Advanced Options - Laptop User

Table of contents

Adding Backup Content

Filtering Contents from Backups

Configuring Exclusions To Filters

Supported Wildcards in Regular Expressions

Perform An On-Demand Backup

Managing Jobs

Controlling Jobs

Install Updates

Schedule a Backup

View Backup Job Details

Download a File

Restore Data From a Specific Time Range

Finding Data within a Specific Folder

Finding Data with a Specific Modified Time

Deleting a Schedule

Adding Backup Content

By default, the content of the folder specified by the Administrator in the Create A Subclient Policy will get backed up. If you want to backup files or folders other than the folder(s) specified by the Administrator, use the following steps:

  1. From the Web Console, click <Client_Computer> on the left pane.
  2. Click Change content to back up to add or modify additional content to backup.

  3. In the Manage Content dialog box, perform either of the following to specify the content:
    • Click Browse icon to browse for content e.g., Document or Music e.t.c., in Browse dialog box and click OK.

      The content will be displayed in the Manage Content dialog box.

    • Click Add icon to type the path in the Manage Content.

      You can also use the wildcard characters to specify the file or folder patterns. For example:




      The content will be displayed in the Manage Content.
      Default content set by administrator will be shown in red highlight and can not be edited.
  4. The content specified for backup will be displayed in the Content area.
  5. Click OK.

Filtering Contents from Backups

Prior to backups, you can set filters to prevent specific type of files from being backed up. Filters can also be used to exclude certain system-related files and application files which consistently fail during a backup operation and are not integral to the operation of the system or application.

Configuring Exclusions To Filters

You can set filters to prevent specific type of files from being backed up. Follow the steps given below to configure filters from backups:

  1. From the Web Console, click <Client_Computer> on the left pane.
  2. Click Change content to back up to add or modify additional content to backup.
  3. Under Exclude these files/folders/patterns, perform either of the following to exclude the content from backups:
    • Click Browse icon and click file, folder, or directory that you want to exclude from backup operation and click OK.

      The content will be displayed in the Manage Content.

    • Click Add icon to type the path to files and folders that you want to exclude.

      You can also use the wildcard characters to specify the file or folder patterns. For example:




      The content will be displayed in the Manage Content.
      Default content set by administrator will be shown in red highlight and cannot be edited.
  4. The content specified for exclude will be displayed in the Content area.
  5. Click OK.

Supported Wildcards in Regular Expressions

The following wildcard characters can be automatically detected in regular expression when backing up or excluding the files or folders:

Wildcards Description Example


Any number of any characters. *.doc -  any file name with the extension ".doc" (e.g., status.doc, mission.doc)

a*.dll - any file name that begins with "a" and has the extension .dll (e.g., alsvc.dll, advdcc.dll)

? Any one character. access? - any file name that begins with- "access" followed by any one character (e.g., access1, access5).
** Any directory level. C:\**\move.cpp - the file named move.cpp located at any directory level under the c: drive. (e.g., c:\info\com\move.cpp)

C:\sys*\** - all directories starting with sys will be filtered.

[ ] Any range of characters. [ei]nsure.doc - any file name that ends with "nsure.doc" and begins either "e" or "i". (e.g., ensure.doc, insure.doc)

[a-m].doc - any file name that ends with ".doc" and begins with the letters "a" through "m" inclusive.

[! ] The negation of a range of characters. [!ei]nsure.doc - any file name that ends with "nsure.doc", but does not begin with "e" or "i". (e.g., unsure.doc)

Perform An On-Demand Backup

Use the following steps to perform an on-demand backup:

From Backup Monitor

  1. From the System Tray, double-click the Backup Monitor utility icon.
  2. Click Backup Now button.
  3. The job status changes to Backup in progress on Server, Transferring Data.

    You can track the progress of the job from the monitor.

From Web Console

  1. From the Web Console, click <Client_Computer> on the left pane.
  2. Click Run backup now in the right-pane.
  3. You can track the progress of the job from the Current backup status.
  4. To view the details of the current backup job, click Show details.
  5. When the backup job is complete, the Current backup status shows Backup completed successfully.

Managing Jobs

Jobs can be managed in a number of ways. The following sections provide information on the different job management options available:

Controlling Jobs

The following controls are available for running jobs in the Job Controller window:


Temporarily stops a job. A suspended job is not terminated; it can be restarted at a later time.


Resumes a job and returns the status to Waiting, Pending, Queued, or Running. The status depends on the availability of resources, the state of the Operation Windows, or the Activity Control setting.

Suspending a Job

From Backup Monitor

  1. From the Backup Monitor dialog box, click the Stop button.
  2. The job status may change to Stopping.. for a few moments while the operation completes. Once completed, the job status then changes to The backup job has been suspended.

