Command Line Interface - QCommands

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Important Considerations


QCommands are a set of commands that can be executed from the command line to perform several basic operations. These commands  provide access to several basic functions through the command line, and can be integrated into your own scripts and scheduling programs. You can write scripts using the commands listed below.




This command creates an entity based on the specified command.


qcreate command <command-options-arguments> [-h]

Supported Commands:

User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands under this section use these options. Refer qlogin for more information.

Options: Command Line

-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


This command creates a backup set under the given agent or instance with the specified name.


qcreate backupset -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -n backupset [-sp storagepolicy] [-t NORMAL|DEFAULT|ONDEMAND] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af Argument Filepath] [-h]


This command creates a new backup set with the given backup set name under the specified client and agent. An instance name is required for those agents that allow backup sets under instances. This command also allows the user to create default backup sets and on-demand backup sets. The default subclient created under the backup set can also be associated with a storage policy (the subclient will remain unassigned if the storage policy name is not passed).

Upon successful completion, qcreate backupset displays the message "Created backupset successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "backupset: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name, required for a few agents
-n Name of the backup set to be created
-t Type of backup set (NORMAL, DEFAULT, or ONDEMAND)
-sp Storage policy name to which default subclients are to be associated
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-af Reads arguments from a file
-h Displays help

Argument File

client Client computer name
dataagent Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
backupset Backup set name to be created
sp Storage policy name to be associated with all subclients in the backup set
backupsettype Backup set type (NORMAL, DEFAULT, or ONDEMAND)
compressionat Compression at client or MediaAgent (CLIENT|MA)
networkagents Number of network agents
prebackup Prebackup command name
postbackup Postbackup command name
prescan Prescan command name
postscan Postscan command name


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Create a backup set with name bs1 under client client1 and  Agent Q_WIN2K_FS.
E:\commandline>qcreate backupset -c client1 -a Q_WIN2K_FS -n bs1

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This command creates an instance under the given agent.


qcreate instance -c client -a iDataAgent -n instance -dsp defaultstoragepolicy -csp cmdlinestoragepolicy -lsp logstoragepolicy [-o overrideCSSettings] [-lsa localsysaccount] [-su SQLUser] [-p SQLpassword] [-hu Host User Windows|Unix)]  [-ntu ntuser] [-ntp ntpas sword] [-oh oracleHome] [-ocu connectUser] [-ocp connectPassword] [-ocs connectService] [-ct usecatalog] [-ctu catalogUser] [-ctp catalogPassword] [-cts catalogService] [-du DB2user] [-dp DB2password] [-dh DB2Home] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af argsfile] [-h]


This command creates an instance under the specified agent. Instance creation for the following agents is supported:

All the instances require the client name, agent name and the name of the instance for the agent.

The Data Path parameter is not supported in the Command Line Interface unlike in the CommCell Console, where the parameter is supported.
Encryption is taken per its default values and is not supported.

Upon successful completion, qcreate instance displays the "Created instance successfully" message on the CommCell Console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "Instance: Error errorcode: errordescription".


Command Line

-c [string] Client computer name
-a [string] Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-n [string] Name of the instance to be created for the agent or On Demand instance
-dsp [string] Default storage policy name [SQL, DB2, Oracle]
-csp [string] Command line storage policy name [DB2, Oracle]
-lsp [string] Log storage policy name [SQL, DB2, Oracle]
-du [string] DB2 User Name [DB2]
-dp [string] DB2 Password (in plain text) [DB2]
-dh [string] DB2 Home [DB2]
-ntu [string] NT User Name [Oracle]
-hu [string] Host User Name [Oracle]
-ntp [string] NT Password (in plain text) [Oracle]
-oh [string] Oracle Home [Oracle]
-ocu [string] Connect User [Oracle]
-ocp [string] Connect Password [Oracle]
-ocs [string] Connect Service [Oracle]
-ct [string] Use Catalog [yes|no] [Oracle]
-ctu [string] Catalog User [Oracle]
-ctp [string] Catalog Password [Oracle]
-cts [string] Catalog Service [Oracle]
-o [string] Overrides the CommServe settings (yes|no) [SQL]
-lsa [string] Local System Account (yes|no) [SQL]
-su [string] SQL USER Name [SQL]
-p [string] Password (in plain text) [SQL]
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-af [string] Reads arguments from a file
-h [string] Displays help

Argument File


client [string] Client computer name
dataagent [string] Agent type installed on client computer instance (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
instance [string] Instance name as reflected in the agent or On Demand instance
defaultsp [string] Default storage policy name
logsp [string] Log storage policy name


cmdlinesp [string] Command line storage policy name
ntuser [string] NT - User Name
ntpassword [string] NT - Password
dbuser [string] DB2 User
dbpassword [string] DB2 Password
dbhome [string] DB2 Home
compressionat [string] Compression at [CLIENT|MA]
networkagents [number] Number of Network Agents
networkbandwidth [number] Network Bandwidth


cmdlinesp [string] Command line storage policy name
ntuser [string] NT - User Name
ntpassword [string] NT - Password
oraclehome [string] Oracle Home
oracleconnectuser [string] Oracle Connect User
oracleconnectpassword [string] Oracle Connect Password
oracleconnectservice [string] Oracle Connect Service
usecatalog [string] Use Catalog [yes|no]
cataloguser [string] Catalog connect string, user name
catalogpassword [string] Catalog connect string, password
catalogservice [string] Catalog connect string, service name
tns [string] TNS Admin Folder
blocksize [number] Block size(>0)
logstreamcount [string] Log Stream Count (>0)
compressionat [string] Compression at [CLIENT|MA]
networkbandwidth [number] Network Bandwidth


sqluser [string] SQL User Name
password [string] SQL Password
local [string] Local machine authentication [yes|no]
override [string] Override client group and CommServe settings [yes|no]


-c [string] Client computer name
-a [string] Agent type installed on client computer
-n [string] Name of the instance to be created for Sybase iDataAgent (Sybase server name)
-csp [string] Command line storage policy name
-syu [string] Sybase USER Name
-syp [string] Sybase Password
-hu [string] Host User Name
-syh [string] Sybase Home
-sase [string] Sybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise) environment variable
-socs [string] Sybase OCS (Open Client Server) environment variable
-shm [string] Sybase shared memory directory
-scfg [string] Sybase configuration file
-h [string] Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Create an instance with name CLIENT1\BullCalypso under client Client1 and Agent Q_MSSQL.
C:\calypso\Base\qcreate instance -c Client1 -a Q_MSSQL -n -CLIENT1\BullCalypso -dsp SP1 -lsp SP1 -o no

Created instance successfully.

Create an On Demand instance under client rman10g and Agent Q_ORACLE.
C:\calypso\Base\qcreate instance -c rman10g -a Q_ORACLE -n -"On Demand Instance"

Created instance successfully.

Create an Oracle instance for agent Q_ORACLE

C:\calypso\Base\qcreate instance -c rdlab04 -a Q_ORACLE -n DB1 -dsp ora_data -csp Lin_mag -lsp ora_log -hu oracle -oh "/export/home/oracle/oracle10" -ocu sys -ocp sys -ocs DB1 -ct yes -ctu rdlabdb1 -ctp rdlabdb1 -cts rcat10g2

Created instance successfully.

Create a Sybase instance for agent Q_SYBASE

qcreate instance -c xldn6010nap -a Q_SYBASE -n\ LN_CVPERF_SQL -csp SP_DB_01 -syu hkeep \-syp efqlsvRPKEPN+~_=++068139 -hu sybase \ -syh /sbclocal/app/sybase/ASE15 -sase ASE-15_5.18661\ -socs OCS-15_5.18661 -shm /sbclocal/app/sybase/ASE15\ -scfg /sbclocal/app/sybase/ASE15/LN_CVPERF_SQL.cfg

Created instance successfully.

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This command creates replication pair for the given replication set.


replicationpair [-cs commserver] -c client -a iDataAgent -repset repsetname -spath sourcepath [-dpath destinationpath] [-commonbasefolder usecommonbasefolder(y/n)] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command creates replication pair for the given replication set.


-cs Commserver host name
-c Client computer name
-a DataAgent name
-repset Replication set name
-spath Source path
-dpath Destination Path
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


/opt/calypso/Base/qcreate replicationpair -c tigger -a Q_FILE_REPLICATION -repset etc1 -spath /etc1 -dpath /etc2


/opt/calypso/Base/qcreate replicationpair -c tigger -a Q_FILE_REPLICATION -repset etc1 -spath /etc1 -commonbasefolder "y"

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This command creates a replication set under the given agent or instance with the specified name.


qcreate repset [-cs commserver] [-rp replicationpolicy] -c client -a iDataAgent -n repsetname [-dh destinationhost] [-fp filterpath] [-arp allowrecoverypoint(y|n)] [-commonbasefolder commonbasefolder)] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af argsfile]


This command creates a new Replication Set which is similar in concept to a Backup Set which is used by some Agents, and represents a logical grouping of Replication Pairs. This allows you to configure certain properties and activities at the Replication Set level, and thus control all the included Replication Pairs together.

If you want to create repset from replication policy ensure your Replication Policy is created prior to running qcreate repset. The associated replication set policy will determine whether the replication set is for the ContinuousDataReplicator or Disk Library Replication.

Upon successful completion, qcreate repset displays the message "Created replication set successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "sp: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-cs Commserver host name
-rp Replication Set Policy
-c Client computer name
-a iDataAgent type installed on client computer (Q_FILE_REPLICATION)
This option pertains to ContinuousDataReplicator or Disk Library Replication
-n Replication set name
-dh Destination Host
-fp Filter File Path/Pattern
-arp Allow Recovery Point (y/n)
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-af Reads arguments from a file
-h Displays help

Argument File

[server] CommServer Name
[client] Client computer name
dataagent iDataAgent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
[replictaionpolicy] Replication Policy Name
[destinationhost] Destination Host Name
[allowrecoverypoint] y/n
[commonbasefolder] Common Base Folder Path
[filterpaths] Filetr Path

Diagnostics:                `Zxbouytt+

Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Create a Continuous Data Replication repset (without Replication Policy) with name rd1 with common base folder under client client1 and agent Q_FILE_REPLICATION

E:\commandline\Base>qcreate repset -cs cs1 -c client1 -n rd1 -dh host1 -a "Q_FILE_REPLICATION" -fp "*.exe" -fp "*.txt" -arp "y" -commonbasefolder E:\xyz
Created repset successfully.

Create a Continuous Data Replication repset (with Replication Policy) with name rd1 based on reppolicy properties under client client1 and agent Q_FILE_REPLICATION.

E:\commandline\Base>qcreate repset -cs cs1 -rp reppolicy1 -c client1 -n repset1 -a "Q_FILE_REPLICATION"
Created repset successfully.

Create a Workstation Backup Agent repset (without Replication Policy) with name rd1 with common base folder under client client1 and agent  Q_WBA.

E:\commandline\Base>qcreate repset -cs cs1 -c client1 -n rd1 -dh host1 -a "Q_WBA" -fp "*.exe" -fp "*.txt" -arp "y" -commonbasefolder E:\xyz
Created repset successfully.

Create a Workstation Backup Agent repset (with Replication Policy) with name rd1 based on reppolicy properties under client client1 and agent Q_WBA.

E:\commandline\Base>qcreate repset -cs cs1 -rp reppolicy1 -c client1 -n repset1 -a "Q_WBA"
Created repset successfully.

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This command creates a new storage policy (for data protection).


qcreate sp [-cs commserver] -sp storagepolicy -m mediaagent -l library -d drivepool -srp scratchpool [-isp incstoragepolicy] [-ddpath deduppath] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command creates a new storage policy for data protection. The drive pool name to which the backup data of Primary copy is directed, the incremental storage policy name, and the scratch pool from which the copy obtains new media can also be specified.

Upon successful completion, qcreate sp displays the message "Created storage policy successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "sp: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-cs Commserve name
-sp Storage policy name to be created
-m MediaAgent name
-l Media library name
-d Drive pool name to which backup data of Primary copy is directed
-srp Name of the scratch pool from which the copy obtains new media
-isp Incremental storage policy name to be associated with the new storage policy name
-ddpath Deduplication path
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.

1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.

2 - Any other failure.


Create a copy with name copy1 for storage policy sp1, MediaAgent magent1, library maglib1.
E:\commandline>qcreate sp -sp sp1 -m magent1 -l maglib1

Create a copy with name copy1 for commserve cs1, storage policy sp1, MediaAgent magent1, library maglib1.
E:\commandline>qcreate.exe sp -sp sp_dedup_test -m ccm-destination_cn -l LIB_2 -d DrivePool_Magnetic_637 -ddpath D:\LIB_DEST

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This command creates a new secondary copy (synchronous) for the specified storage policy.


qcreate spcopy -sp storagepolicy -n copy -m mediaagent -l library -d drivepool -srp scratchpool [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command creates a new secondary copy of the specified storage policy. The new copy will be a synchronous copy, which means that everything from the primary copy (including full, differential, and incremental backups) are copied to the secondary copy. By default, the new copy is enabled for media reads/writes. The drive pool name to which the backup data of the Primary copy is directed, as well as the scratch pool from which the copy obtains new media, can also be specified.

