Product Notes

List of available product notes
List of available product notes
Short Name Effective Date Title Description
SRB-TS40.02 2013/12/13 09:55:00 GMT+1 B-Doc bullion System Release Bulletin for TS40.02 The SRB provides release-specific information and instructions related to software installation and configuration.
SRB-TS61.02 2013/12/09 09:55:00 GMT+1 B-Doc bullion System release Bulletin for TS61.02 The SRB provides release-specific information and instructions related to software installation and configuration.
ASPM-conf 2014/03/26 16:10:00 GMT+1 B-Doc Fixing the problem of “loss of connectivity on Network adapters” On bullion server, in some case, the traffic on PCIe Adapters is falling down, or is flapping. This note explains how to disable the “ASPM” parameter on nov...
PSOD-timedrift 2012/06/12 15:10:00 GMT+1 B-Doc VMware PSOD - Purple Screen of Death - in case of Time Drift On bullion server, in multi-modules configuration, PSOD can occur if time drift increases between the modules. This note explain how to qualify this problem ...
SRBv04 2010/12/03 15:38:44 GMT+1 B-Doc bullion_SystemReleaseBulletinV04 The SRB provides release-specific information and instructions related to software installation and configuration.
FW-PCIe 2013/07/08 23:00:00 GMT+1 B-Doc Firmware of PCIe boards - Firmware des cartes PCIe Release of firmware of PCIe boards - (Date : 2013-07-09) Ve...
SRBv05 2011/02/28 15:39:07 GMT+1 B-Doc bullion_SystemReleaseBulletinV05 The SRB provides release-specific information and instructions related to software installation and configuration.
bullion_TS040.03_ResourcesRevision 2014/04/23 13:50:00 GMT+2 B-Doc Resources Revision List for bullion Standard Memory (32DIMM) TS40.03 Resources Revision List for bullion (32DIMM) - Technical State 040.03
bullion_TS040.02_ResourcesRevision 2013/12/13 11:55:00 GMT+2 B-Doc Resources Revision List for bullion Standard Memory (32DIMM) TS40.02 Resources Revision List for bullion (32DIMM) - Technical State 040.02
bullion_TS039.05_ResourcesRevision 2013/10/23 13:05:00 GMT+2 B-Doc Resources Revision List for bullion Standard Memory (32DIMM) TS039.05 Resources Revision List for bullion (32DIMM) - Technical State 039.05
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