From Web Console

  1. From the Current backup Status of the Web Console, click Suspend.
  2. The job status then changes to Backup Suspended.

Resuming A Job

From Backup Monitor

  1. From the Backup Monitor dialog box, click Backup Now button.
  2. The job status changes to Backup in progress on Server, Transferring Data.

From Web Console

  1. From the Current backup Status of the Web Console, click Resume.
  2. The job status changes to Sending resume request...

Install Updates

  1. From the System Tray, double-click the Backup Monitor utility icon.
  2. From Backup Monitor dialog, click Install Updates link.
      Install Updates link will appear only if the updates are available.
    You will be prompted with a message install update job has been submitted.
  3. The Backup Monitor dialog will be closed.

Schedule a Backup

Use the following steps to schedule a backup:

  1. From the Web Console, click <Client_Computer> on the left pane.
  2. Click the Add new schedule.
  3. From the Add new backup schedule dialog box that appears, select the appropriate scheduling options. For example:
    • Click Automatic.
    • Specify the number of hours in Minimum hours between jobs box to start a backup job if the below criteria is/are satisfied.
    • Specify the number of hours in Maximum hours between jobs box to start a job even if the below criteria is/are not satisfied.
    • Set the following criteria's to run an automatic backup:

      Select Start only on AC power to run the job only when the computer is on A/C power.

      Select Stop if battery mode begins to stop the job if the computer is switched to battery mode.

      Select Start only if CPU usage percentage is below option and specify the number to run the job when CPU utilization is below the specified percentage.

      Select Start only if free disk space percentage drops below and specify the number to run the job when disk space is below the specified percentage.
    • Click OK to save the schedule.

    The backup job will execute as per the schedule.

  4. The newly created schedule will be displayed under Schedules as Based on automatic schedule settings.
      Default automatic schedule set by administrator will be shown in red highlight and cannot be edited.

View Backup Job Details

Use the following steps to view the details of backup job:

  1. From the Web Console, click <Client_Computer> on the left pane.

    The summary of the client computer will be displayed in the right-pane.

  2. If any backup jobs are running, you can track the progress of the job from the Current backup status.
  3. To view the details of the running job, click Show details.
  4. To view all the jobs ran on this client computer, click Show all jobs or Show recent jobs.

    Jobs for <client_computer> dialog box will be displayed with recent jobs.

  5. Click Close.

Download a File

Use the following steps to download a file:

  1. From the Web Console, click <Client_Computer> on the left pane.

    The summary of the client computer will be displayed in the right-pane.

  2. Click Select files to restore.
  3. Navigate and select a file.
  4. Click Download icon.
  5. Specify the location where the file needs to be downloaded in the Web Browser's download dialog box.
  6. You will be prompted with a message restore job has been submitted.

Restore Data From a Specific Time Range

Follow the steps described below to browse and restore data that was backed up some time earlier or within a specific time range:

  1. From the Web Console, click <Client_Computer> on the left pane.
  2. From Change Date list select one of the following options:
    • This Week
    • Last Week
    • Two Weeks ago
    • Last Month
    • Custom - For custom perform the following

      Select the time range in To list.

      Select From box and specify the time range.

      Click OK.

  3. Navigate to the file to be restored on the right pane.
  4. Click Restore icon.
  5. From the Destination Computer list, click the name of the client computer.
  6. By default, Restore to same folder will be selected. Clear the Restore to same folder checkbox if you wish to restore at different location.
  7. Specify the path in the Specify Destination Path box to change the default location.
  8. Click OK.
  9. You will be prompted with a message restore job has been submitted.

    You can monitor the progress of the restore job by clicking the <Client> in the left pane to see the status of the submitted job.

Finding Data within a Specific Folder

  1. From the Web Console, click <Client_Computer> on the left pane.
  2. Click Find Files to restore on the right pane.
  3. In Find options dialog box, type the file name or folder name in the File/Pattern box.
  4. Click OK.

Finding Data with a Specific Modified Time

  1. From the Web Console, click <Client_Computer> on the left pane.
  2. Click Find files to restore on the right pane.
  3. In Find options dialog box, type the file name or folder name in the File/Pattern box.

    From the Backup Time list, select the time range (such as Latest Data, This Week, Last Week, etc.) when the files were modified.

  4. Click OK.

Deleting a Schedule

  1. From the Web Console, click <Client_Computer> on the left pane.
  2. From the Schedules, click the schedule you wish to delete.
  3. Click Delete Schedule button.
  4. From the Confirm Delete dialog box, click Yes.