Upon successful completion, qcreate spcopy displays the message "Created storage policy copy successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "qcreate spcopy: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-sp Storage policy name for which a new copy is to be created
-n Secondary copy name
-m MediaAgent name
-l Media library name
-d Drive pool name to which backup data of the Primary copy is directed
-srp Name of the scratch pool from which the copy obtains new media
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Create a copy with name copy1 for storage policy sp1, MediaAgent magent1, library maglib1.
E:\commandline>qcreate spcopy -n copy1 -sp sp1 -m magent1 -l maglib1

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This command creates a subclient under the given backup set or instance with the specified storage policy and content.


qcreate subclient -c client -a dataagenttype -b backupset -i instance -n subclient -sp storagepolicy -f content1 [-f content2 -f content3 ..] [-wc y|n] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af argsfilepath] [-h]


This command creates a new subclient with the given subclient name and content under the specified client and agent. The instance name and backup set name are required for certain agents, and should be specified when applicable. The new subclient will be associated with the specified storage policy. If you want to enable de-duplication, create the [singleinst] section in the Argument file and specify whether de-duplication should be performed in the MediaAgent or the Client.

Upon successful completion, qcreate subclient displays the message "Created subclient successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "subclient: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-b Backup set name, required for certain agents
-i Instance name, required for certain agents
-n Name of the subclient to be created
-sp Name of the storage policy to be associated with the subclient
-f File/Directory Path to be included as content in the new subclient. See syntax to specify multiple content.
-wc Does File/Directory Paths have wildcards (y|n)
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-af Reads arguments from a file
-h Displays help

Argument File

client Client computer name
dataagent Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
backupset Backup set name
subclient Subclient name to be created
datareaders Number of data readers
sp Storage policy name to be associated with the subclient.
content Subclient content (list of files/directories).
compressionat Compression at client or MediaAgent (CLIENT|MA)
networkagents Number of Network Agents
prebackup PreBackup command name
postbackup PostBackup command name
prescan Prescan command name
postscan PostScan command name
wildcard Wildcard characters
singleinst MediaAgent or Client
description User-defined description


-c [string] Client computer name
-a [string] Agent type installed on client computer
-sc [string] Source client computer name
-i [string] Name of the instance
-t [string] Type of subclient (NORMAL, DEFAULT, or ONDEMAND)
-sp [string] Name of the storage policy to be associated with the subclient


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.

Example 1:

Create a subclient with name sc1 under client client1, iDataAgent Q_WINDOWS_FS and backup set bs1 with content c:\ and storage policy sp1.
E:\commandline>qcreate subclient -c client1 -a Q_WINDOWS_FS -b bs1 -n sc1 -f "c:\" -sp sp1

Example 2:

Create a subclient with name sc1 under client client1, iDataAgent Q_MSSQL and instance instance1 with content DatabaseName and storage policy sp1.
E:\commandline>qcreate subclient -c client1 -a Q_MSSQL -i instance1 -n sc1 -f "DatabaseName" -sp sp1

Example 3:

Create a subclient with name sc1 under client client1, iDataAgent Q_SHAREPOINT_SERVER and backup set bs1 with content c:\ and storage policy sp1.
E:\commandline>qcreate subclient -c client1 -a Q_SHAREPOINT_SERVER -b bsl -n sc1 -f "c:\" -sp sp1

Example 4:

Create a subclient with name sc1 under client client1, iDataAgent Q_WINNET32_FS and backup set bs1 with multiple content (c:\, d:\,e:\) and storage policy sp1.
E:\commandline>qcreate subclient -c client1 -a Q_WINNET32_FS -b bs1 -n sc1 -f "c:\" -f "d:\" –f "e:\" -sp sp1

Example 5:

Add content to a subclient with name Users under iDataAgent Q_MSEXCH_MB and backup set -n qSC2.
E:\commandline>qcreate subclient -a Q_MSEXCH_MB -c liberty_cn -b defaultBackupSet -n qSC2 -sp Users_Regular_SP -f "user1<--> u1 <-->"

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This command creates a user account.


qcreate user -u username [-p password] [-fn fullname] [-desc description] [-e email] [-en loginEnabled] [-pa agepassword] [-ug usergroups] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af argsfile] [-h]


This command creates a new user account with the supplied user name and password. If the password is not specified at the command line, it will be prompted. The other options are optional.

By default, the login is enabled when there is no input specified for the [-en loginEnabled] option. Also, by default, the user belongs to the View All group when there is no input specified for the [-ug usergroups] option.

Upon successful completion, qcreate user displays the message "Created a new user successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "user: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-u [string] User name
-p [string] Password (in plain text)
-fn [string] Full name
-desc [string] Description
-e [string] Email ID
-en [string] Login enable (y|n)
-pa [number] Password aging (number of days)
-ug [string] User groups
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-af [string] Reads arguments from a file
-h Displays help

Argument File:

user [string] User name
password [string] Password
fullname [string] Full name
description [list of strings] Description
email [string] Email ID
loginenable [string] Y|N
passwordaging [number] Password aging - number of days
description User-defined description


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Create a user user1 with password password1.
E:\commandline>qcreate user -u user1 -p password1

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This command deletes an entity based on the specified command.


qdelete command <command-options-arguments> [-h]

Supported Commands:

User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands under this section use these options. Refer qlogin for more information.

Options: Command Line

-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


This command deletes a given backup set.


qdelete backupset -c client -a dataagenttype -b backupset [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af ArgumentFilepath] [-h]


This command allows you to delete a given backup set.

Upon successful completion, qdelete backupset displays the message "Deleted backupset successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "backupset: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-b Name of the backup set to be deleted
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-af Reads arguments from a file
-h Displays help

Argument File

client Client computer name
dataagent Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
backupset Backup set name to be deleted


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Delete a backupset with name bs1 under client client1 and Agent Q_WIN2K_FS.
E:\commandline>qdelete backupset -c client1 -a Q_WIN2K_FS -b bs1


This command deletes a given instance.


qdelete instance -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af ArgumentFilepath] [-h]


This command allows you to delete a given instance.

Upon successful completion, qdelete instance displays the message "Deleted instance successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "instance: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-b Name of the instance to be deleted
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-af Reads arguments from a file
-h Displays help

Argument File

client Client computer name
dataagent Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
instance instance name to be deleted


-c [string] Client computer name
-n [string] Name of the instance


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Delete a instance with name LN_CVPERF_SQL under client xldn6010nap.

qdelete instance -c xldn6010nap -n LN_CVPERF_SQL

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This command either deconfigures a given client or both deletes and deconfigures the client.


qdelete client [-cs commserver] -c client [-deconfigure] [-y] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af clientfile] [-h]


This command either:

By default, this command asks for confirmation before deletion but this prompting can be suppressed by using the -y option.

Upon successful completion, qdelete client displays the message "Deleted the client successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "client: Error errorcode: errordescription


-cs Commserve host name
-c Client computer name
-deconfigure Only deconfigures a client but do not delete it
-y Delete without confirmation
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-af Reads clients Name from a file
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.



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This command either deconfigures a given iDataAgent or both deletes and deconfigures the iDataAgent.


qdelete dataagent -c client -a iDataAgent [-deconfigure] [-y] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command either:

By default, this command asks for confirmation before deletion but this prompting can be suppressed by using the "-y" option.

Upon successful completion, qdelete dataagent displays the message "Deleted the iDataAgent successfully" on the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "dataagent: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-a iDataAgent to be deleted (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-d Deconfigure the iDataAgent but do not delete it
-y Delete without confirmation
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Delete an iDataAgent Q_ORACLE under client client1.
E:\commandline>qdelete dataagent -c client1 -a Q_ORACLE
This command deconfigures and deletes an iDataAgent, do you want to configure (y/n)

Deconfigure an iDataAgent Q_ORACLE under client client1 without any confirmation.
E:\commandline>qdelete client -c client1 -a Q_ORACLE -deconfigure - y

Back to Top


This command deconfigures and deletes a given Mediaagent.


qdelete mediaagent -m mediaagent [-y] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command deconfigures and deletes a Mediaagent. By default, this command asks for confirmation before deletion but this prompting can be suppressed by using the "-y" option.

Upon successful completion, qdelete mediaagent displays the message "Deleted the MediaAgent  successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "mediaagent: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-m Mediaagent name
-y Delete without confirmation
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h  Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Delete a MediaAgent with name M_Agent .
E:\commandline>qdelete mediadataagent -m M_Agent


Back to Top


This command deletes a given storage policy.


qdelete sp -sp storagepolicy [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token][-h]


This command allows you to delete a given storage policy.

Upon successful completion, qdelete sp displays the message "Deleted storage policy successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "sp: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-sp Storage policy name to be deleted
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Delete a storage policy with name sp1.
E:\commandline>qdelete sp -sp sp1

Back to Top


This command deletes a given storage policy copy.


qdelete spcopy -sp storagepolicy -spc copy [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to delete a given storage policy copy.

Upon successful completion, qdelete spcopy displays the message "Deleted storage policy successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "spcopy: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-sp Storage policy name
-spc Storage policy copy name to be deleted
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Delete a storage policy copy with name spc1 under storage policy sp1.
E:\commandline>qdelete spcopy -sp sp1 -spc spc1

Back to Top


This command deletes a given subclient.


qdelete subclient -c client -a dataagenttype -b backupset -s subclient [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af ArgumentFilepath] [-h]


This command allows you to delete a given subclient.

Upon successful completion, qdelete subclient displays the message "Deleted subclient successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "subclient: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-b Name of the backup set
-s Name of the subclient to be deleted
-af Reads arguments from a file
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

client Client computer name
dataagent Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
backupset Backup set name
subclient Subclient name to be deleted


-c [string] Client computer name
-a [string] Agent type installed on client computer
-sc [string] Source client computer name
-i [string] Name of the instance
-t [string] Type of subclient (NORMAL, DEFAULT, or ONDEMAND)
-sp [string] Name of the storage policy to be associated with the subclient


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Delete a subclient with name sc1 under client client1 and Agent Q_WIN2K_FS and backupset bs1.
E:\commandline>qdelete subclient -c client1 -a Q_WIN2K_FS -b bs1 -s sc1 

Back to Top


This command performs various drive operations.


qdrive command <command-options-arguments> [-h]

Supported Commands:

User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands under this section use these options. Refer qlogin for more information.

Options: Command Line

-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


This command cleans a given drive.


qdrive clean -dr drive -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to clean a drive.

Upon successful completion, qdrive clean displays the message "Request successful" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "Clean: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-dr Drive name
-l Library name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Clean a drive Drive1 in library Library1.
E:\commandline>qdrive clean -dr Drive1 -l library1

Back to Top


This command disables a given drive.


qdrive disable -dr drive -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command disables a drive in a specified library.

Upon successful completion, qdrive disable displays the message "Request successful" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "disable: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-dr Drive name
-l Library name 
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Disable a drive Drive1 in library Library1.
E:\commandline>qdrive disable -dr Drive1 -l Library1

Back to Top


This command enables a given drive.


qdrive enable -dr drive -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command enables a drive in a specified library

Upon successful completion, qdrive enable displays the message "Request successful" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "enable: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-dr Drive name
-l Library name 
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Enable a drive Drive1 in the library Library1.
E:\commandline>qdrive enable -dr Drive1 -l Library1

Back to Top


This command resets a given drive.


qdrive reset -dr drive -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to reset a drive for a specified library.

Upon successful completion, qdrive reset displays the message "Request successful" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "reset: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-dr Drive name
-l Library name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Reset a drive Drive1 for library Library1.
E:\commandline>qdrive reset -dr Drive1 -l Library1

Back to Top


This command unloads a given drive.


qdrive unload -dr drive -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to unload a drive for the specified library.

Upon successful completion, qdrive unload displays the message "Request successful" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "unload: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-dr Drive name
-l Library name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Unloads a drive Drive1 for library Library1.
E:\commandline>qdrive unload -dr Drive1 -l Library1

Back to Top


This command labels media.


stampmedia -dr drive -l library -b barcode [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token][-h]


This command labels media associated with the standalone drive.

Upon successful completion, qdrive stampmedia displays the message "Request successful" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "unload: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-dr Drive name
-l Library name
-b Barcode
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Unloads a drive Drive1 for library Library1.
E:\commandline>qdrive stampmedia -dr Drive1 -l Library1 -b Barcode1

Back to Top


This command displays the error description of a given error number.


qgeterrorstring error number [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


If the specified error number is valid, the error description for the error code is displayed. Otherwise, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "qgeterrorstring: Error errorcode: errordescription"

-h Displays help

Diagnostics: Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands under this section use these options. Refer qlogin for more information.

Options: Command Line

-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string

Back to Top


This command displays information about an entity.


qinfo command <command-options-arguments> [-h]

Supported Commands:

User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands under this section use these options. Refer qlogin for more information.

Options: Command Line

-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


This command displays information about a backup set.


qinfo backupset -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset [-desc] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command displays information about a given backup set in the specified client and iDataAgent. If the iDataAgent supports instances above backup sets, only those backup sets under the specified instance are listed. 

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "backupset: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name, required for a few agents
-b Backup set name
-desc Displays description provided by the user
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help
To display only the entire user description (if it was provided) and no other information for the backup set, be sure to include the -desc option when you run the command. Otherwise, all the requested information along with only a "curtailed" (partial) description will be displayed.


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Display information about a backup set defaultBackupSet in client client1 and Agent Q_WINDOWS_FS.
E:\commandline>qinfo backupset -c client1 -a Q_WINDOWS_FS -b defaultBackupSet

: defaultBackupSet
: Yes
: No
: Backup Set description

Display only user description for a backup set defaultBackupSet in client qsdk and Agent Q_WIN_NET32_FS.
E:\commandline>qinfo backupset -c qsdk -a Q_WIN_NET32_FS -b defaultBackupSet [-desc]

This is the XPATH pattern used to identify the nodes to be processed as rows. Indicates the mapping that should be used between the XML data and the relational rowset and also how the spillover column should be filled. Input parameter 'flags is optional, and it can be one of the following values.

