Troubleshoot - Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent Backup

Backup Restore  

Backup Failures

Backup fails
  1. The mailbox may not have a SMTP address assigned to it.

    Ensure that each mailbox has a valid SMTP address.

  2. Verify that the Outlook profile is in the Cache mode if MAPI_E_FAIL_ON_PROVIDER (8004011d) error message is displayed. Follow the steps given below to verify the profile mode:
  • On the client computer, open the Control Panel and click the Mail icon.
  • Open the <Profile>, click the email account and select the related <Account>.
  • Click Change.
  • Verify that the Use Cached Exchange Mode box is unchecked.
Full Logs Backup jobs may fail due to full log files that cannot accept messages.

Configure the Windows Event Log Settings to set the log to overwrite existing events as follows:

  1. In Windows 7, click the Start button.
  2. In the Search box, type Event Viewer.
  3. In the list of results, double-click Event Viewer.
  4. Click Properties.
  5. Select Overwrite events as needed (oldest events first).
  6. Click OK.

Filter data that consistently fails


Some items such as files or folders e.t.c., fail because they are locked by the operating system or application and cannot be opened at the time of the data protection operation. This items will be displayed in the "Items That Failed" list when Job History Report is run.


Filter the files that consistently appear in the "Items That Failed" list on the data protection Job History Report and exclude those files or folders during backup to avoid backup failure.

Troubleshooting MAPI Issues

Backup Process Hangs in a Pending State


The backup processes may hang up in pending state because of incorrect permissions set at the service account level.


To fix service account permission issues ensure the following:

Follow the steps given below for fixing permission issues on Exchange 2010:

  1. Using ADSIEDIT navigate to Configuration | Services | Microsoft Exchange.
  2. Right-click your organization name, click Properties | Securities and click the Advanced tab.
  3. Ensure that Organization Management group does not have "Receive As" or "Send As" access set to Deny.

Follow the steps given below for fixing permission issues on Exchange 2010 server:

  1. On the Exchange 2010 server, open the command prompt.
  2. Type get-mailboxDatabase | add-adpermission -user <service account> -ExtendedRights Receive-As.

Multiple Jobs are Failing with Profile Errors


Multiple jobs will fail with profile errors when there is one profile for more than one job.


Enable the following registry key to create job specific profiles:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers.
  2. Right-click the <Client> in which you want to add the registry key, and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Registry Key Settings tab.
  4. Click Add.
  1. Enter CreateProcessSpecificProfile in the Name field.
  2. Enter MSExchangeMBAgent in the Location filed.
  3. Enter REG_DWORD in the Type filed.
  4. Enter 1 to enable and 0 to disable the key in the Value field.
  5. Click OK.
  6. From the CommCell Console, navigate to <Client> | Exchange Mailbox |defaultBackupSet.
  7. Right click the subclient and click Backup.
  8. Select Full as backup type and Immediate to run the job immediately.
  9. Click OK.

    You can track the progress of the job from the Job Controller or Event Viewer window.

Automatic Profile Creation is Failing


Automatic profile creation process is failing as the service account name is not unique and have similar starting series.


It is recommended to make the service account name unique for the process of auto discovery. It should not have similar starting series as any other account. Follow the steps given below to verify this manually:

  1. Use Manual Profile Creation to create a new profile.
  2. Enter the service account name and click Check Name.
  3. If many names are displayed, it is recommended to change the service account name.

Unable to Log on to Microsoft Information Store/Profile Creation is Failing


For Exchange Server 2010 you will not be able to log on to Microsoft Information Store and profile creation may also fail, if  there is a mismatch in the Exchange Server name and the Exchange Server name specified in the agent properties that has the Client Access Role installed.


