frequently than another, and a storage policy copy from the more active drive pool can be assigned to the less active one.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Client Computers | File Archiver | ArchiveSet. The default and other subclients (if available) are displayed on the right-hand window pane.
  2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the archive set that contains the data you want to recover. Click All Tasks and then click Browse.
  3. From the Browse Options window, click OK.
  4. From the browse window, select the data to be restored and click Recover all Selected.
  5. From the Recover Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.
  6. From the Advanced Recover Options (Data Path) tab, select the MediaAgent and Library that you wish to perform the restore.
  7. Select the Drive Pool and Drive for optical and tape libraries.
  8. Click OK.
Refer to Change Data Path.
Job Retry Options The restore jobs can be restarted either by a user or automatically by the Job Manager. You can specify the maximum elapsed time before a job can be restarted or killed and the maximum number of restart attempts.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Client Computers | File Archiver | ArchiveSet. The default and other subclients (if available) are displayed on the right-hand window pane.
  2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the archive set that contains the data you want to recover. Click All Tasks and then click Browse.
  3. From the Browse Options window, click OK.
  4. From the browse window, select the data to be restored and click Recover all Selected.
  5. From the Recover Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.
  6. From the Advanced Recover Options (Job Retry) tab, select Enable Total Running Time option.
  7. Select Enable Number of Retries option.
  8. Select Kill Running Jobs When Total Running Time Expires option.
  9. Click OK.
Refer to Job Management.
Restore Deleted Items

Deleted files can be manually restored by the user. You can specify the time range for the deleted items to be restored.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Client Computers | File Archiver | ArchiveSet. The default and other subclients (if available) are displayed on the right-hand window pane.
  2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the archive set that contains the data you want to recover. Click All Tasks and then click Browse.
  3. From the Browse Options window, click OK.
  4. From the browse window, select the data to be restored and click Recover all Selected.
  5. From the Recover Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.
  6. From the Advanced Recover Options (Browse Options) tab, select Restore deleted items option.
  7. Select Specify Time Range option to specify the time zone, start time and end time for the deleted items to be restored.
  8. Click OK.
Alerts The Alert option is used for setting up the criteria to raise notifications/alerts for job statuses such as failure, success, or any other conditions triggered by the restore job. Adding alerts helps the user or the user group to get the notification automatically about the status of the restore job.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Client Computers | File Archiver | ArchiveSet. The default and other subclients (if available) are displayed on the right-hand window pane.
  2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the archive set that contains the data you want to recover. Click All Tasks and then click Browse.
  3. From the Browse Options window, click OK.
  4. From the browse window, select the data to be restored and click Recover all Selected.
  5. From the Recover Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.
  6. From the Advanced Recover Options (Alert) tab, Click Add Alert.
  7. From the Add Alert Wizard window, select the Threshold and Notification Criteria. Click  Next.
  8. Select the Notification Types. Click  Next.
  9. Select the Users and User Groups. Click  Next.
  10. Verify the Summary.
  11. Click Finish.
Refer to Alert.
Modify Paths and/or Filters During a recover operation, you can modify the folder where the items will be recovered from and filter the items you wish to exclude from the recover operation.
  1. From the CommCell Browser, click Client Computers | File Archiver | ArchiveSet. The default and other subclients (if available) are displayed on the right-hand window pane.
  2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the archive set that contains the data you want to recover. Click All Tasks and then click Browse.
  3. From the Browse Options window, click OK.
  4. From the browse window, select the data to be restored and click Recover all Selected.
  5. From the Recover Options for All Selected Items dialog box, click Advanced.
  6. From the Advanced Recover Options (Paths/Filters) tab, do the following:
    • For Source Item, click Add to enter a new file/folder to recover.
    • For Filter Item, click Add to enter a file or subfolder to exclude during the recover operation.

    You can also click Delete to remove existing source or filter items.

Command Line Restores Command Line Interface enables you to perform restore operations from the command line. The qcommands can be executed from the command line or can be integrated into your own scripts or scheduling programs.

In addition, you can also generate scripts for specific operations from the CommCell Console using the Save As Script option. These scripts can later be executed using the commands from the command line interface.

Refer to Command Line Interface.
Restore Job Summary Report Restore Job Summary Report provides you the summary of all restore jobs during a specified time period for each client. Select Restore option from the Job Summary Report Selection dialog box, to view the Restore Job Summary Report. Refer to Restore Job Summary Report.