Back to Top


This command displays information about an instance under the given client and iDataAgent.


qinfo instance -c client -a dataagenttype -i instancename [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command displays information about a given instance in the specified client and iDataAgent. If the iDataAgent does not support instances, the default instance name is returned. This command is mainly used for instances in Oracle agents where command line and log storage policy are displayed. For other instances, just the name is displayed.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "instance: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name, required for a few agents
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Display information about an instance OEMREP in client client1 and Agent Q_ORACLE.
E:\commandline>qinfo instance -c client1 -a Q_ORACLE -i OEMREP

Commandline storage policy
Log storage policy
: battra_t(battra)-DP(2)
: battra_t(battra)-DP(2)

Back to Top


This command displays information about a given media.


qinfo media -b barcode [-desc] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command displays information about a given media.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "media: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-b Barcode
-desc Displays description provided by the user
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help
To display only the entire user description (if it was provided) and no other information for the media, be sure to include the -desc option when you run the command. Otherwise, all the requested information along with only a "curtailed" (partial) description will be displayed.


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Display information about a media O10010WW.
E:\commandline>qinfo media -b 010010WW

Name                :10010WW
Storage policy      :battra_t(battra)-DP(2)
Copy                :Primary
Location            :slot2
Library             :Library1
Status              :Idle
Description         :Media description

Back to Top


This command displays information about a subclient under the given instance or backup set.


qinfo subclient -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset -s subclient [-desc] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command displays information about a subclient in the specified client, iDataAgent, and backup set/instance. The backup set name and instance name should be specified based on the iDataAgent, as certain agents place subclients under backup sets, and others place them under the instance.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "subclient: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name, required for a few agents
-b Backup set name, required for a few agents
-s Subclient name
-desc Displays description provided by the user
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help
To display only the entire user description (if it was provided) and no other information for the subclient, be sure to include the -desc option when you run the command. Otherwise, all the requested information along with only a "curtailed" (partial) description will be displayed.


-c [string] Client computer name
-a [string] Agent type installed on client computer
-i [string] Name of the instance
-sc [string] Source client computer name
-dblist [string]


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Display information about a subclient sc1 in the client client1 Agent Q_WINDOWS_FS and backup set  bs1
E:\commandline>qinfo subclient -c client1 -a Q_WIN_2KFS -b bs1 -s sc1

Storage policy
: sc1
: Yes
: battra_t(battra)-DP(2)
: Subclient description

Back to Top


This command performs several library related operations.


qlibrary command <command-options-arguments> [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]

Supported Commands:

User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands under this section use these options. Refer qlogin for more information.

Options: Command Line

-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


This command disables a given library.


qlibrary disable -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command disables a given library. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "disable: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-l Library name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


disable a given library Library1
E:\commandline>qlibrary disable -l Library1

Back to Top


This command discovers new media in a given library.


qlibrary discover -l library -srp scratchpool -mt mediatype [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command discovers new media in a given library. If the library is available and discovered, it will be moved into the specified scratch pool and assigned the specified media type name.


-l Library name
-srp Scratch pool name
-mt Media type name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Discover a given library Library1

E:\commandline>qlibrary discover -l STK9730 ACSLS -srp spares for 4000 -mt DLTape IV

Back to Top


This command enables a given library.


qlibrary enable -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command enables a given library.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "enable: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-l Library name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


enable a given library Libary1.
E:\commandline>qlibrary enable -l Library1

Back to Top


This command performs a fullscan on a given library.


qlibrary fullscan -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command performs a fullscan of a given library.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "fullscan: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-l Library name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Perform a fullscan on a given library Library 1
E:\commandline>qlibrary fullscan -l Library1

Back to Top


This command imports media into a given library.


qlibrary import -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command imports media into a given library. On successful completion, qlibrary import displays the message "After all the media have been moved into the slots, the library finishes its initialization without errors. Please use "Discover" option to identify the new media." in the console.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "import: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-l Library name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Import media into given library Library1.
E:\commandline>qlibrary import -l Library1

Back to Top


This command resets a given library.


qlibrary reset -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command resets a given library.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "reset: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-l Library name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Resets a given library Library1.
E:\commandline>qlibrary reset -l Library1

Back to Top


This command lists down various entities based on the specified command.


qlist command <command-options-arguments> [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]

Supported Commands:

User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands under this section use these options. Refer qlogin for more information.

Options: Command Line

-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


This command lists all of the backup sets under the given client, agent and instance (if applicable).


qlist backupset -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance [-tf tokenfile][-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all the backup sets in the specified client and agent. If the agent supports instances above the backup set level, then only those backup sets under the specified instance are listed. When more than one backup set is found, the backup sets are listed one backup set per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed when backup sets are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "backupset: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name, required for certain agents
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all the Backup sets in the client client1, Agent Q_WINDOWS_FS.
E:\commandline>qlist backupset -c client1 -a Q_WIN2K_FS

Back to Top


This command lists all of the client computers configured in the CommCell.


qlist client [-cs commserver] [-cg clientgroup] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists names of all the client computers configured in the CommCell. In addition to the client name, the operating system and installation state are also displayed. You can also list the clients in a particular Client Computer Group. When more than one client is found, the clients are listed one client per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed when clients are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "client: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-cs Commserver host name
-cg ClientGroup name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List all the clients configured in the CommCell.
E:\commandline>qlist client

---- -- ------
spock Windows Server 2003 Yes
caput AIX Yes
ursa_major Windows XP Yes
metal Windows 2000 Yes
virgo SunOS Yes
aries HP-UX Yes
chara NetWare Yes
copper-Irina Windows Server 2003 No
Microsoft Windows x64 platform information may not be displayed correctly for x64 clients on which a 32-bit component is installed.

Back to Top


This command lists all of the clientgroups configured in the CommCell.


qlist clientgroup [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists names of all the clientgroups configured in the CommCell. When more than one clientgroup is found, one clientgroup per line are listed, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed when clients are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "clientgroup: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List all the clientgroups configured in the CommCell.
E:\commandline>qlist clientgroup


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This command lists all of the agents installed on the given client computer.


qlist dataagent -c client [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists all of the agents installed on the specified client computer. For a list of possible agents that qlist dataagent can return, see Argument Values - Agent Types. You can also get the static list of all available dataagents using the -all option. When more than one agent is found, the agents are listed one agent per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when no agents are found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "dataagent: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-all List all iDataAgents available in commserve
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all the agents configured in the client client1.
E:\commandline>qlist dataagent -c client1

File System

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This command lists the names of the drives under the specified library.


qlist drive -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of the drives under the specified library. When more than one drive is found, the drive are listed as one drive per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when drive are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "drive: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-l Media library name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all the drives configured in the library library1
E:\commandline>qlist drive -l library1

Back to Top


This command lists all the drive pools under the specified master drive pool.


qlist drivepool -m mediaagent -l library -md masterdrivepool [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all the drive pools available under the specified MediaAgent, library and master drive pool. When more than one drive pool is found, the drive pools are listed as one drive pool per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when drive pools are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "drivepool: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-m MediaAgent name
-l Media library name
-md Master drive pool name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all the drive pools available in the MediaAgent client1, media library maglib1 and master drive pool MasterPool_Magnetic_33.
E:\commandline>qlist drivepool -m client1 -l maglib1 -md MasterPool_Magnetic_33

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This command lists all the globalfilters configured for the specified subclient.


qlist globalfilter -t filter type  [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all the globalfilters configured on the specified subclient type under the commcell. When more than one globalfilter is found, they are listed as one globalfilter per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when globalfilters are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "globalfilters: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-t Filter type Windows|Unix|Netware
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all the globalfilters configured in the commcell under Windows subclients.
E:\commandline>qlist globalfilter -t Windows

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This command lists all of the instances under the given client and agent.


qlist instance -c client -a dataagenttype [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists names of all the instances in the specified client and agent. If the agent does not support instances, the default instance name is returned. When more than one instance is found, the instances are listed as one instance per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when instances are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "instance: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Diagnostics: Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List all the Instances in the client client1, Agent Q_WINDOWS_FS.
E:\commandline>qlist instance -c client1 -a Q_WIN2K_FS

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This command lists job details of "a given job ID" OR "all active jobs under a given "client/agent/instance/backupset/subclient".


qlist job [-co i|o|s|p|r|d] [-j jobid] [-jt jobtype] [-js Running|Suspended|Waiting|Pending] [-c client] [-a iDataAgent Type] [-i instance] [-b backupset] [-s subclient] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]

Whenever you run this command, it is recommended that you use the [-jt jobtype] option to specify the job type output you want to generate. This will prevent generating output regarding administration jobs.


This command displays job details such as job ID, type, phase, status, failure reason, and user-defined description. When a job ID is specified, its details are displayed irrespective of the job status. Only active jobs are displayed when you query jobs based on client, agent, instance, backup set, or subclient. This commands displays all active jobs in the CommServe when no option is specified. Additionally, you can filter the jobs based on the job type or status. Only those jobs with the specified type/status are displayed in the console. When more than one job is found, the jobs are listed one job per line, and are displayed in the console. The system displays a message "No jobs to display" when there are no jobs.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "job: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-co Columns to display (i|o|s|p|r|d)
-j Job ID
-jt Filter by job type (Backup|Restore)
-js Filter by job status (Running|Suspended|Waiting|Pending)
-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name
-b Backup set name
-s Subclient name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help
Whenever you run qlist job with no options specified (to display all the active jobs), a "curtailed" (partial) user-defined description is displayed for each job for which a description was provided. Similarly, a curtailed description is displayed under the same scenario for a specific job if you run the qlist job -j jobid command or a variation of this command that includes  option -co with value d (description) and other valid options/values (e.g., qlist job -j jobid -co iod). However, to display the entire user-defined description for one specific job, you must run the correct form of the following command: qlist job -j jobid -co d.

Column Codes:

Column codes are used to filter the columns that are displayed by the command. Only those columns that are set using the "-co" option are displayed.

i Job ID
o Job type
s Job status
p Job phase
r Failure/pending reason

By default, i, o, s, p columns are enabled.


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


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This command displays the backup job history under a specified subclient.


qlist jobhistory -c client -a iDataAgent -i instance -b backupset -s subclient [-js jobstatus] [-st start time] [-et end time] [-dispJobTime displays job time] [-dispJobTimeUnix displays Unix time] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command displays the backup job history under the specified subclient with the given job status and the time range specified. When more than one backup job is found, the jobs are listed one per line and displayed on the console. When no job history is found, a message is displayed on the console in the following format: "No job history found"

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "jobhistory: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name
-b Backup set name
-s Subclient name
-js Completed|Failed|Killed
-st Start time The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
-et End time The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
-dispJobTime Displays the job start and end time
-dispJobTimeUnix Displays the job start and end time in Unix time format
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List the backup jobhistory under a subclient.
E:\commandline>qlist jobhistory -c client1 -a Q_WIN2K_FS -b bs1 -s SC_1

101       Completed    SC_1          SP_12

102       Completed    SC_1          SP_12

Back to Top


This command displays summary of the jobs in the CommServe.


qlist jobsummary [-c client] [-a iDataAgent] [-i instance] [-b backupset] [-s subclient] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command displays the summary of all the jobs currently active in the CommServe. Jobs are classified into Running, Suspended, Pending, Queued and Waiting states. You can filter the jobs by limiting them to a client, agent, instance, backup set or subclient.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "media: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name
-b Backup set name
-s Subclient name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Display job summary of all jobs of client cl1.
E:\commandline>qlist jobsummary -c cl1
1       10      0       4      1         16

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This command displays the summary of the last backup job under the specified subclient.


qlist lastjob -c client -a iDataAgent -i instance -b backupset -s subclient[-js Completed|Failed|Killed] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command displays the summary of the last backup job under the specified subclient with a given job status.  When more than one job is found, the jobs are listed one per line and displayed on the console. When no job history is found, a message is displayed on the console in the following format: "No job found".