For Exchange Server 2010 verify that the Exchange Server name specified in agent properties has the Client Access Role installed. In case the Exchange Server does not have the Client Access Role specified follow the steps given below to point to another server with client access role installed on it:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the client computer that has Exchange Mailbox iDataAgent installed.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. Select Registry Key Settings tab.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Enter sCASServerName in the Name field.
  6. From the Location list, select iDataAgent.
  7. From the Type list, select REG_SZ.
  8. Enter a CAS server name (e.g., Ex2010CASR2) in the Value field. The CAS server is used to create the profile.
  9. Click OK.

Process Hangs While Enabling/Disabling MAPI


Process hangs while enabling/disabling MAPI because the Exchange client is unable to connect Twith the Global catalogue.

Solution 1.

Create a new profile using Enable Referral Option by following one of the options mentioned below:

Open the command prompt.

Type C:\>gcreconnect.

Usage: GCReconnect [-?] -m mailbox -s server [-e] [-x] [-n name] [-l] [-r] [-w]


-m mailbox Specifies the mailbox to log on to.

-s server Specifies the Exchange server where the mailbox resides.

-e Enable referral and reconnect If referral and reconnect are not enabled, MAPI will connect directly to the Exchange server for name lookup

-x Enable additional referral and reconnect settings for Exchange 2007 Implies-e

-n name Specifies a name to resolve with ResolveName If not specified, QueryIdentity will be used instead

-l Loop over MAPILogonEx. Will log on and off repeatedly until key is hit

-r Loop over ResolveName. Will log on once and do name lookup repeatedly until key is hit Requires -n, not valid with -l

-w Wait for keyboard input before and after creating and configuring profile

-? Displays this usage information.

Solution 2

Delete the existing profile and follow the steps given below:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers.
  2. Right-click the <Client> in which you want to add the registry key, and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Registry Key Settings tab.
  4. Click Add.
  1. Enter enableReferral in the Name field.
  2. Enter MSExchangeMBAgent  in the Location filed.
  3. Enter REG_DWORD  in the Type filed.
  4. Enter 1  in the Value field.
  5. Click OK.

Error During the Installation of MAPI CDO on Exchange 2003


If you try to install MAPI CDO on Exchange 2003, you may encounter error messages during installation. This is due to lack of compatibility between MAPI CDO and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.


It is recommended to uninstall MAPI CDO and install MAPI by following the steps given below:

On Exchange Server:

  1. Navigate to the system32 folder.
  2. Run FixMapi.
  3. Uninstall old mapicdo.
  4. Reboot the computer.
  5. Verify the presence of mapi32.dll and msmapi32.dll and rename them.


On the Proxy Computer that has Outlook installed, in case there are any MAPI issues, follow the steps given below:

  1. Uninstall old mapicdo if any.
  2. Reboot the computer.
  3. Install Outlook.
  4. Navigate to the system32 or the syswow64 folder.
  5. Run FixMapi.
  6. Reboot the computer.

Microsoft MAPI Version Error


During Outlook installation, you might encounter a MAPI version error. This is because two MAPI versions cannot coexist.


The MAPI version error may occur if you have a 32-Bit Outlook version and you are trying to install a 64-Bit Outlook version. This is because the 64-Bit MAPI and 32-bit MAPI cannot coexist on the same computer. It is recommended to uninstall one of the outlook versions.

Error Message: MAPI_E_FAIL_ON_PROVIDER (8004011d)


You will get this error message if the Outlook profile is in the Cache mode.


  1. On the client computer, open the Control Panel and click the Mail icon.
  2. Open the <Profile>, click the email account and select the related <Account>.
  3. Click Change.
  4. Verify that the Use Cached Exchange Mode box is unchecked.

Error Message: extask.cpp:HrInitialize(1342) Initializing MAPI Subsystem


You will get this error message when a backup process hangs due to the MAPI CDO conflict.

Solution 1.

  1. On the client computer navigate to the following files:




  2. Right-click the above mentioned files, click Properties and click the Details tab.
  3. Click the Version tab and verify that all the files point to Outlook.

Solution 2.

On the Proxy Computer:

  1. Uninstall old mapicdo.
  2. Reboot the computer.
  3. Install Outlook.
  4. Navigate to the system32 or the syswow64 folder.
  5. Run FixMapi.
  6. Reboot the computer.

