The procedure is the following:

On the second Tuesday of each month (day D), we (Atos/Bull GCOS 7 International Support) receive an alert from Microsoft providing us with the list of the security patches released during the past month. During the following 15 days (from D+1 to D+16), Bull GCOS 7 R&D select among the patches those who are applicable for us and validate them on our GCOS 7 systems.

On D+17, we publish on the Atos/Bull Support On Line server:
  • the list of all Microsoft available corrections, among them those which are applicable and validated on GCOS7 systems
  • the last package of corrections to be downloaded

and send by mail the "Last-news" bulletin informing of the last corrections availability.
This should allow the customers to schedule the updating of their systems at the end of each month.


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