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "lastjob: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name
-b Backup set name
-s Subclient name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Display the last backup job under a subclient.
E:\commandline>qlist lastjob -c client1
01/01/2004 01:20:55

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This command lists all of the media libraries under the specified MediaAgent.


qlist library [-m mediaagent] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all types of media libraries configured in the specified MediaAgent. If a MediaAgent is not specified, all libraries are listed. When more than one library is found, the libraries are listed one media library per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed when media libraries are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "library: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-m MediaAgent name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all the media libraries configured in the MediaAgent client1.
E:\commandline>qlist library -m client1

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This command lists all of the locations (both transit and stationary) configured in the CommCell.


qlist location [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists all stationary and transit locations configured in the CommCell. Location name and type (stationary/transit) are displayed for each location. When more than one location is found, the locations are listed one location per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when no locations are configured.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "location: Error errorcode: errordescription"

-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all the locations.
E:\commandline>qlist location
stat1 Stationary
trans1 Transit

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This command lists all of the master drive pools under the specified MediaAgent and media library.


qlist masterdrivepool -m mediaagent -l library [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all the master drive pools available under the specified MediaAgent and library. When more than one master drive pool is found, the drive pools are listed one master drive pool per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when master drive pools are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "masterdrivepool: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-m MediaAgent name
-l Media library name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List all the master drive pools available in the MediaAgent client1 and media library maglib1.
E:\commandline>qlist masterdrivepool -m client1 -l maglib1

Back to Top


This command displays media used by a given job/library/location/storage policy.


qlist media -j jobid [-sp storagepolicy [-spc copy]] -l library [-srp scratchpool] -loc exportlocation -sp storagepolicy [-spc copy][-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command displays information about all the media on the basis of a given job ID, storage policy, storage policy copy, and library. Barcode, location, library, storage policy name, and copy name are displayed for each media. Since barcodes are not applicable for disk libraries, CV_MAGNETIC is displayed if the job uses a disk library. If more than one media is used by a job, the media are listed one per line. A message "No media have been allocated for this job" will be displayed in cases where there is no media used by the job.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "media: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-j Job ID
-sp Storage policy name
-spc Storage policy copy name
-l Library name
-srp Scratch pool name
-loc exportlocation
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


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This command lists all of the MediaAgents configured in the CommCell.


qlist mediaagent [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all the MediaAgents configured in the CommCell. When more than one MediaAgent is found, the MediaAgents are listed one MediaAgent per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when MediaAgents are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "mediaagent: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List all the MediaAgents configured in the CommCell.
E:\commandline>qlist mediaagent

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This command lists media required to restore data associated with a client, iDataAgent, backup set, or subclient.


qlist quickmedia [-co e|b|c|l|t|p|o|s|r] -c client [-a iDataAgent] [-i instance ] [-b backupset] [-s subclient] [-bf browsefrom] [-bt browseto] [-syp syncprecedence] [-sep selprecedence] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists all the media and related information, based on the input provided. The following information is displayed for each media:

1. export location
2. barcode
3. container name
4. library name
5. media type
6. storage policy name
7. copy name
8. subclient name
9. copy precedence number

If more than one media is listed, they are displayed one per line. The message "No media information to display" will be displayed in cases where there is no media.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "quickmedia: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-co Columns to display (e|b|c|l|t|p|o|s|r)
-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on the client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name
-b Backup set name
-s Subclient name
-bf Browse From
-bt Browse To
-syp Synchronous copy precedence
-sep Selective copy precedence
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help
If -c (client computer name) is the only option specified, then all the media used by backups in the last backup cycle (latest backup option) from all application types installed on the client will be displayed.

Column Codes:

Column codes are used to filter the columns that are displayed by the command. Only those columns that are set using the "-co" option are displayed.

b Barcode of the media
c Container
l Library
p Storage policy
o Copy name
s Subclient
e Export location
t Media type
r Copy precedence

By default, b, c, l, p, o, s columns are enabled.


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List the media on the client battra.
E:\commandline>qlistquickmedia -c battra
------- --------- ------- ------------- ------------------------
T:\ Dummy battra_t battra_t(battra)-DP(2) Primary Cursors
T:\ Dummy battra_t battra_t(battra)-DP(2) Primary default

Back to Top


This command lists all the replication pairs for a replication set for a client.


qlist replicationpair [-c client] [-rsn repset] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists all the replication pairs for a replication set for a client.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "replicationpair: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-rsn Repset name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List the replication pairs for repset repset1 in client client1.

E:\commandline>qoperation replicationpair -c client1 -rsn repset1

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This command lists all the replication sets for a client.


qlist replicationset [-c client] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists all the replication sets for a client.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format:"replicationset: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all the replication sets for client client1.

E:\commandline>qoperation replicationset -c client1

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This command lists weekly and daily schedules for a given day or hour in a week.


qlist schedule [-day weekday] [-hour hour] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists weekly and daily schedules for a given day or hour in a week. No message is displayed when a schedule is not found. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "schedule: Error errorcode: errordescription"

To see additional schedule details, it is recommended to execute the XML file described in List Schedules and Schedule Policies from different CommCell Levels.


-day Week day (0- Sunday .....6-Saturday)
-hour Hour(0-23)
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List the schedule
E:\commandline>qlist schedule 
Sun 12:30:45      0                   0                  4
Mon 12:30:45      0                   0                  4
Tue 12:30:45      0                   0                  4
Wed 12:30:45      0                   0                  4
Thu 12:30:45      0                   0                  4
Fri 12:30:45      0                   0                  4
Sat 12:30:45      0                   0                  4

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This command lists the schedule policies configured in the commcell. It can also list schedule policies associated with a client, iDataAgent, instance or subclient. 


qlist schedulepolicy [-c client] [-a iDataAgent] [-i instance] -backupset] [-s subclient] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the schedule policies configured in the commcell. It can also list schedule policies associated with a client, iDataAgent, instance or subclient.  When more than one schedule policy is found, they are listed one schedule policy per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed when schedule policy are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "schedulepolicy: Error errorcode: errordescription"

To see the schedule policy details for all your schedule policy associations, it is recommended to execute the XML file described in List All Schedule Policies in the CommCell.


-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on the client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name
-b Backup set name
-s Subclient name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List the schedule policy.
E:\commandline>qlist schedulepolicy 



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This command lists all the scratchpools under a specified library.


qlist scratchpool -l library [-m mediaagent] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all the scratchpools configured in the specified library. The MediaAgent name is optional. When more than one scratchpool is found, they are listed one scratchpools per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed when scratchpools are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "scratchpool: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-l Library name
-m MediaAgent Name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List all the scratchpools configured in library library1.
E:\commandline>qlist scratchpool -l library1

Back to Top


This command lists all the snapshots for a given job ID.


qlist snap [-cs commserver] -j jobid [-cid commcellid] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists all the snapshots of a specific job ID. This command displays volume IDs of the snap backup job ID.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "snap: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-cs CommServer host name
-j Job ID
-cid CommCell ID
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Display the volume IDs of the snap backup job ID 1. This volume ID is used by the qoperation snap operation.
E:\commandline>qlist snap -cs server1 -j 1

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This command lists all storage policies (of all types) available in the CommCell.


qlist sp [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all the storage policies available in the CommCell. All types of storage policies (i.e., "iDataAgent Backup" or "Express Recovery Backup" or "Archiver") are listed by this command. When more than one storage policy is found, the policies are listed one Storage Policy per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when storage policies are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "sp: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all the storage policies configured in the CommCell.
E:\commandline>qlist sp

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This command lists all of the copies (primary and secondary), under the given storage policy.


qlist spcopy -sp storagepolicy [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all the storage policy copies under the given storage policy. Both primary and secondary copies are returned. When more than one storage policy copy is found, the copies are listed one copy per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when storage policy copies are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "spcopy: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-sp Storage policy name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List all the storage policy copies in the storage policy policy1.
E:\commandline>qlist spcopy -p policy1

Back to Top


This command lists all of the subclients under the given instance or backup set.


qlist subclient -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all the subclients in the specified client, agent, backup set or instance. Backup set names and instance names should be specified for agents that place subclients under the backup set an/or instance level. When more than one subclient is found, the subclients are listed one subclient per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when subclients are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "subclient: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c lient computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name, required for certain agents
-b Backup set name, required for certain agents
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


List all the Subclients in the client client1, Agent Q_WINDOWS_FS and backup set bs1.
E:\commandline>qlist subclient -c client1 -a Q_WIN_2KFS -b bs1

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This command lists all the user groups configured in the CommCell.


qlist usergroup [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists all of the user groups configured in the CommCell. Whenever more than one user group is found, the name of each user group is listed in its own line and displayed on the console. No message is displayed on the console whenever user groups are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "usergroup: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all of the user groups configured in the CommCell.


This command lists all of the VaultTracker policies configured in the CommCell.


qlist vtp [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command lists the names of all the VaultTracker policies configured. When more than one policy is found, the policies are listed one policy per line, and are displayed in the console. No message is displayed in the console when VaultTracker policies are not found.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "vtp: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-h Displays help
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


List all the VaultTracker policies configured.
E:\commandline>qlist vtp

Back to Top


This command enables you to log on to the given CommServe by supplying a username and password of a CommCell user with sufficient permissions to perform the desired operations.


qlogin [-cs CommServehostname] [-csn CommServeclientname] [-u username] [-p password] [-ps passwordstrong] [-clp plainpasswordtext] [-af argsfile] [-f logintokenfile][-gt givetoken] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


qlogin allows you to log on to a CommServe. By default, if a CommServe host name is not specified, this command logs on to the CommServe of the current host. However, to log on to a remote CommServe which is behind a firewall, it is required to specify the CommServe host name along with the CommServe client name. If the CommServe client name is not specified, this command will automatically select the current CommServe client name.

You can specify the user name and plain text password as arguments at the command line; or, the user is prompted to enter the user name and password. Encrypted user login information is written into a .qsessions file (qsessions.osuser on Windows and qsessions.osuserId on Unix) in the install directory, which can be used by other commands until a qlogout command is executed. Upon successful completion, qlogin does not display any message in the console.

  • User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands use the -tk option to obtain token.
  • A token is an encrypted string that uniquely identifies the user and the CommServe to which he/she is connected to. User can securely save the token file to desired location using (-t) option to avoid other users from the same machine running qcommands without a valid session.
  • The timeout for each session is by default set to infinite. This timeout can be modified using the qscript SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql. The minimum timeout is 300 (5 minutes). To enable this for upgraded CommServe, the following command is used:
    E:\commandline>qoperation execscript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si QSDKSessionTimeOut -si y -si 3600
  • User will have to login again if the session has been idle for more than 3600 seconds, to continue running commands.
  • When a user upgrades from previous version to current version a new session file is generated. To run the qcommands using this session file the user has to do a qlogout -all and has to relogin.

For more information on command line scripting, see Writing and Editing Scripts section in this document.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "qlogin: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-cs CommServe host name
-csn CommServe client name
-clp Plain text password
-u User name (prompted if not specified)
-p Provides an encrypted password to log on to the CommServe. This option should be used for CommServe version 8 or lower.

You can create an encrypted password by saving any supported operation (i.e., backup or restore job) as a script using the CommCell Console. The script will contain the qlogin string with the encrypted password, which you can copy and reuse in other scripts.

-ps Provides an strong encrypted password to log on to the CommServe. This option should be used for CommServe version 9 or higher.

You can create an encrypted password by saving any supported operation (i.e., backup or restore job) as a script using the CommCell Console. The script will contain the qlogin string with the encrypted password, which you can copy and reuse in other scripts.

-af Reads arguments from file
-f Saves token to a file
-gt Returns the token after login
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

server CommServe host name
user User name (prompted if not specified)
password Password (prompted if not specified)


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Using Tokens to perform QCommands

Tokens allow you to run qcommands without performing a qlogin operation. Use one of the following methods to set up a token:

Method 1: Using a Token File

  1. Execute the following command to create a token file:

    C:\commandline>qlogin -f tokenFile

    where tokenFile is the file name and location where you want to create the token file e.g., c:\tokenfile.

  2. Provide the user name and password of the account you want to use to access the CommServe.

    Enter User Name:

    An encrypted token file is created. You can now run any qcommand operation by appending the token file to your qcommand. For example:

    C:\commandline>qlist client -tf c:\tokenFile

Method 2: Using a Token String

  1. Execute the following command to obtain a token string:

    C:\commandline>qlogin -gt

  2. Provide the user name and password of the account you want to use to access the CommServe.

    Enter User Name:

    A token string is displayed. You can run any qcommand operation by appending the token string to your qcommand. For example:

    C:\commandline>qlist client -tk 3405d9d1394cb7a023f66f7e31b23b65ca29d

Back to Top


This command enables logging off a user from a connected CommServe.


qlogout [-cs commserver] [-all] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


qlogout allows a user to log off the specified CommServe and terminates the secure connection with the CommServe established by qlogin. By default, if a CommServe name is not specified, this command logs out from the CommServe of the current host. Upon successful completion, qlogout displays user logged out successfully. The login information is removed from the list in the .qsessions file upon successful logout from the specific CommServe. The .qsessions file is deleted upon successful logout from all the CommServes.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "qlogout: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-cs CommServe host name
-all Logout all users
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Back to Top


This command performs various media related operations.


qmedia command <command-options-arguments> [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]

Supported Commands:

User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands under this section use these options. Refer qlogin for more information.

Options: Command Line

-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


This command allows you to export a specified media.


qmedia allowexport -b barcode [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to export the specified media that is set to "prevent export".

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "allowexport: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-b Media barcode
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Reset flag to allow for exporting the contents of the media with 100101WW barcode.
E:\commandline>qmedia allowexport -b 100101WW

Back to Top


This command deletes the contents of a given media and moves it into the specified scratchpool.


qmedia deletecontents -b barcode -srp scratchpool [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command deletes the contents of the given media and moves it into the specified scratchpool.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "deletecontents: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-b Barcode
-srp Scratchpool
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Delete  the contents of the media with 100101WW barcode and move to scratchpool Scratchpool_1.
E:\commandline>qmedia deletecontents -b 100101WW -srp Scratchpool_1

Back to Top


This command exports specified media into a given export location.


qmedia export -b barcode(s) -el exportlocation [-af argsfile] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command exports specified media into a given export location.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "export: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line 

-b List of barcodes separated by a comma (,)
-el Export Location name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-v Verify On Media Label (OML) for export
-h Displays help

Argument File

barcodes [string] List of barcodes separated by a comma.

