Restore - Laptop User

Installation Monitor Restore

Use the following steps to restore your backup job:

1. From the System Tray, double-click the Backup Monitor icon.  
2. From Backup Monitor dialog click Web Console link.


  • From the System Tray, right-click the Backup Monitor icon and click Web Console.
3. Click Laptop Backups to perform browse and restore operations of the backed up data.
4. Your client computer will be listed in left pane under the Laptop Backups.
5. Click the <client_computer>.

The summary of the client computer will be displayed on the right pane.

6. From the Web Console, click Select files to restore.
7. Navigate and select the files and folder that you want to restore.

Click Restore.

  You can bookmark the Restore tab page for quick browsing in future.
  • From the Destination Computer list, click the name of the client computer.
  • By default, Restore to same folder will be selected. Clear the Restore to same folder checkbox.
  • Specify the path in the Specify Destination Path box to change the default location.
  • Click OK.
9. You will be prompted with a message restore job has been submitted.
10. You can monitor the progress of the restore job by clicking the <Client> in the left pane to see the status of the submitted job.