Note that running FixMapi will solve the above mentioned error on the proxy computer.

On Exchange Server:

  1. Uninstall old mapicdo.
  2. Reboot the computer.
  3. Verify the presence of mapi32.dll and msmapi32.dll and rename them.
  4. Install Outlook.



You will get this error message when there is no connectivity with Client Access Role server for Exchange 2010 and for Mailbox Role Server for Exchange 2007.


Ensure for Exchange 2010 there is connectivity to the Client Access Role Server. In case of Exchange 2007, ensure connectivity to Mailbox Role Server.

Error Message: Cannot open folder for Mailbox “username” Error:MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND (0x8004010f)


You will get this error message when the backup processes hangs in a pending state and the extended right on your service account is not set to Receive As on all databases on the Exchange Server.

Solution 1

  1. Open the profile in Outlook, it should open successfully.
  2. Use MFCMapi utility to open the service account profile.
  3. Click Session | Logon and click Display Stores.
  4. Select the service account profile.
  5. Click the MDB menu and click Open Other Users Mailbox.
  6. Click the <Mailbox> and select the default flags to open it.
  7. Navigate to the tree level for Top of Information Store, browse mailbox folders.

If there are no permission errors through the above mentioned process, then the service account should have the extended right set to Receive-As on all databases on the Exchange Server as follows:

Solution 2

1. Using ADSIEDIT navigate to Configuration | Services | Microsoft Exchange.
2. Right-click your organization name, click Properties | Securities and click the Advanced tab.
3. Click Edit to modify the permissions set for Organization Management group.
4. Click to select Full Control, Receive As and Send As permissions and wait for replication.  
5. Click the Effective Permission tab and Select the name of the backup account.
6. The backup account should display the following as selected:
  • Full Control
  • All Extended Rights
  • Send As
  • Receive As

    7. Start the PowerShell and type the following to add the backup account so it has full control over all the databases:

    Get-MailboxDatabase -server (server name) | Add-ADPermission -user "backup account" -ExtendedRights Receive-As


    8. Navigate to the Exchange Management Console, right-click the <mailbox> and click Manage Full Access Permissions to view the mailbox listed under Full Access Permissions.

    Solution 3

    For Exchange 2010 and 2007 verify that the Cache mode is disabled on the Service Account. For more details, on Microsoft permission settings, see Allow Mailbox Access.

    Error Message: Could not open the Exchange Private Message Store with Profile ExchAdm (E_FAIL (0x80004005))


    You will get this error message when the extended right on your service account is not set to Receive As on all databases on the Exchange Server.


    1. Open the profile in Outlook, it should open successfully.
    2. Use MFCMapi utility to open the service account profile.
    3. Click Session | Logon and click Display Stores.
    4. Select the service account profile.
    5. Click the MDB menu and click Open Other Users Mailbox.
    6. Click the <Mailbox> and select the default flags to open it.
    7. Navigate to the tree level for Top of Information Store, browse mailbox folders.
    8. If there are no permission errors through this process, the service account should have the extended right set to Receive-As on all databases on the Exchange Server.

    Error Message: Error Code [28:153]: The Mailbox profile used by this product is invalid. Please try using MDBVU, Outlook or any other exchange client to check if the profile works correctly


    You will get this error message when the extended right on your service account is not set to Receive As on all databases on the Exchange Server.


    1. Open the profile in Outlook, it should open successfully.
    2. Use MFCMapi utility to open the service account profile.
    3. Click Session | Logon and click Display Stores.
    4. Select the service account profile.
    5. Click the MDB menu and click Open Other Users Mailbox.
    6. Click the <Mailbox> and select the default flags to open it.
    7. Navigate to the tree level for Top of Information Store, browse mailbox folders.
    8. If there are no permission errors through this process, the service account should have the extended right set to Receive-As on all databases on the Exchange Server.