For example, M00001L3,M00002L3,etc.,

server CommServe host name
exportlocation Export location
verifyoml Verify On Media Label (OML) for export


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Export multiple specified media with barcodes 100401WW and 100402WW into a given export location Exp_Loc
E:\commandline>qmedia export -b 100401WW,100402WW -el Exp_Loc

Sample Argument file:









Back to Topp


This command loads media into a given drive.


qmedia load -b barcode -s mediaside -dr drivename -m mediaagent [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command loads the given media and the side specified onto the drive name given under the specified MediaAgent.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "load: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-b Barcode
-s Media side name
-dr Drive name
-m MediaAgent name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-hh Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Loads a media and the side specified onto the given drive under the given MediaAgent.
E:\commandline>qmedia load -b 100101WW -s A -dr Drive_1 -m MAgent1

Back to Top


This command marks specified media as appendable.


qmedia markappend -b barcode(s) [-af argsfile] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command marks specified media as appendable.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "markappend: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-b List of barcodes separated by a comma (,)
-af Input file containing arguments
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

barcodes [string] List of barcodes separated by a comma.

For example, M00001L3,M00002L3,etc.,

server CommServe host name


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Mark specified media as appendable.
E:\commandline>qmedia markappend -b 100101WW

Sample Argument file:





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This command marks specified media as bad.


qmedia markbad -b barcode(s) [-af argsfile] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command marks specified media as bad.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "markbad: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-b List of barcodes separated by a comma(,)
-af Input file containing arguments
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

barcodes [string] List of barcodes separated by a comma.

For example, M00001L3,M00002L3,etc.,

server CommServe host name


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Mark specified media as bad.
E:\commandline>qmedia markbad -b 100101WW

Sample Argument file:





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This command marks specified media as full.


qmedia markfull -b barcode(s) [-af argsfile] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command marks specified media as full.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "markfull: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-b List of barcodes separated by a comma (,)
-af Input file containing arguments
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

barcodes [string] List of barcodes separated by a comma.

For example, M00001L3,M00002L3,etc.,

server CommServe host name


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Mark specified media as full.
E:\commandline>qmedia markfull -b 100101WW

Sample Argument file:





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This command prevents the media from being exported.


qmedia preventexport -b barcode [-et expirytime] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command prevents the media from being exported.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "preventexport: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-b Barcode
-et Expiration date and time in format "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss]"
(default: Infinite)
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Prevent the given media from being exported.
E:\commandline>qmedia preventexport -b 100101WW -et 12/31/2007 00:00

Back to Top


This command verifies the media.


qmedia verify -b barcode [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command verifies the specified media.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "verify: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-b Barcode
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Verifies the given media.
E:\commandline>qmedia verify -b 100101WW

Back to Top


This command modifies an entity based on the specified command.


qmodify command <command-options-arguments> [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]

Supported Commands:

User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands under this section use these options. Refer qlogin for more information.

Options: Command Line

-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


This command adds or removes a client to or from a clientgroup.


qmodify clientgroup -o add|delete -c client -cg clientgroup [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows to add or remove a client to or from a client group. Upon successful completion, qmodify clientgroup displays the message "qmodify clientgroup add/remove operation successful" on the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "clientgroup: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-o [string] Operation to be performed on the client group (add|delete)
-c [string] Client computer name
-cg [string] Client group name
-af [string] Input file containing arguments
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

client [string] Client computer name
clientgroup [string] Client Group name
operation [string] Operation to be performed on the Client Group (add|delete)
description [list<string>|multiline] Description provided by the user


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Add a client "client1" to clientgroup "clientgroup1".

E:\commandline>qmodify clientgroup -c client1 -cg clientgroup1 -o add

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This command changes the password of a user for the CommCell Console.


qmodify galaxypassword -u username [-p password] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to change the password of a given user. The user whose password is to be changed is provided as a command line option. The user is prompted for the current password (for security purposes) and then prompted for the new password. This command also supports the option to provide the password at the command line for scripting purposes, in which case it modifies the password silently without any user intervention.

Upon successful completion, qmodify galaxypassword displays the message "Changed user password successfully" on the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "galaxypassword: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-u User name
-p Password
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.

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This command modifies globalfilter(s) for NetWare, UNIX, or Windows.


qmodify globalfilter -o append|overwrite -t subclient type -ff filter file [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to modify globalfilter(s).

Upon successful completion, qmodify globalfilter displays the message "Updated global filters successfully" on the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "globalfilter: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-o Operation to be performed on the globalfilter
-t Windows|UNIX|Netware
-ff Reads files, folders, and patterns to be excluded from the file.
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Append the files/directories listed in the file test.txt to the Windows globalfilters
E:\commandline>qmodify globalfilter -o append -t Windows -ff test.txt

Back to Top


This command modifies command line and log storage policies of an instance.


qmodify instance -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -csp cmdlinestoragepolicy -lsp logstoragepolicy [-af ArgumentFilepath] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to modify an Oracle instance by changing its command line and log storage policies.

Upon successful completion, qmodify instance displays the message "Modified instance successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "instance: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name, required for certain agents
-csp Name of the command line storage policy
-lsp Name of the log storage policy
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-af Input file containing arguments
-h Displays help

Argument File

client Client computer name
dataagent Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
instance Instance name to be modified.
cmdlinesp Command line storage policy name
logsp Log storage policy name


-c [string] Client computer name
-a [string] Agent type installed on client computer
-oldn [string] Name of the existing instance
-newn [string] Name of the new instance to be created for Sybase iDataAgent


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


qmodify instance -c <client_host_name> -a Q_ORACLE -i <oracle_instance_name> -lsp <storage_policy_for_oracle_log> -csp <storage_policy_for_oracle_ThirdPartyCommandLine>

Modify an instance with the name test_instance under client test_client and Agent Q_ORACLE by changing its storage policy for Oracle log to test_sp and storage policy for oracle ThirdPartyCommandline to test_copy_sp.
E:\commandline>qmodify instance -c test_client -a Q_ORACLE -i test_instance -lsp test_sp -csp test_copy_sp

Modify an instance with the name LN_CVPERF_SQL under agent Q_SYBASE

qmodify instance -c xldn6010nap -a Q_SYBASE -oldn LN_CVPERF_SQL -newn OLD_LN_CVPERF_SQL

Back to Top


This command allows for password administration.


qmodify password -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset -s subclient [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command interactively allows password administration of File System, Active Directory, Oracle, SQL, SharePoint and Exchange Agents.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "password: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name, required for certain agents
-b Backup set name, required for certain agents
-s Name of the subclient
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.

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This command associates or dissociates a given schedule policy to a client, iDataAgent, instance, backup set or subclient.


qmodify schedulepolicy -o add|remove -scp schedulepolicy [-c client] [-a iDataAgent] [-i instance] [-b backupset] [-s subclient] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command associates or dissociates a given schedule policy to a client, iDataAgent, instance, backup set or subclient.

In the case of data protection schedule policies, you can only modify the schedule policies that were created for all agents or a group of agents.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "schedulepolicy: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-o Operation to be performed on the clientgroup
-scp SchedulePolicy name
-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on the client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name
-b Backup set name
-s Subclient name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Associate a schedule policy scp1 with cl1.
E:\commandline>qmodify schedulepolicy -o add -scp1 -c cl1
Associate the entity with the Schedule Policy successfully.

Dissociate a schedule policy scp1 with cl1.
E:\commandline>qmodify schedulepolicy -o remove -scp1 -c cl1
Dissociate the entity with the Schedule Policy successfully.

E:\commandline>qmodify schedulepolicy -o add -scp test_scp -c test_client –a Q_ORACLE –i test_instance –s test_subclient
Associate a schedule policy test_scp to a subclient with name test_subclient under client test_client, Agent Q_ORACLE, and instance test_instance.

Back to Top


This command modifies the content/storage policy/description of a given subclient.

To use this command, you must ensure that the  QCMD_SUPPORT_MODIFY_SUBCLIENT registry key is set to 1.


qmodify subclient -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset -s subclient -sp storagepolicy -f content [-ow overwrite] [-drs datareaders] [-wc y|n] [-af ArgumentFilepath] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command modifies a subclient by changing the assigned storage policy, content, or user-defined description. New content is added to the existing content.

When using the -f content option, you must verify that the subclient content is in the correct format path. This command does not enforce the content format, and any path (including an incorrect path) can be specified. This may result in incorrect content being assigned to a file system subclient and a "pending" subclient scan.

Upon successful completion, qmodify subclient displays the message "Modified subclient successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "subclient: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name, required for a few agents
-b Backup set name, required for a few agents
-s Name of the subclient to be modified
-sp Name of the storage policy to be associated with the subclient
-f File/Directory Path to be added to the existing content
-wc Do file/directory paths have wildcards (y|n)
-ow If the contents needs to be overwritten (0:1)
-drs Number of data readers
-af Input file containing arguments
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

client Client computer name
dataagent Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
instance Instance name to which the subclient belongs, required for certain agents
backupset Backup set name to which the subclient belongs, required for certain agents
subclient Name of the subclient to be modified
sp New storage policy for the subclient
content List of files/directories to be added to the existing content
datareaders Number of data readers
wildcard Do file/directory paths have wildcards (y|n)
description User-defined description
The content option is supported only for file system agents. However, changing the storage policy association of a subclient is supported for all agents.


-c [string] Client computer name
-sc [string] Source client computer name
-i [string] Name of the instance
-t [string] Type of subclient (NORMAL, DEFAULT, or ONDEMAND)
-sp [string] Name of the storage policy to be associated with the subclient


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Modify a subclient with name sc1 under client client1 and  Agent Q_WIN2K_FS and backup set bs1 by changing its storage policy to sp2.
E:\commandline>qmodify subclient -c client1 -a Q_WIN2K_FS -b bs1 -s sc1 -sp sp2

Modify a subclient with name test_subclient under client test_client and  Agent Q_ORACLE and instance name test_instance by changing its storage policy to test_sp.
E:\commandline>qmodify subclient -c test_client -a Q_ORACLE -i test_instance -s test_subclient -sp test_sp

Modify content of a subclient with name sc1 under client client1 and  Agent Q_WIN2K_FS and backup set bs1 using ow1.
E:\commandline>qmodify subclient -c client1 -a Q_MSEXCH_MB -b bs1 -s qTest1 -f "disp4<-->alias4<-->smtp4" -ow 1

Back to Top


This command performs an operation based on the specified command.


qoperation command <command-options-arguments> [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]

Supported Commands:

User can now login and get the token (-gt) or save the token to a file (-f) and use the token obtained to run qcommands (-tf or -tk). All qcommands under this section use these options. Refer qlogin for more information.

Options: Command Line

-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string


This command adds an existing commcell user to an existing commcell user group.


qoperation adduser -u user -ug group [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command adds an existing commcell user to an existing commcell user group.

Upon successful completion, qoperation adduser displays the message "Added user to the group successfully" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "adduser: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-u User name
-ug User group name
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Add a user user1 to group group1.
E:\commandline>qoperation adduser -u user1 -ug group1

Back to Top


This command performs a data aging operation, prunes multiple jobs using a text file, and prunes a single job using the command line

Usage: qoperation agedata -delbyjobid -j jobid -sp storagepolicy -spc copy -ft [-cs CommCell][-af ArgumentFilepath][-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]

Description: This command starts a data aging operation when the -delbyjobid option is not specified. The Job ID is returned and displayed in the CommCell Console if the data aging job was successfully initiated by the CommServe.  When the -delbyjobid option is specified, the list of jobs or specified job is pruned based on the storage policy, storage policy copy and the file type. The CommServe name is optional. When the CommServe name is not specified, the default CommCell value of the current CommServe is accepted.

The list of jobs can be provided in a text file. For example:


Using file type (-ft) option Q_LOG will prune only log files for a specified job; using file type option Q_DATA will prune only data files for a specified job; and using file type option Q_DATA_LOG will prune both data files and log files for the specified job.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "agedata: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-delbyjobid Flag to delete jobs by job ID
-j Job ID
-sp Name of the storage policy
-spc Name of the storage policy copy
-cs  CommCell name is also CommServe Client name
-af   Reads arguments from a file
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h    Displays help

Argument File

jobid  Job ID
sp Name of the storage policy
spcopy Name of the storage policy copy
server CommServe host name

Diagnostics: Possible exit status values are:
0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


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From the command line, you can use Save AS Scripts to install software, install updates and upgrade software on specific clients.

To install software on specific clients, see Install Software on Specific Clients using Save AS Script.

To install updates on specific clients see Install Updates on Specific Clients using Save AS Script.

To upgrade software on specific clients, see Upgrade Software on Client Using Save As Script.

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This command performs an auxiliary copy operation on the specified storage policy and secondary copy.


qoperation auxcopy -sp storagepolicy [-spc copy] [-af ArgumentFilepath] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command starts an auxiliary copy job on the specified storage policy and secondary copy. The secondary copy must be created before running auxcopy. The Job ID is returned and displayed in the console if the auxiliary copy job was successfully initiated by the CommServe.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "auxcopy: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-sp Storage policy name
-spc Secondary copy name
-af Reads arguments from a file
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

sp Storage policy name
spcopy Storage policy copy name
priority Job priority
exportlocation Export Location
transitlocation Transit Location
usevms Use VMS Flag (0/1)
mediastatus Media status
startnewmedia Start new media flag (0/1)
alert Alert name
startsuspended Start job in suspended state (0/1)
retryno Number of times to retry the job
retrytime Number of hours to retry the job
jobdescription User-defined comments regarding the job


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Start auxcopy for storage policy policy1 and copy copy1.
E:\commandline>qoperation auxcopy -sp policy1 -spc copy1

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This command performs an immediate backup operation (full, incremental, or differential) on a given subclient.


qoperation backup [-cs commserve] -c client -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset -s subclient -t Q_FULL|Q_INC|Q_DIFF|Q_SYNTH [-scid subclientId][-af argsfile][-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command starts an immediate backup operation on the specified subclient. You can perform the backup operation by specifying the subclient ID or the subclient name. When providing the subclient name, you also need to provide the client computer name, agent type, instance name and backup set name to identify the subclient. The instance name and backup set name are not applicable to some agents. The type of backup suggests whether it is a full, incremental, differential, or synthetic backup. The backup command can also accept the arguments from a file using the -af option. This file can accept all the arguments supported through the command line, and it also accepts advanced backup options.

