Troubleshooting Backup - Sybase iDataAgent

Backup Restore  

Configuration Failures

Instance Configuration Error Sometimes, you may receive an error while configuring Sybase server instance. You may receive this error when you try to set the Sybase server parameter net password encryption to 2.

This issue occurs when you use Sybase 15.0 ESD #7.

As a workaround, add the following entries manually in OCS.CFG file to avoid the error:




You can find the OCS.CFG file at the following location:


Backup Failures

The following section provides information on troubleshooting backups.

Invalid Argument Sometimes, backup jobs fail with an error "Invalid Argument".

This issue occurs when you use Sybase 15.5 ESD #4. The backups will not fail if you use 15.5 GA binary (backupserver and sybmultbuf).

If you are using 15.5 ESD #4, use the following steps as a workaround to avoid backup failure:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers.
  2. Right-click the <Client>, and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Registry Key Settings tab.
  4. Click Add.
  5. In the Name box, type dbBlockSize.
  6. In the Location box, select iDataAgent.
  7. In the Type box, select REG_SZ.

    On Unix Client, select Value.

  8. In the Value box, type Y.
  9. Click OK.
Failure of Backups and Restores performed from a remote desktop on windows Currently, backups and restores cannot be performed from a remote desktop on Windows.

Use any one of the following solutions that suits your setup:

  • Login to remote desktop using the following command:

    mstsc /v:winclient /console

  • Use netmeeting
  • Use telnet
  • Use the clients console