Install 32-bit Documentum iDataAgent - Windows

Follow the steps given below to install Documentum iDataAgent on one of the following:

Where to Install

The Documentum iDataAgent must be installed on the Documentum Server.

Related Topics

  • System Requirements

    Verify that the computer in which you wish to install the software satisfies the System Requirements.

  • Firewall

    Provides comprehensive information on firewall.

  • Download Software Packages

    Provides step-by-step procedure to download the latest packages for software install.

Interactive Install

1. Log on to the computer using as an Administrator of the local computer.  
2. Run Setup.exe from Software Installation Package.  
3. Select the required language.

Click Next.

4. Select the option to Install Calypso on this computer.


  • Your screen may look different from the example shown.
5. Select I accept the terms in the license agreement.

Click Next.

6. Expand Client Modules | Content Management and select Documentum iDataAgent.

Click Next.

  Windows File System iDataAgent is installed by default when you install the Documentum iDataAgent.
7. If this computer and the CommServe is separated by a firewall, select the Configure firewall services option and then click Next.

For firewall options and configuration instructions, see Firewall Configuration and continue with the installation.

If firewall configuration is not required, click Next.

8. Enter the fully qualified domain name of the CommServe Host Name.

Click Next.

  Do not use space and the following characters when specifying a new name for the CommServe Host Name:


9. Click Next.
10. Click Next.
11. Select Add programs to the Windows Firewall Exclusion List, to add CommCell programs and services to the Windows Firewall Exclusion List.

Click Next.

  This option enables CommCell operations across Windows firewall by adding CommCell programs and services to Windows firewall exclusion list.

It is recommended to select this option even if Windows firewall is disabled. This will allow the CommCell programs and services to function if the Windows firewall is enabled at a later time.

12. Verify the default location for software installation.

Click Browse to change the default location.

Click Next.
  • Do not install the software to a mapped network drive.
  • Do not use the following characters when specifying the destination path:

     / : * ? " < > | #

    It is recommended that you use alphanumeric characters only.

13. Select a Client Group from the list.

Click Next.
This screen will be displayed if Client Groups are configured in the CommCell Console.

14. Click Next.
15. Click Next.
16. Select a Storage Policy.

Click Next.

  If you do not have Storage Policy created, this message will be displayed.

Click OK.

  You can create the Storage Policy later in step 20.
17. Click Next.
18. Click Next.
19. Click Finish.
If you already have a storage policy selected in step 16, Click button available at the bottom of the page to proceed to the Configuration section.

If you do not have Storage Policy created, continue with the following step.

20. Create a Storage Policy:
  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Policies.
  2. Right-click the Storage Policies and then click New Storage Policy.
  3. Follow the prompts displayed in the Storage Policy Wizard. The required options are mentioned below:
    • Select the Storage Policy type as Data Protection and Archiving and click Next.
    • Enter the name in the Storage Policy Name box and click Next.
    • From the Library list, click the name of a disk library to which the primary copy should be associated and then click Next.

      Ensure that you select a library attached to a MediaAgent operating in the current release.

    • From the MediaAgent list, click the name of a MediaAgent that will be used to create the primary copy and then click Next.
    • For the device streams and the retention criteria information, click Next to accept default values.
    • Select Yes to enable deduplication for the primary copy.
    • From the MediaAgent list, click the name of the MediaAgent that will be used to store the Deduplication store.

      Type the name of the folder in which the deduplication database must be located in the Deduplication Store Location or click the Browse button to select the folder and then click Next.

    • Review the details and click Finish to create the Storage Policy.