The argument file also supports a data path option. The data path option accepts a list of MediaAgents, libraries, drive pools, and scratch pools. The drive pool and scratch pool should be provided with the name of the library to which the pools belong followed by a slash (/) and then the respective pool name. The data path options are optional and can be used in the argument file as needed.

The Job ID is returned and displayed on the console if the backup job was successfully initiated by the CommServe.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "backup: Error errorcode: errordescription"



Command Line

-cs CommServe name
-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name, required for a few agents
-b Backup set name, required for a few agents
-s Name of the subclient to be backed up
-scid ID of the subclient to be backed up
-t Type of backup
-af Input file containing the arguments
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File (Options used by all iDataAgents except Oracle)

client Client computer name
dataagent Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
instance Instance name, required for a few agents
backupset Backup set name, required for a few agents
subclient Name of the subclient to be backed up
backuptype Type of backup (See Supported Backup Types)
options Backup options (see Argument Values - Backup Options)
priority Job priority
exportlocation Export location
transitlocation Transit location
usevms Use VMS
mediastatus Media status
inclevel Incremental level
cumulative Cumulative option for QR agents
qrexechostid QRExec host name for QR agents
transportablesnap Transportable snap option for QR agents
vssimportmap VSS import Map for QR agents
retryno Number of times to retry the job
ondemandinputfile Input file for on-demand backups
alert alert name
alertid alert ID (used by save as script)
srctodest source to destination pairs
retrytime Number of minutes to retry the job
mediaagent Name of the MediaAgent
library Name of the library
drivepool List of names of drive pools (format: lib/dpool)
scratchpool List of names of scratch pools (format: lib/spool)
jobdescription User-defined comments regarding the job
subclientid ID of the subclient to be backed up

Options used by the Oracle iDataAgent

bkuparchlogtype Back up archive logs based on options (see Argument Values - Backup Options)
bkuparchlogolderthan Number of days
bkuparchlognotolderthan Number of days
bkuparchlogstarttime Log Start Time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
bkuparchlogendtime Log End Time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
bkuparchlogstartlsn Start Log Sequence Number
bkuparchlogendlsn End Log Sequence Number
bkuparchlogstartscn Start System Change Number
bkuparchlogendscn End System Change Number
bkuparchloglikeexp Like expression
bkuparchlogdestination Destination of the archive logs
backuptype Type of backup (See Supported Backup Types)
client Client computer name
dataagent Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
delarchlogtype Delete archive logs based on options (see Argument Values - Backup Options)
delarchlogolderthan Number of days
delarchlognotolderthan Number of days
delarchlogstarttime Log Start Time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
delarchlogendtime Log End Time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
delarchlogstartlsn Start Log Sequence Number
delarchlogendlsn End Log Sequence Number
delarchlogstartscn Start System Change Number
delarchlogendscn End System Change Number
delarchloglikeexp Like expression
delarchlogdestination Destination of the archive logs
drivepool List of names of drive pools (format: lib/dpool)
instance Instance name, required for a few agents
instancescripts Oracle instance script name for an RMAN backup
inclevel Incremental level
jobdescription User-defined comments regarding the job
subclient Name of the subclient to be backed up
rmandiskratio RMAN Disk Ratio
retryno Number of times to retry the job
retrytime Number of minutes to retry the job
maxcorruptions Maximum Corruption Threshold
mediaagent Name of the MediaAgent
options Backup options (see Argument Values - Backup Options)
oracledatascript Oracle data script name for an RMAN backup
oraclelogscript Oracle log script name for an RMAN backup
priority Job priority
datatype Oracle data type used in an RMAN backup (example: character, numeric, datetime, raw, xml, user-defined etc)
streamcount Stream count for an RMAN backup
datastreamcount Data stream count for an RMAN backup
logstreamcount Log stream count for an RMAN backup
library Name of the library
sp Name of the storage policy used for an RMAN backup
scratchpool List of names of scratch pools (format: lib/spool)
rmanlogfile Location and name of RMAN backup output file
subclientid ID of the subclient to be backed up

Options used by the Sybase iDataAgent

-c Client computer name
-a Agent type installed on client computer
-sc Name of the subclient to be backed up
-t Type of backup
-db The name of the database(s) in Sybase server to be used for backup 
-h Displays help

Supported Backup Types

Backup Type Description
Q_FULL Full Backup
Q_INC Incremental Backup
Q_DIFF Differential Backup (use for DB2 delta backups)
Q_SYNTH Synthetic Backup
Q_PRESELECT Preselected Backup (used for Exchange DB)


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.



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This command captures the client information into a database.


qoperation capture -c client -dfn dumpfile [-dbn databasename] [-afn answerfile] [-st starttime] [-et endtime] [-u username] [-p password] [-rp alternate database path][-af argsfile] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command captures information from a single client or multiple clients and stores the information in the form of a database on the CommServe. An answer file is also created which can be edited by an user during the merge operation. This answer file can be created either on the CommServe or on the local client machine. If the database file path is an UNC path, then the command line operation will prompt the user for impersonation details. On successful completion, qoperation capture displays the message Capture Successful in the console.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format:

capture: Error errorcode: errordescription


Command Line

-c Name of the client to capture
-dfn Full path and the dump file name on the CommServe
-dbn Name of the database from which you wish to capture data.
(This is useful when you want to capture data from a database
other than the current CommServe.)
-afn Full path and the answer file name on the local Client
-st Start date and time from which data will be captured. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
-et End date and time until which data must be captured. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
-u User name, if database location is an UNC path
-p Password, if database location is an UNC path
-rp Alternative database restore path.

This option is useful when migrating clients in the clustered environment. In a cluster, the CommServe binaries are installed on the physical server and the database is located on the shared disk resource. As the capture and merge operations are executed on the physical server that hosts the binaries, the -rp option provides a way to specify the path to the shared disk resource in which the database resides. (if this option is not specified, the command will by default look for the database in the same drive in which the binaries reside and the operation will fail.)

-af Reads arguments from a file
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

clients [list] List of clients to capture
dumpfilename [string] Full path and the dump file name on the CommServe
databasename [string] Name of the database from which you wish to capture data.
(This is useful when you want to capture data from a database
other than the current CommServe)
answerfile [string] Full path and the answer file name on the local Client
starttime [time] Start date and time from which data will be captured. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
endtime [time] End date and time until which data must be captured. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
user [string] User name, if database location is an UNC path
password [string] Password, if database location is an UNC path


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Capture a client with the name client1, store the information in a dump file at c:\capturedb on the CommServe computer, and save the answer file at C:\afile on the local client.
E:\commandline>qoperation capture -c client1 -dfn c:\capturedb -dbn db -afn c:\afile

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This command generates a report about the client connectivity in html format.


checkready [-cs commserver] -c client [-sm summary] [-dt detail] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command generates a report to show if the client is accessible. It allows to check network for client connectivity. Summary report is the default report displayed. You can use the -dt option with this command for a detailed report.


Command Line

-cs Commserver host name
-c Client computer name
-sm Displays summary of check readiness
-dt Displays detailed report on check readiness
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Checks if the client is accessible and displays a summary report in html format.
E:\commandline>qoperation checkready -c shr90_2 -sm>"E:\detail.html"

Checks if the client is accessible and displays a detailed report in html format.
E:\commandline>qoperation checkready -c shr90_2 -dt>"E:\detail.html"

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This command confirms the registration of a client on a CommServe before or after a decoupled install. It is assumed that this registration has already been completed using either the qoperation register command or the Register a New Client Wizard in the CommCell Console.


qoperation dock -c client_display_name [-roaming y/n][-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command confirms the registration of a client on a CommServe before or after a decoupled install. It is assumed that this registration has already been completed using either the qoperation register command or the appropriate field in the CommCell Console. This registration should be confirmed before any data management jobs are run.


Command Line

-c Client name
-roaming (y/n) Designates a client with the Workstation Backup Agent as a roaming client
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Confirm registration of client ranger on its associated CommServe.
E:\commandline>qoperation dock -c ranger
Confirmed client registration successfully.

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This command performs a disaster recovery backup operation.


qoperation drbackup -t Q_FULL|Q_DIFF [-af ArgumentFilepath][-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command starts a disaster recovery backup operation. The Job ID is returned and displayed in the console if the disaster recovery backup job was successfully initiated by the CommServe.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "drbackup: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-t Backup type (Q_FULL|Q_DIFF)
-af Reads arguments from a file
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

backuptype Backup type (Q_FULL|Q_DIFF)
alert Alert name
retryno Number of times to retry the job
retrytime Number of hours to retry the job
jobdescription User-defined comments regarding the job


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Start a full disaster recovery backup.
E:\commandline>qoperation drbackup -t Q_FULL

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This command executes the Qscripts available on the CommServe computer.


qoperation execscript [-cs commserver] -sn scriptname [-c client] [-si scriptparam] [-p1 password] [-p2 password] [-p3 password] [-file outFile] [-format outputFormat] [-help] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command can be used to execute the QScripts available on the CommServe computer using the QCommand, either from the CommServe computer or from a Client computer. The script name and the parameters for executing the script are provided as inputs to the command. In addition, you can provide the file name to which the output will be redirected, and the format in which the output will be displayed. The output could be obtained in three formats: xml|xls|csv (where .xls is tab separated and .csv is comma separated.) By default, the output is displayed in xls format. Refer QScripts to view the list of available qscripts.

When you provide a file name to redirect the output, if there is any failure in creating the file, the script is executed successfully and the user is intimated of the problem and the output is displayed on the CommCell Console in the specified format. If you do not provide any file name, by default, the output is displayed on the CommCell Console.


QScripts are recommended for advanced users only. QScripts can be directly executed using qoperation execscript qcommand. Therefore caution is recommended while using them since the operations performed using the QScripts do not have the same safety protocols that are available with other options from the CommCell Console.

A script generated by the Save As Script feature is supported when the CommServe version is same as the client version. You can not generate scripts when the CommServe has a higher version than the client.

Note the following when using the qoperation execscript qcommand:

Refer to the readme associated with the respective QScript for information on the available options and parameters that can be used to execute the specific script. The readmes use one of the following naming convention:
  • readme_<scriptname>.txt

    For example, the readme associated with GetSubclients.sql script is readme_GetSubclients.txt.

  • <scriptname>.Readme.html

    This is used by the qscripts in the stored procedures folder on the CommServer computer. For example, the readme associated with GetQscriptExec.sql script is CommServ.QS_GetQscriptExec.Readme.html.


Any login and logout sessions from commandline (i.e. using qlogin and qlogout commands) are all GUI audited. To enable this for upgraded CommServe, the following command is used:

qoperation execscript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si QSDKSessionsAudit -si y -si 1


Command Line

-cs CommServe Name
-sn (String) Name of the script to be executed.
-c Remote client name
-si (String) Inputs to the script.

Note that the -si option must precede every input parameter to the script.

-p1 Password to be encrypted using V1 Encryption
-p2 Password to be encrypted using V2 Encryption
-p3 Password to be encrypted using V3 Encryption
-file File where the output is to be written.
-format Output Format xml|xls|csv (where xls:tab, csv:comma separated.)
-help Displays help on SQL script
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.

Example 1:

The usage information for the GetSubclients script in the associated readme file (readme_GetSubclients.txt) provides the following information:

qoperation execscript -sn GetSubclients.sql -si client_name

Substituting the client_name with the actual name of the client computer (e.g., where the script <script_name> would be executed with parameter <xyz>, the command would be similar to the following:

E:\commandline>qoperation exescript -sn script_name.sql –c -si script_parameter

Note that the script <script_name> should be present in the installation area of client <client_name> in the folder scripts.

Example 2

The following command can be used to configure all SQL Clients to delete the databases from subclient content when the database is physically removed from SQL server:

E:\commandline>qoperation execscript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si IgnoreNonExistentDB -si y -si 1

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This is a generic qcommand that is used to execute any operation.


qoperation execute [-cs commserver] [-af argsfile] [-req Request] [-insert] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command is applicable to all jobs, such as admin, backup, restore, reports, etc,. The qcommands to be executed are written in an .xml file, which is provided as input to this command. The output of this operation is given as an XML.

You can use this command to run the XML scripts generated from the Save As Script option as well as user-created XML scripts.

You can also generate this operation using the Save as Script option from the CommCell Console. The Save as Script includes a .bat and .xml file. The batch file will include the qlogin, qoperation execute, and qlogout commands. The input to the qoperation execute command is provided in the .xml file.


Command Line

-cs Commserver host name
-af input file
-req XML request (tag of the XML)
-insert Insert the fields into XML
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful.
1 - Client side error
2 - Server side error.


E:\commandline>qoperation execute -af “a.xml”

where a.xml is the input file.

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Once data is backed up, you can perform a wild card search for a specific file in the backed up content using find command.


qoperation find -af argsfile [-rf resultfile][-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to perform a wildcard search on the client backup. This command also enables you to search data from multiple indexing cycles. For example, if the  user has backed up only *.txt files in the first cycle, *.pdf files in the second cycle, and *.doc files in the third cycle, even when the backup cycle is in time frame of beyond third cycle, you can search the backed up data from all the three cycles without any additional input parameters. Before you run this command create an input file with the following parameters:

server CommServe host name
user User name (prompted if not specified)
password Password (prompted if not specified)
sourceclient Name of the client computer on which you want to perform search operation.
dataagent Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
backupset Backup set name
sourcepaths File/Directory to be restored (using wildcard characters)
options Restore options (see Argument Values - Restore Options)
browsefrom Start date/time to be considered for search operation. Format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
browseto End data/time to be considered for search operation. Format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]

Command Line:

-af Reads arguments from an input file
-rf Saves results to a file
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Use the following steps to perform a wild card search operation on backed up content using find command:
  1. Create an input parameter file with the required arguments and values.

A sample input parameter file, for example sample.ini is shown here.










2011/8/22 00:25:00


2011/8/22 06:28:00






  1. Run the qoperartion from the command prompt.
C:\Calypso\Base>qoperation find -af " SAMPLEFILE.INI" -rf C:\out_find03.txt


1: Wed Aug 10 10:44:47 2011 1312987487 Unknown 237 \C:\1.xml

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This command allows you to control (kill/suspend/resume/changepriority) of a single job or multiple jobs.


qoperation jobcontrol -o kill|suspend|resume|changepriority|setpercentcomplete[-j jobid] - all [-m mediaagent] [-c client] [-a dataagenttype] [-i instance] [-b backupset] [-s subclient] [-p priority] [-tfx total files to transfer] [-fx files transferd [-ifx files transferd since last update] [-tbx total bytes to transfer][-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to kill, resume, suspend, change or set percentage complete of a given job(s). To operate on a single job, you need to specify the Job ID. By specifying the client/MediaAgent name, the operation can be applied to more than one job (e.g., on all jobs running on the specified client). To further filter the jobs, you can specify additional levels such as agent, instance, backup set and/or subclient. The -all option can be used to suspend/resume all the jobs.

If the operation is successful, no message is displayed in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "jobcontrol: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-o Operation to be performed on the job (kill, suspend, resume, changepriority or setpercentcomplete)
-j Job ID
-all All jobs
-m MediaAgent name
-c Client computer name
-a iDataAgent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name
-b Backup set name
-s Subclient name
-p Job priority
-tfx Total files to transfer
-fx Files transferd
-ifx Files transferd since last update
-tbx Total bytes to transfer
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


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This command retains/does not retain a given job.


qoperation jobretention -j jobid -sp storagepolicy -spc copy -rtn true|false [-rd infinite or mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss]


This command allows you to retain or not retain a given job. If you do not retain a job, its data becomes eligible for Data Aging. You can specify how long to retain a job. If you retain a job and specify how long to retain it, its data will become eligible for Data Aging once the specified time has expired. However, if you retain a job and do not specify how long to retain it, the data for the job will theoretically be retained to infinity and will therefore never become eligible for Data Aging. Along with the job ID, you must specify the storage policy and copy names.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "jobretention: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-j Job ID
-sp Storage policy name
-spc Storage policy copy name
-rtn Job to be retained (true) or not (false)
-rd Date until which job is to be retained (-rd infinite or mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss)
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Retain to infinity a job with job ID 175, storage policy sp1 and storage policy copy copy1.
E:\commandline>qoperation jobretention -j 175 -rtn true -sp sp1 -spc copy1

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This command allows you to export media from a library.


qoperation media -o export -b barcode(s) -l library -el exportlocation -m mediaagent [-v] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command exports a single or multiple media from a library. If there are multiple media, they should be separated by a comma.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "media: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-o Operation to be performed on the media
-b Barcode list (separate each barcode with a comma)
-l Library name
-el Export location name
-m MediaAgent name
-v Verify OML before export (0/1)
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Export media.
E:\commandline>qoperation media -o export -b 127126 -l lib1 -el loc1 -m med1 -v 1

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This command merges a captured client database into a target CommCell.


qoperation merge -dfn dumpfile [-afn answerfile] [-u username] [-p password] [-cl y|n] [-rt y|n] [-rp alternate database path] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-af argsfile] [-h]


This command merges a given captured database into a target CommCell. The database should reside on the CommServe and the user should supply the database name and the location.

This command also supports an option to read the answer file for the merge configuration. If the database file path is an UNC path, then the command line prompts the user to enter the impersonation details. You can specify whether or not to consume a license during this merge.

Upon successful completion, qoperation merge displays the message "Merge Successful" in the console.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "merge: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-dfn Path and Dump file name on the CommServe
-afn Answer file name (with the path) on the client that was generated during capture
-u User name, if database location is an UNC path
-p Password, if database location is an UNC path
-cl y or n - This option determines whether a licenses is consumed or not for the merged client.
-rt y or n - This option determines whether or not to mark the media as reusable in the new CommCell.
  • If the answer is set to 'Y', the media will be reused even if the library option to use media from a different CommCell is disabled.
  • If the answer is set to 'N', you can later select the media for reuse at the destination CommCell using the Mark Migrated Media Reusable option.
-rp Alternative database restore path.

This option is useful when migrating clients in the clustered environment. In a cluster, the CommServe binaries are installed on the physical server and the database is located on the shared disk resource. As the capture and merge operations are executed on the physical server that hosts the binaries, the -rp option provides a way to specify the path to the shared disk resource in which the database resides. (if this option is not specified, the command will by default look for the database in the same drive in which the binaries reside and the operation will fail.)

-af Reads arguments from a file
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

dumpfilename [string] Path and Dump file name on the CommServe
answerfile [string] Answer file name (with the path) on the client that was generated during capture
consumelicense [y|n] This option determines whether a licenses is consumed or not for the merged client.
reusetapes [y|n] This option determines whether or not to mark the media as reusable in the new CommCell.
  • If the answer is set to 'Y', the media will be reused even if the library option to use media from a different CommCell is disabled.
  • If the answer is set to 'N', you can later select the media for reuse at the destination CommCell using the Mark Migrated Media Reusable option.
user [string] User name
password [string] Password


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Merge using dump file c:\capturedump.dmp on the CommServe, and read the answer file at C:\test.xml on the local client.
E:\commandline>qoperation merge -dfn c:\capturedump.dmp -afn c:\test.xml

Back to Top


This command moves an Oracle instance from one client to another.


qoperation move -sc sourceclient -a iDataAgent -i instance -dc destinationclient [-af argsfile] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command moves an Oracle instance from one or more clients to a single destination client.

This command allows you to optimize the client configuration to run a single backup job for multiple instances on a client or cluster node using RMAN scripts. This eliminates the need to configure each database separately for backups on clusters. You can also use this command to move data and backup history from an instance that has failed over on a cluster from one client to another with the same operating system. However, RMAN log cannot be moved using this command to the destination client.

Ensure that the source and destination clients have the same operating system before moving an instance of Oracle. See the qlist client command.

Upon successful completion, qoperation move displays the message "Move operation successful" in the console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "move: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-sc Source client computer name
-a Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name to be moved
-dc Destination client name
-af Reads arguments from a file
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File

sourceclient List of source client computer names
dataagent Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
instance Instance name to be moved
destinationclient Destination client computer name


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Move an instance rman901 from source clients sc1 or sc2 to a destination client dc1.
E:\commandline>qoperation move -sc sc1 -sc sc2 -a Q_ORACLE -i rman901 -dc dc1

Back to Top


This command and the qoperation dock command register a new client computer with the CommServe before or after a decoupled install.


qoperation register [-cs commserver] [-hn client host name] [-port Bull Calypso Communications Service port number] [-ocn Display name override] [-dock yes/no] [-h]


This command registers a new client computer with the CommServe after a Decoupled Install. For more information, see Register the Client from the Command Line.


Command Line

-cs Commserver host name
-hn Complete host name or IP address of the client being registered. This is the display name in the CommCell
-port Bull Calypso Communications Service port number on the client used by the server.Default value is 8400
-file Path of the XML file with installation details
-ocn Client display name override
-dock (y /n) Flag to confirm client registration immediately after the client is registered
-h Displays help


E:\commandline> qoperation register -cs -hn -client1 -port 8400 -ocn appliances -dock yes

If you specify -doc no, then you must provide the XML file as shown in the following example:

E:\commandline> qoperation register -cs -hn -client1 -port 8400 -ocn appliances -dock no -c:\install.xml

Where :

c:\install.xml is the path to the XML file that has install details.

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This command performs replication operations on a replication pair or replication set. This command is only applicable for ContinuousDataReplicator. This command does not apply to Disk Library Replication.


qoperation replication [-c client] [-rsn repset name] [-rpi repset pair id] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command can be used to start replication operations with Smart and Full Sync. It can also be used to stop, suspend and resume replication activity. Upon successful completion, qoperation replication displays the message "Replication operation successful" on the CommCell Console.


In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "replication: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line

-c [list] Client computer name
-rsn [list] Repset name
-rpi [list] Replication pair ID
-o [list] Type of  operations set (start|startfullsync|abort|forceabort|suspend|resume)
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h [nil] Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Starting replication on repset repset1, replication pair with pair id 150 on client client1

E:\commandline>qoperation replication -c client1 -rsn repset1 -rpi 150 -o start


This command generates a job summary report.


qoperation report -rt reporttype [-jt jobtype] [-t backuptype] [-c client] [-cg clientgroup][-a iDataAgent] [-js job status] [-st Start time] [-et endtime] [-lh lasthours] [-dpath destinationpath] [-opfrmt reportformat] [-j jobid] [-af argsfile] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command generates a job summary report. Reports can be saved only as a file in HTML/text formats. This command also supports filtering of report output by job type, backup type, job status, client, and agent, and start and end times. Upon successful completion, the command displays the message Report generated successfully on the CommCell Console. In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: report: Error errorcode: errordescription

By default, when no filters are specified, the report is generated for all job types (backup, restore, and administration) for the last 24 hours.

This command provides several options worth noting:


Command Line

-rt [string] Type of Report to be generated (jobsummary)
-jt [string] Type of job (backup|restore|admin)
-t [string] Type of backup (Q_FULL|Q_INC|Q_DIFF|Q_SYNTH)
-c [list] Client computer name(s)
-cg [list] Client computer group name(s)
-a [list] Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-js [string] Job status (completed|failed|killed|partsuc|running|delayed|nobackup|norun)
-st [time] Start time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
-et [time] End time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
-lh [int] Last hours
-dpath [string] Destination path where the report needs to be saved (supports both local paths, and UNC paths)
-opfrmt [string] Format of report to be saved (html|text)
-af [string] Reads arguments from a file
-j [int] Job ID
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h [nil] Displays help

Argument File

client [list] Client computer name(s)
clientgroup [list] Client computer group name(s)
jobtype [string] Type of job (backup|restore|admin)
backuptype [string] Type of backup (Q_FULL|Q_INC|Q_DIFF|Q_SYNTH)
dataagent [list] Agent type installed on client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
diagtype [list] Type of diagnostic for the job (freason|jobattempts|assoevents)
contenttype [string] Content type (scf|protobj|failobj|cifail)
storagetype [string] Type of storage (media|drive|sp|ma)
jobinfo [string] Job information (jobopts|user)
jobstatus [string] Job status (completed|failed|killed|partsuc|running|delayed|nobackup|norun)
starttime [list] Start time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
endtime [string] End time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
lasthours [int] Last hours
destinationpath [string] Destination path where the report needs to be saved (supports only local paths, not UNC paths)
outputformat [string] Format of report to be saved (html|text)
jobid [number] Backup job ID
description [list<string> | multiline] User-defined comments regarding the job
Note the following when using [description] parameter.
  • [description] provided with no value shows description of all the jobs based on other conditions.
  • [description] provided with filtered value shows description for filtered job reports.
  • If parameter is absent, description is not displayed.


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


Generate a job summary report and save it at e:\targetdir.

E:\commandline>qoperation report -rt jobsummary -dpath e:\targetdir -jt backup -j 10

Report generated successfully

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This command enables a subclient/instance/file level recovery within or across client computers.


qoperation restore -sc sourceclient -a dataagenttype -i instance -b backupset -spath sourcepath -j jobid [-dc destinationclient] [-dpath destinationpath] [-af ArgumentFilepath][-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command starts a restore job immediately on the subclient/source path specified. In cases where the subclient name is specified, the content of that subclient will be restored. If a file path is specified, the content of that directory that has been backed up will be restored. Both Data and ACLs are restored, where appropriate. Out of place restores can be achieved by specifying the destination path and destination client computer name. By default, data is restored to the source path and source client computer. The restore command can also accept the arguments from a file though -af option. This file can accept all the arguments supported through command line, as well as restore options. For the list of supported Restore options refer to Argument Values - Restore Options.

The argument file also supports a data path option. The data path option accepts a list of MediaAgents, libraries, drive pools, and scratch pools. The drivepool and scratchpool names can be given along with the library name followed by a backslash (/) or itself alone. The data path options are optional and can be used in the argument file as needed.

The Job ID is returned and displayed in the console if the restore job was successfully initiated by the CommServe.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "restore: Error errorcode: errordescription"

In case the user wants to use command line to restore FPolicy and Network File Share Subclient of the File Archiver for Windows Agent, the -af option must be provided.


Command Line

-sc Source client computer name from which data has to be restored
-a Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
-i Instance name to which subclient belongs, required for a few agents. If an iDataAgent supports instances, this option is mandatory.
-b Backup set name to which subclient belongs, required for a few agents. If an iDataAgent supports backup sets, this option is mandatory.
-spath File/Directory to be restored. For NAS restores on Unix, the path values must be surrounded by single quotes (for example, -spath '/abc/def'). For NAS restores on Windows, the path values must be \UNC-NT_<filer>\<volume_name>\<folder>.
-dc Destination client computer name, for cross-client restores (Optional)
By default, data is restored to the source client computer
-dpath Destination path to which backed up data will be restored (Optional)
By default, data is restored to the source paths
-af Input file containing the arguments
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument File (Options used by all iDataAgents except Oracle)

sourceclient Source client computer name from which data has to be restored
dataagent Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
instance Instance name to which subclient belongs to, required for a few agents
backupset Backup set name to which subclient belongs to, required for a few agents
subclient Name of the Subclient to be restored
sourcepaths File/Directory to be restored
filterpaths Filter paths
destinationclient Destination client computer name, for cross-client restores (Optional)
By default, data is restored to the source client computer
destinationpath Destination path to which backed up data will be restored (Optional)
By default, data is restored to the source paths
options Restore options (see Argument Values - Restore Options)
jobid Job ID for Restore
level Number of source path levels to strip or preserve
Use QR_STRIP_LEVEL option to strip paths
(see Argument Values - Restore Options)
Use QR_PRESERVE_LEVEL option to preserve paths
currentuserid Current User ID
copyprecedence Copy precedence
streamcount Stream count
fromtime Restore from time. (Captures the "relative" time for index-free restores.) The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
totime Restore to time. (Captures the "relative" time for index-free restores.) The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
browsefrom Browse from time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
browseto Browse to time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
jobstatus Job status
backuplevel Backup Level
useageddata Use aged data flag
devfileasreg Treat device files as Regular
suffix Rename restored file
destinationdataagent Destination dataagent name
priority Job priority
alert Alert name
ondemandinputfile On demand restore input file
nomapdata No map data flag
onetouch Onetouch restore flag
fullida Full iDA restore flag
ntuser Windows user name for impersonation
ntpassword Windows password for impersonation
precmd PreRestore command
postcmd PostRestpre command
prepostuser Pre-Post user name
prepostpassword Pre-Post password
destinstancename Destination instance name (required for SQL iDataAgent)
startsuspended Starts the job in suspended state
sourcepathsfile Source paths file (contains list of files/directories to restore)
retryno Number of times to retry the job
retrytime Number of minutes to retry the job
mediaagent Name of the MediaAgent
library Name of the library
drivepool List of names of drive pools (format: dpool or lib/dpool)
scratchpool List of names of scratch pools (format: spool or lib/spool)
jobdescription User-defined comments regarding the job
restoreondevice Raw device node to be restored (applies to UNIX file system idataagents only)

Options used by the Oracle iDataAgent

sourceclient Source client computer name from which data has to be restored
dataagent Agent type installed on source client computer (see Argument Values - Agent Types)
Depending on the agents supported by a qcommand, not all agent type argument values may be applicable to the command. For more information, see Command Line Interface - Support - Specific Commands.
dbname Database name of the auxiliary instance
dbclient Client name of the auxiliary instance
instance Instance name to which subclient belongs to, required for a few agents
importoption Import option
importclient Import client Name
importdbname Import Database Name
backupset Backup set name to which subclient belongs to, required for a few agents
subclient Name of the subclient to be restored
destinationclient Destination client computer name, for cross-client restores (optional) By default, data is restored to the source client computer.
copyprecedence Copy precedence
streamcount Stream count
retryNo Number of times to retry the restore job
retryHours Number of hours to retry the restore job
retrytime Number of minutes to retry the job
precmd Pre restore command
postcmd Post restore command
prepostuser User impersonation details for running prepost command
prepostpassword User impersonation details for running prepost command
mediaagent Name of the MediaAgent
drivepool List of names of drive pools (format: dpool or lib/dpool)
library Name of the library
scratchpool List of names of scratch pools (format: spool or lib/spool)
startsuspended Start job in suspended state
priority Priority of the job
jobdescription User-defined comments regarding the job
alert Alert name
controlfilepath Control file name
filetime File time
startlsnno Start LSN number
endlsnno End LSN number
restorefrom Restore from time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].


restoretime Restore to time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
restoretag Restore tag
recoverfrom Recover from time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
recovertime Recover to time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
recoverscn Recover SCN
endlogtime End log time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
controlfiletime Control file time. The time must be entered in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss].
archivelog Archive log
logtarget Log target
redirectpaths Redirect paths
renameall Rename all
resetlogs Reset logs
duplicatetoname Duplicate name
duplicatetopfile Duplicate file
skiptablespace Skip tablespace
duplicatelogfile Duplicate log file
options Restore options (see Argument Values - Restore Options)
passphrase Pass phrase
pffile Initialization parameter init<SID>.ora file for the auxiliary instance
spfilepath Specifies Oracle server parameter file name and location.
stagingpath To store datafiles for auxiliary instance and complete export table before importing
cataloguser Catalog connect string, user name
catalogpassword Catalog connect string, password
catalogservice Catalog connect string, service name
oraclerestorescript Restore script for RMAN script restore
tablerestoreoptions Table restore options
tablesourcepaths Displays selected users and tables
rmanlogfile Location and name of RMAN restore output file
For a scheduled data recovery operation of encrypted data to run successfully when the Client encryption Restore Access property is set to With a Pass-Phrase, prior to the start of the scheduled recovery you must have exported the file that contains the scrambled pass-phrase to the destination client(s). See Export an Encryption Pass-Phrase for more information.

Options used by the Sybase iDataAgent

-a Agent type installed on source client computer
-i Instance name to which subclient belongs.
-sc Source client computer name from which data has to be restored
-spath File/Directory to be restored.
-dc Destination client computer name
-si Source Instance name
-db The name of the database(s) in Sybase server to be restored
-date The point of date from which data has to be restored
-time The point of time from which data has to be restored
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure.


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Saves logs of the job to the given location on CommServe.


qoperation sendlogs [-cs commserver] -j jobid -dpath destinationpath [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command saves logs of the job to the given location on CommServe. Refer Send Log Files from the Command Line and Command Line Interface - Send Log Files for more information.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "sendlogs: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-cs Commserver host name
-j Job Id
-dpath Destination path where the logs need to be saved
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


E:\commandline>qoperation sendlogs -j 20467 -dpath "E:\Logs"
Logs saved Successfully

Back to Top


Sets encryption properties for a given client.


qoperation setencryptionprops [-cs commserver] -c client -encryptdata encrypt [-cipher cipher] [-keylength keylength] [-restoreaccess restoreaccess] [-synthfull synthfull] [-mediaaccess mediaaccess] [-passphrase passphrase] [-af argsfile] [-h help]


This command allows to set encryption properties for a given client.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "setencryptionprops: Error errorcode: errordescription"


Command Line:

-cs Commserver host name
-c Client computer name
-encryptdata Encrypt Data(y|n)
-cipher Data Encryption Algorithm(BLOWFISH|AES|SERPENT|TWOFISH|3-DES)
-keylength Key Length(128|256)
-restoreaccess Restore Access Type (regular|passphrase)
-synthfull Enable Syntetic Full (y|n)
-mediaaccess Direct Media Access (password|passphrase|noaccess)
-passphrase Pass-Phrase Present (y|n)
-af Reads arguments from a file
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help

Argument Files:

server Commserver host name
client Client computer name
encryptdata Encrypt Data(y|n)
cipher Data Encryption Algorithm(BLOWFISH|AES|SERPENT|TWOFISH|3-DES)
keylength Key Length(128|256)
restoreaccess passphrase
synthfull Enable Syntetic Full (y|n)
mediaaccess Direct Media Access (password|passphrase|noaccess)
passphrase Pass-Phrase Present (y|n)


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


   E:\commandline>qoperation setencryptionprops -c "client1" -encryptdata y -cipher SERPENT

     Updated client (client1) encryption properties successfully.

  E:\commandline>qoperation setencryptionprops -c "client1" -encryptdata y -cipher BLOWFISH -keylength 256

    Updated client (client1) encryption properties successfully.

  E:\commandline>qoperation setencryptionprops -c "client1" -encryptdata y -mediaaccess passphrase -restoreaccess passphrase -synthfull y -passphrase y



    Updated client (client1) encryption properties successfully.

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Sets passphrase for a given client.


qoperation setpassphrase [-cs commserver] -c client -o operation [-h help]


This command allows to set passphrase for a given client.


In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "setpassphrase: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-cs Commserver host name
-c Client computer name
-o operation (create|modify)
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


For Modifying Pass-phrase
E:\commandline>qoperation setpassphrase -c "c1" -o "modify"
Old Pass-Phrase:
New Pass-Phrase:
New Pass-Phrase Again:
Modified Pass-Phrase Successfully.

If passphrase doesn't exists and user tries to modify it
E:\commandline>qoperation setpassphrase -c "c1" -o "modify"
Old Pass-Phrase:
New Pass-Phrase:
New Pass-Phrase Again:
setpassphrase: Error 0x13f:
Pass-Phrase not exist for the client.

Back to Top


This command allows you to mount or unmount snapshots.


qoperation snap [-cs commserver] -o mount|unmount [-cid Commcell Id] -v Volume Id [-dc Destination Client Name] [-dpath Destination Path] [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command allows you to mount or unmount snapshots.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "snap: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-cs CommServe host name
-o Operation to be performed on the snapshot
-cid CommCell Id
-v Volume Id
-dc Destination client name
-dpath Destination path
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


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This command runs a given VaultTracker policy.


qoperation vaulttracker -vtp vaulttrackerpolicy [-tf tokenfile] [-tk token] [-h]


This command runs a given VaultTracker policy.

In case of an error, an error code and the error description are displayed in the following format: "vaulttracker: Error errorcode: errordescription"


-vtp Vault tracker policy name
-tf Reads token from a file
-tk Token string
-h Displays help


Possible exit status values are:

0 - Successful completion.
1 - CLI usage failures, due to the use of an unsupported option or missing argument.
2 - Any other failure. 


Run vault tracker policy vtp1.
E:\commandline>qoperation vaulttacker -vtp

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Important Considerations

General Considerations

Log In Sessions

Using the Qlogin command, you can start a User login session, removing the need to log in for every command. Once the Qlogin command is successful, the login session for all computers remain valid until you explicitly log out using the Qlogout command. This is true for all command sessions, not just the one for which the login took place.

On a 64-bit Unix computer, the qlogin command must be executed under the <software_installation_directory>/Base directory instead of the <software_installation_directory>/Base64 directory.

Multi User Login Sessions

User can now qlogin and get the token [-gt givetoken] or save the token to a file [-f logintokenfile] and use the token obtained to run qcommands [-tf tokenfile or -tk token]. The default timeout for each session is 3600 seconds (1 hour). User will have to relogin if the session has been idle for more than 1 hour to continue running commands. This timeout can be modified using qscript SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql


<software_installation_directory>/Base>qoperation execsript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si QSDksessionTimeOut -si y -si 4200

Each of the qcommands enables the user to run these arguments to locate the session file and get the encrypted token directly from command line. If none of these options are used the usage of the qcommands remains same.

Argument Files

Some commands can read command line arguments from a file. This is useful for complex commands that require many arguments. If a command can accept an argument file, an Argument File section will appear under Options in the qcommands listed above.

You can provide this file as an input to the command through the -af <filename> option. Command lines can accept both the input file, as well as command line arguments. However, when both exist, arguments provided through the input file will overwrite the command line options.

Commands that support file inputs


The input file contains a list of options and their value(s). Both options and values should always start on a new line (white space at the beginning and end of each line is ignored). Options are surrounded by "[" and "]", and they must always be written in lower-case letters. Any line that begins with "[" and ends with a "]" is treated as an option. An option can take more than one value, and each value should be specified in a separate line. All lines that start with "#" are treated as comments and are ignored.

Sample input file

# Sample input file which has three options option1, option2 and option3.
# option1 takes one value "value1"
# option2 takes two values "value2" and "value3"
# option3 takes one value "value4"








Argument file samples

Several argument file samples are available in the <software install folder>\QCommands-Samples. They are:

Date/Time Format

For commands in which a time must be specified, the time must be entered in the following format:

mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm[:ss] or yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm[:ss]


08/30/2005 05:58
08/30/2005 05:58:15

The commands do not support time zones. Any time specified using the command line is assumed to be in the CommServe time zone.

Error Logging

All errors from qcommands are logged in the following locations:

In the Client computer:

<software_install_folder>\Log Files\qcommand.log

In the CommServe computer:

<software_install_folder>\Log Files\QSDK.log

Writing and Editing Scripts

When writing or editing scripts, note the following:

Character Limitations

Argument Options

The options within an argument file are always enclosed within "[" and "]", and they must always be written in lower-case letters (e.g., [client]).

Argument Values

Argument values that you use in a command string or arguments file are case-sensitive.

Some argument values that are available for use in both a command string and an arguments file may not work in a command string; however, these values should always work when included in an arguments file. Therefore, use argument files as appropriate.


QCommands cannot be executed on the NetWare platform. However, QCommand scripts for the NetWare agents can be run on the CommServe, or another Windows or Unix client in the CommCell.


If you are performing a backup of multiple subclients (for example, a backup at the backup set level), the command line will allow you to do it in either asynchronous mode or synchronous mode.

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